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The Divine Artist: Art for God's Sake
The Divine Artist: Art for God's Sake
The Divine Artist: Art for God's Sake
Ebook205 pages2 hours

The Divine Artist: Art for God's Sake

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‘The Divine Artist’ - ‘Art for God’s Sake’

“God the Divine Artist became the art – He, Jesus, hung on the wooden frame of the cross. He would provide the inspiration for the future artists in these end-times, and to emblazon buildings and canvases, with a chiaroscuro spectrum of Renaissance thought along the way of centuries’ Stephen Bennett.

Art and artisans can change the world, that possibility is seen all around us; through film, art, music, fashion, architecture, social media, digital platforms, an endless list. Yet, creativity is not just for the artist; creativity is at the very heart and centre of Christianity.

In God’s eyes everything is art, He is an artist in every sense of the word, and all things He created are for His purposes. The heavens and the world are a canvas oiled and stretched, for us to walk on, and create in.

Art as an awakening is normal daily fare in our digital world; God’s final purposes for art are at hand in this 21st century. He has many artistic visions to give His artisans on earth. In this book you will get to know God’s character as the Divine Artist, and you can let your art be inspired for His sake”
Release dateApr 30, 2017
The Divine Artist: Art for God's Sake

Stephen Bennett

Author, Stephen Bennett, born in Sydney, Australia. He lives with his wife Somjeen Bennett. They are married and reside in Sydney, Australia. After finishing High school, he studied Fine Arts, but now he is an Author of nonfiction and Permanent Carer for his Son Jonathon Bennett. He has also been blessed with his first son Harrison. He took up writing two years ago, because he wanted to share his experiences of God with others, so that they can benefit as well. His first book, The Return: When the Impossible happens, is a memoir turned into story form. The Return, will be followed by 4 more books, which are all in the works. You can visit my website The Return.

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    The Divine Artist - Stephen Bennett


    The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection Michelangelo

    Art is the concretization of the energy, hopes, and aspirations of humankind; every era generates its own energy Audrey Flack – photorealist, painter and sculptor

    "Art has become a gateway to the realm of the spirit, for all those over whom old religions have lost their hold" Jacques Barzun 1973

    As you enter Universal Studios in Los Angeles, they will tell you in the pre tour pep talk; It’s from this point that we influence the globe in all of its trends, fashion, and philosophy of thought, from over 80 sound studios working virtually 24 hours a day. The City of Angels moulds our lives way beyond what we would care to admit! Yet, despite its Disneyesque allure, this global cradle of immense creativity is often a home of many a paradoxium; darkness, violence, immorality and excessive human stresses – legions of caliginous angels minister and live in this city.

    The world we live in consumes and runs on copious amounts of artistic expression. Society is heavily influenced by every form of art; a massive vogue living of music, television, film, design, publishing, advertising, magazines, fashion, fine-art, and architecture, to name a few. From zany teapots, to mind boggling choices on paint charts, art helps to sculpt and charter our thinking, helping to build the way we live, and forming our philosophy of modern life.

    Today, spirituality is more broadly recognized as being intrinsically linked with the influence of the arts. Many non-Christian artists believe in a spiritual transcendence with their artistic endeavor, and the ability of the arts to change and even heal the planet. As we explore the concept of art - which is spiritual - and its ministry in the world, may we see and understand more from a Biblical perspective, art’s ultimate purposes – being for the Creator of all possibilities, God our Father in Heaven - The Divine Artist.

    To God everything is Art

    ‘For by Him (Jesus) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on the earth, visible, and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him for HimColossians 1:16.

    In God’s eyes everything is art, and all things created are for Him alone. To create means to cast into moulds, using raw material and fashioning it into preconceived shapes - to mould or squeeze into a shape or form like a potter. In fact Artist God is the Divine Potter (Romans 9:21); everything visible and invisible was created by The Divine Artist. It all has an intelligent, creative design, beginning in the mind of Lord God. All His creativity has an ultimate defined purpose on this all encompassing orb of art called planet earth.

    Defining Art

    Art is much less important than life, but what a poor life without it Jasper Johns

    Art on its own - as a pure thing by definition - doesn’t really exist; art can be many things. The dictionary definition of art means skill, especially human imitative skill in design, as opposed to nature or what originates naturally. You could call this skill – being arty.

    We can also say there are really only artists who produce, and by definition, we call what is produced, some form of art.

    As with God’s creation, the core of art is the design. According to the Bible, the world was intelligently designed and made (a hot topic of global debate now). The world is art.

    God loves His art, and gave Himself to it. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ John 3:16. Art is also about the virtues of giving, sacrificing, and pouring out yourself for a greater purpose; they are all linked in the creative process.

    Arty Words

    The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible Oscar Wilde

    The word ARTificial means, something produced by art, made or done in the imitation of the natural. Prosthetics could be called an art form, or the making of false teeth!

    To ARTiculate is the joining together of clear sounds and words to express oneself. Speaking, singing clearly and creatively, is art. I create the fruit of the lips’ Isaiah 57:19. God’s fruit is colorful, has taste with zing, and is good for you! (See Galatians 5:22-23).

    An ARTery is an important channel of transport, as are any of the tubes that convey blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The conveying of blood has its own artistic quality and mystery. The royal blood of Jesus flowing to his Body, the Church, is art in motion, divine design in action!

    Archaeologists search painstakingly through dust and dirt for ARTifacts that speak of past civilizations, and the lives, hopes and dreams of our ancestors. Artifacts by definition are things made by people. They are products of intelligent creative design, made to serve a specific function. They may have been designed to carry water, to contain oil or perfume, to sew fabrics or skins together, or to adorn, and beautify women or men. Their creation may have been to display social status, wealth and power, or even to decorate dead bodies and accompany departing souls into mysterious afterworlds!

    Many of these artifacts are now art in museums!

    Israel is Art

    "I am the Lord, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King" Isaiah 43:15.

    God’s beloved Israel is art. God is deeply in love with Israel and wholly enamoured by her. In scripture we see God the fashion designer at work for her. ‘"Your fame went out among the nations because of your beauty. For it was perfect through My splendor which I had bestowed on you" says the Lord God’ Ezekiel 16:14. Many a fashion designer would love to say that to their muse!

    God referred to Jerusalem as beautiful and perfect. In that beauty God clothed Israel with embroidered cloth, fine linen and silk, shoes of animal skin, and fine jewelry of gold and silver (V10-13). God is a fashion designer, in fact He was the first, ‘Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them’ Genesis 3:21.

    Adam and Eve sashayed down a rough dirt runway that posed as a road, extending from the back gate of their former agency – Eden. Their hands ran down the unfamiliar fur warming their skin. Somehow they knew they were ‘dressed’ – the fitting had been a wild experience (Genesis 3:21). They continued walking off the short runway, and into an unknown destiny before them - a surreal, vast expanse of clay, where they would eventually have to dig and create their own future fashion weeks.

    The Father of Eden, as they knew Him, appeared on the dusty runway behind them. He wore relaxed clothes, and had a nice warm smile. His eyes were aflame with a longing look at His first face creation. After what looked like a quick bow, He turned back into the gate, and the spectacular turning swords of the gate angels finished the show with fire. F

    Food is Art

    When you look at the Old Testament temples, with all their animal sacrifices, breads, and holy candleholders, you will find our artistic Lord is the most original butcher, baker and candlestick maker! (See Exodus 35-39). He’s the interior designer par excellence.

    In God’s love for Jerusalem, we find He is the original artistic baker and ‘Naked Chef’! He gave her beautiful food to eat - all of this in the quality of royalty (Ezekiel 16:13). He is a five-star restaurateur! His celebration for eating and being with Israel, is the very heart and core of what real communion is. Koinonia, to communicate in partnership, remembrance, have fellowship, participation and social sharing, having an intimate meal with someone. This is communicative art that He instituted.

    Eating and food are art – even the world knows that. In the words of a famous, passionate contemporary TV chef, Eating is so much about making the most of being alive. Eating is a ritual, it is part of celebrating being with someone Nigella Lawson.

    God created all foods, with all its astonishing variety and color – if God’s got a favorite fruit tree by the throne, its got to be Mango! He’s the original Herbalist (Genesis 1:29), vegetable lover, and creator of meat; all made for our good and benefit.

    ‘Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth’ I Timothy 4:3. Or as Jamie Oliver would say scouring the food markets of the world on his Vespa, It’s pukka mate! Ready steady cook - it’s an arty looking dish! Thanks

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