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End Time Terminology
End Time Terminology
End Time Terminology
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End Time Terminology

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This Informational Book that has terms a person will need in order to understand the End Times or the Last Days.  This book is the revised edition which includes the left out chapter from the first published book in 2011. 

In this book, if there are two ideas or theories, I will give both ideas and theories.  I try not to be dogmatic about what I believe unless there is scripture to back up my point.  Some of the terms are from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament. 

I hope you enjoy this book.  It was fun writing it and sharing the knowledge the Lord has given me. 

Release dateAug 5, 2017
End Time Terminology

L C Walker

I thought about writing in 1970, but other things kept me from doing so. In 1979, I had the desire to write again, but Bible College kept me from that dream. In 1997, I wanted to share what the Bible had to say about the end times, so I began to write my first novel. I completed The Past or the Coming Future in 1998. I have now completed 6 more books. I am currently writing 5 more books. All of those should be ready before the end of the year. Watch for all of them in the coming months.

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    Book preview

    End Time Terminology - L C Walker

    End Time




    L. C. Walker


    Copyright © 2017 by Mount Sinai Publisher

    Revised Edition

    All scripture is from the King James

    Version of the Bible.



    To my nieces and nephews.  If I die before the rapture


    occurs, you will have this book to read so you


    can know what is about to happen. 


    If you know what is about to


    happen you can share


    it with others.



    CHAPTER 1  Introduction

    CHAPTER 2    144,000 Jews

    CHAPTER 3    3½ Year World Wide Drought

    CHAPTER 4   Abomination of Desolation

    CHAPTER 5    America Destroyed

    CHAPTER 6  Antichrist

    CHAPTER 7    Antichrist Killed

    CHAPTER 8    Antichrist’s Peace Treaty

    CHAPTER 9    Apostasy

    CHAPTER 10  Apostolic Era

    CHAPTER 11  Armor of God

    CHAPTER 12  Beheading

    CHAPTER 13  Black Horse

    CHAPTER 14  Book of Life

    CHAPTER 15  Born Again or Saved

    CHAPTER 16  Bowl or Vial Judgments

    CHAPTER 17  Bride of Christ

    CHAPTER 18  Christ At The Mount Olives

    CHAPTER 19  Church At Laodicea

    CHAPTER 20  Crown of Glory

    CHAPTER 21  Crown of Life

    CHAPTER 22  Crown of Rejoicing

    CHAPTER 23  Crown of Righteousness

    CHAPTER 24  Daddy, God

    CHAPTER 25  Damascus Destroyed

    CHAPTER 26  Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

    CHAPTER 27  Day of The Lord

    CHAPTER 28  Days of Noah

    CHAPTER 29  Death Angel or Angels

    CHAPTER 30  Death of The Two Prophets of God

    CHAPTER 31  Degrees of Punishment In Hell

    CHAPTER 32  Demons From Hell

    CHAPTER 33  Destruction of Babylon

    CHAPTER 34  Elect

    CHAPTER 35  Elements

    CHAPTER 36  Euphrates River Dried Up

    CHAPTER 37  False Prophet

    CHAPTER 38  Fig Tree

    CHAPTER 39  Fire From The False Prophet

    CHAPTER 40  Fire From The Two Prophets

    CHAPTER 41  First Resurrection

    CHAPTER 42  Futurist Interpretation

    CHAPTER 43  Generation

    CHAPTER 44  God’s Time Clock

    CHAPTER 45  Great Earthquakes

    CHAPTER 46  Great Tribulation

    CHAPTER 47  Great White Throne Judgment

    CHAPTER 48  Hades, Two Compartments

    CHAPTER 49  Harlot

    CHAPTER 50  Heaven

    CHAPTER 51  Hell

    CHAPTER 52  Historical Interpretation

    CHAPTER 53  Image

    CHAPTER 54  Incorruptible Crown

    CHAPTER 55    Invasion of Israel

    CHAPTER 56    Israel, Apple of God’s Eye

    CHAPTER 57   Jacob’s Trouble

    CHAPTER 58  John The Apostle

    CHAPTER 59  Judgment

    CHAPTER 60    Judgment of The Nations

    CHAPTER 61    Judgment Seat of Christ

    CHAPTER 62   Kings of The East

    CHAPTER 63  Lull Before The Tribulation

    CHAPTER 64    Lull After The Tribulation

    CHAPTER 65    Mandatory Words of Israel

    CHAPTER 66   Mark of The Beast 666

    CHAPTER 67  Marriage Supper of The Lamb

    CHAPTER 68  Michael, Protector of Israel

    CHAPTER 69    Mid-Trib. Theory

    CHAPTER 70    Millennium

    CHAPTER 71   New Heavens and New Earth

    CHAPTER 72  New Jerusalem

    CHAPTER 73  Nuclear Bombs

    CHAPTER 74    Olivet Discourse

    CHAPTER 75    Pale Horse

    CHAPTER 76   Petra

    CHAPTER 77  Post-Trib. Theory

    CHAPTER 78  Preterist Interpretation

    CHAPTER 79    Pre-Trib. Theory

    CHAPTER 80    Rapture

    CHAPTER 81   Red Horse

    CHAPTER 82  Replacement Theology

    CHAPTER 83    Revelation of Jesus Christ

    CHAPTER 84    Revised Roman Empire

    CHAPTER 85   Rome

    CHAPTER 86   Russian Invasion of Israel

    CHAPTER 87  Satan In Heaven

    CHAPTER 88    Scoffers In The Last Days

    CHAPTER 89    Seal of GodPage

    CHAPTER 90   Seal Judgments

    CHAPTER 91  Second Coming

    CHAPTER 92    Second Death or Spiritual Death

    CHAPTER 93    Second Resurrection

    CHAPTER 94  Seed of The Woman

    CHAPTER 95    Suicide, Impossible

    CHAPTER 96    Spiritualizing Interpretation

    CHAPTER 97  The Lie

    CHAPTER 98    The Pope

    CHAPTER 99   Time of The Gentiles

    CHAPTER 100  Tree of Life

    CHAPTER 101  Tribulation

    CHAPTER 102  Tribulation Holocaust

    CHAPTER 103  Tribulation Saints

    CHAPTER 104  Tribulation Temple

    CHAPTER 105  Trumpet Judgments

    CHAPTER 106  Two Prophets of God

    CHAPTER 107  Unholy Trinity

    CHAPTER 108  War In Heaven

    CHAPTER 109  White Horse

    CHAPTER 110  World War III

    CHAPTER 111  World War IV

    CHAPTER 112  World Economic Collapse

    CHAPTER 113  Wormwood

    CHAPTER 114  Yearly Worship

    CHAPTER 115  December 21, 2012





    In the last twenty years, people have asked many questions about the End Times.  Most of the questions have dealt with the Rapture or the Second Coming.  But, sometimes, I have people ask questions about End Time Terminology.  I have had a number or people ask the question, why is there not a book or dictionary on End Time Terminology?

    There may be a book like that out there, but I have not found it.  Since I could not find a book on End Time Terminology, I decided to write one.

    This book, End Time Terminology will have at least two pages of information about the word and some, if not all of the verses, where the word can be found in the Bible.  If the word comes from tradition or there is not a verse associated with the word, I will point that out. 

    Studying most of the words pertaining to the End Times is fascinating and adventurous.  You will look at a word and you think you know all about that word, then you start to study the word and you find so much more information on that word that it comes alive.  What you have discovered is there are new adventures with each word. The things that you learn about the word excite you so that you cannot wait until you go to the next word.

    What I have found in my studies, over the last thirty five years, is that the Bible continues to amaze me with all of the new things that I find.  I am not saying that I am a Bible Scholar or anything like that, but I have studied it for all of these years and I am still finding things that I did not know.

    When we get to heaven, we will find that heaven will be just like the Bible says it is.  We will have one adventure after another and each day will be more exciting than the day before.  I know, we will not have time, as we know it, in heaven, but in order for me to explain and for you to comprehend my thoughts, I will speak of days or years, when I am speaking of heaven.

    The moment the Rapture occurs and we enter Heaven, we will be so excited about the trip to Heaven and receiving our new bodies that we will not have words to express how we feel.  We will be speechless. 

    Once in Heaven, we will meet our loved ones that went before us and we will have a chance to meet Old Testament and New Testament saints.  However, I think the most exciting thing about being in Heaven is that we will be sinless and we will NEVER sin again, and, therefore, can be face to face with our Savior.

    I could go on, but we have a lot of words to look at and discover what they mean, so let’s start our trip.

    Chapter 2

    144,000 Jews

    If you were to take the total number of Christian missionaries in the entire world, we would see there are approximately 35,000.  This number does not include those people that are in cults or false religions.  This number is only for Christian missionaries.

    After the Rapture occurs, there will be no person on earth at that time that is saved or born again.  People will start to wonder where those people went and what really has happened.  Some people will remember what we Christians had stated for years about the rapture and that we would disappear some day.  The truth finally hits home and a large group of people will accept Christ right on the spot. 

    We are not told the exact time that the 144,000 will accept.  It could be right after the Rapture, which is one theory, or it could be when the Antichrist signs the peace treaty, which will begin the dreaded seven years of tribulation. All we know for certain is the 144,000 will be witnessing during the tribulation. 

    Another theory is the 144,000 will witness during the first half of the tribulation and the two prophets of God will witness for God during the last half of the tribulation.  I don’t think it makes a lot of difference if they are around for the first half only or for the entire tribulation.  The Gospel is going to be preached and a multitude of people will be saved by the preaching.

    The first place we read about the 144,000 is in the Book of the Revelation.  In chapter 7, verses 3 through 8, we can read about these Jews.  Verse 3 - Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Verse 4 - And I heard the number of them which were sealed; and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.  The other verses, I will not quote here, because it tells about the 12,000 from each of the tribes.  The only two tribes that are not in the list are Dan and Ephraim. 

    The second place in Revelation where we can see the 144,000 Jews is in chapter 14.  Verses 1 through 5 - AND I looked and, lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.  And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps.  And they sang, as it were, a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, who were redeemed from the earth.  These are they who were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.  And in their mouth was found no guile; for they are without fault before the throne of God.

    These 144,000 have a number of characteristics that no other person on earth will have. 

    First - We see the seal of God is in their foreheads.  This seal is different than the seal that the Holy Spirit places on all people that accept Christ during the Age of Grace.  This seal not only designates these men as being something special, but it also protects them from any harm during the Tribulation.  These evangelists are so bold in presenting the Gospel there will be billions saved during their ministry on earth.

    Second - These men have a song that no other person on earth can learn.  What this song is, is a secret.  It may be that these men will be able to know each other when they sing the song in public.  It may be possible for these 144,000 to see the seal of God on their foreheads.  If they can see the seal, this is one way they could recognize each other.

    God has His mark on the foreheads of His chosen ones, the 144,000 Jews. The Antichrist wants to be just like God.  The Antichrist will require all those that accept him to have his mark or number to be placed in the forehead or right hand of his followers, the number 666. 

    Third - These Jewish evangelists are all virgins.  They have never had any sexual encounters with a woman.  In other words, these 144,000 are all men.  This is a terrible statement for the Jehovah Witnesses.  I have had women come to my house with her daughters and claim they are part of the 144,000.  When I showed them what the Bible has to say about the 144,000 being men, they high-tailed it out of my neighborhood like the Devil was after them.

    Fourth - These men are followers of Christ.  They know the Bible inside and out.  They are not sinless, but they are almost sinless.  We know that Christ is the only sinless person to walk on earth.  What is meant by them not having any fault is that they stuck strictly to the law during their years as small boys.  When they became teens, they did not do the things other boys of that age would do.  They kept themselves in control and they were very diligent in the way they lived.

    I have had many people ask me why Dan and Ephraim are not among the tribes named with the 144,000.  One reason some scholars believe Dan and Ephraim are not among the tribes is because the Antichrist will come out of one of those tribes.  Most scholars believe it will be Dan.  They believe the Antichrist could be half Jew and half Arab.

    The other idea is that not only is the Antichrist half Jew and half Arab, but they believe the False Prophet may have some Jewish blood in him.  If this were the case, the False Prophet would come from the other tribe.  I don’t know if I can accept this idea.  I have always believed that the False Prophet would be a Gentile.

    Chapter 3

    3 ½ Year World Wide Drought

    I know people claim that Al Gore is the father of the Global Warming phenomenon.  Al Gore is not the father of Global Warming.  The Apostle John taught about global warming when he penned the Book of The Revelation on the Isle of Patmos in 95 A.D.

    If a person were to look to the Bible for things that will happen in the Last Days, they will see that Global Warming will start ten or twenty years before the rapture.  The judgments from God and the global warming will all come to an end when Christ returns to earth at the end of the seven years of tribulation.

    Global Warming does not just start all of a sudden.  It takes years for it to happen and that is the way God has planned it out.  By the time the rapture occurs, the world will be ripe for judgment after judgment and most will involve the earth and not man.

    In order to understand about the drought, it is best to see why there has to be a drought.  I believe, at the mid-point of the tribulation, the Antichrist will go into the temple and sit on the Throne of God and proclaim himself to be God.  This is the start of the Great Tribulation.

    Once the Antichrist proclaims himself to be God, I believe he and the False Prophet will leave the temple and go outside and have their pictures taken and all other things that would go along with this special time for them.  While they are celebrating, there will be a commotion in the crowd.  Walking through the crowd will be two old men.  These two men will be the two prophets of God.

    On the temple grounds, the Antichrist will confront the two prophets.  The two prophets will proclaim they are prophets of God and, because the Antichrist just claimed to be God, he will ask them to prove what they say.  The Antichrist will probably ask for a miracle or something that would prove they are prophets of God.  The two prophets will proclaim that it will not rain during their ministry or it will not rain for 1260 days.

    We can read about these two men in Revelation chapter 11, verses 3 through 6 - And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.  These are the two olive trees, and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth.  And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies; and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.  These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy; and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

    There are two theories about when these two prophets will show up.  The first theory is they appear when the Antichrist signs the peace treaty that will begin the tribulation.  The second theory is they will appear on earth at the mid-point of the tribulation and that will begin the Great Tribulation.

    I do not believe the first theory is correct for a number of reasons. 

    First - The Great Tribulation is so terrible that no flesh would be saved, if Christ does not come back at the end of the seven year tribulation.  If this great drought would occur during the first half of the tribulation, it would be worse than the last half. 

    Second - Next is the fact that the Euphrates River is dried up so the kings of the east can cross it and they can enter the Middle East for the Battle of Armageddon.  Even if the dams on the Euphrates were to be closed or blown up, it would take forever for the river bed to be dried so the kings of the east could cross.

    Third - I believe the two prophets appear in the second half of the tribulation because all the things pertaining to them and the judgments on earth, during the Great Tribulation, fit together like a puzzle.

    Fourth - The fourth reason is the fact of what a drought can do to nature.  Most of the judgments occur during the last half of the tribulation.  During the first half, most people believe they are living in a utopia type of world.  Most, if not all, wars have ceased and there is some type of harmony throughout the world.  If there was a drought during the first half of the tribulation, people would not feel like they were living in heaven on earth.

    The drought would have an impact on the seas and the oceans.  The melting of the Poles would make the waters rise in the seas and oceans, but the drought would make the waters evaporate even faster.  With the sun becoming hotter and hotter every day, the rivers would be able to dry up faster.  Now we can see how the kings of the east would be able to cross the Euphrates River on dry ground.

    Fifth - The fifth reason is the most important.  We know for certain the kings of the east cross the Euphrates River at the end of the tribulation, because they HAVE to enter into that great battle called Armageddon.  This battle occurs just before the Second Coming of Christ to earth.

    I believe these five reasons are enough to prove that these two prophets of God will appear on earth during the last half of the tribulation.  I must agree that I am in the same boat on this idea with Dr. John Mac Arthur and Hal Lindsey, as well as other great scholars.

    The judgments during the second half of the tribulation should be enough to make people repent of their sins and accept Christ.  However, most people on earth enjoy their sins and even when they can see it is God that is bringing all these judgments, they curse Him and refuse to repent.  What type of mentality do these people have?

    Chapter 4

    Abomination of Desolation

    The great prophet Daniel’s book is the place where we want to start this study.  If you have read my commentary on Daniel, you know the Abomination of Desolation first appears in Chapter 9, verse 27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.  It will also appear in Chapter 11, verse 31 - And forces shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

    Even though we first read about the Abomination of Desolation in chapter nine, we must first see what chapter eight says about Antiochus Epiphanes.  In chapter 8, verse 14 - And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.  When Antiochus started his reign in 171 B.C., he persecuted the Jews.  The first thing he did was to murder the high priest, Onias, and put in his place a man that was not qualified to take that position.  From the date the high priest was murdered until a legitimate high priest was chosen by God, there would be two thousand three hundred days (2300).  I know people have tried to make these days into years and make that the Second Coming of Christ, but they fail to study the Word. 

    The second thing that Antiochus did was to defile the temple on December 25, 167 B.C. by offering a swine on the altar of God.  Although Daniel spoke of the Abomination of Desolation in chapter 9, referring to an event which would occur during the Tribulation, this is the first time we have a type of the Antichrist (Antiochus) committing the act of the Abomination of Desolation.

    Antiochus is a Type of the Antichrist.  At the mid-point of the tribulation, the Antichrist will go into the Tribulation Temple and sit on the Throne of God and proclaim he is God.  This is similar to the same thing that Antiochus Epiphanes did in 167 B.C., when he offered a swine on the altar.

    At the time that the Antichrist proclaims himself to be God, there are a number of things associated with this proclamation that will occur.

    First - The Antichrist will have an image placed in the temple so people can worship it.  This image will be able to talk and to reason in such a manner it will be able to sentence people to death because they will not worship it.  Revelation 13:15 - And he hath power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

    Second - The Antichrist will break the peace treaty he signed with Israel that started the Tribulation.  It may be that the Antichrist suffers a bullet wound to the head and is pronounced dead and somehow he comes back to life.  It may be that he will accuse Israel of this shooting and that is the reason he breaks the treaty.  Daniel 9:27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Third - Because the Antichrist claims to be God, he will outlaw all forms of worship toward any other god or any other religion.  The Antichrist is the only person on earth that people can worship or believe in.  Second Thessalonians 2:4 - Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

    Fourth - Because the Antichrist believes he is God, he will require all people to have a mark or a number placed in their foreheads or on their right hands, if you accept him.  If you do not accept the mark or the number 666, you will be killed.  Revelation 13: 18 - Here is wisdom.  Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.

    Fifth - Those people that do not accept the mark or the number will be killed by the Antichrist.  The method the Antichrist will chose will be the Guillotine.  I believe there will be guillotines placed all over the earth in churches or on government property, so those people that break the law can receive swift punishment for their crime.  Revelation 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them; and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not worshiped the

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