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The Disgrace of Lady Daring
The Disgrace of Lady Daring
The Disgrace of Lady Daring
Ebook61 pages56 minutes

The Disgrace of Lady Daring

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Lady Emily is an innocent. But her dreams are about to be shattered. Her father has gambled away her dowry, and the family is ruined. The only way to avoid the workhouse is through the most sinful and shocking path possible. She must give a year's service to the Hellfire Club, where London's most debauched libertines sample the delights of innocent flesh, and always crave fresh meat.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

The woman who walked down the streets of London in her scarlet dress wasn’t exactly the sort people would consider polite company. She had the bearings of a lady, and she dressed like one too. Her dress was fashioned by the most sought after modiste in all of England and her boots were made of the finest leather. If one paid close attention though, it couldn’t be missed that this was no lady.

For one, Lady Daring walked the streets with no female chaperone or male family member, despite being only three and twenty and unmarried. Her daytime dress was cut far too low, displaying the creamy mounds of the top of her full breasts, and she wore no bonnet. Instead, her long silky golden hair flowed down her back, almost down to her slim waist, which every woman of London secretly envied. For Lady Daring had a figure that didn’t have to be cinched tight with corsets to achieve the small waist and flaring hips that women everywhere wanted.

Her skirts swished about her legs, and when the light afternoon breeze swept by rustling the material, her bare ankles were a telltale sign of her stocking-less feet. She also wore no gloves, though it was definitely not from a lack of choice. It was no secret that Lady Daring had one of the most extensive wardrobes in all of England; it was said that it would rival the Queen’s.

Release dateAug 22, 2017
The Disgrace of Lady Daring

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    Book preview

    The Disgrace of Lady Daring - Anna Austin

    The Disgrace of Lady Daring

    Victorian BDSM Erotica

    Anna Austin

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2017 Anna Austin

    Written by Anna Austin

    ~~ All characters in this book are 18 or over. ~~


    August 9, 1846

    The woman who walked down the streets of London in her scarlet dress wasn’t exactly the sort people would consider polite company. She had the bearings of a lady, and she dressed like one too. Her dress was fashioned by the most sought after modiste in all of England and her boots were made of the finest leather. If one paid close attention though, it couldn’t be missed that this was no lady.

    For one, Lady Daring walked the streets with no female chaperone or male family member, despite being only three and twenty and unmarried. Her daytime dress was cut far too low, displaying the creamy mounds of the top of her full breasts, and she wore no bonnet. Instead, her long silky golden hair flowed down her back, almost down to her slim waist, which every woman of London secretly envied. For Lady Daring had a figure that didn’t have to be cinched tight with corsets to achieve the small waist and flaring hips that women everywhere wanted.

    Her skirts swished about her legs, and when the light afternoon breeze swept by rustling the material, her bare ankles were a telltale sign of her stocking-less feet. She also wore no gloves, though it was definitely not from a lack of choice. It was no secret that Lady Daring had one of the most extensive wardrobes in all of England; it was said that it would rival the Queen’s.

    The reaction of the people who she walked by was evidence of her reputation. Women averted their eyes in revulsion and young girls who didn’t know better stared in open fascination at one of the most notorious woman of London. But it was the men whose reaction best summed up who Lady Daring was. Many of their faces turned red as they tried but failed to avoid staring with desire in their eyes at her. This was a woman whose reputation for debauchery and sin was the talk of many an after-dinner gathering of gentleman, and who was much desired as a result.

    The man who walked by her side did so with great familiarity. More disturbing and reprehensible to the members of polite society was that this man who walked so proudly beside Lady Daring was a peer, and very few could match the vast holdings of the gentleman’s estates. He was as dark as she was fair, and just as expensively attired, in a tight-fitting calf-length frock coat over a double-breasted vest and a pair of finely tailored trousers.

    The gentlemen who had sampled the favors of Lady Daring were silent, not greeting her or acknowledging her. It was no secret that the Duke of Grafton was very peculiar about the name of his paramour being raked through the filthy muck of London’s streets.

    What would prompt a gentleman of Grafton’s standing to shun all attempts at matchmaking and consort with the Jezebel of London, no one could rightly say. Some claimed that he wasn’t quite right in the head. He had spent several years on The Continent after all, only returning to London when his father had died and he had inherited his title. Perhaps spending too much time among foreigners had given him peculiar ideas? Others claimed that he had taken one look at Lady Daring and fallen in love, which seemed very plausible considering that very few men in London weren’t secretly burning for the Duke’s paramour.

    There were some who had no idea who Lady Daring was. Her name was only an alias after all. For those few who knew the origins of Lady Daring, it was a tale to be told only to those who they trusted, and who were not easily shocked....

    Chapter One

    February 9, 1842

    Sleep eluded Lady Emily Whitlock. She was still buzzing with the excitement of her coming out ball. It had been a great success. She had turned eighteen the week before, and her parents had thrown a ball that would rival any other of the coming out balls since the start of the season. They were determined that their eldest daughter would find a good match, and had wasted no expense in introducing her to society. The night had been magical. She had

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