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The Return of the Viscount
The Return of the Viscount
The Return of the Viscount
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The Return of the Viscount

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Lord Dulwich has never forgiven or forgotten his forced swift departure from his homeland or the reason behind it due to Alison, the comely daughter of his father’s live-in mistress. But now he is determined to get his revenge on his return to his home.
Alison is wary of Lord Dulwich as she becomes under his full employ. His ruthless pursuit of her is enough to leave her unsettled in more ways than one. And although she is aware that he lusts after her, it is what is in his heart and mind that she would truly like to discover.

Release dateJul 27, 2017
The Return of the Viscount

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    The Return of the Viscount - Heather Sunnydale

    Return Of The Viscount

    By Heather Sunnydale

    Published by LB Books at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Heather Sunnydale

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    ‘Luke!’ Alison spoke almost breathlessly with surprise as she turned around to meet the tall and well-built raven haired male, who wore a darkened passionate expression upon his handsome face, an expression which had the effect of causing a deep stirring inside her. ‘You should not have followed me here, it’s not right, I don’t want others to talk, and to think that...’ Alison hesitated as she backed herself against the oak tree behind her, standing tall and broad within the wild woodlands that surrounded them.

    ‘You don’t want others to think what exactly? Can we not just both take an innocent walk together?’ Came Luke’s rich baritone voice as he took some steps advancing towards her determinedly.

    ‘Please can have a good guess about what others will say...and your father, more importantly, he does not like seeing us together.’

    ‘And how have you all of a sudden become an expert in telling just what my father thinks on the matter of you and me?’

    ‘I know your father’s opinion because I have overheard him talking to my mother...they do not think it is a good idea for us to get too close.’

    ‘And is that what you think also? That it is best that we stay away from each other...that I leave you alone to yourself?’ Luke’s voice came out all seductive to her ears.

    ‘Yes...I think...that you should leave...and now,’ Alison’s voice came out in a new panic even as she felt herself becoming increasingly flustered as Luke’s solid body trapped her against the tree and he looked down at her with the most piercing and penetrating of blue eyes that spoke of what he wanted without words.

    ‘And what if I don’t want to go...that I find myself incapable of staying away from you Alison, what then do you suggest I do?’ Luke used two of his fingers to trace down the side of Alison’s heart-shaped face as she looked up at him now intently with her big brown expressive eyes.

    ‘Damn Alison do you know how beautiful I find you, and how much I want you right now?’ Luke could not hold back his raw feelings any longer as he spoke to Alison with an undisguised passion.

    ‘You shouldn’t say or even think such things? It’s wrong,’ Alison tried to look away from Luke as she spoke but he would not let her turn away from him as he held her in place, his hardened body rubbing up against her restless one.

    ‘There is no sin in it, it is the way I feel, and I know you feel the same way too, you just chose to torture yourself by fighting it, but I will tell you now that I mean to have you, you’re mine and will always be, no matter what anyone else says or tries to do to separate us,’ Luke spoke possessively before starting to bend his head towards her.

    ‘Luke..!’ Was all she had time to say as his sensual lips locked down against her own. Then moving and caressing across her sensitive flesh before pushing his hungry tongue into her partially parted lips to take her by surprise as she moaned out as his desire brought out her own in full force. Alison was then kissing Luke back just as urgently, tasting him enthusiastically as she heard him groan deeply into her mouth whilst their tongues duelled together and their combined passion was fully unleashed for the first time physically.

    Alison could not recognise herself as all rational thought went out of her mind, and she allowed herself to enjoy the pleasure of Luke’s passionate embrace as he continued to kiss her as his strong hands roamed fast down her body, moulding her soft flesh to his own, to build both pleasure and excitement within her.

    ‘Now tell me, Alison, tell me truthfully that you do not want me just as much as I want you?’ He spoke with a deep and lust filled voice before he started to rain kisses down her slender neck.

    ‘Luke...I,’ Alison’s voice wavered...she did not know what she was about to say in her half-crazed state but found moments later to her horror there was no need to reply back as their steamy encounter was interrupted unexpectedly.

    ‘Luke let Alison go at once, or I swear I am going to do something that you will regret more than I.’


    Alison watched as Luke slowly detangled himself from her before turning to face Lord Dulwich with his head held up high. As she did so she hurriedly tried to tidy herself up, her frame being shielded luckily from full

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