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Taken: The Wrath of Mabon: Episode 4
Taken: The Wrath of Mabon: Episode 4
Taken: The Wrath of Mabon: Episode 4
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Taken: The Wrath of Mabon: Episode 4

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About this ebook

The Taken Saga continues... After a surprise twist, Wilson is left bitter. Jeb decides that it’s time to return to Forsaken Cove to face Ford. Gram deals with several life-changing revelations. After Gram pushes him away, Mabon recruits two others to help him in his ultimate quest. Ulf and Uli prepare for a contingency plan. Ford stalks and kills in New Orleans. Mabon gifts a mortal with the Rite of Ascension. This work features sex and the supernatural. This episode is approximately 16,000 words.

Release dateAug 12, 2017
Taken: The Wrath of Mabon: Episode 4

Keegan Kennedy

Originally hailing from Mississippi, Keegan Kennedy is a writer based out of Memphis, TN. He's a self-described, ‘aging, former sex symbol’ with a kinky imagination. Keegan is fascinated with the natural power exchanges between dominant and submissive males, and his stories reflect that fascination. The fantasies that he shares are full of adventure, peril, bondage, and a dry wit. And he has a knack for uncovering love and romance in the darkest of places. With a tendency toward the melodramatic, he does more than arouse or excite the reader - he engages them.Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of eBook Number Ones: The Substitute Wife, Magnificent Pretense, Captivated, Ganymede 4, West Texas Rivalry, Taken, The Christmas Bottom, The Party Favor, Stupid Jocks Make the Best Submissives, College Endowment, Who Wears the Pants in the Family?, Saving Drake McKenzie, Heisting Hogan, Half Past Midnight, Crossroads, and Man of the House.

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    Book preview

    Taken - Keegan Kennedy

    Taken – The Wrath of Mabon

    Episode 4

    By Keegan Kennedy

    Published by Kennedy-Empire Media

    Copyright 2017

    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher or author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Places, events, and situations in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, aside from a few politicians, is coincidental.

    The opinions and comments made by the characters are not necessarily indicative of those of the author, Keegan Kennedy, the publisher, Kennedy-Empire Media or the e-Book platform from which this work was published.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Other Titles from Keegan Kennedy

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Anger and confusion gave way to fury and realization.

    With Mabon at his side, Gram tensed as he scanned the faces of his four teammates.

    Outside of Shirley’s Pizza and Wings, the tension between all was so palpable that it seemed to have a pulse of its own.

    Cade and McCarley were snarling. Buck’s expression was surly, but he’d always looked like that, even as a kid. Tripp was red-faced and appeared more confused than anything else.

    Gram was in the grips of a complete flashback. In his mind, the football player saw his former friends. Their shadowy faces were twisted with hatred. He heard them saying faggot and queer. Gram felt the ghost pains from their kicks, stomps, and punches. And he remembered their fading voices as they’d left him for dead.

    Gram could taste his own blood. He felt the agony of his broken limbs. He could see the moon above, shrouded in clouds, as his vision faded to black. He recalled the life draining from his body.

    And then there was Mabon. That was when Gram’s evacuated strength and vitality flowed back into his body.

    Gram remembered everything!

    With his brown eyes narrowed, Cade Tucker stepped forward aggressively. His shoulders were rigid, and he puffed out his chest. The dark-haired jock shoved his sleeves up his arms, revealing his bulging biceps. Who’s this? Cade asked, his eyes scanning Mabon’s tiny form. Your boyfriend?

    Gram didn’t answer. He only felt the fire burning in his chest and the blood boiling in his veins.

    Mabon glanced briefly up at Gram before taking a step toward Cade and the others. In your most horrific of nightmares, you have never conceived of a threat as great as I! As his voice rose, the immortal lifted his right hand. You will all pay dearly for what you have done!

    Shut up, kid! Buck yelled at Mabon. You barely even crack five feet!

    Like Cade, Buck had olive skin—a trait of his partial Cajun heritage. The most muscular of all four, he was also the tallest, but Gram still had five inches on Buck.

    Mabon laughed ruefully—something that seemed to confuse the four attempted murderers. "I could turn you inside out with a flick of my wrist, mortal! Mabon hissed. Care to test me, Buck? You will find that your internal organs cease to function if you wear them outside your skin!"

    Still confused, Tripp was more cautious than the others, saying nothing.

    What’s wrong, Montgomery? McCarley asked. Are ya that big of a faggot that ya gotta have this little bitch fight your battles for ya? Swinging his right arm so quickly that Gram didn’t register it, Mabon backhanded McCarley across the face. All watched as McCarley was flung backwards. Ten feet to their right, the blonde kicker landed on his ass.

    Tripp ran to McCarley’s side to help him up. You okay, man?

    The prettyboy blond was winded, his blue eyes wide with shock. His hand moved to the bruising spot on his right cheek. I…I don’t know. I think so. McCarley regarded Mabon with fear and incredulity.

    "Please make me hit you again, McCarley," Mabon dared, a malevolent smile spreading across his face.

    Enough! Gram boomed, taking a step in front of Mabon. I need no one to fight my battles for me!

    Ya sang a different fucking song last night when we kicked the shit outta ya! Cade bragged, an evil smirk on his face.

    How come ya ain’t even got a scratch on your damn face?! Buck demanded.

    Gram wondered the same thing, too. Clearly, you didn’t do as much damage as you thought ya did! the blond quarterback lied.

    By this time, McCarley and Tripp had rejoined the others, McCarley keeping a noticeable distance from Mabon.

    That’s bullshit, Montgomery! Cade was now standing within inches of Gram. "We fucked you up last night! I don’t know what kind of

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