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Play on the Field: Game Time, #3
Play on the Field: Game Time, #3
Play on the Field: Game Time, #3
Ebook257 pages4 hours

Play on the Field: Game Time, #3

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Welcome to the time where memories are made and hearts get broken.

Brock Atwood is stuck. At school, he’s in his brother’s shadow; at home, he is second to the new baby. Moving from JV as a starter, he finds himself either being second string or learning a new position on Varsity.

Always second isn’t a feeling he’s used to.

No one thinks twice when Tatum Bland’s name pops up on the roster as the new place kicker.

Everyone is shocked when Tatum shows up at the first practice and she’s a girl.

He’s lost in his own world when she comes in and turns it upside down. She’s been burned badly and simply wants to do what she has to in order to get by. She has enough distractions at home without adding to her life.

What happens when the play on the field becomes a play for her heart?

Release dateSep 19, 2017
Play on the Field: Game Time, #3

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    Play on the Field - SM Donaldson



    I wish I could ignore the beating on my door like I did my alarm. Nope, my brother will just keep pounding. Brock! Come on, I’m leaving in five minutes. With or without you.

    Shit, I mutter as I jump from the bed and snatch on some workout clothes. It sucks when you want to skip practice, but your brother is the freaking captain of the team. We’ve been doing team workouts all damn summer. Now, we start our practices. Which means I get to ride the fucking bench because my brother is the star and I’m the backup. I wish Coach hadn’t asked me to move up this year, I could’ve done one more year on JV. Nope, just like Collin, they wanted me to move on up. Only he moved into an open slot, I’m moving up to sit in his shadow. Hell, I don’t even get to keep my damn number because it’s his number.

    I quickly run to the bathroom, piss, brush my hair, teeth and swipe on some deodorant. Grabbing my bag, I rush down the stairs before he leaves me.

    Get some breakfast, Brock, my mom says, holding my little sister Penelope cradled against her. Yeah, that’s new around here, too. Last year my mom threw us all for a loop when she informed us she was pregnant. With me being fifteen and my brother sixteen, it was a bit of a shock to say the least.

    Don’t have time. Collin will leave me, I say, grabbing an apple and a banana from the bowl on our counter and running out to his car, jumping in the passenger seat.

    He glances over at me. You need to get your shit together in the mornings. I can’t be late and you can’t either.

    I pull out my phone and check my Instagram as I take a bite from my apple, Yep, got it.

    What’s with the attitude this year? Normally, you’re more pumped about the season than me, he asks while I keep staring at my phone, finishing my apple.

    Doesn’t seem as important this year. I start peeling my banana and take a bite.


    I look up to see we’re pulling into the stadium parking lot. Just doesn’t, I say as I climb out of his Mustang, throwing my trash in a nearby can and going into the locker room to dress out.

    A note on our board draws my attention. NEW ROSTER! I walk over to the new roster and glance down it. #1 Tatum Bland—Place Kicker.

    Who in the hell is that guy? I glance around the locker room to see if I see a new face. Looking back at the list, I scan on down. #5 Collin Atwood—Starting QB. I keep going, #15 Brock Atwood—Wide Receiver. What the hell? I’m so over this shit. I’m already over this damn day.

    Once we’re all dressed out, Coach tells us all to take a seat. All right, I’m ready to get this season started. I hope you all had a chance to look over the new roster. I’ve made some changes to our original plan. After seeing some of you work out, watching some footage from last year and talking with the assistant coaches and, he nods to my brother, our captain, I felt some changes were warranted. We also have a new player joining us late. We’ve been in desperate need of a place kicker for several years, well, one just happened to move to town last week and came to see me about joining the team. They’re transferring in as a junior. I watched some footage of them play and I have to say, we’re going to be damn lucky to have this player. He has a huge grin on his face as he talks about the new player. Hell, I’m glad he can be happy. He’s got a new guy and I’ve lost my position.

    So, where is the new guy? one of the guys, Dallas, asks.

    He walks over and taps on the locker room door. Coming in right now.

    I look up as the locker room door opens and in walks a girl. Guys, this is Tatum Bland, she’s our new place kicker.

    I hear the gasps around the room and then everything in my brain is silent.

    A girl!!! Fuck my life...


    C:\Users\Suzanne\SkyDrive\YA GAME TIME SERIES\Footballlove.jpg


    Guys, this is Tatum Bland, she’s our new place kicker. My heart pounds in my chest. I’ve been playing football since I was in the eighth grade, but then I’d grown up with those guys. This is totally new. I can see the shock on their faces. One guy looks like someone just pissed in his cornflakes.

    Coach Fagan laughs, "All right, let’s go ahead and clear this up. She is a girl, so pick your jaws up, boys. You’ll treat her just like you do anyone else on this team, she is going to be a great asset. Now, does anyone have an intelligent question?"

    A big black guy raises his hand. How is she going to change and stuff?

    Coach goes to speak but I stop him. I don’t want these guys to think they have to change everything on my account. I need to play on this team. At my old school, I either went in the locker room first, got dressed, I can hear some grumbles about how long it takes for girls to get ready, and then waited outside while the guys dressed, or I changed in the bathroom and then came back after everyone was dressed. It’s not really a big deal, I change quickly. I’m playing football, not getting ready for a beauty pageant. That gets me a few laughs. Home games are always a little easier than away, but I try to make it as easy as I can. I shrug.

    Another guy speaks up, cocking his head to the side like he’s a little pissed. How long have you been playing?

    I’m a junior, I’ve been playing on an actual team since I was in eighth grade. My last school was a lot like this one so I played on JV starting out. I played before that though in my neighborhood. I can play other positions like receiver, I just happen to be a great kicker, I explain.

    Coach claps his hands. Okay, that’s enough questions for now. I think she’s answered the important questions. Let’s go outside and get started.

    I take a deep breath and follow my new teammates out to the field, praying this goes good.


    I hug my mom when I come in from practice. How did it go, honey?

    I lean against the counter and grab a piece of the fried squash she’s cooking. Good once the shock wore off. I think some of them are going to be easier to work with than others, but isn’t that always the case. Truthfully, I was so nervous walking into that locker room. Some guys really have a problem playing on a team with girls. It wasn’t so much an adjustment for my last team, but I’ve heard stories from other places.

    You’ll show them, she says, popping my hand as I reach back for another piece.

    Where’s Caine? I ask as I start down the hall.

    Napping in his room, he should be up in just a little bit.

    Okay. I continue down the hall and step into his room, peeking in on him sleeping. He looks so peaceful. I wish I still slept like that. I quietly close the door and get ready to shower before supper.

    An hour later, my mom has us all sitting at the table. After my dad fixes his plate, he looks at me, Everything go okay with the team today?

    I eat a piece of squash. Yes, sir. Seems like a pretty close group of guys. How’s everything at your new office?

    He smiles at me. Good, Thad is a great boss. I understand two of his sons are on the team with you.

    Collin was one of the first people to introduce himself to me at practice. We’d made the connection of our dad’s working together, us being the same age and everything. Yes, one of them is the captain, Collin, he’s a junior like me. I’ve talked to him a few times now. His brother is a wide receiver, I think his name is Brock. He doesn’t talk as much as Collin. Mainly today Brock looked like he’d ate a bad batch of lemons. Collin seems to be the friendlier of the two.

    Thad says the team should be pretty great this year and adding you as the kicker is the icing on the cake. I’m just happy my dad is smiling, I wasn’t sure that would happen so soon.

    My mom laughs, I’m just glad they all seem to be accepting of having a female on the team. I was really worried about that coming to a new town.

    I shrug, I’m sure it’s going to be an adjustment for several of them, but they were nice today. We’ll see how the rest of the week goes.

    Mom points to the hutch in our dining room. I went to the store today and grabbed some stuff for school next week. Just the basics while it’s tax free week. If you need something specific, we can grab that later.

    Thanks, Mom, I say as I look at Caine in his bouncy seat by the table.

    My dad finishes up and takes his plate to the sink, then comes back in grabbing Caine out of his chair. How was my big boy today? Caine smiles at my dad while he takes him to the living room.

    I help Mom get everything cleaned up from supper, before letting them know I’m going for a run.

    Starting out of my driveway, I follow the sidewalk around our neighborhood. I need to try and find some trails around here to run on. Maybe one of the guys can let me know of some. I’d rather see nature instead of house after house. Rounding a corner, I see a guy in front of me running. He’s wearing crimson athletic shorts and no shirt. He’s lean but muscular.

    I shake my head to quit looking at him. I don’t need distractions in my life right now. I need to concentrate on my team, my grades and college scouts. I really need a scholarship for college; my parents tell me they’ll pay for it, but they’ve already sacrificed enough for me.

    Lost in my thoughts looking at the ground, I run into a wall. A sweaty wall. Only when I look up I realize I’ve run into the guy in front of me. S-sorry. I stumble on my words seeing one of my teammates.

    You think you can watch where you’re going? I’d hate for you to run into people on the field like that. You’re supposed to be kicking, don’t want to injure that golden leg, he replies, being a smartass.

    That pisses me off, I cock my hip with my hand on it. I said I was sorry. I only looked down for a second. I can guarantee that doesn’t happen on the field.

    He crosses his arms over his chest and smirks. Huh. We’ll see.

    Please tell me he’s not one of those guys. Why are you being a dick? You gotta problem because I’m a girl or is it just your overall award-winning personality? I snark back.

    He gives me a huffy laugh, glancing up and down my body. I guess it’s just my personality, because I have no problem with you being a girl. I’m a big enough man to know that what’s between someone’s legs doesn’t mean shit when it comes to their abilities.

    I laugh, You’re a man? I’m thinking you’re still a boy.

    He rears his head back laughing and leans down close to my ear. Baby, I assure you, I’m all man.

    A shiver runs through my body and I take a step back. I feel like we’re getting off on the wrong foot here. I stick my hand out. I’m Tatum, the new place kicker. It’s nice to meet you, teammate.

    He takes my hand in his. I’m Brock, apparently as of today a wide receiver. Nice to meet you, too.

    I take my hand back, So you weren’t a receiver before today? Honestly, today I would’ve thought he’d been playing that position forever, maybe a little rusty from summer, but had played before for sure.

    Nope, I’ve always been a quarterback. A running quarterback, but a quarterback. He looks down the road. "So, you’re a runner?’

    Clearly, he wants to change the topic so I nod. Yeah, I like to run to clear my head. Turning, I start back toward my house and he follows. I’m guessing they live this way, too.

    How did you feel about your first practice with us? he asks as we jog.

    I shrug, wiping sweat from my forehead. It was good, I mean I’m getting used to the team and they’re getting used to me. I’m sure they were all a little shocked when Coach brought me in. I didn’t realize he hadn’t talked to any of you about it.

    He huffs, Well, he talked to my brother about it and the other coaches, but no one else.

    Well, your brother is the captain, he has a responsibility to the team to be a leader. He’d need to be a little more prepared than you guys.

    "Yep. My brother’s the captain." I can sense a little hostility in his voice.

    Is your brother an asshole or something? I mean you sound like you hate him or something. He seemed nothing but nice to me, I question.

    He shakes his head. No, actually my brother is an awesome guy. He’s a great guy. The town loves him, rallies behind him about everything. He does it all. Hell, he probably helps little ol’ ladies cross the street and cooks for the homeless.

    I bark out a laugh. Wow, he does sound amazing. You can tell he’s pissed about all of the attention his brother gets. I guess I should leave the brother thing alone for now.

    So where did you move here from? he asks.

    Shit. Lakewent, I answer.

    They’re on our schedule this year. That’s going to suck playing your old team, huh?

    I shrug. Yeah, I guess.

    Why did you guys move here?

    I knew this question would come from people, so I give the only answer I’m supposed to give. My parents and I came up with this answer, which is true in a way. My dad was offered a great job here. I smile, Actually, with your dad. He’s the new accountant for the city.

    Oh, I didn’t know. Well, I mean Dad never really talks about that kind of stuff with us. When he gets home now he is so wrapped up with Penelope, he doesn’t really talk about work. Again, irritation is in his voice.

    I realize we’re back in front of my house when I look up. That didn’t seem like long at all. Well, this is my stop. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at practice.

    He lifts a single hand. Yeah, see you then.

    I start for the house but stop and turn back, Hey, if what I saw you do today was your first time doing the job, you’re going to be incredible. Before he has a chance to reply, I run into the house.


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    I watch as my mom comes out of the kitchen from making my sister a bottle. Dad and Collin talk football, while I pretend to listen.

    I try to sink further into the thick black couch in our den, hoping he won’t ask me about the position change or how I feel about the season. The truth is I’m not sure how I feel about the season, I feel like the damn rug was snatched out from under me. But I can’t say that. Brock, did you hear me?

    I turn my attention to Dad. Sorry, what?

    How’s the new position going? he asks. Fuck. Why? Just why?

    I shrug, looking down at the wood floors, looking at the TV, anywhere really but at my dad. Today is the first I learned of it. I hear the edge in my voice so I try to tamp it down. So I ran some of the routes and tried to learn plays.

    Collin turns his attention to me directly, I thought Coach talked to you about it during workouts?

    Nope, found out today when I looked over the roster, I say flatly, looking back at the TV.

    Collin tries to explain even more, in defense of the coach. He thinks you’ll do good in that spot and it’ll give you more playing time than staying as just a backup to me.

    Yeah, I get it. No, not really, but I don’t want to talk about this tonight.

    My dad clears his throat. Well, from the sounds of it he’s moved a few players around.

    Collin chimes back in. Yeah, he’s trying to strengthen our plays by changing things up a little this year. He really wants that state title. With us getting the new kicker, I think we have a really great shot at it, too.

    How is the new kicker working out? None of the guys have a problem with it, do they? Dad asks both of us.

    I don’t, I say at the same time that Collin answers, Not that I know of.

    Her dad is working for me now, you know?

    I nod. She told me that earlier today.

    Collin looks at me, clearly confused. When did you talk to her?

    When I went for a run. They live a few blocks over. I motion behind me.

    He nods. Okay, I just knew you weren’t talking much to anyone at practice today.

    I know he wants me to talk about that but I’m tired of talking. Instead, I stand up and glance at them. Yeah, I’m tired. I’m heading to bed. Ignoring something my brother replied, I go upstairs and hear my mom singing to my sister in her room.

    Before I go in my room across the hall, I peek in the door and see her covering Penelope’s little body before turning to come out the door. She pulls the door almost closed and smiles at me standing in my doorway. I’m telling you, I think that little girl is more stubborn than you and your brother were put together.

    I laugh lightly before stepping into my room. Maybe you just don’t remember because it’s been so long.

    She acts like she’s going to hit me. Ha smartbutt. Another joke about me being old and having a baby.

    I shrug and pull off my shirt. "I’m going to get some sleep. I’m

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