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The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One)
The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One)
The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One)
Ebook121 pages1 hour

The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One)

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About this ebook

This is a collection of The Chosen – Scion and The Chosen – Wendigo.
Learn the Truth in The Chosen – Scion. During an investigating into a paranormal entity her biology teacher saw on the school grounds Mikayla Young learns the truth from Ian Tellor that she has always known but didn’t want to admit: She is not the only student who was transferred to Southside after surviving a tragedy.
Beware the Wendigo in The Chosen – Wendigo. Mikayla and Nyx investigate a dilapidated hotel in the Old Town section of Southside. Inside the abandoned building they find the school’s missing biology teacher and the paranormal entity that has been pursuing him.

PublisherBen D
Release dateJul 24, 2017
The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One)

Ben D

Author that has a very long urban fantasy series in my head and pushes it out on a bi-monthly basis. With enough support from my fans I can afford to push it to a monthly series.

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    Book preview

    The Chosen - Fang and Feather (Volume One) - Ben D

    Fang and Feather

    Volume One


    BEN D.


    © 2017 by Ben D.

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    The Chosen – Scion


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    The Chosen - Wendigo

    Chapter 1

    The loud ringing of the school bell announces to the Southside High students that only an hour and a half of activities remain before the school closes for the night. On the second floor of the barely serviceable building the old and cracked sound system is loud enough to drown out the numerous conversations of teenagers seated in one of the classrooms that serves as a meeting room for after-school clubs.

    Mikayla I think your phone is going off.

    She was no exception as she barely heard her name being called and completely failed to notice her hot pink cellphone wobbling on top of her mathematics book. Rather than shout over the bell she gives them a nod in thanks, retrieves the phone and reads the incoming message:


    5:00PM Cant make it to the meeting.

    She thumbs in her reply.

    No problems, see you tomorrow.

    The phone gives it usual tone indicating that the message was sent and read successfully. She slides out of her chair and is mentally glad that she won’t have to spend another hour seated in the uncomfortable hard plastic chairs issued to the school.

    Navigating her way past the broken-down projector, the teacher’s desk with the strange burnt-out lamp that looks a hundred years old and finally comes to a stop in front of the old television set that is playing a video for the room. With a nod of her head to the teen closest to the back of the room all conversation comes to a halt with a quick flickering of the lights.

    She begins when the lights are flipped back on for the final time, OK this is a good time for us to get started. Since the President is unable to make it I’m in charge of the meeting this week.

    The wooden clipboard is warm to the touch after it is picked up from the top of the television. I’m Mikayla Young, Vice-President. Do we have any first timers?

    During the day the classroom is stuffed with too many students and barely enough chairs but now the sea of empty chairs makes the club seem like it has too few members. As her eyes scan the room she doesn’t notice a new face until a single hand raises into the air.

    She musters a smile that is as warm as the stuffy room in desperate need of a working air conditioner, Welcome! Do you have any questions?

    The teen lowers his hand, Do ya’ll always watch scary movies while you P&P?

    Well this is the Paranormal Percipient Club so we study supernatural occurrences that are reported on--

    The teen’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he hears the name of the club, I’m out. In one swift motion he is on his feet and slinging his patch covered backpack onto his shoulder, Peace.

    As the door slams shut she takes the pen out of the clipboard’s clasp and marks another check down next to Club Name Mix-Up Good start to the week.

    The remaining club members all laugh and start to talk amongst themselves. Looking through the attendance sheet checking off one name after the other until, Dante Li. There is no answer and she doesn’t see him anywhere in the room, Dante? So she turns her gaze towards the teen in middle of a conversation with two gothic dressed girls, Reggie. Reggie!

    Reggie looks up from his conversation, Yo?

    Have you seen Dante? Or Jason?

    Reggie rests his elbow on the chipped tablet arm of his desk, Vargas is out with his new girlfriend. Need me to find Dante?

    No that’s OK, can you finish taking attendance while I go look for him?

    No problem. Reggie holds out his hand after he places his afro pick in his curly mass of hair.

    As she hands over the clipboard another club member turns up the volume to the television.

    The chief of the tribe isolated his daughter on an island surrounded by serpents. It was there she spent the rest of her days alone and miserable and even in death she found no freedom. To this day visitors to the island still say that they see her cursed spirit wandering the island.

    From the islands to the waters beneath our next urban legend is of the aquatic nature. This enormous sea beast is known to atta—

    She slams the door behind herself and leans against the wall adjacent to the door. She takes a deep breath to calm herself but can still feel her heart trying to burst out of her umber halter-top.

    Leaning her head back against the brick wall and lets her gaze fall onto the weathered ceiling. She tries to focus on something else, like the mixture of the aged building, disinfectant and freshly sharpened pencils that fills her nostrils. She feels as if she is starting to regain her composure when she realizes her left hand is rubbing against the beaded bracelet on her right wrist.

    Tilting her head downward she stares at the bracelet and thinks back to the day that her father gave it to her. This was given to me by your grandmother and it’s very special. It’s said that if you wear it our ancestors will watch over you. He reached out and tapped her on the end of her nose, So no more nightmares, OK, Mikayla?

    Dad… She could still remember the re-assuring smile that he gave her that night. She can’t help but smile remembering one of the few pleasant thoughts left to her.

    However, her reminiscing is mercifully cut short by the sound of something being slammed into the metal lockers on the floor below. The sound of muffled yelling can be heard afterwards and the tone does not sound friendly.

    At the staircase she leans over the rusted railing to see Dante being held against the crimson lockers.

    What’s this I hear about you hitting on my girl, runt? A large pulsating vein is on the forehead of the angered teenager.

    The smaller teen winces, Ow. Bro, I think the locker handler is digging into my spine.

    Another loud slam echoes through the mostly empty hallway, I’m not your bro and you aren’t my girl’s boy either, you understand Dante?

    Not… really? Dante is slammed against the locker a final time, Ok! Ok! I hear you. But I wasn’t hitting on her I swear. She was hitting on me!

    The teen’s face contorts into a furious fever, You little piece of—

    Before his balled fist can make contact with Dante’s face the booming voice of the science teacher can be heard from the top of the staircase, Mister Lakes, Mister Li. Would one of you mind explaining what you two are doing?

    The larger teen releases his grip on Dante, dropping him back to the floor in desperate need of a mopping. He yells up the staircase, "We were just

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