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Champagne Charlie
Champagne Charlie
Champagne Charlie
Ebook45 pages39 minutes

Champagne Charlie

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Margaret ‘Molly’ Hastings is a fan of TV personality Charlie Castle, following his life religiously, to the amusement of roommate Gina. A competition is held where the winner wins an evening with Charlie which Molly refuses to participate in, but she does a dummy recording with Gina. Molly believes Charlie would never give her the light of day, but Gina has other ideas. When Gina sends the recording into the competition, Molly is furious with her, and things become even more heated when Molly turns out to be one of the two finalists. When Molly sees the other contender her heart sinks, as the girl is tall, blond and beautiful, unlike herself, being short and ordinary looking. The other girl’s insults become too much for Molly, and she runs away from the contest, to Charlie’s disillusionment. Will Charlie follow her, or choose the other contestant instead of Molly, her dream shattered forever?

Release dateAug 15, 2017
Champagne Charlie

Marcia Carrington

Marcia Carrington writes about the human condition, exploring what makes people tick, but in an upbeat and optimistic tone. She writes in a variety of genres, mainly romance but also, comedy, suspense, crime, paranormal, mystery, YA and NA. Her collection of thirty-four books vary in length from full-length works to novellas, novelettes to short stories. Marcia's latest books are short story romance THE FUNERAL, released in September 2019, and venturing again into science fiction/paranormal territory with DREAM STATE, a novelette released in December 2019. Apart from writing and reading, Marcia also has a great love for coffee. The morning coffee has always been a staple for Marcia, and something which she cannot do without. There is just something about the fresh aroma of coffee early in the morning, and anytime for that fact, which proves irresistible to her. Marcia can be contacted on Twitter, and you can also visit her on her Blog at and on Pinterest.

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    Book preview

    Champagne Charlie - Marcia Carrington

    Champagne Charlie

    Marcia Carrington

    Published by Marcia Carrington at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Marcia Carrington

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

    Credit for the cover image:

    (C) - Andrei Vishnyakov:

    Chapter One

    Champagne, anyone?

    Charlie Castle was standing on a huge brown rock overlooking the azure ocean, wearing a skimpy blue swimsuit, and holding a champagne flute in hand. He raised the flute towards the camera, and smiled his inimitable toothy grin. Charlie took a luxurious sip of the champagne, and with a wink to the camera, there was a fade out to a shot of the ocean, piano music playing in the background. The slogan, ‘Ballan Royale champagne, anytime, anywhere’ came zooming onto the screen, followed by a close-up of Charlie’s face, blue eyes twinkling naughtily. Molly Hastings was in front of the television screen, transfixed. She would not move an iota, and her roommate Gina laughed, giving her a small shove, as Molly threw her an embarrassed expression.

    Oh Molly, every time Charlie Castle’s on TV, it’s as if you’re off in another world. I bet if the whole world caved in you wouldn’t care, as long as he was on TV from time to time, Gina said, licking her lower lip with her tongue.

    Hey Gina, I’m sorry, Molly said, moving her mid-length brown hair behind her shoulders. He’s my favorite star, I can’t get enough of him.

    Tell me about it, Gina said, rolling her eyes. She gathered her hair, and seconds later let it tumble out of her hands, giving Molly a sultry pout. Oh Charlie, take me away to a deserted island where we can spend the rest of our lives together, away from everyone…

    Yeah, people like you make fun of me all day, Molly said, grabbing a pink silk cushion, and plumping it in her friend’s face. Gina screeched in response, the pillow dropping into her lap.

    Hey, what was that for? Gina said, mouth falling open.

    Molly smirked, and put the cushion down on the sofa.

    You just revel in making me squirm when it comes to Charlie, it sends you nutty in excitement, Molly said, puffing her lips in frustration.

    Maybe because you’ve never written to him, or done anything like that. You’re just content to watch him all the time, even though he’s a bigger part of your life than you’d admit, Gina said.

    So, what’s wrong with that? Molly asked, shrugging her shoulders. Gina sighed, and bit her lips.

    Well, it drives me up the wall, for one. I’m not saying you’re crazy or anything like that, but this thing with Charlie Castle… Gina said.


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