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Au Pair 101: How to Become an Au Pair and Travel the World in an Affordable Way by Living with a Host Family as a Child Caregiver
Au Pair 101: How to Become an Au Pair and Travel the World in an Affordable Way by Living with a Host Family as a Child Caregiver
Au Pair 101: How to Become an Au Pair and Travel the World in an Affordable Way by Living with a Host Family as a Child Caregiver
Ebook61 pages51 minutes

Au Pair 101: How to Become an Au Pair and Travel the World in an Affordable Way by Living with a Host Family as a Child Caregiver

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About this ebook

Au Pair 101 is a firsthand guide to everything you need to know about being an Au Pair. This book will cover all the basics to help you get started as an Au Pair.

Au Pair 101 cover topics like:

• Definition of an Au Pair
• Getting started on the job search
• Standard provisions to look for in the Au Pair job
• Helpful tips on how to deal with toddlers
• A look at character traits host families might seek from an Au Pair
• What to expect from children of different age groups
• Challenges of being an Au Pair
• Perks of being an Au Pair

This book will walk you through the process of becoming an Au Pair. It will help you to understand all the different duties and expectations that come with position. There will be challenges and then there are also rewards as a caregiver. By understanding what it means to be an Au Pair, and getting a firsthand glimpse at the pros and cons of the position, you can assess if being an Au Pair is right for you.

About the Expert:
Ann Kim has been a world traveler since the age of 5 years old. She’s lived with host families in France and Spain as an exchange student in high school and college. Most recently, she lived in Sydney, Australia as an Au Pair for a family with two boys, a toddler and an infant. Previously, she taught children ages 5 to 12 years old in Public and Private schools in South Korea for 2 years. Ann has a huge heart for children and traveling. She has traveled to various parts of Europe, Asia, Oceania, and South Africa and now, hopes to explore more of her home country, the United States. Ann loves the beach, nature and a good joke.

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Release dateAug 23, 2017

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    Book preview

    Au Pair 101 - HowExpert

    Au Pair 101

    How to Become an Au Pair Step By Step

    HowExpert Press & Annie Kim


    Smashwords Edition


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    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Definition of an Au Pair

    Chapter 2: Research and get started

    Chapter 3: Looking for an Au Pair job

    Chapter 4: What to look for in an Au Pair job

    Chapter 5: Don’t forget, this is still a job

    Chapter 6: What are parents looking for?

    Chapter 7: What are you looking for in the family? Important questions to ask yourself

    Chapter 8: Taking care of other people’s children

    Chapter 9: Building a relationship with the child/children

    Chapter 10: Perks of being an Au Pair

    Chapter 11: Challenges of being an Au Pair

    Chapter 12: Overcoming the challenges

    Chapter 13: Ready to be an Au Pair?

    About the Expert

    Recommended Resources


    Chapter 1: Definition of an Au Pair

    What it means to be an Au Pair

    Au Pair, a French term meaning equal to – Urban Dictionary

    Based on where you look, there are a lot of different definitions for what it means to be an Au Pair. If you are looking for a traditional definition, according to, an Au Pair is a person aged 18-30 years, unmarried, has no children and travels to a foreign country to live and work for a host family. An Au Pair, is on par and considered to be an equal member of the family. The Au Pair will assist with childcare needs and perform light house work in exchange for room and board, food, and pocket money. The website goes on to say, an Au Pair position is best fit for students who want to study and learn the language of the host family and eloquently states: The main purpose of the au pair placement is a cultural exchange, which gives the au pair an opportunity to improve his or her language skills. For this reason, child minding in your own country doesn't count as an au pair stay. So, basically, if you’re young and unmarried, it’s a terrific way to explore and discover a new country. However, an Au Pair position is not limited to just single peoples under the age of 30. It

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