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Not My Daughter
Not My Daughter
Not My Daughter
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Not My Daughter

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A college coed drugged and raped but what the three men didn't know was that her parents and best friends would want revenge. Justice is not always an eye for an eye, sometimes you pay a higher price. Dr. Kristin Braxton operates a private hospital and counsels sexual assault victims as well as the people who commit the crimes. She tries to help them see the karmic forces at work and teach them how to make better decisions. But helping the victim and her defenders as well as the men who committed the assault depends on their desire for help.

PublisherArt Tole
Release dateJul 16, 2017
Not My Daughter

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    Not My Daughter - Art Tole

    He watched them as they came out of the train cars. Carrying the few meager possesions they had saved from their former lives. His men went to work, efficiently separating them first from their possessions and then the men from the women. Finally removing anyone that would not be useful for the short time remaining of their lives; the old, the sick and unaccompanied children. Children stayed with parents for the most part, just to keep the parent from being a problem. Most of them went to labor barracks, but a few, a select few, came to him. Out of these hundreds he would get about two dozen women to play with. He had no problem with the final solution for the refuse of humanity that he welcomed into his camp. They would provide labor for the Fuhrer before they died of exhaustion and malnutrition. His second in command approached and saluted before saying, There are twenty-one new playthings Colonel. Six of them are Gypsies, the rest are Jews.

    He turned and looked to where his playthings were being led, some of them crying, some looking back to where they had been separated from their children or parents. He turned to his second in command and said, Let’s go watch them being processed; you can pick out the one that you want. His second in command was Karl, they had been friends since they were boys. His name was Johan Niemann, young compared to the men in his command, he had not been able to finish the engineering curriculum before accepting a commision in the army. The war had been going on for years and now they were taking boys barely old enough to lift the rifle they gave them. He had risen rapidly in the ranks due to attrition and ability, and was now a Colonel. He had taken this assignment to avoid the Russian front and brought Karl with him. It had bothered him at first, and Karl too, they had talked about what was happening. Neither of them wanted their friends and families to know about the camp and what they were doing there. It was orders; do it or someone else would, and they would go to the Russian front. It had taken awhile, but they had become numb to the atrocities they participated in every day. That was how they had gotten started with the women in the special compound; they reasoned that this was better for them than the labor barracks and slow starvation. The women would not live much longer than the others but they would live better.

    The guards had lined the women up in front of the special compound. Now the guards stood around watching, grinning, anticipating what was to come. Johan did not disappoint them, he ordered the women to strip using the most coarse words of the most common of the European languages; even if someone didn’t understand they would get the message when the rest of the women began removing their clothing. They looked around embarrassed and were slow to comply. Johan chose one, she looked older than the rest, and struck her with the baton that he carried. Strip, he said again and again, and each time he said it he struck the helpless woman who lay bleeding at his feet. They moved faster after the first scream the doomed woman uttered and in less than a minute, stood naked in front of him using their hands to cover themselves and huddling together in one last attempt at modesty. He looked down the line and raised his baton again telling them to stand straight as he brought the baton down one last time to crush the skull of the helpless victim at his feet. He was certain that there would be no further resistance from any of them. Walking slowly down the line followed by Karl, he stopped in front of a girl, she looked to be about sixteen years old. Her features were those of a Romanian Gypsy. He looked at the woman next to her, older, but a family resemblance, probably sisters. Process them, he shouted as he turned and walked to where Karl was waiting, Well did you see anything that you want to keep?

    Karl smiled, The little Jew at the end of the line will do. How about you?

    Johan said almost indifferently, The young gypsy. He looked around, Bring them to our quarters when they are ready, give the rest to the guards for now. They will go to the pleasure barracks in Schicklinburg in a few days. He walked away in the direction of the camp administration building.

    Karl watched the women being washed and given physical inspections by camp inmates. A Jewish doctor, whose life was spared so he could serve as the camp doctor, gave them a quick pelvic exam and checked for other health problems. Johan’s only concern was that they not have diseases that could be passed on to the soldiers who would use them as sex slaves. Later when some of them became pregnant or came down with a venereal disease they would be sent to the new gas chambers.

    When they were finished Karl called the two girls over to where he was waiting and started to leave, but the older sister of the girl suddenly rushed at him before the guards could stop her. The force of the impact knocked him to the floor. She scrambled to get the pistol that he carried in a holster at his belt. Two guards quickly pulled her off, laughing as they did it. Her hands were tied and she was bent over a chair. No one but the other gypsies understood the stream of explitives that poured from her. Even the first blow of the whip did not stop her from cursing and yelling; nor the second or even the third. Her sister cried and begged Karl to make them stop, but he just looked away. He made the two girls watch as the whip finally silenced her and the guards decided who would rape her first. All of them were hard core army veterans who had witnessed far worse things in the last ten years. The sight of helpless women being abused had made many of the men horny. The first one forced his way in with out a lubricant and the pain roused her to the punishment that was to follow.

    Karl turned and motioned to the two girls to follow him. They looked at each other and then down at their feet as they meekly followed him out the door and across the open space to another camp building. He showed them to his and Johan’s rooms. Their eyes widened as he showed them the lingerie and clothing they would wear. He explained their duties; keep the boots polished and the uniforms clean, do the laundry and clean the rooms as well as anything else that needed to be done. He didn’t tell them that the women who had previously lived there and worn that lingerie, were now dead. They and all of the other women were sent away after a few months, it was better that way; no complicating feelings of attachment for them. They were not sent to the pleasure barracks as prostitutes though, there were medical experiments being conducted that needed healthy people. They were healthy when they left because of the clean life style and good diet. Karl always waited after sending one away; he didn’t want another one. But, after a few months of having a male camp prisoner take care of his things and not having sex, he would weaken and chose one. Johan was never without a sex slave. The walls were thin and Karl could hear him whipping her occasionally. In his mind he saw what was happening, and the erection that it produced would accelerate his weakening and taking another slave. Johan’s slaves were probably happy to leave when he finally sent them away, even when they found out where they were going.

    Johan examined his slave. He enjoyed this part of the game; they trembled as he walked around them, touching them gently in places that no man had even seen before. He could tell that the little Gypsy wanted to fight him, but the memory of the woman he had sacrificed in front of her was too fresh. He tilted her head back and looked into her eyes, dark brown with flecks of gold. Was it fear or anger that he saw in those shining eyes? She looked familiar somehow, but he was sure that he had never seen eyes like those before. He didn’t really care.

    After a month of enjoying their new slaves, Johan received word of the approaching Allied forces. The gas chambers and ovens ran twentyfour hours a day now and plans were being made to move able bodied prisoners further into Germany. The last night in the camp he whipped her longer than usual; a good bye gesture. He was sending her with the rest of the prisoners in the morning. After using her to relieve his erection, he fell asleep. She moved quietly, he was snoring when she stood up and took his razor from the wash stand. It was sharp, she had sharpened it for him just that afternoon. He had jerked at the first touch but it was only an instant to slice through vocal cords and arteries. His blue eyes stared at her in a mixture of anger and fear as he struggled to scream. She smiled as he squeezed the hand that held the razor; not even trying to break free of his grip. Slowly his hand relaxed its’ grip on her arm as the gurgling noise subsided and his body relaxed in death. She was covered in his blood as she walked barefooted to the next room. The little Jew had left the door unlatched and waited with her eyes open as she curled up into a ball next to Karl. It required only a single stroke of the razor to finish the work. The girls shaved each others heads so that they looked like the other women in the camp. They had managed to hide old clothes to wear. Then they left the building, staying in the shadows until they reached the administrative compound kitchen. They joined the prisoners preparing meals for the guards to eat on the next day’s journey. Guards came before dawn and ordered them into the line of prisoners ready to move. They were ten miles down the road before the guards discovered the dead men. But that was not far enough to avoid the retribution that followed. The guards caught up with them and killed everyone in the section they were traveling with.

    Chapter One

    Kristin sat next to the young woman on the couch in her office and tried to get her to talk to her. With her eyes half closed she seemed to be falling asleep. She blinked very slowly and just stared straight ahead, seeming to see something beyond the wall opposite them. After a few minutes she gave up and called for her head nurse to take Sarah to her room. Keep her on suicide watch. I need to talk to her mother before we decide on a course of treatment.

    Gretchen nodded and said, Come with me Sarah, as she gently placed her in a wheel chair and guided the traumatized young woman from the room.

    Kristin went into her outer office and said, Mrs. Bellamy would you come in please?

    Catherine Bellamy rose quickly and as she passed Kristin said, It is Ms Bellamy; I’m not married Dr. Braxton. Please call me Catherine. The tall blonde woman exuded an air of confidence. At five feet ten inches tall she was taller than Kristin by at least an inch and the high spiked heels that she wore added even more. She stood straight almost as if to scream to the world that she was proud of her height. Her clothing said she had money and good taste. Everything about her reinforced the first impression that Kristin had of her; this was a woman who was used to being in charge, not someone who sat back and watched what was happening around her.

    Kristin admired the tailored, rose colored suit as she followed her into her office and closed the door. By the time they were seated Kristin had decided that the woman was not a delicate person that she needed to treat gently. In a very business like way she said, My head nurse is helping Sarah get settled into an apartment. I will take you there, but I wanted to talk to you first about Sarah. She has obviously been seriously traumatized by her experience. The head injury occurred three days ago, at the same time as the rape according to the medical records. You already know that Catatonia will clear up quickly, probably in less than two weeks. Until then we won’t know for certain what damage was done by the head injury. I’d like to know more about her as a person; what can you tell me?

    Catherine allowed herself to relax into her chair and thought for a moment, Sarah is very intelligent; finished high school in three years and is a pre med student at Stanford. She was just finishing her freshman year and will be 18 in a couple of months. A dark cloud seemed to cross her face as she continued, She went to a party a few days ago. The next day someone found her on campus; she was the way that you see her now. Campus police called the local police and they took her to a hospital. The doctor that examined her ordered a rape kit. The blood on her was her own; she was a virgin when they raped her. She evidently hemoraged pretty badly when they did it. There are a lot of bruises on her arms, legs, and breasts. There was no alcohol and no sign of drugs in her system, although I understand that some drugs do not stay in the system long.

    Kristin said, I am sure the police investigated this as an assault; have they found anything yet?

    The campus and the local police checked with her friends and found out where the party was, but no one saw her being attacked or even saw her leave. Her hands were gripping the arm of her chair tightly, but her voice was controlled as she said, I have hired a private investigator to look into what happened; so far the police have found nothing. I don’t have much confidence in the police, to them she is just another student who got drugged up and had a bad sex experience. I will find the person who did this to her, they can’t do this to her and get away with it; not my daughter.

    Kristin could understand the anger and was not surprised by it; she often met family members who felt the trauma of their loved ones deeply enough to want revenge; few acted on it. What about Sarah’s father? I don’t see his name on the admittance form.

    Catherine said somewhat indifferently, He is not important. She has never seen him and I have not seen him since she was born. He was a foolish girl’s mistake. Not one that I regret since it gave me Sarah.

    Are there any men in her life who would represent a father figure to her? I may need their help.

    Dismissively she replied, There are none. The only men that she has ever interracted with are the teachers at her schools.

    Boy friends? asked Kristin hopefully.

    Catherine shook her head, She never mentioned any. The only dating that she did in High School was with her group of friends. I think the boys were intimidated by her intelligence. And before you ask, no, I don’t believe that she is a homosexual.

    Would she have told you about a boy friend or if she was a homosexual?

    Catherine nodded and didn’t hesitate to say, I believe that she would. We have a good relationship. She said wistfully, The last disagreement that I can recall was when she was in the third grade; she wanted to wear a striped blouse with a plaid skirt and I put my foot down, she laughed at the memory. She can be stubborn when she has her mind made up about something. She never seemed to have the time to learn fashion. Science yes, but not fashion. She didn’t really have to though; I own a design studio and have always taken care of that for her.

    Kristin thought about it and said, It may take awhile, but she will come out of it eventually. She stood up signaling an end to the interview and they exchanged personal contact information before she took Catherine to Sarah’s apartment. It was a quiet room with a large window and nothing to indicate that it was part of a hospital. A professional decorator had furnished it the way that a woman would furnish her own bedroom and bathroom.

    Catherine sat down on the edge of the bed and looked around the room before looking at her daughter. Sarah looked so small under the light blanket. A single tear managed to escape down her stoic face and irritated, she brushed it away as if she resented that small reminder of her emotional nature. Holding her daughter’s hand she talked softly to her, This is a pretty nice place; nicely decorated. I think that you will like it here. Come back to me when you can Boots. I have to go, but I will be back tomorrow. She kissed her daughter’s forehead before standing up.

    As she passed, Kristin said, Boots?

    Catherine smiled, Just a nickname I gave her when she was seven. She fell in love with a pair of pink cowgirl boots and wanted to wear them with everything. Thank God for growing feet.

    Kristin smiled at the story and said quickly, "You are welcome to spend the night here anytime you wish to. I will have the adjacent room ready if you need it.

    Catherine thanked her and left.

    When she was gone Gretchen came in and they talked about how they would proceed with Sarah. As they were leaving Gretchen said, The new nurse is pretty sharp. He will be a great help with patients, but once she wakes up I will keep all of the men out of here.

    I liked his resume; although this is his first job as a civilian nurse. He doesn’t seem very ambitious though; he will probably work on his Physician’s Assistant License eventually. Although he didn’t seem to want to discuss it when I interviewed him. Kristin smiled, He is pretty easy to look at too; even for you.

    Gretchen laughed, I can appreciate beauty where ever I find it.

    Kristin paused, How is Emily? I haven’t seen her in awhile.

    Gretchen grinned, She loves her job in the Pediatrics ward. Maybe a little too much; she is starting to hint about having children. I have been putting her off but we are both pretty stable now and there is no reason to put it off any longer. We are starting to look at some of the options available.

    Kristin said, That is wonderful; you two will make great parents.

    Chapter Two

    That night Gretchen met Emily at the door and after a long kiss they moved out onto the patio where she had already poured the wine.

    Okay what’s the occasion? Don’t get me wrong, I like where this is going, but it isn’t a holiday and tomorrow is still a work day for both of us, said Emily with a smile.

    I think that it is time that we got serious about becoming parents.

    Emily’s face changed to one of a more serious nature, I agree, but we have talked about this before. I want to have a baby. Are you ready to deal with the reality of me being pregnant?

    You still don’t want to adopt? said Gretchen more as a statement than a question. So yes, I am ready for you to be pregnant.

    And you still don’t want to be a mother, to experience child birth?

    Gretchen shook her head, No, that is something that I have never wanted. I love children and I want to adopt a child, but pregnancy is not one of the things on my bucket list. She took a drink of her wine and said, I want you to be happy. I love you and I will love our child; I just wish that I could be the one to get you pregnant.

    Emily smiled and said in a blunt, matter of fact way, Then we need a donor. Sperm banks are my last choice. There are a couple of men that I work with who might be willing to help us. I will ask as discreetly as possible. Then she began to imagine herself walking up to the handsome doctor that she worked with and saying, ‘Would you mind filling this vial with sperm for me? Better yet, would you have sex with me?’ I really would like to get pregnant the old fashioned way, she sighed, but that would hurt Gretchen. I can’t think of any way to make it happen; even if Gretchen liked him. Still there might be a way.

    Gretchen said, That means that the father will know about our child. I would rather not have him involved in our lives. What she really meant was that she was jealous of men who came near Emily; the reason didn’t matter. Gretchen thought about it and began to giggle, Maybe we should just kidnap one of the muscle bound, beach boys from Venice Beach and bring him home.

    Emily made a face as if she took the remark seriously and said, He would probably be pretty enough, but I am not sure about the brains part. It isn’t like we are in a rush to do this. I enjoy our carefree lifestyle; that will all change with a baby. And by the way, we split the midnight wakeup calls 50/50 right?

    I will be a wonderful father. Gretchen drained her wine glass and said, Come on, let’s go take a shower before dinner.

    Emily grinned, Yeah, shower, I know what you want.

    Gretchen grinned back, You just have a dirty mind. I am sweet and innocent.

    They headed for their bedroom where they helped each other undress. Gretchen’s hands roamed over Emily’s body as she removed her hospital scrubs and let them fall to the floor. She unfastened the pink lace bra and tossed it aside as she began to kiss the young, pointed breasts.

    Emily began to squirm as her body reacted to the attention that her breasts were getting. Gretchen finally stopped and began to pull Emily’s panty hose down exposing the thin, bikini underwear that matched the delicate pink bra. Gretchen helped her step out of the stockings and followed them quickly with the delicate underwear. She held her hips tightly and buried her face in the young girl’s crotch.

    Emily gasped and curled herself forward as she hugged Gretchen’s head, spreading her legs to make it easier for that evil tongue to reach her. ‘Oh Gretch, you do that so well."

    Gretchen finally stood up and Emily raced for the drawer that held all of their play things. She took out Gretchen’s harness with the double ended dildo and rushed to put it on her. Gretchen smiled as she watched Emily hurrying to lube her end of the dildo. Sighing softly, she let Emily push it into her without her help. Emily stood in front of Gretchen smiling as she pulled the straps tight. Pushing the dildo down so that she straddled it she held Gretchen tight against her body as she kissed her, letting her tongue explore Gretchen’s mouth. Emily stepped back, letting the dildo spring up, and then she caressed Gretchen’s breasts with her finger tips. Kneeling in front of her she gently stroked them and sucked until Gretchen was purring and stroking Emily’s hair. Emily worked her way down to Gretchen’s crotch and took the dildo into her mouth, letting Gretchen move it in and out.

    You are so bad, said

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