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Fight For Your Life!
Fight For Your Life!
Fight For Your Life!
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Fight For Your Life!

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When Leah became Steve Burke’s bride, he promised her ‘Happily Ever After.’ Just months after their wedding however, Jefferson Randall’s unstable wife has started tormenting them and an even more dangerous ghost from Leah’s past is trying to destroy everything they’ve built.
They do say nothing worth having ever comes easy. Follow Steve and Leah out to great grandad Burke’s mine, which Steve’s brother Darrin has re-opened with the hope that modern technology can prove it isn’t played out. There, the Burkes will do whatever it takes to protect their family while fighting for their own lives, if the Southern California landscape doesn’t get them first.
And in the aftermath of Steve and Leah’s struggle, Darrin comes within reach of two treasures; a vein of gold located deep within the Burke family mine and the most valuable jewel of all, love. But, will the old mine turn out to be the real villain of the story?

Release dateAug 5, 2017
Fight For Your Life!

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    Fight For Your Life! - Linda Laughlin

    Fight For Your Life!

    Burke Family, Book Two


    Linda Laughlin

    Fight For Your Life!

    Copyright © Linda Laughlin, 2017

    All rights reserved. Excerpts permitted in accordance with the limits of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

    ISBN- 13: 9781370461028

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, institutions, agencies, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended.

    Author's Note

    Although I originally wrote the first book in this series, Run For Your Life! as a stand-alone, as ideas sometimes do, it grew into something more. While I tried hard to make sure Fight For Your Life could also be read individually, as an author and avid book reader myself, I feel they really are better when read together. To help with this, I'm offering Run For Your Life! free in e-book format for a limited time.

    Thank you for taking a chance on an independent author and as always…

    Happy Reading, Linda


    First off, to my readers: thank you for taking this journey with me, I hope you enjoy your second visit with the Burke family.

    And to all the other independent authors out there, whether you’re happily steering your own boat or waiting to be discovered, here’s to you.

    In memoriam: My cousin Joyce was a talented lady: she was an author, painter, seamstress, singer, mom and very loving friend. Like a lot of my family, including myself, she had a stubborn streak and due to that we had many a disagreement. She was always there if I needed her though and helped me when I was stumbling with the dialog in my first book. Sadly, a massive coronary took Joyce from us last year and I continue to miss her. This book is in no small part dedicated to Laurna Joyce Bledsoe Baker, now God’s stubborn angel.


    Jefferson Randall watched the young woman leave the witness stand. How many times had he tried to have her eliminated? The bitch had more lives than a cat and her testimony had toppled an empire. The jury had listened with rapt attention to every word and there was nothing his high-priced lawyers could do to erase what she had to say. He would be found guilty and he knew it, just as sure as he was sitting in the courtroom.

    If the Mexican cartel had their way, he wouldn’t be long for this world. Once behind bars, he was a dead man. That gave him only one choice; he had to roll over for the feds. It wouldn’t keep him out of prison, but it would keep him alive. With time, he could figure a way out of the federal box they would lock him up in and then make sure Carrie Adams paid. Someday, her nine lives would run out.

    Once the jury had deliberated and filed back in, Jeff rose from his chair to hear the verdict: guilty on all charges. His lawyer addressed the judge.

    Your Honor, may I approach the bench?

    Judge Patterson waved Jefferson’s attorney forward. They spoke quietly for a few moments before the judge raised his voice and spoke to the courtroom at large.

    I’m going to wait until tomorrow for the sentencing. Would the attorneys for both the prosecution and defense please accompany me to my chambers? Court is adjourned.

    The wheels are in motion, Randall thought as they led him from the courtroom. He would give them what they wanted in exchange for life in prison. It would mean solitary confinement, but he would be alive and some way, somehow, he would escape.

    No stupid woman is going to get the best of Jefferson Randall. I dropped my guard once, but never again.


    The silver, four door sedan came to a stop in front of a large, ornamental iron gate. Leaning out to punch in the entry code, the driver waited for the gate to swing open before pulling forward. San Diego Police Detective Steven Burke was bringing his bride of eight days to dinner at his parent’s home. He and Leah had spent a perfect honeymoon week in Hawaii, but now it was time to return to the real world.

    They parked in the circular drive just as his mother burst from the door, followed closely by his more sedate father.

    We’re so glad you’re home, Rita Burke exclaimed before enfolding the pair in a warm hug.

    You must have been monitoring the gate, Steve said and laughed as he hugged his mother back. He then reached out to embrace his father before shaking his outstretched hand.

    She’s been excited since you called to say you were home, John Burke said. Draping an arm around his smiling wife, he added, Come in, we don’t have to stand out here in the driveway.

    John escorted them into the living room. Would you ladies like a glass of wine before dinner? he asked. Getting a nod from both, he turned to Steve. Son, what can I get you to drink?

    I think I’ll join the ladies in a glass of wine, Steve replied before turning to Leah with a secret smile. Would you prefer something else instead?

    John, if you don’t mind, I think I’d rather have a ginger ale, Leah told her father-in-law.

    She and Steve were expecting their first child, but she hadn’t seen a doctor yet. They had found out just before the wedding and for now they wanted to hold the joy close, just the two of them. At least until what they knew must be true was confirmed.

    Two wines and a ginger ale, coming right up, John said.

    He returned carrying a beautifully carved, wooden tray holding four glasses. After handing out the drinks, he paused with his own glass raised. I’d like to offer a toast to my oldest son, my beautiful, new daughter and to our growing family. I know the coming years are sure to be happy ones.

    They touched glasses while Leah and Steve exchanged a knowing smile. If only they realized; the family was going to be bigger all right, and sooner than John and Rita expected.

    Hazel, the Burke’s beloved housekeeper, came into the room. She had been with the family for many years and didn’t hesitate to embrace Steve in a warm hug before turning to put her arms around Leah.

    Welcome home, she said. Was Hawaii beautiful?

    After the younger couple nodded, she added, You can tell me all about it later, dinner is ready and I won’t have it getting cold.

    It was gorgeous, and dare I hope that you’ve fixed your famous enchilada casserole? Steve inquired.

    Knowing you were coming? I made an extra-large one, Hazel replied with a smile. I also prepared a smaller one for you and Leah to take home.

    Hazel, you’re a jewel. If my mother wouldn’t disown me, I’d hire you away from her, Steve said as he hugged her again.

    You leave that woman alone, you ungrateful child, Rita said while giving her son a mock frown and a swat on the shoulder. You know I couldn’t exist without Hazel! Now I almost regret the surprise I have for you and Leah.

    Once everyone was seated in the dining room, Steve turned to his mother.

    What’s this surprise?

    Your mother is off to a good start for the meddling mother of the year award, John teased his wife.

    "I am not a meddling mother, Rita objected before continuing with excitement in her voice. I ran into Mrs. Baker while you and Leah were in Hawaii. Leah, they have a beautiful home just down the street from ours and they’re ready to downsize. She was telling me about how they had gotten in touch with several real estate firms while trying to decide who would be the best to list their home. The house would be perfect for you and Steve, so I convinced them to wait until you got home."

    Turning to look at Steve, she added, Don’t you think that would be a great place for the two of you? It’s less than a mile from us, so we could visit whenever we liked.

    Mother, that house is huge and would cost a fortune, Steve pointed out. I don’t think it’s been updated since they built it, so that would be another expense.

    I know you don’t like to talk about your trust fund, but you can certainly afford it and I’d love having you close, Rita argued.

    Leah’s mouth dropped open and it took some effort to close it before she looked accusingly at Steve. Trust fund… I don’t believe I’ve heard about a trust fund, she said.

    Now you’ve done it, Steve said to his mother before turning to Leah. Baby, can we talk about this later?

    "Baby, later, I don’t think so, Leah said while getting angrier by the moment. I think I need to talk about it now."

    John cleared his throat. Steve, would you and Leah like to use my office? Maybe once you’ve had a chance to talk, you can join us for coffee and dessert.

    Leah knew the way to John’s office so she got up and walked out of the dining room. She wasn’t happy with her husband of seven days and assumed he would follow. Steve was always talking about not keeping secrets, now who was the one keeping a giant one?

    Steve looked at Rita. Thank you, Mother. I appreciate all your help.

    I know it isn’t something you care about, but how was I to know you hadn’t told your wife? Rita said in her defense.

    She felt bad that she had caused trouble between the newlyweds. Glancing over at John, she saw that he was giving her one of his rare, disapproving looks.

    Don’t say a word! she exclaimed. How was I supposed to know?

    If you hadn’t been meddling... John replied. I tried to tell you. Kissing his wife to take the sting out, he then smiled down into her still beautiful face. Come on, honey, you know when we first got married we wouldn’t have appreciated our parents finding us anything, much less a house. We wanted to make our own decisions.

    * * *

    Steve followed Leah into the office. As a police detective he was trained to think fast on his feet, but his brain simply wasn’t working.

    Baby, you have to understand. The trust fund was given to me by my grandparents when I was born. It wasn’t something I had a choice in. Mainly, I just ignore it.

    Let me see if I understand, Leah said with a stunned expression on her face. By the sound of it, you have a very large trust fund that you forgot to mention. Steve, I thought we told each other everything? Does that mean I tell you everything and you tell me nothing, or is this a two-way street?

    Leah was being hormonal, she knew she was, but she couldn’t keep the tears from her eyes. Steve was always so open and honest; she would never have thought he would keep secrets from her and it hurt. The tears started, leaving wet trails down her cheeks. Normally, she never cried and that made her feel worse.

    Leah, angel, Steve said, knowing he was in trouble. Would you please just sit down and let me explain?

    Steven, I think it’s several months too late, but I’m listening, she said as she sat on the sofa.

    Steve pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to his wife before sitting down on the chair opposite her. He had to make Leah understand, but where to begin?

    My father’s parents had money and they set up a trust fund for each of the grandchildren as they were born. Dad makes a good living and my mother’s art brings in extra money, so we lived well. Once Tammi and I reached adulthood we both worked, so the money wasn’t ever that important, the trust fund was just there. I imagine that will probably be the case for Darrin as well.

    Leah started to speak but Steve held up a hand to stop her.

    Wait, let me get this out, he said before continuing. My dad and uncles were all in public service, but that type of job was never pushed on me. It was always expected that I would attend college, but no demands were made on any certain career choice. After I got out of school I was restless, so I joined the Navy. They accepted me into the Seals and I was happy for a while. Eventually though, I began missing San Diego and being close to home and family.

    As he spoke, Steve stood and walked over to the bookshelves near his father’s desk. From among the various volumes he removed a leather-bound photo album and handed it to Leah before kneeling next to her. When she laid it on her lap, he flipped open the front cover to show her it contained photos of him.

    I had taken pre-law courses in college. When I left the military, I realized that it wasn’t something I wanted to pursue however, so I applied for the police academy. It fit and I believed I was happy, until we met and fell in love. That’s when I realized I wanted it all: a wife, a family, the whole happily ever after. I wanted you to share my life and for us to grow old together. I had saved a decent portion of my salary as a bachelor. It didn’t take much to live as a single cop, so I invested the extra money. Babe, I can take care of my wife and any family we choose to have, all on my own.

    Steve reached out to tuck a strand of Leah’s hair behind her ear. Yes, I have a rather large trust fund, but it isn’t something I even think about. It’s taken care of by a family advisor and the income goes back into the trust. I get a report from the investment firm every three months, which I put in a file for income tax purposes. Unless someone like my mother brings it up, I don’t give it another thought. Baby, I’m really sorry, he said. It wasn’t something I was intentionally keeping from you; it just didn’t cross my mind.

    Leah looked up from the album which held pictures of Steve from high school, college and the Navy, as well as from the police academy. You didn’t even ask for a prenup, she whispered.

    She was awed by his trust. Most men would not have gotten married without a contract stating who got what, in case there was a divorce.

    I love you and you love me. We’re going to spend the rest of lives together. Why would I need a contract between us? Please, baby, tell me you're not angry anymore and that you understand?

    He was studying Leah’s face for some sign that she was okay with everything when her tears started falling again.

    I’m not angry and I understand, she replied. I love you more than words can say.

    Now, wipe your tears. Taking the wadded handkerchief from her hand, Steve brushed it gently across her cheeks. I didn’t mean to make you cry. Do you feel like going back in and having dessert with my parents, or would you like to go home? He asked as he kissed her damp cheek.

    I’d like to stay. I guess it’s the pregnancy and extra hormones, all I seem to want to do is cry. When your dad made that sweet toast earlier, I almost told you to go ahead and give them our news, Leah said as she smiled up at her husband. It may seem selfish, but I want to keep the baby to ourselves for just a little while longer.

    It’s all right, Steve said. Let’s go have dessert.

    When they entered the living room, Rita jumped up and hugged Leah tight.

    I’m so sorry, Leah, Rita said. I had no idea Steve hadn’t told you about the trust fund.

    It’s fine, Mother, Steve interjected. We’ve talked about it and Leah understands.

    I hate to ask, but what about the Bakers’ house? Rita asked, still hoping that it would be the perfect home for them.

    Leah picked her words carefully, not wanting to cause any more problems between mother and son. May I ask something?

    Of course, Rita replied.

    Since this house is in the same area, is it as large as your home?

    If it’s the house I’m thinking about, it has about the same amount of floor space. It also has a large, detached garage with an apartment over it, so I think that would make it a little larger, Steve answered.

    The apartment would be a perfect place for your parents to stay when they come for a visit, Rita chimed in.

    If this house is important to Steve then of course we’ll go look, but I’ll tell you upfront that it sounds too large. I’m afraid I’d spend all my time cleaning. I’ll admit that I’d like to have something bigger than the apartment we’re living in now. In fact, I’d love to have a house with a yard so we can barbeque, but this sounds huge. Leah said, while hoping that she wasn’t hurting Rita’s feelings.

    I agree with Leah, Steve said. We may eventually grow into a house this size, but for now, we need something small and cozy. I don’t want to come home and spend an hour trying to find my wife.

    Son, it’s like this, John said to Steve. You don’t have to find wives. You sit down with the newspaper and they just pop out of the woodwork, telling you all about an idea they have to change other people’s lives, John said and looked pointedly at Rita.

    This time it was John’s turn to be swatted. Rita then sat on the arm of his chair and gave him a fond look.

    I do not meddle! she insisted.

    John patted her on the knee. Yes, dear.

    John Burke, don’t you make it sound like I always interfere in other people’s lives. And don’t sit there acting like you’re the weak husband to my domineering wife either, Rita said.

    John and Steve both dissolved into laughter just as Hazel pushed a cart into the room.

    You quit picking on Mrs. B and have some peach cobbler and ice cream, Hazel said to John before addressing Leah. Do you like peach cobbler, Miss Leah?

    You can’t be from Texas and not like apple pie and peach cobbler, Leah replied. It’s the same way with barbeque and chili.

    That’s good to know, Hazel said with an approving smile.

    After they had finished their dessert, the men excused themselves so that John could bring Steve up to date on some things at work.

    As her husband and son disappeared down the hall, Rita turned to Leah. Tell me about Hawaii?

    The flowers were breathtaking. Everything was so lush and green, it was absolutely beautiful. If we get a house with a yard, I’d like to try and grow some flowers. I know in Southern California I’d probably have to plant them in pots, because of the water issue. I’ve noticed most people in this area try to conserve it. Leah smiled before adding, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    I love flowers but I just don’t take the time to grow them, Rita said as she pointed to the French doors leading outside. My passion is painting. Would you like to see my studio?

    I’d love to.

    Leah followed Rita out and then up a metal staircase that curled around the end of the house. When they stepped inside, a riot of color assaulted her senses. Bold ocean scenes with waves and pristine beaches, as well as beautiful landscapes with trees and colorful flowers graced the various canvases scattered around the room.

    As she slowly paced between the paintings, Leah spotted a piece that looked as if it had been done while gazing out at the desert. It depicted a place very much like the area where Ed had stopped at the edge of the Mohave when he was bringing her across the country. It was a rugged landscape, lifeless and empty except for one lone tree in the foreground, but in the background the mountains rose majestically.

    Oh Rita, Leah breathed. This is absolutely magnificent.

    You like that one? Rita asked. I’ll get it framed and when you find a home, I’ll give it to you. There I go, John would say I was meddling, but I’m still getting it framed and giving it to you.

    I can’t let you do that, your paintings are worth a lot of money, Leah said.

    Rita winked and replied, Who’s to say I can’t give my favorite daughter-in-law a painting? It gives me pleasure to see how much you like it.

    I rode to California with Ed in his semi. He had a mechanical problem and we stopped in a little town called Ludlow, which is right on the edge of the desert. I remember thinking how isolated and beautiful it was. I’d never thought much of the desert before that day. Thank you, Leah added. I’ll treasure it. I hope you’re not upset about the house?

    Not at all, Rita said. I’ll admit that I’d love to have you and Steve close but in the end, all I want is for you to be happy. Steve looked a long time for the right person and I’m pleased he found you. Now, we’d better get back downstairs before the men miss us.

    I want to ask you something before we go.

    Leah needed to see a doctor as soon as possible. The home pregnancy tests she had taken were probably accurate, but she knew there were certain vitamins she needed to add to her normal routine for a healthy baby.

    Is there a problem? Rita asked.

    No, not a problem. I just wanted to ask if you could recommend a good doctor, someone who specializes in OB-GYN, Leah explained.

    Oh, Leah, Rita exclaimed and hugged her tightly. A baby, I’m so pleased for you and Steve.

    Leah hadn’t considered that Rita might jump to conclusions. If I hadn’t told her there wasn’t a problem... What should I say? I’ll tell her I’m going to get birth control. No... a quick glance at Rita’s face told her that wasn’t going to float. Leah could evade, but it wasn’t in her to lie. That was all behind her.

    I shouldn’t have asked, Leah said. We were going to keep it a secret until a doctor confirmed that I’m pregnant.

    Mum’s the word, Rita said and smiled before turning to a desk in the corner.

    She wrote a name, address and phone number on a small pad sitting on the pale, wooden surface. After tearing off the top sheet, she turned back around and handed it to Leah.

    I won’t tell a soul.

    The two women went back downstairs to find the men waiting in the living room.

    Oh, John, you won’t believe what I just found out, Rita said.

    No, Leah interrupted as she put a restraining hand on Rita’s shoulder. Steve, I accidently let the cat out of the bag. Since your mother now knows, would you like to be the one to tell your father our news?

    Steve smiled at his wife. I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone with my mom, she has a way of finding out secrets, he said before turning to his father. We were going to keep this to ourselves until Leah saw a doctor, but you’re going to be a grandfather. We’re expecting our first child.

    John Burke’s face lit up. Steve, Leah, I couldn’t be happier! What a joy it will be to have a baby in the family. Maybe now that he isn’t the youngest, your brother will decide to grow up, He added with a wink and a grin.

    Not a chance, Steve said with a laugh. I’ve pretty much given up on Darrin.

    I don’t know, maybe we shouldn’t, John replied. Darrin has been writing a paper on ground penetrating radar and seems fascinated by the subject. Apparently, they’re using it to locate everything from bones to gold and precious minerals. Every time we speak, that’s all he wants to talk about. He’s wondering about the possibility that your great grandfather’s old mine might yield some secrets to this new technology.

    Well, you know he isn’t interested in using it to find missing persons, Steve said. I guess it would be useful in his study of geology. Are he and Tammi due home soon?

    That reminds me, your sister is hoping you and Leah will come up with us for her graduation, Rita said. I told her I’d ask.

    We’ll talk about it and let you know, Steve said before turning to Leah. Babe, we need to go. I have to get back to work tomorrow and it’s going to be an early shift.

    The four said their goodbyes before Steve and Leah walked out to the car. As they were pulling out of the driveway, Steve looked at his wife. What happened that made you decide to tell my mother about the baby?

    I made the mistake of asking her to recommend an OB-GYN, Leah confessed. If I had been thinking, I’d have asked Barb about someone instead, since she has the two girls. Anyway, I’d just finished telling her everything was fine, so when she jumped to the right conclusion... Leah left the sentence hanging. There have been too many lies and I found that I just couldn’t tell one to your mother. Are you upset that they know?

    "No, I’m not upset, but if you want to be the one to tell your parents you’d better be quick. As you’ve already found out for yourself, my mother is not good with secrets," Steve confided with a laugh.

    Maybe I should phone my mother from the car, Leah said and sighed. You know as well as I do that those two are as thick as thieves.

    Pulling out her cell phone, she pressed the speed dial button containing her parents’ number.

    Alice Adams answered the phone in Texas. Hello, Carrie, are you and Steve back in California?

    Leah had been born as Carrie Adams and used that name until she had witnessed a murder. When she needed to run for her life, she had taken a new identity, using the names Jennifer Anderson and then Leah Scott to keep the murderer from finding her. During a panicked escape across the country, Jennifer had been killed while switching places with Carrie. Leah, on the other hand, had been a name on a headstone in the middle of nowhere. Both women had provided Carrie the means to hide. It was as Leah that she had settled in San Diego, where she met and then fell in love with Steve.

    There was a time that she could have gone back to her real name. After the FBI had placed Jefferson Randall in federal prison for the rest of his life, she decided to honor the memories of the two people who had unknowingly kept her safe. Instead of going back to her own name, she had legally taken theirs. Carrie Ann Adams had become Leah Jennifer Carrie Adams, at least until Steve had married her and added Burke to her new, long list of names.

    I’m sorry, can you hang on a minute? Her mother’s voice came over the line, interrupting her thoughts. I have a call coming in from Rita.

    Mother, ignore that call, please. I need to talk to you first. Leah replied.

    Now, don’t tell me you and Steve’s mother have had a tiff already. Alice asked.

    Leah laughed and said, No, no tiff, but I have something important to tell you and I’d like your undivided attention until I do.

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