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Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)
Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)
Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)
Ebook40 pages33 minutes

Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)

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About this ebook

Ron is an admitted hypersexual- someone who is obsessed with sex and feels compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity. As an independent consultant and as an instructor at a local community college, he has the opportunity to meet thousands of young women in all manner of situations- and many of them wind up naked in his bed.
Although solidly in middle age, he has a rock-hard body and a rugged look, emphasized by a closely trimmed beard and tattoos on both arms. Due to his compulsion, he has had sex with hundreds of women in all manner of situations. Over the course of these adventures, he has learned something about how to give a woman pleasure, heightened by a unique anatomical feature. An old girlfriend bestowed the name “Mr. Curvy” to it, and that name has stuck.
The Mr. Curvy stories are accounts of some of Ron's more recent adventures, and are true stories; they actually happened exactly as they are described, except that the names of the women and other characters have been changed to protect their privacy.
Newly re-written, In Chapter 7, a barely-legal nineteen, cute little coed Jolie exudes a bad-girl vibe, underscored by piercings, body art, and a preference for Jack Daniels. A chance meeting with Ron in the college library leads to a much more intimate- and sensual- meeting in her campus-area apartment.

PublisherRon Galbraith
Release dateJul 26, 2017
Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)

Ron Galbraith

Hypersexuality is considered by most mental health professionals to be a psychological disorder, in that those who are diagnosed with it typically are obsessed with sex and feel compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity. That’s me.My name is Ron. I am a straight, white guy, by now solidly into middle age. I’m a licensed architect, and work independently, which gives me a reasonable amount of flexibility and independence, along with a decent income. I’m not rich, by any means, and I pay alimony to both of my ex-wives, but I have enough left over for some fun. I’m fit and reasonably trim- I work out almost daily and I’m careful about what I eat. I’ve been told that I’m better looking than most men my age, with a rock-hard body and sort of a rugged look, emphasized by a closely trimmed beard and tattoos on both arms.I have been hypersexual my entire life, and by now, I have had sex with hundreds of women in all manner of situations. Over the course of these adventures, I’ve learned something about how to give a woman pleasure, which is heightened somewhat by a unique anatomical anomaly. An old girlfriend bestowed the name “Mr. Curvy” to it, and that name has stuck.If anything, the pace at which I meet and have sex with girls has increased over the last few years, banging two, sometimes three new girls a week. Evoking classic pulp paperback porn of the 50s and 60s, these stories chronicle some of my favorite adventures. These are true stories of real sex with real girls; they actually happened exactly as they are described, except that the names of the women and other characters have been changed to protect their privacy.

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    Jolie, the Teen Queen (A Hypersexual Diary - Ron Galbraith

    Jolie, the Teen Queen

    (A Hypersexual Diary: The Adventures of Mr. Curvy, Chapter 7)

    Copyright 2017-2020 Ron Galbraith

    Published by Ron Galbraith at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Adult Content Notes and General Disclaimer

    This ebook is intended for adults only, and is not suitable for readers under 18 years of age. It contains adult content and themes, including graphic descriptions of sexual activities. All activities described herein take place between fully consenting adults who are at least 18 years of age at the time such activities take place. This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual person, place or event is unintentional and purely coincidental. Any mention of any trademarked property is done so without the permission of the trademark holder, and is not intended to imply any endorsement of or by such trademarked property.

    This story was previously published in 2017. It has been substantially re-written.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 7: Jolie, the Teen Queen


    About Mr. Curvy

    Special Bonus excerpt from Chapter 8: Sugar Bowl Ball with Brooke

    Connect with Ron Galbraith


    Hypersexuality is considered by most mental health professionals to be a psychological disorder, in that those who are diagnosed with it typically are obsessed with sex and feel compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity.

    That’s me.

    My name is Ron. I am a straight, white guy, by now solidly in middle age. I’m a licensed architect, and work independently, which gives me a reasonable amount of flexibility and independence, along with a decent income. I’m not rich, by any means, and I pay alimony to both of my ex-wives, but I have enough left over for some fun. I’m fit and reasonably trim- I work out almost daily and I’m careful about what I eat. I’ve been told that I’m better looking than most men my age, with a rock-hard body and sort of a rugged look, emphasized by a closely-trimmed beard and tattoos on both arms.

    I have been hypersexual my entire life, and by now, I have had sex with hundreds of women in all manner of situations. Over the course of these adventures, I’ve learned something about how to give a woman pleasure, which

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