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Where I Lost Her
Where I Lost Her
Where I Lost Her
Ebook366 pages6 hours

Where I Lost Her

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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How far would you go to save a child? Where I Lost Her follows one woman's journey through heartbreak and loss, as she searches for the truth about a missing little girl.

Tess is visiting friends in rural Vermont when she is driving alone at night and sees a young, half-dressed toddler in the middle of the road, who then runs into the woods like a frightened deer.

The entire town begins searching for the little girl. But there are no sightings, no other witnesses, no reports of missing children. As local police point out, Tess's imagination has played her false before. And yet Tess is compelled to keep looking, in a desperate effort to save the little girl she can't forget.

A superbly crafted and suspenseful thriller, Where I Lost Her is a gripping, haunting novel from a remarkable storyteller.

Eloquent, pacy and compelling, this is a book to be devoured whole - I couldn't put it down. - Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Spellbinding. I loved everything about Where I Lost Her. - Mary Kubica, bestselling author of The Good Girl

Release dateMar 2, 2017
Where I Lost Her

T. Greenwood

T. GREENWOOD's novels have sold over 300,000 copies. She has received grants from the Sherwood Anderson Foundation, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Maryland State Arts Council. Her novel Bodies of Water was a 2014 Lambda Literary Awards Finalist, and she is the recipient of four San Diego Book Awards. Keeping Lucy was a 2020 Target Book Club pick. Greenwood lives with her family in San Diego and Vermont.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I know it is always said, never judge a book by it's cover but a cover is what initially draws a reader in a bookstore full of books. This cover grabbed me; a haunting picture of a little girl in a beautiful magical looking forest with nothing else around. After reading the summary, I was hooked. I am not familiar with much of T. Greenwood's works but after reading this book I will be hunting them down. Tess and Jake's marriage is a little rocky. Tess desperately has wanted a child, they, well more Tess, have jumped through every hoop to make that happen. They were so close, but a failed adoption devastated her and left her broken. When they go back to Tess's home town in Vermont to visit her best friend since childhood, Effie, they are to stay a few days and then take Effie and Devin's daughter back with them to New York. During a night of drinking, Tess drives into town to buy another bottle of wine. On the way back, she almost hits a little girl standing in the road but the child is scared off and disappears into the woods. After unsuccessfully trying to find her, she goes back to the cottage to call the police and a massive search for the child is started. But with no results, it is thought of as a hoax and her to be a crackpot that isn't believed and the search is stopped. But Tess knows what she saw, and cannot get past her vision of a little girl lost, hungry and alone in the woods. Who knows how much of her desperation to find this child is from her own past but she won't let go and can't focus on much but finding this child. This book is so emotional. I felt with Tess, her desperation, and frustration and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what happens. I felt her fear as the lengths she went to scared the pants off me; she is way braver than I am. I admired her strength and conviction while terrified for her. I didn't admire Jake though, had very negative feelings towards him. I am always drawn to books with summer and cottages, having such fond memories of my own. Even just the description of staring at the lake in an adirondack chair (we call them Muskoka chairs here, beautiful Ontario) gives me warm fuzzy feelings. I loved that part of this book, and her relationship with Effie as well. This book can be devoured quickly. It isn't terribly lengthy but it's a book you don't want to put down, one my favourites this year for sure.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was my second read of a book by T. Greenwood, and I have found both to be immersing. The stories totally draw me in, and the characters are drawn with such detail to emotional nuance. Once I started this book I couldn't put it down, as the central character, Tess deals with her deep longing for a child, a marriage that is beginning to feel shaky and empty, and the disappearance of a little girl that she glimpses in the middle of a road late one night. These various plot lines are interdependent, and the author keeps the reader guessing just how much, and in what ways, they might all twist together. In both the books I have read by this author, there is little laughter or joy, although there is some redemption, in the end. They definitely will stick with me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where I Lost Her by T. GreenwoodHave read one other book by the author and enjoyed the read.This one starts out with Tess and her family and they are visiting friends in the woods of Vermont. Her husband is busy with getting one of his clients works published and she tends to the children.During a night of drinking and she agrees to go get another bottle at the store, On her way back she stops as she sees a little girl in the middle of the road and she notices many details as she goes to get a sweater for her as she is not wearing a shirt the girl disappears.The whole town shows up to help search for her to no avail and others wonder if she was just drunk as there are no leads. She heads out herself and finds some clues and they point to others and she investigates them online to find out one was a sex offender and she thinks he might be the culprit who took her.While that's going on she bonds with her sister in law about her husbands texts to his mistress. She is also summoned back to the city as the mother in law is on her deathbed. Many other strange things occur. Another girl is now missing....Liked fairy houses as I've seen them myself and other small things along the way.I received this book from The Kennsington Books in exchange for my honest review
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tess had one great desire in life, a child. Not able to have her own she once attempted to adopt, but this endeavor turned into a personal nightmare. Returning to her home roots and best friend Effie and her family, she encounters while driving a young girl, four years old along the side of the road, scantily dressed and with a bleeding hand. The young girl than disappears into the woods.A book that is very easy to read, but one that depends I think on how the reader feels about Tess. Is she a reliable narrator, or has her past effected her judgment and veracity? I had problems with this character, she tended to run here and there against all advice and at great risk to her own safety in her obsessive need to find this child. She tends to focus on what she does not have and at great length as opposed somewhat she does have, almost to the point of annoyance. I did however, want to see how this ended, what was true or not and despite Tess there were a few characters I did like. Effie and her young daughters were very likable and this definitely added to the story.So a mixed read for me but interesting in and of itself. ARC from Netgalley.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the first book by this author I've read, and I owe it all to the cover and my local library. The book weaves a back story of one couple's tries to adopt a child and the present day story of the sighting of a little girl, alone and hurt in the backwoods of New England. I happen to be quite fond of this style of story-telling, and both aspects drew me in, so that I was both sorry to switch POV and eager to get to the other POV at the same time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tess and Jake have been together a long time, but their marriage is fragile. Tess has been yearning for a child while Jake has basically moved on. While visiting friends in her hometown, Tess comes across a little girl who appears to be injured, but then the girl disappears. It was dark, it was in the woods and Tess had been drinking. When the local police can't find a trace of the little girl, Tess starts digging herself. She's convinced of what she saw, but not everyone believes her. Mysterious and suspenseful, the story grabbed me from the start and didn't let go. The characters were believable, and that's not just the main characters, but the entire setting with all the side characters seemed authentic. A great mix of suspenseful mystery and relationship drama. I was first attracted to this book because of its stunning cover. This was my first experience of reading anything by T. Greenwood, but certainly not my last. I really enjoyed her writing and whizzed through this book quickly.Many thanks to Kensington Books for my copy via NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book flips back and forth between present day and what happened in Guatemala when Tess and Jake tried to adopt a young girl. Whatever happened overseas has effected Tess dramatically, and her relationship to Jake. Now back in her hometown where she is now considered an outsider can she get anyone to believe her? Can she prove she wasn't imagining things? Or was she?T. Greenwood has tapped into the heartache of infertility, the pain of being so close to having the dream of a child fulfilled only to have it ripped away again and again. The mystery unfolds slowly and not in ways I expected it to. Well written with good character development. Very suspenseful and keeps pulling you along.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tess and Jake are struggling in their marriage, partly as a result of their inability to have children, or adopt a child, something that Tess desperately wants. When they visit friends in Vermont, Tess goes out late to the store, and sees a young child wandering in the night. The child runs away and Tess reports the sighting to the police. However, after a search, the police struggle to believe Tess, citing her issues with another incident in her past. This is an emotional novel, with the strains of a marriage on its last legs, and the stress of wanting a child so badly that it consumes everything. I enjoyed this and I will add this author’s other books to my list