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Intersection: Heaven and Earth
Intersection: Heaven and Earth
Intersection: Heaven and Earth
Ebook72 pages44 minutes

Intersection: Heaven and Earth

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Intersection (Heaven & Earth) is about the paths we take to God daily in our lives. We are all striving to abide in Christ, to bear fruit and endure in Christ, yet we are always challenged to remain on the vine which is our head. He promises us daily new blessings and a land flowing with milk and honey, but often we find ourselves experiencing a valley of tears or a desert full of sand and spiritual mirages. You may even allow yourself to begin to doubt your relationship with Jesus Christ, who gave his life so that you could love and serve him. This is normal for most of us, but we still want to know we are on the right track. That is why the spiritual masters have always encouraged us to remain faithful and always to give thanks; lastly, to see and accept everything as coming from his Sacred Heart. We can only do this if we remain in him and that requires prayer. In short, we begin to realize we are caught on a bridge between two world. How do we balance our spiritual life with the life of grace we’ve been given. The answer is already in you and you only need to begin to practice the faith that is so vital for you to realize:

 I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. (Jn. 10:9)

Release dateAug 2, 2017
Intersection: Heaven and Earth

Clinton R. LeFort

Clinton R. LeFort was born in Lake Arthur Louisiana, a small rural town in Southwest Louisiana in the United States. He began creative writing at age 6, in the form of poems, songs and news broadcast. After high school he attended USL, LSU and USC, where he continued his writing on philosophical, academic and religious topics. He began his own publishing company in 2006 after successfully writing 6 books which received Imprimaturs from the Archdiocese of St. Louis,Mo. Today Mr. LeFort has over 300 titles available for Kindle. He continues to read and write with a great interest in spirituality and mysticism of Catholic Saints.

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    Book preview

    Intersection - Clinton R. LeFort


    Intersection (Heaven & Earth) is about the paths we take to God daily in our lives. We are all striving to abide in Christ, to bear fruit and endure in Christ, yet we are always challenged to remain on the vine which is our head. He promises us daily new blessings and a land flowing with milk and honey, but often we find ourselves experiencing a valley of tears or a desert full of sand and spiritual mirages. You may even allow yourself to begin to doubt your relationship with Jesus Christ, who gave his life so that you could love and serve him. This is normal for most of us, but we still want to know we are on the right track. That is why the spiritual masters have always encouraged us to remain faithful and always to give thanks; lastly, to see and accept everything as coming from his Sacred Heart. We can only do this if we remain in him and that requires prayer. In short, we begin to realize we are caught on a bridge between two world. How do we balance our spiritual life with the life of grace we’ve been given. The answer is already in you and you only need to begin to practice the faith that is so vital for you to realize:

    I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. (Jn. 10:9)

    About the Author

    Clinton R. LeFort was born in Lake Arthur Louisiana, a small rural town in Southwest Louisiana in the United States. He began creative writing at age 6, in the form of poems, songs and news broadcast. After high school he attended USL, LSU and USC, where he continued his writing on philosophical, academic and religious topics. He began his own publishing company in 2006 after successfully writing 6 books which received Imprimaturs from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Mo. Today Mr. LeFort has over 170 titles available for Kindle. He continues to read and write with a great interest in spirituality and mysticism of Catholic Saints.

    God is Love and he who abides in Love abides in God and God in hm.

    God Alone suffices. (St. Teresa of Avila)

    Everything is a grace. (St. Therese of Lisieux)

    Abiding in Christ

    I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower. (Jn. 15:1)

    Jesus became man in order to have us share his Divine life. When we give ourselves to grace and faith we remain united with him in love, thru the Holy Spirit. What does it mean, as we sit before the Eucharist, sit in our homes alone, walk among our contemporaries or persevere in trials with our adversaries, to abide in me? It means to experience, comprehend and live those life experiences with the whole fiber of our being in him.

    True, no one knows how each of us experiences abiding in Christ, or remaining in Christ. Yet, no one would deny that it is the Christ that we live and move and have our being. That is the Father’s gift to us in Christ he has given us the wisdom to understand fully the  Mystery, the plan he was pleased to reveal in Christ.

    The Father is the vine grower: I believe in one God, the Father the Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. This Creator, Our Father, creates us to be in his Son, before the world began.

    Bearing Fruit in Christ

    He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.(Jn. 15:2)

    What is the fruit that we are called

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