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Magpies and Magic III: Return of the Penguins: Magpies and Magic, #3
Magpies and Magic III: Return of the Penguins: Magpies and Magic, #3
Magpies and Magic III: Return of the Penguins: Magpies and Magic, #3
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Magpies and Magic III: Return of the Penguins: Magpies and Magic, #3

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Things are looking bleak for Malcolm and his adventurer friends.  The Pentagram Council have been defeated and Diablo is now in full control of their forces.  Casper is lost, presumed dead. Their victory in Asperios is looking increasingly hollow and Diablo is still possessing Stephanie's body.  Is there any hope he can be vanquished?  Is the last piece of the key safe?  Will Malcolm ever be reunited with his love Stephanie?  Find out in the third and final book in the Magpies and Magic series of books.

Release dateSep 26, 2017
Magpies and Magic III: Return of the Penguins: Magpies and Magic, #3

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    Magpies and Magic III - Timothy Michael Lewis


    Casper felt terrible. He had clearly been drugged and he could barely open his eyes. He could feel that he was underground. There was cold water dripping on his beak. It also smelt like he was underground. As his vision improved he noticed that he was not alone. Opposite was the frightening figure of Isomere, from the Pentagram Council.

    So you are behind this! shouted Casper.

    No, sadly not, said Isomere, rattling some chains which were holding him against the cavern wall.

    What? said Casper.

    We underestimated the power of Stephanie, or Diablo as she now seems to be calling herself, said Isomere.

    It’s not Stephanie… said Casper, suddenly realising he probably didn’t want to give secrets away to Isomere.

    Well, whatever it is, it has won, said Isomere.

    Why hasn’t it killed us?

    It gains power from suffering. It doesn’t like death. It is keeping me alive with just the minimum amount of magical power, so I suffer all the pain of old age but have no magical power of my own.

    Where are all the rest of the Pentagram Council? said Casper.

    Mostly imprisoned. All of us except Talomere were captured at the Dark Pool.

    A Dark Elf entered the room and poked a spear in Isomere’s side. For the first time in his life, Casper felt sorry for Isomere.

    Asperios Castle was quiet for the first time in days. The victory didn’t feel as great as it should have done as it was clear another attack would come soon.

    Toluk remonstrated with the troops from Ridon, imploring them to stay. However their orders strictly said that they should defend the city and then return to ask for more instructions. As they boarded their ships the mood of the whole city turned more gloomy.

    Hilary continued for a while to help the sick, but as things calmed down she sought out the people who had become her friends over the last year. She found a very worried-looking Roubar running up a stairwell in the castle.

    What is wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost? said Hilary.

    It’s gone, cried Roubar.

    What’s gone?

    The key!

    You said the key wasn’t here! shouted Hilary.

    We lied to ensure as few people as possible knew. But now it’s gone from the Vault, said Roubar, crying.

    Hilary was annoyed by the fact that Roubar and Malcolm had lied to them, but saw how sad Roubar had become. She put her arm around him and comforted him.

    Have you told Malcolm? said Hilary.

    No. With all the keys, Diablo can now discard Stephanie’s body, said Roubar.

    You have to tell him, and everyone else! said Hilary.

    I know, wept Roubar.

    I’ll get everyone together, said Hilary.


    Isomere looked at Casper.

    They don’t seem to be torturing you in the same way as me, said Isomere.

    Diablo clearly hates you more, responded Casper.

    Well, the whole world is going to suffer now. There is nothing to stop him once he finds the last key, said Isomere.

    What is he planning to do? asked Casper.

    He wants to enslave the whole world, said Isomere.

    I hope my brother can help stop him! said Casper.

    Even with both of you together, you couldn’t stop him. The only beings that might even stand a chance against him we imprisoned centuries ago, said Isomere.

    Who are they?

    The Penguins. Birds from the north which lived from ancient times and helped to ensure peace in Minaturia. We tricked them and froze them in solid ice, never to return, said Isomere.

    Couldn’t you unfreeze them?

    I could if I could get near them and cast a spell. But exactly where they are imprisoned is lost. I can’t remember the way. We forced one of the old Elven masters to show us. I am sure we killed all the Elves who knew the route when the Dark Elves emerged from Asoris, said Isomere.

    So, Diablo is reaping the benefits of your plans?

    Yes. We believed we were invincible and our hubris may have destroyed us all, said Isomere.

    Hilary was mightily efficient at getting the party to assemble. She found Krolith, King Frederick and Kolan in the tavern. Malcolm was talking to Trelio about magic. Madeleine and Princess Candera were rudely interrupted by Hilary while kissing and other things that Hilary diplomatically ignored. Klinto, who looked a little ill, bumped into Hilary on the way to the meeting and tagged along.

    Roubar has something he wants to tell you, said Hilary in a stern voice.

    The key has gone! It was in the Vault. We didn’t tell you as we were worried about too many people knowing about it, said Roubar.

    What? shouted Kolan.

    Are you sure? It’s a big vault, said Malcolm.

    You found the key and didn’t tell us? said Kolan.

    Yes. I’m very sorry about not telling you. But we hoped to be able to leave it there, magically screened, said Roubar.

    You didn’t trust us? said King Frederick.

    Look, I’m sorry! wept Roubar.

    It’s probably still there! Check again! demanded Malcolm.

    I’ve checked about five times. It’s gone. Someone has taken it, said Roubar.

    Let’s check again. Together, said Malcolm.

    We should all come, said Krolith.

    Neither Malcolm nor Roubar really wanted everyone to come down to the Vault with them, but they had painted themselves into a corner and the whole group trudged down into the Vault.

    Trelio’s eyes lit up when he saw the cornucopia of magical items in the Vault.

    Don’t touch anything! snorted Roubar.

    It’s gone! said Malcolm looking at where the key had been.

    You see someone has clearly taken it and quite a few other items, said Roubar.

    Who else knew about it? asked Krolith.

    Only us. Though I felt someone else was following us when we came down here, said Malcolm.

    So, you led an enemy agent down to the key! said King Frederick.

    Perhaps, admitted Roubar.

    More likely it’s just a thief. They took other things as well, said Malcolm.

    We need to get it back! cried Madeleine.

    Trelio should be able to track it, if it’s outside the Vault! said Malcolm.

    Of course, let’s get out of here, said Roubar.

    Trelio, who was busy playing with a wand he’d found, reluctantly left the Vault with the rest of the party.


    Both Casper and Isomere were unchained from the wall by some Dark Elves. The Elves shouted exercise at the pair as they hauled them into another cavern.

    I have an idea. You know Magpies have magical power within them, whispered Isomere to Casper.

    Since Malcolm revived me I don’t have any power without him any more, said Casper.

    I think you still have power. I may be able to tap into it to transport you away from here. It will probably destroy me, but it will be worth it if you can help defeat Diablo, said Isomere.

    What do I need to do? asked Casper.

    You need to let me hold you, said Isomere.

    I hope this isn’t some sick trick for a cuddle, said Casper.

    I’m too old and fragile for cuddles, responded Isomere.

    Teach me the spell for freeing the Penguins, said Casper.

    That’s easy. It’s Liberatto, answered Isomere.

    What? One word? said Casper.

    It has to be cast in front of the frozen Penguins. I doubt you can find them though, said Isomere.

    How could you not know where they are? said Casper.

    While I may have been immortal, my memory is still limited, said Isomere.

    Anyway, they are taking us back. Whatever you are going to do, do it now, said Casper.

    With that Isomere reached and grabbed Casper and chanted for several seconds. The Dark Elven guards were caught off guard as Casper disappeared and Isomere turned into an old deformed corpse and fell to the floor. The guards assumed that somehow Isomere had destroyed Casper and committed suicide magically. Thankfully for Casper this is what they reported to Diablo.

    Back in the palace in Asperios, everyone turned and looked at Trelio.

    Can you track the key? said Malcolm.

    Normally I would say no, but with this wand I probably can. It helps to do this kind of spell which I’ve never been very good at on my own, said Trelio.

    Roubar wondered about the wisdom of Trelio using some random wand he’d found in the Vault. But decided they needed to track the key.

    Trelio started chanting and waving the wand around. He suddenly fell to the floor and looked like he was having a convulsion. The pupils of his eyes turned bright red and his body stopped moving.

    Is he dead? screamed Hilary.

    I hope not. Look, his eyes are moving, said Roubar.

    Trelio’s eyes spun around frantically and then suddenly stopped. His pupils turned back to their normal colour and he sat up.

    I know where it is! said Trelio.

    Are you all right? asked Hilary.

    Yes, I’m fine. The spell was a bit more intense than I expected, said Trelio.

    Is that whole falling on the floor and having a fit thing normal? asked Malcolm.

    Apparently yes. I had to leave my body to find the key, said Trelio.

    So, where is it? asked Roubar.

    You remember Larros, the tunnelling Gnome? said Trelio.

    Yes said Roubar.

    He has the key. He’s heading into the Underworld. At the moment he’s in the Goblin Kingdom, said Trelio.

    We need to get after him, said Roubar.

    No one had noticed that Toluk had entered the room.

    I don’t know what is happening here, but I need some of you to help me get some new allies for the inevitable next assault on the Castle. The troops from Ridon have gone, said Toluk.

    They’ve gone? asked Roubar.

    Yes. We all know they were the only reason we won, said Toluk.

    Who else can we ask for help? said Krolith.

    I want you to go and ask the High Priest for assistance, Roubar, said Toluk.

    But we need to go somewhere else, said Roubar.

    We don’t all need to go, said Krolith.

    No, a smaller party makes sense going into the Underworld, said Trelio.

    What do you suggest? asked Roubar.

    Why don’t I go there with Krolith and Kolan and find the key? said Trelio.

    O.K. the rest of us will try and find new allies for Asperia. Though I am worried that the High Priest won’t help us, said Roubar.

    The Crusade is lost, so there must be some crusaders who are available to defend Asperios, said Toluk.

    Or to defend Yalon, said Roubar.

    Perhaps, but there aren’t many other people left to ask, are there? said Toluk.

    Yes, we will ask, said Roubar.


    Trelio didn’t mind going underground. He liked the novelty of travelling there. What he soon realised was that he still felt the location of the key. When he held the magical wand it naturally moved to point to where the key was.

    As he, Krolith and Kolan entered the Troglodyte Kingdom once again, they travelled as quickly as possible. This time the Troglodytes ignored them as they weren’t dressed like prisoners any more.

    As they arrived in the Goblin Kingdom, Trelio became concerned.

    What’s the problem? said Krolith, seeing Trelio’s concern.

    The key isn’t getting any closer! It’s moving away from us as fast as we are following! said Trelio.

    Hopefully Larros will stop at some point! said Kolan.

    I am not sure he is in the Goblin Kingdom any more, said Trelio.

    Following the direction of the wand, the group soon found themselves leaving the Goblin Kingdom by an unfamiliar tunnel. Lining both sides of the tunnel were the gruesome hides of various creatures, including humans, hung up on display.

    Orcs! said Kolan.

    Do we really want to enter the Realm of the Orcs? asked Krolith.

    Well, that’s where Larros and the key are, said Trelio.

    They’ll eat us alive! said Kolan.

    Feeling like he had abandoned his quest for the key, Malcolm boarded the ironclad ship with Roubar, Klinto, Hilary, Madeleine, Princess Candera and King Frederick.

    Malcolm hated going underground and was glad not to have to travel there again. He trusted Trelio, Krolith and Kolan to return with the key if possible, and without Casper he was no use in terms of magic or fighting in a confined space.

    Roubar was doubtful that the High Priest would provide any assistance. He was pleased King Frederick had decided to come with them, as it gave him the option to say it was a royal request.

    Hilary and Madeleine were becoming progressively more worried about Klinto, who was showing signs of illness. His skin had changed colour and was covered with brown blotches and he was sneezing continuously. When asked though he said he was all right and they shouldn’t worry.

    Klinto was very embarrassed. Something that all male Dwarves suffered with was the time of toil, an event that hit every male Dwarf around every two years: for a few months they were affected with a recurring ailment that made them useless. This time it had come early before he had made a planned return to the Dwarven Kingdom. He hoped it would be a mild case and he could get through it. Female Dwarves were unaffected by the toil and this helped to explain why in Dwarven society the women were dominant.

    Princess Candera and King Frederick talked at length for the first time about the death of their father. King Frederick said that unlike his father, he had absolutely no problem with her relationship with Madeleine. He had seen some dreadful things while he was a slave and he was still getting used to being free. He told Princess Candera that if he ever became a proper king again he didn’t want to be a dictator; he had seen the perils of being at the beck and call of one person when he was a slave.


    As the ironclad sailed into Yalon it was obvious that something was badly wrong. Most of the buildings in the harbour were on fire.

    We are too late! Yalon has fallen! cried Madeleine.

    The All-Seeing Eye has gone! said Roubar, pointing up to where it used to be.

    There don’t seem to be any Dark Elves, thankfully, said Princess Candera, we should dock and see if we can help anyone.

    Yes, I’d like to find out what happened here, said Roubar.

    Docking in the harbour, the party saw a scene of devastation. Warehouses were burned out, and there were bodies of priests and crusaders strewn everywhere.

    Roubar found a dazed and badly injured priest sitting by the side of a burnt-out building.

    What happened here? asked Roubar.

    A dark wizard came here with an army of Dark Elves, gasped the dying priest.

    Not a giant bird? said Roubar.

    No. It was an evil wizard who did this! He took the All-Seeing Eye, cried the priest.

    As the party re-boarded the ironclad, Klinto’s toil was showing more symptoms, namely vomiting and shivering.

    Despite Klinto’s best efforts, Madeleine, Princess Candera and Hilary cornered him.

    You are not well! stated Hilary sternly.

    It will go away, said Klinto, turning to vomit over the side of the ironclad.

    What can we do to help you? said Princess Candera.

    I just need some rest, that’s all, said Klinto, shivering frantically.

    You are clearly ill. Why won’t you admit it! said Madeleine.

    It’s private, blurted out Klinto.

    Private? So, you know what it is then? said Hilary.

    Yes, mumbled Klinto, feebly.

    You are too ill to come with us. Where can we take you? said Hilary.

    Take me home. My people know how to care for me, said Klinto, realising that he was a liability in his current state.

    The Isle of Deadly Souls is near here; we can get to the Dwarven Kingdom from there, said Princess Candera.

    Princess Candera arranged for the ship to drop them off at the Isle of Deadly Souls in the morning so they could take Klinto to the Dwarven Kingdom.


    So how do we ensure we aren’t killed immediately? said Krolith.

    Is it really true they kill non-Orcs on sight? said a nervous Trelio.

    Yes, they must have taken Larros prisoner or killed him and taken the key. You are better off being killed than taken prisoner by the Orcs. They are masters of torture, said Krolith.

    But the key is in the Orc Kingdom, and it’s stopped moving, said Trelio.

    I’ve got an idea. Could you cast a spell to make us invisible? said Kolan.

    "That’s a time-consuming spell to cast. But thinking about it, there is

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