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Ever On: Part Two
Ever On: Part Two
Ever On: Part Two
Ebook185 pages3 hours

Ever On: Part Two

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About this ebook

Kyra Night is deeply attracted to Ronan Highlander, Mysterious, luscious, dangerous and sexy. He’s everything her inner-wolf wants, he’s the perfect mate for her coming heat, but he’s a vampire and she’s a wolf-kin. She knows its wrong, she tries everything to stop the attraction that is clouding her every turn. But with the approaching full moon, her lusting is calling to him and only him... when the explosion takes hold, nothing will stop her and Ronan is more then willing to be the mate she wants and needs. But when danger strikes and the lycans give chase, Ronan is the only one who can save her from the danger that places her, Izzy and Pete in threat of the supernatural lores. Fighting the sexual tension that push Kyra to the edge of all her desires and her inner wolfs true nature.

PublisherRJ Dale
Release dateOct 26, 2017
Ever On: Part Two

RJ Dale

RJ Dale lives in Queensland Australia. With a deep interest in supernatural, magical and all things unexplained.

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    Ever On - RJ Dale

    Ever On: Part 2

    RJ Dale


    Copyright 2013 by RJ Dale

    Smashwords Edition


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    This book is a work of fiction. All characters and locations in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, locations or names, is purely coincidental.

    Please note that RJ Dale is an Australian author and Australian English and spelling have been used in this book.

    Please be advised. This e-book is for eighteen and over. Adult themes of an over exerted imagination is at hand. Not recommended for children regardless if it is teen minded—read at your own risk. High content of adult theme, nudity, violence.

    Book cover design by RJ Dale.

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    ~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~

    For the running spirit

    ~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ ~

    Ever On: Part 2


    R J Dale


    I was wounded. Bleeding, and in excruciating pain, but I didn’t stop running. I ran from the lake house and from the knowledge of all that happened. I’d done this to myself. I’d walked in blind to the idea that I could have fun; that I could have a sexual desire fulfilled, and I’d walked into it with a Lycan, and didn’t see it coming. A Lycan!

    You really know how to pick them now, don’t you.

    I shook off the pain in my shoulder; the bite was of fire; splitting and tearing with each leap I made. I hated it with vile, and I detested I’d allowed myself to die, as a human. No longer would I be Kyra. I’d be a wolf forever, and ever as a wolf. I choked on the pain, as much as I wanted to cry, to howl the song of mourning to my death; I couldn’t.

    I was being chased.

    And for a time, I ran as fast as I could, considering the wound I was limping—barely aware of the direction let alone the path I was taking. Great. Another log. Really? I ran, leaped, and bounded onwards. Ever on. Hours away from where we were—the lake house? Tugh. Some fun day it was meant to be. I was far from anything remotely liveable. His howl the broke through the distance wasn’t a wolf. It held on the edge of an alley cat yowling and a bird screeching. It wasn’t normal, but it was his call. Him being a lycan. Him being—someone who wanted to kill me. Chilling and unnerving.

    He stalked towards me.

    I was trapped between the wall of rocks and trees. In his form, Ron was twice the size than his human self; broader shoulders, broader hands and feet, even his hips were larger. Nothing of his human self was visible. His skin was a leathery hue of blue; no fur covered his form at all. No part of him looked human. Not even his eyes. Deep red, animalistic eyes. The colour of blood, with an ice blue centre, as his bulldog snout grizzled, drool dripped from his fangs. He towered above me by two feet and even then, I felt tiny. Completely swallowed up by his shadow and the broadness of his form. Ugly as he was, disgusting as his scent was. I was scared beyond fear, beyond a word of terror. Gone was the college boy, his sandy blond hair, his sweet smile and that dimple I’d thought charming. Charming? Really. What was wrong with me? Ron was no more. Gone. And all that stood now was a Lycan, ready to finish me off.

    To end my existence. To breed from me, to feast on my body, limb by limb.

    I swallowed hard.

    If I was to die, I’d rather not let it be so easy. There was no escape. I was already lost to the form I was now. My body was in pain, a river of pain that didn’t want to stop screaming, and I was close to passing out. The headache had doubled and come forth with force, but I didn’t allow it to have me.

    I threw all my anger at the Lycan, with the speed and power of my wolf. I knocked the beast to the ground. I snapped at his face, clawing his chest. He pushed me away with little effort needed; like a fly off his shoulder. I sailed through the air, hitting the tree, and falling to the earth. In three leaps he reached me, his claw raked along my thigh, cutting deep into my body—


    The sting told me it was full of poison and I’d have a hard time healing them, if I ever survive it. I growled deep within and with a last attempt, I leaped. Tired, wounded, and ready to fall to the heaven that called to me. I sank my teeth into his throat, latching on and holding as tight as I could. Straining against him, his flesh, his blood. Him. I doubled the power in my jaws. Hating all that happened and angered beyond all things.

    The skin of this beast had the stench of death and it was worse as the blood spilled into my mouth, bile, bitter and decayed. The contents of seven hot dogs rolled in my stomach, threatening to become up-chuck, just breathing it. I didn’t dare loosen my grip, or relax a single moment. I didn’t stop grinding my teeth, keeping the hunk of flesh and what ever else I’d managed to get a hold of—his throat? I had more than just flesh. Tendons, muscle, artery—and I pulled with the force of my wolf strength. With a grunt to my gnawing bite, it started as a tear, as strange sound as though fabric was ripping—wet sticky fabric with a elastic power holding me in position—slowly, but surly I was ripping the throat clear from its body. My breath was heavy as I yanked the windpipe free in a single jolt. It dangled from my maw. The Lycan gagged and gurgled, clutching its dying throat; its now empty throat. It blinked; grunted and then swayed—like the ogre it resembled and then collapsed backwards in a thunderous thump—no time to call ‘Timber’ it was down. heaving several times in a fit of pain before it finally went limp and its heart beat no more. Spitting the blood gored windpipe free, I stared in complete shock. Expecting it to charge, or jump or re-awaken—something. But nothing happened. It was dead.

    I killed it.

    I really did kill it. I sniffed the air—listened—and then, swayed on my paws as I trotted closer. It was dead. Rotting in a heap in this moment. The blood gushed outward, no longer pumping—just… pouring now. There was no breath. No heart beat. Nothing. Dead. I had killed the beast.

    I howled to the death of this beast, the fear, the pain, and the knowledge I was doomed.

    I howled until the weary pain had me slump to the earth. The darkening of the sky flickered to view and the realm I was to join, lingered in a far off thought—I’d be pleased to go. My job was done. The Lycan was dead. And now—now I can see my family. As I fell into the withered fit of pain, the convulsive agony of what happened and what was happening. I knew, I—Kyra Jane Night, died.


    For a long time I was floating; simmering in a gravity free world. Free of pain, thought and emotion. I wasn’t sad I was dead. I wasn’t even worried. There was nothing here to be a thought.

    I was safe.

    Safe. That was a word I could use.

    As I looked around this hazy, pretty world, the idea of it being beautiful was deeply under spoken. No words could describe the beauty I was witnessing, the shapes, the colours, even the sounds that came to me. Were they angels that sang in the hazy sections? I could not answer that, because I could not see them, nor did I care if they were because here I was safe. Here I was free, floating, and turning around, smiling? Yes. I was smiling about all things that were good, and fun and thrilling.

    Then a spark of light lit up the clouds, lighting the void and faded just as fast. It was a flash, a spark, sheet-lightning flashed across the endless fluffy clouds, highlighting the beauty around me.

    I paused in my floating and then I shrugged. That’s not my problem, that’s not even my issue.

    The spark came again, and I frowned. What made such a sharp colour appear and disappear? The lightning was fast, bright and in that, a sound was heard.


    Part of me wished it wouldn’t do that, it shouldn’t do that. I was fine here. Safe.


    But it was telling me something important. Something important was happening. I needed to be there, not here. But where was there? And then; I didn’t care where it was. I was here.


    This time it wasn’t just the lightning, it was a feeling. A jolt deep in my body, and just as I thought of it; the jolt doubled as an invisible hand reached to my navel and pulled me away from the swirl of endless light with no description. Away from the erupting clouds of lightning as the light doubled and sped through with a force.

    I was sucked from the floating world of no gravity, to gasp for breath. Heaving my lungs in a pain that was so blinding, I wished to pass out. Mostly because it wasn’t air I breathed in, but bitter vinegar.

    You’re okay. The dark onyx eyes were searching my face. His face was smeared in blood, his eyes were demonic, and part of me wanted to scream at him to leave, but it was the other part that was burning inside; simmering in a pain that couldn’t stop, which had me screaming but not at him.

    Ahhhh! Raw to the point of passing out. I didn’t realise I was holding onto him. My fingers were locked onto his shoulder in a grip that would crush a normal man, but not Ronan.

    He was a vampire.

    He didn’t show any pain to my grip.

    Easy, Kyra, he ordered. Breathe. It’s okay now. The worst of it’s over.

    Liar. I wanted to say. I wanted to scream it at him. But that wasn’t true; because as he spoke, the pain that I’d felt before was leaving. It was shifting and slowly I wasn’t as sore.

    I swallowed several breaths as he cradled me in his arms. His hands were soothing as he looked down to me. I was shivering, not in the cold; in a fever and his touch was keeping that fever away.

    You’re okay now. His voice was husky. He reached to my cheek, touching the tears I’d cried.

    I couldn’t bring myself to speak, to say anything, because there was nothing to say. I was to live forever as a wolf and now—now there was nothing I could do about it—only to realise something wasn’t right.

    One: I was in his arms.

    If I were a wolf, I wouldn’t be cradled in his arms comfortably, looking up at him as though I was his lover—his lover? Really?

    Two: If I were a wolf, I wouldn’t be seeing my hand holding him. I wouldn’t feel my skin shiver, I’d have fur. I’d be too large, too furry, and my hand would be a paw. A large, clawed and padded paw my wolf form had.

    And three—he was touching my cheek!

    Did I die? I whispered. Of all the words to say. Did I die? My inner wolf wanted to roll her eyes. I didn’t.

    And four: I had voice.

    Yes, he said, a pain showed.

    How did you find me?

    Your song came to me, he said, rocking in his arms, safe.

    Song? I puzzled his words. My howl of triumph to the death of the Lycan. Yes, that could be a song.

    I should be dead.

    I had to suck the poison from you. He wiped his mouth, hiding the guilt of taking my blood. His eyes shimmered to a silver of matte blue. I had to get it from you, to keep you safe.

    You … you saved me? I was surprised he would, that he could and that I was questioning it, but more surprised that I was. But you’d be in a rage with human blood.

    It isn’t without difficulty. His fangs slowly receding as he clenched his jaw, it was clear he was struggling to stay in control of his rage. His eyes closed. I reached to his face; his eyes snapped open at my touch, a harder look was there.

    Thank you, I whispered.

    He nodded and for a time, he stayed as he was. Afraid to move, to blink, or shift. I didn’t want to think what it would mean if I did move, and so I stayed as I was; in his arms, his eyes staring into mine. His breath was gone from him. I breathed in his scent, able to stop from gagging on the vinegar. It was strong. It was stronger than any other time I’d been near him, only now it occurred to me how strong it was. But neither of us moved. We stared; without breath from him, and as little as I could from my lungs. I should have gotten a cramp; a stiff neck with the position I was in. I should have been annoyed he’d keep me in this position. My body wasn’t bare. Strange. I wasn’t aware of clothes until this moment. The softness of his jacket wrapped around me, covering me. The idea he was seeing me naked had some heat rush to my cheeks; I was too focused on him to care. He wasn’t staring at me for pleasure, but … hunger. That was when fear touched me. He was a frightened animal, ready to maul me if I moved too suddenly.

    It was a long time before I did move. The slip of my foot had him blink, and suddenly he was alert.

    Can you sit? he asked.

    Er, yeah. I managed, not breathing in deeply. Shifting from his embrace and the warmth of his lap, I pulled the jacket

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