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The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born
The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born
The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born
Ebook27 pages27 minutes

The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born

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The Watchtower is always shrouded in fog. There's a difficult landing on the South shore of the island. Folks from the University at Castletown explored The Watchtower from the South shore landing some years ago. However, several of them died in falls or had rocks fall on them during the exploration attempt. The deaths were considered unusual, since the university people are well experienced at exploring coastal or island sites.
What with the safety problems the university people had, it's now illegal to land on The Watchtower. However, the law has to catch you actually landing on The Watchtower, in order to punish you. The law comes from the mainland and watching them handle a small boat is a source of amusement only. Well, actually, a Bjorno sailor can at least see demonstrated several ways of how not to do things.
I sail Flying Fish out of Bjorno harbor and into the open ocean. I have, just casually, mentioned that I seek to catch some deep water fish that might pay better than the fish caught closer to shore. Once out of sight of land, in the morning mist, I turn for The Watchtower.
As Flying Fish approaches The Watchtower, a clear path opens through the fog and I can suddenly see my way into the West shore. There's a small cove at the West shore that's said to have never been explored, as the approach by sea is deemed too dangerous. However, I sail where I will. I'm a boat man of Bjorno!
Strange to say, the way in to the beach is smooth and I just ride the tidal surge in to the beach. It's almost as if I have been this way before. I run Flying Fish onto a sand beach. Having landed on the beach, I'm then stuck on The Watchtower until the tide turns, in some twelve hours. I'll use the time to explore for valuable Krelzyn relics.
There's only one way up from the beach, a steep trail that climbs through boulders. I spot a Krelzyn sigil, graven into a sheltered place on a rock, as I start my climb. As I continue to climb, I spot a few more such symbols. The sigils mean that where I walk is a Krelzyn holy place. A man will do well to walk carefully in such a place and I do so.
Near the top of the path I find myself in a sort of rough room. There's an open doorway into a smallish area with rock walls arching into a vaulted ceiling. There are three black stone patches set into the gray rock of the room. It's such a place as animals would normally use for shelter, but there's a beaten earth floor with no signs of any habitation.
The black stone is strange, as it has no sheen at all, just a flat, dead black. The stone is smooth beneath my hand, as smooth as glass. I find the texture strange, as such smooth stone should show at least some gloss.
As I turn back from the black stone, I spot a Krelzyn helmet, sword and shield in the back of the room near the smallest of the three black stone patches. The items were not there when I entered the smallish room.
Someone is playing a game. The hair stands up on the back of my neck! I have only my fisherman’s knife as a weapon. If some unknown person wants to play games, it's up to me to defend myself. The only practical idea that comes to my mind is to use the Krelzyn items.
I place the helmet on my head. To my surprise I find that it fits! I then take up the sword and shield.
Suddenly, it's as if I'm in some sort of large hall. No, I'm not really inside the hall, but it's as if I can see into such a hall and the men inside can see me. He who appears to be in charge asks me something in a rumbling voice. I don't understand the words he uses. Without thinking, I say, “I come in peace.” (What an idiot I am! At some point in every cheap sci fi film I have ever seen, the alien invader says the same thing.)

PublisherR. Richard
Release dateSep 1, 2017
The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born

R. Richard

I'm the co-author, with Sunset Thomas, of Anatomy of An Adult Film.I have 48 novels and over 299 short stories currently published.I spent my early years in the part of Los Angeles known as the South Central. I was known as Whi' Boy, which was sufficient to indentify me in that place. I'm a skilled kung-fu player, using a system that I learned from a Korean I knew only as 'Pak.' It would be easier to tell you the places that Pak wasn't wanted by the police, rather than the places where he was wanted by the police. Pak's kung-fu system, augmented by some bits and pieces from some Chinese practicioners is quick and effective, or I wouldn't be alive today.My early education was mostly obtained by stealing books from the public library (I always returned them and the Librarian even began to provide me with reading lists.) I did go to high schools, but I never really learned anything there. I eventually graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA, with a degree in mathematics.I work as a Systems Analyst and also make a part of my living as a professional gambler (legal in Nevada.) I write science fiction and erotica. My published novels are:Anatomy of An Adult Film (With Sunset Thomas)1. Second Chance: God Killer2. Second Chance: Sky Pirate3. Second Chance: Scroll Seeker4. Second Chance: King of The Islands5. Second Chance: King of Zaya6. Second Chance: Duke of Averon7. Second Chance: King of Golomon8. Second Chance: King Of The Sky9. Second Chance: Warlord of Ifrequeh10. Second Chance: King of Ariby11. Second Chance: King of Mesodania12. Second Chance: King of Avuls13. Second Chance: King of Kemet14. Second Chance: King of Zorran15. Second Chance: King of Two Worlds16. Second Chance: King of Averon17. Second Chance: King's Duties18. Second Chance: King of The New WorldAdventurer: Simulation ProblemAdventurer: Pannar ProblemA Programmer's GambitAmateur StripperBeach MurdersBondage HouseCorporate Sex SlavesFriday NightGo Naked In The SoftwareGrasshopper WinterInvoluntary NudeLayoffNot A HeroPirates of The KeysSummer of SexThe LakeThe Last Moon DanceThe Nude Adventures of Plain JaneThe Secret Life of Wanda WilsonTails of the Pussycat LoungeTo Keep A JobTopless RestaurantToy WhoresVix: The MarineWayward BoyShort Stories:A Christmas Visit

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    The Krelzyn Sagas - R. Richard

    The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born

    By R. Richard ©

    Published by R. Richard at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 R. Richard

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Krelzyn Sagas: Island Born

    By R. Richard © 2017

    The little island of Bjorno, on which I was born and grew up, is only some 35 minutes from the mainland by hydrofoil ferry, if you have the fare. However, Bjorno is centuries away from the mainland in terms of the routines of daily life.

    The men of Bjorno, by and large, earn their living by fishing or by farming the rocky meadows and also by raising sheep. My mother buys the wool from those who raise sheep and then uses the wool from the sheep to weave the Poor Fisherman Sweaters for which Bjorno is known, even though the poor fishermen of Bjorno can no longer afford to buy the sweaters that are named after them. The sweaters do fetch a handsome price in the tourist shops on the mainland, although my mother sees rather less money per sweater than you might think.

    I'm 16-years-old and can handle a small sailboat better than any man on the island. Some of Bjorno might say otherwise, but I won the Around The Island Race last year which gives a bit of weight to my claim. My little boat is named Flying Fish and fly across the water it can.

    Since I'm 16-years-old, I go to school. Since I live on Bjorno, I attend school via the mails. I get a packet for a week’s work in the mail and then return it, via the mail, when I'm done with the week's work. I have just finished third school, some two years ahead of schedule. I have won a scholarship to attend the University at

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