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My eleventh book is a fiction book about Vampire-Like Beings.  The name of the book is, Chupacabra, in the Vampire Wars.  The book tells the life story of a young boy who was told to never go into the wilds.  If you do go into the wilds, an animal called the Chupacabra might attack and kill you.  Even though he is warned about the wilds, he and other friends venture out to see what they can find.  What they find is beyond belief!   The rest of his life is centered around the Chupacabra.   242 pages Paperback

Release dateAug 5, 2017

L C Walker

I thought about writing in 1970, but other things kept me from doing so. In 1979, I had the desire to write again, but Bible College kept me from that dream. In 1997, I wanted to share what the Bible had to say about the end times, so I began to write my first novel. I completed The Past or the Coming Future in 1998. I have now completed 6 more books. I am currently writing 5 more books. All of those should be ready before the end of the year. Watch for all of them in the coming months.

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    Chupacabra - L C Walker

    This is a work of fiction. 

    All characters, dates, events, and places

    in this book are fictional.  Any resemblance to

    real people is purely coincidental and should not

    be used to characterize any person

    living or dead.

    * * * * *



    This book is dedicated to Vammies, that is the name I call those people that enjoy reading Vampire books

    and movies.  Even though I don’t believe in

    vampires, I enjoyed writing this book.  It made me open my mind to different topics other than the Christian themes I write so very often.




    There are myths and legends of Vampires, Werewolves, and other things that stalk the night for victims. One such legend that started in Mexico and is now folklore in the states that border that country is the Chupacabra. This wild beast drinks the blood of its victims, supposedly. It never eats its victims, it only drinks their blood.

    Calves, goats, sheep, and now humans have all fallen victim to this so-called blood drinker. Could all of those reports be true or is there something more cynical out there that is not only stalking animals, but now has a taste for human blood?

    If we go back to Transylvania, Romania, and look at a character by the name of Dracula, we might discover that Vampires really did exist at that time and, if they existed at that time, what event killed them off?

    I purpose that Vampires never did die off. They are with us today and the events in this book will prove that the Chupacabra is a vampire type of animal and it is responsible for all the deaths along the Mexican Border, especially those human deaths in and around Phoenix.

    Don’t let the dark nights frighten you; all they can do is kill you.




    Just northwest of Phoenix, about a mile or so past the city limits, there is a ridge that is five hundred foot tall. Half way up that ridge is a cave about ten foot deep and about six foot high. All kinds of animals could use it as a den or a home during the winter months. But once a Chupacabra moves in and takes over, no other animal will try to take it from them. All animals know it would be certain death, if they were to attack a Chupacabra. If that Chupacabra had a den full of babies, she would defend them to her death.

    On that ridge at night, you can hear what sounds like the mating call of a bull elk. The same sound that a bugling elk makes is almost the same sound that the Chupacabra makes. When the male is close to the den with his mate's meal, he will call out letting her know the food has arrived. The female will not allow the male to come near her new babies, but she will accept the food he brings. That food would be a small goat or sheep. The goat or sheep is not dead yet. Once the female starts sucking the blood, it will only take a few minutes for death to occur. The male will remove the dead animal and take it far from the den.

    If you were to visit a ghost town in Arizona and you hear what you think is a bull elk bugling for a mate, you had better think twice. Those sounds are probably the cries of a Chupacabra. You must also remember that, wherever there is one Chupacabra, there will always be another. You must remember that they do not attack until they are hungry. When they are hungry, they will attack anything, even humans.

    Also, northwest of Phoenix, about two or three miles, is a ghost town by the name of Blackjack. The first building was built around 1878 and it became a ghost town around 1910. Some people claim when they visit Blackjack they can hear the Chupacabra calling to its mate from time to time. Tradition says that the Chupacabra changes from a human during the day to a vampire like being at night. If this is true, a person must ask: Is the Chupacabra responsible for killing the local livestock and the humans?

    Follow along as we discover if the myths, tales, and legends of an animal that sucks the blood from its victims are related to vampires. If it is a type of vampire, are there more all over the world, or just along the border of Mexico?

    Chapter 1


    AS WE know, there are things out there that can kill at night. When we do not know what these things are, we make up myths and tales of things that creep around and attack people. Some of these things become so ingrained in us they then become legends. These legends somehow become alive and they continue for years, then for hundreds of years, until people accept them as fact.

    This is the story about my husband who is the Medical Examiner for the city of Phoenix, Arizona. You may not believe what I am going to tell you, but it is true; every last word that I speak. If you do not believe me, just go outside at night, preferably sometime around midnight.  Oh, don’t forget to go alone. It would not be any fun if you had someone with you that likes to scream or who likes to hear you scream. 

    The Phoenix Gazette first picked up on the story when it was monitoring the police scanner and they heard of a body being found in the alley behind the Bare End Tavern. The officer that received the call was told that a body had been found that looked like it had been attacked by some sort of wild animal.

    When the officer arrived on the scene, the first thing he did was to put the yellow tape out so the crime scene would not be disturbed and the evidence could be secured for the investigators.  This was a new officer.  He had only been on the force for five months, but the one thing he knew was that the crime scene had to be preserved. 

    It only took thirty minutes for the investigators to show up and that is when they took a real good look at the victim. The victim looked as if he was pure white when the flashlights shown on the body. The detectives knew it was probably the bad lighting, so they would wait until the body was transported to the morgue before writing it down as a fact of the investigation. The only sign of foul play were two puncture marks on the victim’s throat. This sounded exactly like a body which was found about a month or so ago in northern Phoenix.

    The police let the coroner take the body and the detectives remained on the scene to gather as much evidence as possible.  There wasn’t much to gather; there were no footprints or signs of a struggle. A dead body was all there was. To assume that some type of wild animal had attacked this person was what had made the story of the Chupacabra so popular in Mexico and in the states along the Mexican border. 

    This wild animal, The Chupacabra, supposedly attacks other animals and people and sucks the blood from them. Even though there have never been any documented facts or bodies attributed to an attack from the Chupacabra, the myths and tales still linger in the back of people’s minds. 

    Wednesday morning was bright and sunny in Phoenix, just like it is almost every day. The showers that we receive usually show up in the evening. Hank, my husband, was up at 6:30, just like he is everyday of the week. He showers in the mornings and he showers in the evening when he gets off work. He has stated many times that working with dead bodies all day long makes him feel unclean. I guess that is one thing that he does not like about his job; the feeling of being dirty all the time. I told him many times he should look for some other job, but he insists that he loves what he is doing. He says when he is speaking for the dead and putting people in prison for murder and other types of crimes against people, it makes him feel good. 

    After breakfast this day, he was out the door and on his way to the morgue. When he arrived, there were already four bodies that had to have autopsies performed. Three of those bodies could wait. The body that looked like it had been attacked by a wild animal would take preference over the others. Before he performed the autopsy, he had to call the detectives and let them know he was ready to begin on a possible murder victim. It took the detectives twenty minutes to arrive.

    When the detectives arrived and Hank pulled back the sheet, the victim looked as white as a ghost. Hank started looking at the victim and the only thing he noticed were two puncture wounds on the neck. Hank was sure it was going to be just like all the other bodies that had come in during his first year on the job as the Chief Medical Examiner. This would be victim number twelve. All the others were listed as an unknown cause of death, due to a massive loss of blood from what appeared to be an attack from a wild dog, coyote or wolf.  The thing that did NOT look like that was the lack of tearing or shredding of the rest of the body.

    Hank did the Y-incision and checked all the organs for any possible problems the victim might have had. After the organs were checked, he had to remove the brain and see if there were any fractures or brain damage. Everything checked out just fine except for the massive loss of blood. This was going to be another one of those victims that Hank could not explain. 

    Once the autopsy was over and the paper work was filled out, the next step would be to answer any questions the media might have about the body. This time, the media asked so many questions about the victim that Hank wanted some of his own questions answered, also.

    One of the questions that Hank had pertained to the lack of police work in trying to find out what killed these people.  Yes, Hank had heard the stories of the Chupacabra and the myth that this animal would drink the blood of its victims. He had also heard that this animal did not eat its victims, it only wanted the blood.

    Farmers throughout the region, on both sides of the border, told about their animals being attacked and, whatever it was that killed them, only drank their blood. None of the bodies were ever eaten or chewed on like a bear or wolf would do to its victims. Most of the animals that were being killed were young calves, goats, and sheep.  The toll was staggering. It was estimated that Arizona alone had lost over 5,000 animals in the last year. Other states along the border of Mexico had lost just as many animals or more to this wild animal. 

    Myths and legends are not facts and the idea of a wild animal killing all of these people was not plausible, so the police stated. The police did not have any witnesses to a crime and they did not have any hard evidence that would indicate that a crime had been committed. The only thing the police had were twelve dead human bodies for the year. The autopsy that had been performed on all of the victims did not shed any clues to what had killed these people. If a person was killing these people, then what type of instrument was used to take their life? If an animal had killed these people, what type of animal would be able to take down a full grown adult and then suck the blood from the body? Currently, the police did not have any answers to the questions. 

    Because of all the old movies on TV and because of all the new movies about vampires, the media started asking questions about the possibility of vampires really existing. Because of the web, people from all over the world were asking the same question: Do vampires exist and have they been with us for as long as people have been on the earth? 

    It got so bad that the web was loaded with information about vampires and how there were different groups forming all over the United States on how to suck blood. These groups were recruiting people so fast, they could hardly keep up with the names. The older generations did not believe in vampires and the sucking of blood. They thought it was media hype and that it would go away, just like all other fads that just go away after awhile. 

    When the day was over, Hank walked through the front door and sat down and stated that he was totally exhausted. He started telling me about all the things that had occurred during the day and how the media had hopped on the band wagon about there being real vampires and that they were the ones responsible for the deaths of those twelve victims. He said it was just one thing after another that brought him to the point of exhaustion. 

    He was glad he was home and he could now take a shower and get the feel of dirt off of his body. Before he took a shower, he asked me what we were having for supper, as if he did not know what I was going to cook. What I was going to cook was a T-bone steak. Hank loved T-bone steaks and there is a reason for that. 

    When Hank was a young boy, his father would buy one beef and have it raised and grain fed and then he would have it butchered. He told Hank it was always better to raise your own beef instead of buying meat at the store. You never know where the beef came from or what it was fed otherwise. His dad told Hank it was always better to eat a T-bone steak rare. By eating it rare, you could taste if there was something in the meat that was not supposed to be there. 

    But the main reason I cooked a T-bone steak that night was because of what happen a number of years ago. The first victim that had the two puncture wounds on their neck was discovered outside of Phoenix about two miles. This was the very first person that Hank helped perform an autopsy on as an assistant.  He was the new assistant to the Medical Examiner and, when he arrived for work that first day, there were two bodies that he had to help perform an autopsy on. Because possible homicides are performed first, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. 

    He did help with the autopsy and the Medical Examiner looked for all of the signs of a violent encounter with someone or something. The only thing that he found was no blood in the victim. When he arrived home, I had decided to fix a couple of T-Bone steaks. He told me he wanted his steak almost totally rare. He said to grill it for a couple of minutes or so on one side and then flip it over for a couple of minutes or so on the other side. I had never seen him eat a steak that rare before. Then he explained to me why he wanted it that rare. 

    He told me about the victim he had helped perform the autopsy on and how the person had lost all of its blood from two puncture wounds on its neck. He assumed that it was some type of wild dog or wolf that had rabies that had attacked the person.

    The reason he wanted his steak rare was so he could be reminded of the blood the victim lost. Hank said the taste of blood made him crave another steak and another.  Hank also stated that anytime in the future, if this were to ever happen again, he would want a very rare T-bone steak, to remember the victim by. When the steak was ready, we sat down to eat. Hank took one bite of his steak and gave me that look of satisfaction, and then he gave me that wink, and I understood what it meant. 

    Chapter 2


    BEFORE I go on with this story, I believe it is best to take just a little bit of time and tell you about my husband and how he was able to become the Medical Examiner for the city of Phoenix. 

    Hank was born and raised in Phoenix. He would tell me stories that I thought were exaggerations about different times when he was growing up and when he thought for sure that something was following him. One such story was when he was only ten years old.  He said that his family owned a house on the outskirts of Phoenix.  If you went two blocks west, you were out of the city limits. 

    Just like all young kids, Hank was always looking for adventure and mischievous things to do. His best two friends were Billy (whom all the kids called Billy the Kid) and Johnny (whom all the kids called Big John, because of the song with that same name). He said that whenever he went some place, his two best friends always followed. The boys were never allowed to go past the city limits. One reason was because of rattlesnakes and the other reason was because of the stories or tales of the Chupacabra. 

    Hank’s dad and uncles were always telling him stories about the Chupacabra attacking young kids in the middle of the day and drinking their blood. He warned, If you ever go past the city limits, out into the wilderness, you and your friends could be attacked and killed by these blood thirsty animals.  

    He was told all kinds of stories how the Chupacabra would run in packs just like the Dingo’s in Australia. The Dingo’s would never bark like other dogs, so the question is: How could they communicate? If the Chupacabra is like the Dingo, they may use the same type of communication system to let each other know what each animal is doing. There were stories of the Dingo’s attacking people and killing and eating them. It has also been stated that children were never to go outside unless an adult was with them because a Dingo would attack a child, if it saw it was alone. 

    Hank said he never really did believe all of those stories, he just thought his dad and uncles were saying those things so he would not go far from the house. But, you know how young boys are. If you tell them not to put their hand in a trap, what will they do? That is right, they will put their hand in the trap or, if you tell them to stay out of the candy store, you know where you can find them any time of the day.  

    Hank said one night his dad and his dad’s three brothers decided to have a cook out. After the cook out, they would crank up a container of homemade ice cream. Then after all of that, they would sit around the fire they had made and they would tell stories of their childhood and stories of the unknown. 

    One story was about a creature that drinks the blood of its victim. Hank’s dad said he was out in the wilderness with two other friends when they were attacked by what he said was a Chupacabra. He said they all ran as fast as they could back to his house. Once he was at his home he went into the garage and picked up a can of gasoline. He decided he and his friends would go back and see if they could find the Chupacabra. If they found him, they would try and pour it on him and set him on fire. 

    The walk back to the place where the Chupacabra attacked them was only a six minute walk. When they reached the spot, there was no Chupacabra to be found. They all turned to head back home when the Chupacabra came out from behind a bush and attacked once again. 

    Hank’s dad said that he and his friends fought as hard as they could. He said they were able to take the Chupacabra down and that is when his dad poured the gasoline down the Chupacabra’s throat. He said the Chupacabra started to scream and fight even harder and then it broke away. Hank’s dad said the Chupacabra started to run around in circles and then it collapsed and rolled over on its back. 

    Hank said that he and his two buddies were scared to death when they heard the story and they were all wondering if the Chupacabra had died or if it only passed out.  Hank’s dad and three brothers all shouted out at the same time that the Chupacabra was not dead; it just ran out of gas. Hank and his two friends did not think the story was very funny, but his dad and his three brothers laughed for another five minutes.

    The next story is the one that always made Hank and his friends really think about the Chupacabra. Hank’s dad said that when he was a small boy, he was told about a nine year old boy that went out into the wilderness to look for his lost puppy. The story says that the puppy started barking and the little boy went in that direction. When he reached where he thought the barking was coming from, he saw a man-like creature drinking the blood of his puppy. 

    The little boy ran for his life and when he reached his home, he told his dad what had happened. His dad reached above the fire place for his 30-30 and headed for the area his son told him about. The father said he found the creature exactly where his son said it would be. He stated that he shot it five times and, when he saw that the creature was not hurt, he ran back to his house as fast as he could run.

    From that day on, the stories and myths have been told of a creature that is half human and half wild animal that is stalking the deserts of Arizona. Once it finds a victim, whether it is animal or human, it will suck its blood until it is dead. That is the story that Hank and his two friends had heard all their lives.

    Like I said, the boys were told never to go out into the wilds of Phoenix.  Hank told his buddies that his dad and others called it the wild, but Hank always called it the frontier. It always sounded like an adventure when you go into the frontier, instead of going into the wild. The wild does not sound exciting enough. He also stated that the TV show, Star Trek, always had the beginning lines of the show say, Space, the final frontier, to boldly go where no man has gone before. He and his friends always considered anything outside of the city limits as a frontier that needed to be explored and things that needed to be discovered. They always felt as if they were on

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