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Seducing the Princess
Seducing the Princess
Seducing the Princess
Ebook146 pages2 hours

Seducing the Princess

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Princess Angelika needs an heir...

The first time I met Gideon Black, I was a teenager. I hated him with a passion that kept me awake at night—as it has done every night since. Gideon is everything a queen in waiting should avoid: pure, unadulterated sex on two hard-muscled legs, and an attitude that can only be described as ruthless. I never dreamed our paths would cross again, or that Gideon would need my body as much as I needed his.

When Angel’s father begged me to protect his only child before he died, I knew this was a deal I could work with. Getting Angel pregnant would secure the throne for her, and give me an excuse to reconnect with the woman I’d often fantasied about. I wasn’t prepared for seeing Angel again. A tease at sixteen, she had grown into an irresistible, kick-ass woman, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her—how thoroughly, and for how long.

Release dateAug 11, 2017
Seducing the Princess

Susan Stephens

Romance with heart, heat and red-hot men, written by author addicted to all of the above.USA TODAY best-selling author Susan Stephens has captivated readers worldwide, selling over 10 million copies of her books. Susan’s stories have been translated into 26 languages, reaching readers in 109 countries. this year, Susan celebrates a remarkable milestone with the publication of her 100th book.Living in Yorkshire, England, Susan is surrounded by a large, loving family—a delightful surprise for someone who grew up as an only child. Her passion for storytelling and family shines through in every page she writes, inviting you to share in her vibrant world.NEW short-reads series: ACOSTAS RAW: RODEOBEAU 1# Release date 26th JulyComing soon 2# COLT 3# BLAKENew FATED BY FIRE series. Anthology, 3 HIGHLAND DRAGON ROMANCES with Angelique Armae and Carole Mortimer available for pre-order now. Release date June 28th1# TORRAN (September 2024 will be Susan's 100th book) 2# ACTON coming soonBLOOD AND THUNDER series: Dangerous women. Hard men. Ferocious passion.ALEXEI. coming soonBooks 1-4 BLOOD AND THUNDER available as a box set

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    Book preview

    Seducing the Princess - Susan Stephens


    Royal Rebels 1


    Susan Stephens

    USA Today Bestselling Author


    Copyright 2017 Susan Stephens

    Cover Design Copyright Glass Slipper Designs

    Cover photo: Shutterstock

    Editor: Linda Ingmanson

    Formatter: Josephine Piraneo

    ISBN: 978-1-910604-32-8 ePub

    ISBN: 978-1-910604-33-5  mobi

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents, are either the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    All Rights Reserved.

    Chapter One

    The dojo was plunged into darkness for Angel’s last test of the day. She had fought off every attacker and was confident she could handle her next opponent, though the sensei had warned her to expect something new.

    Someone new, Angel presumed as she crept catlike from one remembered landmark to the next. Maybe the sensei would be her next challenge. He had no match in the art of fighting. Angel, who was the heir to the throne of Drakonia and under threat from a ruthless uncle, could have no better mentor when it came to perfecting the art of self-defense.

    Having the sensei in her corner had always worked in Angel’s favor, though the prospect of fighting him was different. Her senses were supercharged. She had to survive for ten minutes with only her ragged breathing and pounding heart for company.

    She stilled to listen.

    The last thing she expected was an attack from above!

    Braced to land heavily, she exclaimed with shock as strong arms kept her inches from the floor.

    Your Royal Highness…

    Gideon Black!

    She would have known that mocking tone anywhere. Hardman and bodyguard to her late father, Gideon had been Angel’s teenage crush. The Gideon effect was in no way diminished. His scent, his power, his touch, all of it was devastating, and she trembled with awareness as she lay pinned in his arms.

    As lights flashed on, signaling the end of the test, her vision adjusted to reveal Gideon in all his brutal glory, as confident as ever and as hot as hell. His return had tipped her world on its axis. Swinging from the rafters these days? she challenged, recovering quickly.

    Whatever it takes, Princess.

    His husky tone made mush out of her gym-toned body, but she had no intention of hanging around to have him mock her. This bout is over.

    He made no attempt to let her go. I’d say we’re just getting started.

    You would, she retorted, her body still on red alert. A look from Gideon was enough to strip her bare. She hadn’t just indulged in sexual fantasies when she was younger, but had woven them into a massive quilt of happily ever after. And now he was back. She couldn’t believe it. Minutes before, she’d been congratulating herself on mastering every combatant the sensei had sent against her, only to be defeated by her own aching heart. It was time to retire with dignity. Release me from the headlock, she suggested calmly. I’m not going anywhere.

    The moment he released her, she missed his hands on her body. Crazy woman, she scolded herself angrily as she sprang to her feet. Rubbing the back of her neck to claim a few moments of rational thinking, she had to accept there was nothing that could freak her out more than Gideon Black turning up unannounced.

    Since leaving her father’s employ, he’d built a security empire to rival the best in the world. Sex on two hard-muscled legs was no exaggeration when it came to describing Gideon, but sex was an indulgence that Angel, as the future ruler of Drakonia, must put on the back burner until she was safely married. Her uncle would profit from a scandal and use it to seize the throne.

    You okay? Gideon asked, dipping his head to stare into her eyes.

    Yes, she confirmed briskly, determined not to show how deeply he affected her.

    Really? he pressed. Things haven’t been easy for you recently.

    My father died.

    I know. Gideon frowned. My condolences. He was a good man. But I was thinking more about the situation in Drakonia.

    Is that why you’re here? To save me, she asked with an edge of cynicism in her voice.

    Do you think that’s possible? Gideon countered with good humor, refusing to be dismayed by her less than welcoming manner.

    The subject’s closed.

    For now, Gideon’s expressive eyes told her. Your technique’s not bad, he added, segueing smoothly into a gym appropriate remark. Just remember your blind spots next time.

    Like Gideon? He’d always been able to distract her from whatever else was going on in her life.

    You were thinking two-dimensionally, he went on to explain when she didn’t answer.

    Instead of expecting you to jump down from the ceiling? she suggested. You’re probably right.

    Being scolded by Gideon was infuriating but also arousing, which was more than inconvenient when she had never needed her wits about her more. He’d always rocked her world, but they had maintained a sensible distance in the past. He was a professional bodyguard. She was the king’s daughter. Had he registered anything but victory when he pinned her to the mat? Having his arms bound tightly around her, however briefly, had been like waking from an erotic dream to find him standing at the end of the bed.

    Why are you here? she asked.

    Same reason you are.

    She gave a skeptical smile. You’re the last person who needs training in martial arts. I can understand you might want to use the gym, but why agree to fight me?

    Why not? We’re natural combatants, after all.

    Are we? Heat surged through her at the realization that he thought this—heat she was determined to ignore. Your real reason, she insisted.

    Gideon shrugged. You are my reason. He allowed her around two seconds to get excited about this before adding, I needed an opponent, and you were it.

    He must have known how much that comment stung. She hated that her cheeks blazed red. Did the sensei suggest you fight me? she asked, determined not to let Gideon get under her skin. In truth, she had become a little overconfident lately, and it wouldn’t surprise her if this was the sensei’s way of delivering a warning. These were dangerous times. Drakonia was in flux. Angel’s father, the late king, had been much loved, but now Angel had to defend the country against his criminally inclined, untrustworthy brother for her right to rule the principality justly, as her father would have wished.

    Is it wrong that the sensei cares about you? Gideon enquired, crashing her thoughts.

    No. Of course not. She loved and respected the sensei, and would trust him with her life.

    Grabbing a towel from the stack, she buried her face in the soap-scented warmth to give herself a chance to register the fact that Gideon Black was standing in front of her, looking so good, so fit, and so achingly familiar in his customary uniform of banged-up jeans and formfitting top, she was finding it hard to think straight, let alone work out if he had come to help in the wider sense, or was just here to tell her what she was doing wrong in the gym. He was so much harder than she remembered. He’d definitely muscled up. He was a formidable opponent, on the mat, as in life. Which was exactly what she needed.

    You need help, Princess, he said as if mind-reading were another of his skills.

    She looked up to confront his steely eyes. Are you offering?


    Another surge of adrenaline hit as he baited her with a lingering stare. Her father had mourned Gideon’s loss when he’d left the king’s employ but had insisted that no one should stop him progressing in life. If her father had trusted him, why shouldn’t she?

    On what terms would you help me? she asked.

    Mutual satisfaction, he returned without missing a beat.

    Zap went the heat to her core. She didn’t have funds, so she couldn’t afford to pay him—not with money, at least. Her father had been a good man, and much loved by his people, but he’d spent all the money on his beloved projects. It was up to Angel to rebuild the country’s fortune. I need a straight answer, Gideon. Are you here to work or just to torment me?

    Torment you, obviously, he said straight-faced, reminding Angel of the night of her eighteenth birthday when Gideon had taken the art of torment to new heights.

    Could that really be five years ago?

    He’d ushered her away from her friends at the party, telling her on the way back to her apartment at the palace that she’d been fluttering around like a dove in a field of falcons. She’d resented Gideon stepping in, until he explained that her uncle’s cronies had planned to trick her into discrediting the crown. She’d wanted to thank him when she realized what he’d done, but he said it was his job. Gideon was a warrior trained to protect, his strength reflected in his character as much as in his fierce stare and corded muscles, and though she might pride herself on treading warily across the minefield of palace politics, she could certainly use some help. Would he help her again? She’d never find a better, more fiercely intelligent fighting machine than Gideon Black.

    We should talk, he said.

    Yes, we should, she agreed, heart thumping hectically at the thought.

    When? he pressed.


    Not good enough, Angel.

    Don’t pressure me, she warned.

    As he shifted position, straightening up, adding to his height, his presence, and his blistering appeal, she was conscious of her own less than perfect appearance. Having leapt from bed to gym, she was still wearing baggy fight clothes, with her hair scraped back and no makeup on her face, while Gideon looked great. He always looked great. When she was younger, he’d treated like an annoying tomboy, swatting her away like a fly, though if he had been interested, she’d have run a mile.

    It’s time for someone other than you to take responsibility for your safety, Princess, he commented as they strolled together across the gym.

    Yes, but the trouble with Gideon was that he always made her think about sex, and that was distracting. She liked reading about it and dreaming about it, but with him? No way. Not that she’d get the chance. According to his press, he preferred sophisticated women who could entertain him both in and out of his king-size bed. Even with a crown on her head and flashing lights

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