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The Rising of Haunted Ireland
The Rising of Haunted Ireland
The Rising of Haunted Ireland
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The Rising of Haunted Ireland

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Join GhostÉire paranormal research team as they travel around various regions in Ireland, investigating plausible hauntings. Experience what they have encountered and their reasons for unexplainable happenings.

Step into the world of whispering lighthouses, misty islands, mind bending gaols, vanished forts and spirits in public houses. Enjoy tales of sailors, smugglers, pirates, Irish rebels, Vikings and spies, at places you wouldn’t expect.

Come to your own conclusion as to the world that is GhostÉire.

Release dateAug 24, 2017
The Rising of Haunted Ireland

Anthony Kerrigan

Based in Ireland, travel around Ireland and abroad as a paranormal analyst, conducting intensive studies.

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    The Rising of Haunted Ireland - Anthony Kerrigan



    Anthony Kerrigan

    Sinead Houlihan

    Jenifer Kerrigan

    Copyright © Anthony Kerrigan, Sinead Houlihan, Jenifer Kerrigan, 2016

    The authors have asserted their moral rights

    Published by GhostÉire at Smashwords, 2017

    Also available in print editions (hardback and paperback)

    ISBN - paperback: 978-1-911442-05-9

    ISBN - hardback: 978-1-911442-06-6

    Published with the assistance of The Manuscript Publisher, publishing solutions for the digital age. Further information -

    Discover more about the world that is GhostÉire at

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    The Rising of Haunted Ireland

    Copyright © Anthony Kerrigan, Sinead Houlihan, Jenifer Kerrigan, 2016

    The right of Anthony Kerrigan, Sinead Houlihan, Jenifer Kerrigan to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the copyright, design and patents acts pertaining.

    All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this work may be made without written permission from the author.

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    This is dedicated to the Owners, Staff and Spirits that have been in contact with us throughout our travels.

    To those who have passed and to those who will meet us on our future journeys………


    Belief: 1. The mental act, condition or habit of placing trust or confidence in another. 2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something. 3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.

    - –

    Ghost Éire was set up in early 2009; its foundations were based around the experimental values towards the paranormal. What started as a hobby to some (a general night’s ghost hunting get-together), became an obsession for the truth to others or mainly one, I, Anthony Kerrigan.

    That first night laid the groundwork for what was to become Ghost Éire. From that first night of ‘ghost hunting’, none are still in the team. Maybe it’s to do with people’s busy lives; maybe it’s too time-consuming; maybe their interest in the paranormal dwindled or maybe, it’s too scary for some.

    It could be Ghost Éire taking a different path, meeting new friends – those with like-minded thoughts and an ambitions – that has formed what the team is today. If you are part of a paranormal team, you will understand that to some, it’s life, to others, it’s a weekend arrangement or something to brag about to their friends that they are a ‘ghostbuster’. There is no harm in filling your spare time with adrenaline-buzzing fear or meeting with friends but to some, it’s a lot more serious.

    Ghost Éire is still learning about ways of using different experiments, techniques and its acceptance by Irish society. We do have a goal though; that is to find spiritual and scientific reasons for the existence of an ‘afterlife’. The time put into manufacturing and displaying or thinking about these experiments sometimes, but not every time, can produce speculative results (the word ‘speculative’ is there for those who don’t believe).

    It is the technique of making contact with the ‘otherworld’, whether through language, prayer, meditation or the senses. Also, it is important to have the right frame of thought, the reasons why you’re doing it; the outcome of your destination can hamper or enhance your results. Then there is the acceptance from society, the realisation that you’re there for a purpose, for the living and the dead have to look at you with trust.

    As Ireland is still reaching out to Catholicism, there are a great deal of unknown, historic locations, undiscovered to the paranormal world. Although Ireland was a place for the Celts and druids who gave worship around Samhain (All Hallows’ Eve) and despite the famous tales of Jack O’Lantern and the leprechaun, the general Irish population are yet bewildered or forbidden to delve into the unknown.

    Part of Ghost Éire is calling out to these historic venues for acceptance, belief and trust, so that we are able to conduct investigations. Many of the newer and some of the older generations are now looking for spiritual proof that there is an afterlife. With church numbers getting smaller and popularity of the media, including books, films, magazines and television, interest in paranormal ‘ghost hunting’ has never been higher.

    That’s why Ghost Éire is happy to network and promote these locations, not just for their ‘spooky’ paranormal reasons but for historic importance. Many are hidden gems. You don’t need to have a haunted castle to be able to make contact with the afterlife.

    So now I come to the team of Ghost Éire, a team with trust and belief in one another and of the afterlife. You could be a sceptic and not believe; that’s fine, but there is no room for it in the paranormal world.

    Every individual who inhabits this earth has scepticism bred into them. We can become sceptics after the investigation. Some things are explainable though; those that aren’t can be revised afterwards.

    So it is like just playing a sport: if you don’t trust one of your teammates, how are you going to achieve positive results?

    There is no team leader in Ghost Éire. Each individual has strengths and weaknesses but we all point in the right direction. If one team member has a strength, this can be passed on to another and if a member has a weakness, it will be fully strengthened whenever it is called upon. Each member brings in different attributes. It could be their sense and ability to see ‘things’, knowledge of history, science or languages, enthusiasm, interest, keen eye for a picture and being productive and lots more. Humour is also great, as long as it is shared and you are still focussed on the research that you are doing.

    There is no harm in the ‘get-together’ process. It has been going on for centuries; the French word for sitting is ‘séance’. A sitting used to happen around the table most evenings, with offerings of food and refreshments, a giving of energy. Maybe that energy is lacking in modern society today, but that’s another subject.

    Pointing away from that previous comment, Ghost Éire is set up like a family, as most paranormal teams are. You probably have meetings outside the paranormal authority.

    We all have an interest in the afterlife. It is not a recorded science yet scientists have been interested in what was there after death for centuries. Whether it be Marconi, Edison or Tesla, they have all gone down the same path as any paranormal investigator.

    Thanks to them the paranormal world and Ghost Éire use some of these techniques or methods today for investigations. Maybe the experiments we think of today as an investigator will be looked upon in the future as we do to these scientists today. So it is worth trying out anything.

    Don’t believe in what modern society thinks, take a step back and review. That’s how explorers in the past ventured to unique worlds. From Columbus to Scott, their dedication to exploration opened up boundaries and that’s why a proven ‘ghost hunter’ has to venture.

    No experiment is too daft; it may work in some places, not in others. We believe in Ghost Éire that there is going to be contact with the afterlife; we do trust one another.

    You can see the dictionary definition on the top of the page; I hope the meaning of ‘belief’ ventures into your life and enlightens your daily progress, as it does with Ghost Éire.

    Map of Locations

    Key to Layout




    Map of Locations

    Key to Layout


    Tools of the Trade


    Baseline Stat – Attack

    Spooked? The 7 ways to see if you are or not

    Chapter 1 Hook Head Lighthouse

    Chapter 2 Dunguaire Castle

    Chapter 3 Dunbeg Promontory Fort

    Chapter 4 Smock Alley Theatre

    Chapter 5 Gráinne Castle/Clare Island

    Chapter 6 The Strand Inn Hotel

    Chapter 7 Wicklow Gaol


    Chapter 8 McCarthy’s Bar/Hotel

    Chapter 9 Cape Clear Island


    Chapter 10 Springfield Castle/East Tower

    Chapter 11 Railway Transport/Folk Museum


    Chapter 12 Blarney Castle




    Tools of the Trade

    In this day and age, modern technology has helped advance the way we conduct investigations. New high-tech video, photographic and sound instruments can record, analyse and edit such findings that we may perceive as paranormal activity. There are instruments for scientific purposes that can outline certain temperatures, EMF, sound, light, humidity, radiation etc. that can eradicate any false conclusions. The media has helped to promote these advances as well. Television programmes, films, magazines and books have all helped introduce this into the ghost hunter’s investigation ritual. So how much is this helping us? And how much is it just for profit? Are we treading the wrong or right pathway to discovery?

    The main point is to capture clear evidential results. Ghost hunting has been evolving over a few centuries now. There may be 100% conclusion for ghostly activity yet this has been scrutinised and evaluated as unreliable by many a sceptic. So, after all these years, have we really advanced or are we getting so close that it’s harder to disclaim?

    Video Camera

    Remembering the famous saying, I only believe it if I saw it with my own eyes, then catching footage of your investigation has to be centred on video recording equipment. The more cameras you use, the better if you are to catch anything specific. The prices for video cameras have come down dramatically in the past few years. Make sure you get one with a USB extension lead to review and analyse. Night vision cameras are hard to come by but can still be chased up on the internet. Full spectrum cameras are now all the rage, documenting in ultraviolet and infrared. The thermal imaging camera that magnifies the changing of heat can be picked up for a higher price. Shop around to find the best prices for your wallet.

    Still Photo Cameras

    Digital cameras are great for picking up instant moments of significance. They can be bought for a cheaper price these days. Most of them are easy to use and are very compact. Taking pictures can allow you to know what a location feels like and who knows; you may pick up something unusual when looking back at them. Disposable (celluloid film) cameras can still be bought today; they are very cheap and reflect the older ways of ghost hunting. For those who have a bit more money, the Kirlian camera, that picks up certain auras and electric energies of living organisms can be an investigation tool as well.

    Sound Recording

    A huge amount of paranormal phenomenon is found around the listening sense. It is much harder to prove however, as many reasonable explanations can discount such good findings. Technology has enhanced the EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) sessions that ghost hunters use today. The digital era has taken a hold on this and improved the way we can listen back to recordings, catch noises that we have not heard earlier and replay them back in much quicker time. Digital recorders, mikes and other audible enhancers can be picked up quite cheaply now. Most electronic recorders are compatible with PCs and other computers. There is certain software you can get as well to enhance and block out any noise disturbances you receive; this may come at a higher price so shop around.


    Safety is paramount in investigations, having a torch by your side is a ghost hunter’s lifeline. For trekking around precarious stairs, dark corners and height restrictions, and to stop you bumping into obstacles, a torch is essential. Many variations on colours of light can be associated with different types. Head torches are good to keep your hands free and are really cheap. Always check your batteries before an investigation and keep some spare, just in case. You can now get wind-up torches that can be used with your energetic digression. It is recommended before an investigation, that you leave a room or area well lit up with lights on as a hub or base in case of an accident, where valuables can be kept, to have a break or to meet up if lost.

    EMF (Electromagnetic Field Meters)

    EMF is around in all our daily lives, such as lighting, televisions, mobile phones, Garda (police) masts. Electrical storms in clouds have a high charge and the planet we live on can produce natural EMF. There have been some claims that high EMF is unhealthy for humans to be around: dizziness, headaches and nausea are just a few of the symptoms described by theorists. This may explain the ‘I must get out of here’ syndrome when walking about a certain haunted location. EMF meters are great for picking up these anomalies. Some ghost hunters believe that a change in the electromagnetic field can radiate paranormal activity. EMF meters can be bought pretty cheaply now. The K2 meter and the mel meter are recommended. If it is just a one-night stand ghost hunt you are doing, then a simple compass is recommended. If you’re looking for a wider range of difference, then the ‘energy probes’ that have a copper neon bulb head can be bought really cheap on the internet. If you are into your old-fashioned style of experiments, then this is for you.

    Movement Motion Meters

    Have you come across a location where doors slam, pictures fly off the wall or particular objects seem to walk on their feet? Then you need a device that can alert, capture and monitor these disturbances. Household security has increased recently and capturing your Mr Naughty Robber has helped progress paranormal research. You can now get motion detectors relatively cheap at your local retail store. Most have a built-in alarm to warn of movement, using the latest infrared technology. A new device on the internet market is the laser grid. A movement is recorded to give dimensions such as shape, speed and height, which then can be made into a 3D image of the spectre caught. Tackling vibration is another alternative. Seismometers, which are used to detect earthquakes and other solid manufactured structures can help in determining movement in such properties and objects but they come at a more expensive price.

    Temperature Plotters

    You could discover an increase or decrease in ambient temperature when conducting an investigation. It is believed that when certain energies want to materialise, they need to draw in the aspects of the physical plane. Cold spots are frequently referred to as being portals or doorways from the otherworld to our physical plane. Certain infrared thermometers are cheap to get and use a laser to pinpoint the surface of certain areas. Some thermometers have probes to measure air temperature. The mel meter and some certain environmental meters have temperature features also built into them, to help connect the evidence of results. Some temperature gauges will also log data, so that it can be reviewed later. An alarm alert can also be found if temperatures increase or decrease to a significant value on certain thermometers. So shop around and see what the best one is for you.

    Environmental Factors

    This will include your humidity, sound, light, radiation, weather, gases etc. – some of the little minor detailed categories of the paranormal. Environmental meters can be bought cheap and can come in handy to pinpoint some discrepancies – if a building has too much light or has a lot of noise pollution for example. Some of the information obtained from these findings might alter your results.

    Your Senses

    For centuries, men and women have been using their senses to help go about their daily lives. Ghost hunting goes back a very long time and certain spectres and ghosts have been documented since the start of time. What you hear, smell, taste, see and feel can help give you an inkling as to how and where to investigate. It also could affect your emotional template on what to do next. Certain Spirits may feel more comfortable by activating one of our main senses.

    Pen, Paper, Powder

    It is important to document what results you get. It is also important to write times, places, who felt what, what they felt and any other significant activity down on paper, to look back on after the investigation. Interviewing sources before and after an investigation is a great idea too. Taking names of the individuals or observers may help make your overall findings much easier to obtain and pinpoint accurate recollections of the event.

    Powder is just another instrument for measuring movement. It can be placed around a trigger object, or left in a particular area where footsteps are heard. The area would be locked off from any other individuals. When the area is examined afterwards, in the company of witnesses, differences can be examined.

    Bells, cards, candles and crystals are just a few of the many other accessories that you can bring in on an investigation to experiment on. So give anything a try, it may just work.

    First Aid and Attire

    Injuries can happen when moving around dark locations: spiral staircases, precarious foundations, unpredictable roofing, the list goes on and that’s before you have to deal with any spooks. Cuts and bruises, sprained ligaments could occur in an investigation. So a medical kit is essential. You will need crepe bandages, plasters, scissors, sanitiser wipes, ice packs and whatever you think is necessary for the team and observers who are tagging along on your investigation. You could ask invited observers if they have any health problems before an investigation, or to come to a certain team member or individual in private to discuss any queries they might have. Different locations and different times of the year may need differing types of attire. Proper footwear is essential. Warm clothing is also essential for longer, colder investigations. Hats and gloves can be a ghost hunter’s friend too. Take bottles of water for refreshment and high energy foods to stimulate your own energy levels, such as fruits and biscuits. Take care in what you bring and what you leave behind and make sure you bring back whatever belongs to you.


    You might need this before you read on…

    Mother, Father, God.

    Life of all creation,

    We give thanks to all that we have

    And all that we are.

    We evoke the violet flame burning up towards our bodies, transmuting any energy out of alignment with our ‘I am’ presence.

    Blessed Be

    Baseline Stat – Attack

    On all our investigations with Ghost Éire, we experience different environmental factors with the varied locations that we visit. Taking this into account, we conduct several Baseline tests to distinguish the explainable from the unusual before each investigation. Also, when looking back on the evidence after an investigation, it gives us an insight as to what works and what doesn’t work. You can add more stats to your Baseline results or just do a few simpler ones. Hopefully, you will be able to distinguish a pattern if you ever venture back to that location again, or to the ‘haunting’ in question. Some of the stats we give vary, from the scientific to the spiritual and from progression to evidential; you may like to add them as part of a pre-ghost hunt.

    EMF: (Electro-magnetic field)

    Every day, man-made appliances and natural occurrences can contribute to EMF readings. It is always good to point out these discrepancies before an investigation. You may come across some areas of the room that have higher readings than others. Take into account mobile phones, thunderstorms, (which can contribute up to 60,000 volts per minute) and power lines, and then you can rule out any peculiar erratic behaviour. Most EMF meters operate at a milligauss (mg)/tesla (t) scale. Be aware and vigilant of the building’s surroundings.


    You can measure in centigrade or Fahrenheit. Either way, it will give you a taste of what is neutral if a feeling of getting hotter or colder is sensed later. Some temperatures in a building can be different, or alter during an investigation. Take into account air conditioning, radiators, draughts, outside weather conditions, etc. Also, consider what instrument you are using to conduct the test. We don’t want anybody shining a torch on your infra-red beam temperature gun whilst doing your results, do we! You may find some rooms in the building warmer or colder than others, depending on where they are situated from the outside.


    Sometimes you may have to do your investigation outside. It is also important to relate the outside temperature to the inside temperature. You may come across cases where the temperature is hotter outside than inside, or vice versa. You have to take into account sunlight, shading or manmade contributions: for example, lighting or motor vehicle traffic. Wind can play a big part too; (wind chill factor for example). It can make some areas outside colder than sheltered areas. Your ghoul friends might like a certain ambience. They may like a cold winter’s night or a warm summer’s day to haunt.


    The total mass of water vapour situated in the Earth’s atmosphere can be measured by a hygrometer. It is also useful in predicting some weather conditions, including thunderstorms, dew and fog. In particular, dry air is denser than humid air and high relative humidity can reduce the body’s ability to sweat. It can also cause breathlessness. In some cases, high paranormal activity can occur when relative humidity changes by a certain amount of per cent. Depending on whether you have to deal with a rain-soaked forest, an overheated house, the top of a mountain or a graveyard next to a motorway, it could all determine your final results. High humidity could explain many orb sightings.

    LUX: (Light)

    The word lux means ‘light’ in Latin – it is what it is. A basic measure of the illuminate capacity of a surrounding can give an outline of the environment you will be working in. You may find a location where suburban lighting or solar energised power may become a factor, for example. It leaves the questions, why has it become darker in here? Or, did I just see a shadow pass there? Depending on how bright and how dark a location is could influence the investigation.

    DECIBELS: (Sound)

    Measuring sound can help distinguish the best ways to investigate. It could help in resolving some of the haunting evidence too. Some areas or rooms at some locations may be more or less affected by noise pollution. This can help in deciding how to set up EVP equipment, video cameras and most of your vigils during the proceedings. Other factors to take into account are infrasound, just below the human acoustic hearing and ultrasound, which is above. The C level manages the noise pollution, with high frequency noises that you would hear in everyday life while the A level records low level noises.


    Some say paranormal activity increases when there is a full moon or a new moon. During a full moon, it is expected that confrontation is more likely whilst the new moon is great for communication. The moon’s pull on the Earth is the reason for people exhibiting, some say, strange behaviour. Some spiritualists believe this happens with Spirits too. Astrology has been used for centuries to forecast future events and was taken far more seriously than what it is today. The alignment of the heavenly bodies can influence the energies on this Earth plain or how it gets across.


    Like the moon, the planets play a particular role in investigation time or a haunting. The position they are to us and to each other can have an impact. The sun can represent passion and activity. Saturn resembles restriction and concentration while Uranus targets unforeseen circumstances and independence.


    Weather can hamper or enhance your investigation. If working outdoors this could come more into effect. Wet and cold conditions can mentally and physically disturb your evidence and sunny conditions can also do this. Weather conditions can become fundamental to how buildings react to this, how they are built and what attributes they have.


    To get an idea on where to set up your experiments or equipment then finding the most active area can be paramount to a successful investigation. Go on the basis of what owners of a location or witnesses have noticed in close proximity to an area. If that is hard to find out, use a psychic on your team and walk about to identify any energies in particular places; and if that doesn’t work, just use your gut feeling. Sometimes, a nursery can be just as active as a dark creepy dungeon.


    There are many different categories of ghosts, Spirits and so on. Here are a just a few you might encounter on your expeditions and some you probably do not want to encounter:


    : These are beings that respond through communication or find a way of interaction. This can become apparent in knocking, tapping, divination or in some cases, EVP sessions from questioning or calling out for responses or activity. Overall, Intelligent Spirits are the ones that relate to you and are willing to participate or make contact with you.


    : These are the energies that are left behind or continuing their ‘lively duties’. They won’t notice you around, however, this doesn’t mean you can’t sense them. Some beings may re-enact whatever emotional attribute they had in the past (or future!), it could be a traumatic encounter or a highly positive one. Either way, they re-enact a patterned routine, so keep a note of that in your investigations.


    : Otherwise known as ‘noisy ghost’, little is known on how this activity occurs. Noise and destruction are associated with it and cases vary, lasting from a few hours to months or years. It is suggested that it is partnered with human emotion, either through stress or tension or psychokinetic energy (PK).


    : Often, a Spirit may want to step back, to

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