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For The Very First Times
For The Very First Times
For The Very First Times
Ebook84 pages47 minutes

For The Very First Times

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A young woman on the cusped of her sexual awakening. Sue’s a virgin and she’s tired of hearing about all her friend’s sexual encounters and being teased about it. Not that she was in a hurry to lose her virginity but like all young women, the thought of having sex was a constant reminder that she was a virgin.
The problem wasn’t losing her virginity, the problem was finding the right guy to take her virginity. All of her friends were popular girls but not close so they were not the ones to ask. Her best friend, Teri, was beautiful and Sue was sure if she asked Teri, she would help her find someone but she didn’t want Teri or anyone picking out the person who would deflower her. She felt that was a personal choice and one she needed to make on her own.
One day after getting home from school, her mom asked her to round up her brothers to get cleaned up for dinner. As usual, her brothers were out in the backyard playing basketball. Her brothers were douches and were always picking on her, calling her names. She didn’t mind it because she gave back as much as she was given.
One of her brother’s best friend was playing ball with them and he had always been nice to her, even though she thought he was like her brothers so she really never talked to him that much. That day was different though when he asked her how she was doing and she scoffed at him. When he got mad and asked her what her problem was, she had to think about it because Gil had always been nice to her and she didn’t know why she treated him like crap.
When she stopped and looked at him, she saw someone who actually cared how her day went. As she talked with Gil, she found that she actually liked talking with him and also found him quite attractive. Probably the only reason she hadn’t noticed before was because of her brothers.
That evening, lying in bed, she thought about Gil and how kind he was to her and also, how handsome he was. She decided right then, that Gil would be one to take her virginity. She hatched her plan that night and what Gil didn’t know, he would soon enough.
Sue and Teri were best friends and they shared everything with one another, including telling one another about their sexual exploits with their boyfriends. Teri would complain that her boyfriend, Andy, would never go down on her because he said it was gross, which got her mad and upset. Sue would tell about her boyfriend, Michael, said he was the best at eating pussy but even though he was a very athletic big man, his cock was extremely small compared to the rest of him and he could never satisfy her.
Wherever they hung out, their conversation was mainly about sex. Sometimes, their conversation turned to females that they knew who had sex with other females. Surprisingly, neither one of them found this gross but neither were willing to delve into that subject more deeply.
One Saturday evening, Teri was spending the night at Sue’s, watching TV and basically doing girl stuff and girl talk. They were lying on Sue’s bed next to each other and there was a tension between them that neither had felt before. It was a different type of tension, a sexual tension. Sue always thought that Teri was beautiful and sexy and she always sneaked peeks at her when they were dressing or undressing in PE class.
What Sue didn’t know at that time was that Teri did the same thing with Sue, sneaking peeks while they were in the dressing room. Teri also thought Sue was beautiful and sexy. Like most young women, both had a tendency to look at the other young women to check them out and compare themselves to them to see if their bodies looked as good as the others.
As they laid there in silence, both feeling something different between them, the sexual tension was almost overwhelming. Finally, Teri broke the silence and asked Sue if she ever thought about being with another female. Sue admitted that at times, she had and she asked Teri, if she had ever thought about being with a

PublisherSue Teri
Release dateAug 31, 2017
For The Very First Times

Sue Teri

Welcome to my secret desires, where you will be aroused by stories of passionate desires, erotic lust and taboo adventures. I like to provide you with lots of detail and description that I hope will pull you into most enticing, intense, erotic and orgasmic sex scenes. I hope you will find yourself playing with yourself as you experience the characters’ moans and groans of sensual lust in my writings. I beckon you with promise of sexual gratification. Welcome to my World of Secret Desires...

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    Book preview

    For The Very First Times - Sue Teri

    For The Very First Times

    Copyright 2017 Sue Teri

    Published by Sue Teri at Smashwords

    Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Design by Maya

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Notes

    For The Very First Times

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen


    About Sue Teri

    Other Titles by Sue Teri

    Connect with Sue Teri

    Author’s Notes

    This story was written as an adult fantasy and is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please story your files where they cannot be access by minors.

    The characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. All sexually active character in this work are eighteen years of age or older.

    It is okay to READ stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it is not okay to HAVE unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 2-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it!

    For The Very First Times

    You’re such a priss Elena, Jessie said snidely.

    Oh my God, no I’m not, she squealed, while giving everyone at our lunchroom table an appalled look. I’m not a priss because I don’t like the taste of it, she said defensively.

    You’ve been with how many guys, and you still won't swallow it? That makes you a priss in my book, Jessie shot back.

    I take care of my boyfriend, and trust me, he has no complaints, Elena retorted.

    You’re lucky he goes to Spring Willow and not at Saint Bartholomew, otherwise, he’d be mine by now, Jessie said, a sly smile crossing her lips, while she gauged Elena’s reaction to her thinly veiled threat.

    I listened intently and wisely kept my mouth shut while pretending to pick at my disgusting cafeteria chef salad. When the two biggest sows in the pigpen decide to fight, the smartest move was to stay out of their way, lest you get caught in the ensuing collateral damage. Just the threat of stealing your best friends’ man was shocking to me. However, everyone seated at the table knew Jessie was just vile enough to do it.

    What do you think Teri? Elena said, in an attempt to deflect some of the flak away from herself and possibly redirect it elsewhere.

    I watched as Teri looked at Jessie apprehensively. I could tell she didn’t appreciate being drug into the middle of this seminal squabble.

    Well…it’s not something I particularly enjoy. However, I don’t despise the taste enough not to do it, Teri said, diplomatically.

    See I told you…

    DING…DING…DING…DING. The bell rang which cut Jessie off and announced that lunchtime was over and we needed to begin making our way to fifth period.

    Tomorrow we’ll have to get Sue’s opinion on this subject, Jessie smirkingly said.

    I looked down blushing while Elena gave me a condescending sneer.

    Teri shot both of them a ‘back off’ look which immediately shut them up and ended their little joke at my expense.

    Don’t listen to them Sue. C’mon, let’s get to class, Teri said, as she took the lunch tray out of my hand and dumped it into the garbage can.

    I watched as Jessie and Elena whispered and giggled under their breath while walking away from us and towards their next class.

    I was so fed up with their snide little comments. Two weeks earlier I had made the mistake of admitting to them that I was still a virgin and since that fateful day, they talked about nothing but boys and sex during our entire lunch break.

    Teri and I silently walked out of the lunchroom and down the hall towards our fifth period math class. I was still fuming and I knew I was going to be in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

    Don’t let what they said bother you, okay? Teri said, as we walked towards our class.

    That’s easy for you to say, you’ve done all the things they’re talking about.

    You’re not as old as we are Sue and you have plenty of time to do that when you’re ready.

    They talk to me as if I was a child though and you don’t what that feels like.

    They’re bitches and you can’t let what they say affect you like this.

    Yeah right, you’re the most popular girl in school who’s dating the star midfielder, you have it made.

    She shook her head and gave me an exasperated look.

    You’re lucky I like you and you help me with math, otherwise I’d be kicking your stubborn little ass, she said, while giving me a big smile and a little hug.

    Teri was my best friend and she looked out for me like the big sister I never had.

    This was the counselors fault anyway, I reasoned. At the beginning of the year I was told that I had really high-test scores

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