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At The Earl’s Bidding
At The Earl’s Bidding
At The Earl’s Bidding
Ebook70 pages1 hour

At The Earl’s Bidding

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Chloe has little tolerance for the Jonathan, the Earl of Chichester. She finds him insufferable in the way he acts so superior, arrogant and self-righteous, despite his handsome and charming exterior. The last thing she wants is for him to watch over her, as he becomes assigned to do at the court ruling against her.

Jonathan, in turn, has little patience for an outspoken, stubborn and headstrong pick pocket. Under his guidance he expects Chloe to change from her old erroneous ways fast, and he will not be deterred in his opinion even if Chloe just so happens to be the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

Yet if Chloe and Jonathan detest each other so much why can they not keep away from one another? Instead, they find that a strong attraction sizzles between them, with it only being a matter of time before passion and desire ignites, making them question all they had once been so sure about!

Release dateJul 27, 2017
At The Earl’s Bidding

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    At The Earl’s Bidding - Heather Sunnydale

    At The Earl’s Bidding

    By Heather Sunnydale

    Published by LB Books at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Heather Sunnydale

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Chapter 1

    ‘Miss Smith do you understand the seriousness of the crime I am due to sentence you for very shortly?’ A mature thickset man sat on a high chair bellowed out.

    ‘Yes My Lord, I am aware of what you mean to charge me for and how bad it all looks, but please if you would let me say just one thing in my defence before you decide on my punishment?’ Chloe replied back hastily to the judge.

    ‘Very well, what is it that you wish to say to me and everyone else in this court?’

    ‘That...that well...’ Chloe could not help but be a nervous as she tried to ignore the accusing eyes of all who surrounded her in the court room, and who no doubt wanted her to rot in jail if nothing else but to set her up as an example to warn others of the undeserving classes to keep their hands to themselves.

    ‘My have it all wrong, it was not me, I did not do it, I did not take the gentleman’s wallet, it was someone else entirely. And I saw the person run off with my own eyes, then they bumped into me trying to get away with the result that they dropped the wallet accidentally by my feet, you see it was just a coincident, but I myself had nothing to do with it,’ Chloe begged, trying to fight till the bitter end for a chance at freedom.

    ‘Miss Smith, I am disappointed, that even now moments away from your fate being decided you would choose to lie so shamelessly in court. That you committed the crime I have no doubt, the three witnesses that have spoken earlier against you and who are still here currently standing behind you have already given enough evidence to assure me that you are indeed the perpetrator.’

    ‘My Lord, please...I did not mean to anger you, but...’

    ‘No enough Miss Smith, I want to hear no more words from you I have made my decision, I will be sentencing you to........’

    Chloe felt like she wanted to faint with her head feeling all dizzy and legs all weak, she just couldn’t believe it, she was actually going to be going to jail, her worst fears realised. She automatically held her breath waiting for what she knew would be a long and painful sentence from the judge which he would deem adequate and just in his superior mindset.

    However, Chloe was soon to release her breath when instead of the judge telling her of her doomed fate, she heard a deep, rich baritone voice of another coming from behind her.

    ‘Judge Mason, would it be possible to have a quick word with you please, in private?’

    ‘Why yes Lord Chichester, if that is what you want.’

    Chloe heard the surprised murmurings of the audience in the hall at the interruption to her hearing as she turned her head to see a quick side profile of the gentleman himself to whom she had to thank for her capture and subsequent hearing at the court, and all because of a wallet which she could tell from his elegant and finely made clothes that he could very well afford to misplace and not lose any sleep over.

    This was all she needed, perhaps she should just kill herself now and get it over and done with, Chloe thought almost desperately in her mind which was overcome now with worry, her situation going from very bad to worse. No doubt this Lord Chichester wanted to talk with the judge who already thought very negatively of her, to ensure that he handed over to her a grave long sentence that would befit the crime done to him and demonstrate his importance, which of course was the way the upper classes operated, she knew she had no chance at all!

    Why, why had she been so reckless in the first place, she should have trusted her instincts and not gone near the gentleman in the first place, and all would be fine, but Chloe had not had the foresight, and now she would have to pay for her error most expensively.

    ‘Miss Smith, Judge Mason has asked for you, follow me?’

    ‘What does he want from me? What has the judge decided?’ Chloe panicked even as she did what she was told and followed the clerk out of the semi-packed court hall to a room to the side which had its doors closed to her.

    ‘You may go in.’ The Clerk spoke as he ignored her questions.

    Chloe knowing that there was nothing else she could do took a deep breath as she opened the door in front of her and entered inside.

    ‘Miss Smith take a seat.’

    ‘I would prefer to stand if that is all the same to you,’ Chloe tried to speak with a steady voice as

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