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About this ebook

The first two lovers they select are duds, one elf has another woman in mind the whole time, and the other...shudder. The third lover is a bit of a surprise--two men.

Boral and Orlyn have been friends for hundreds of years, all they are looking for is a woman to take them both on. Will Esmy give in to the temptation of two handsome elves, or will the human morality of her mother's people send her running for the hills?

This is a re-release.

Release dateAug 6, 2017

Viola Grace

Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.

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    Book preview

    Affinity - Viola Grace

    When Esmerelda is exposed as a siren by the elven council, her family moves to protect her. Her talent of Affinity turns her into the dream lover of any male she allows to approach, so they decide to make her choices for her.

    The first two lovers they select are duds, one elf has another woman in mind the whole time, and the other... shudder. The third lover is a bit of a surprise—two men.

    Boral and Orlyn have been friends for hundreds of years. All they are looking for is a woman to take them both on. Will Esmy give in to the temptation of two handsome elves, or will the human morality of her mother’s people send her running for the hills?

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    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Copyright © 2017 Viola Grace

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-1451-1

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Smashwords Edition


    Half-Blood Club Book 2


    Viola Grace


    To anyone with a close group of friends. You know, the ones that you can see every week or once a year, and it is like you were never apart.

    Carnival: Esmerelda

    Esmy wanted nothing more than to hide in her room. Her grandmother had just visited, and the sheer power of her personality just wore Esmerelda out.

    Hiding her developing elf characteristics was exhausting, and Esmy wanted a nap and a soda, preferably in reverse order.

    Esmy. Get down here. Her mother’s voice was stern.

    She groaned and pushed herself out of her nest of bedding. With a grimace and a grunt, she stomped downstairs.

    What, Mom?

    Her mother was standing with a grim smile on her face and her purse over her shoulder. Get your shoes on. We are going out.

    Esmy pulled her shoes on and followed her mom out to the car. Where are we going?

    Instead of answering her, her mom asked, Do you want me to stop your grandmother from visiting? I know it upsets you.

    It doesn’t upset me. It tires me out. I am changing, and I don’t want her to know. I want to keep living with you and being human.

    Her mother sighed and drove away from their house. I know, baby, but you aren’t human. If I could do it over again, I would still have chosen your father.

    Esmy grimaced. He’s handsome.

    He’s kind, friendly, has a great sense of humour, and some other attributes that you have inherited. The beauty is just part of it. You are half me, and half him, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.

    It gets harder to hide myself every day.

    I know, Esmy, but once you are an adult, you can control the situations you are in. You will only have to hide when you need to.

    Esmy nodded and looked out the window. Where are we going?

    There is a carnival in Seeton. I am going to drop you off, give you money and leave you there for the day. I will collect you at six.

    Esmy blinked. You are just going to dump me?

    And give you two hundred dollars. You can go on rides and just enjoy being on your own. Consider it an assignment from your human half. Go and be human for an afternoon, meet people, make friends.

    Esmy sulked until her mother dropped her off with the promised money in her pocket, and then, she got in line as the silver vehicle pulled away.

    The voice behind her in line made her whip around.

    What are you looking for? A young lady with dark hair was smiling helpfully at her.

    Esmy turned to face her. Oh, I was just looking for lemonade.

    The girl looked at her with consideration. Um, the lemonade stand is two down on the left. I can show you if you like.

    Esmy blinked slowly and then smiled. Thank you. That would be nice.

    The girl linked arms with her and leaned in to whisper, Your right ear is showing a little.

    Esmy lifted her hand and smoothed the hair down around the point. It was habit already. The girl obviously knew an elf ear when she saw one. Thanks. You know what I am?

    Not exactly, but I have met folks with ears like that, and they are rarely at carnivals.

    The lemonade stand was shaped like a huge cup of lemonade, and when Esmy was sipping slowly, the girl introduced herself.

    Hi. I am Isobel.

    Esmy shifted the cup and

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