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The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™
The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™
The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™
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The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™

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Have you wondered why you run into the same physical issues over and over again? Maybe you are dealing with diseases or ailments and are ready to treat more than just the symptoms. Or perhaps you’ve simply wondered why you gain weight in your midsection while your friend gains weight in her hips. Get ready to understand how powerful energy centers in your body communicate messages from beyond the physical. Discover the root, energetic problems that are causing imbalances, and harness a universal power to create drastic changes in your happiness, your wellbeing, and your body with “The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You,” a min-e-book™.

FOREWORD by Sealed with Love Founder Elizabeth Harper
CHAKRA RECIPES by Chef Maria Schonder

Release dateApr 7, 2015
The Chakra Secret: What Your Body Is Telling You, a min-e-book™

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    The Chakra Secret - Michelle Hastie


    Ihave always been able to see the invisible energy of the human auric field. I remember when I was a child, my mother, one of the pioneers of yoga in Britain, asked me to draw an image of the chakras for use in her next class. I was happy to oblige, especially since it involved drawing, one of my favorite pastimes. Using what she’d already taught me about the chakras, their colors and symbols, and her yoga books as inspiration, I began to draw.

    As I drew, I realized that rather than seeing the chakras in the form of their traditional symbols, I saw them as brightly colored universes that spun and overlapped each other. Their colors moved in different directions, revolving around an invisible axis, and their speed changed depending upon unknown (at the time) variables. This moment triggered the beginning of my conscious journey with the chakras. In my work as a healer and color clairvoyant in the years since, I have helped thousands of people navigate their inner world by reviewing the energy and performance of their individual chakra systems.

    The main purpose of the chakras is to nourish our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies; transmute energy; and awaken consciousness. Because they are made of energy, the chakras aligned with our physical bodies also are affected by energy – the energy of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, ideas, habits, pain, and memories. They become symbols of awareness, mirroring the way we live our lives and how we react to the world we live in.

    The western version of the human chakra system embraces the Hindu concept of seven energy vortexes housed within different levels of the body. I imagine the body like the earth: the seven major chakras are like major cities, hubs of activity where important decisions are made. Secondary chakras are dotted around the body, and most can be found at the joints. I relate these to towns. There also are approximately 300 minor chakras that are utilized by acupuncturists. On an energetic level, these make our bodies look like a connect-the-dots picture. If the body were a map, these minor chakras would be the villages.

    Between the cities, towns, and villages is a road network of energy lines known as nadis. The body’s energy system runs smoothly until a road or a nadi is blocked. When this happens, energy has to find another pathway. Sometimes all the roads can become blocked, and that’s when larger problems arise.

    Each major chakra is linked to specific areas of the physical body, so when there is an energetic blockage the physical body suffers. However, there are so many layers to the energy body that the physical body is the last one to be affected. Fortunately, this means that by changing the way we think and feel, we can affect change within our system before blockages manifest physically – and we also can heal ourselves once a blockage makes itself known.

    For example, when I first immigrated to the United States, I was struck down by an illness of the stomach. I tried various restrictive diets, herbs, and healing techniques, but I soon realized I also needed to look within for the answer to why I developed the disease in the first place.

    The stomach is linked with the solar plexus chakra, which governs self-worth, power, and confidence. If you have ever been through any kind of immigration process, you’ll understand when I say it can make you feel powerless. That is exactly how I felt, and this powerlessness hit me right in the core of my being. Through a combination of chakra work and natural healing methods, I was able to heal. These days whenever I have a stomachache or experience any kind of abdominal discomfort, I look at ways I am giving away my power. This helps me to change my behavior, thoughts, and feelings and to heal from the inside out.

    However, it is not always as clear-cut as this. Sometimes more than one major chakra is involved, together with a myriad of secondary and minor ones. For instance, I’ve discovered that my emotional wellbeing is wrapped up in my power: a combination of my heart chakra, my solar plexus chakra, and my skin. This is where Michelle Hastie’s work is vital. She outlines the habits, emotions, and thought patterns that can create blockages in all the chakras, thereby removing the guesswork from healing. Fifty percent of healing is based on the awareness of why a problem or an illness exists. Once you realize the cause, then you’re already halfway toward healing it.

    What I love about The Chakra Secret: What Your Body is Telling You is that the why is followed by an offering of several different ways to heal. None of us are the same and, therefore, a particular healing modality isn’t going to suit every person. Just as your fingerprints are unique to you, so is your energy system. The different options Hastie provides mean you can create your own pathway to healing your chakras. This min-e-book™ serves as a trigger for your innate intelligence. It offers you solid wisdom that you can embrace and use right away.

    I wish you plenty of success on your path to transformation and full-body health. To help get you in the best frame of mind to absorb Michelle’s message, I’ve included a connection exercise below. I hope it helps!

    Oodles of Love & Coloriscious Blessings

    Elizabeth Harper

    Founder of Sealed with Love

    Connect With Your Chakras Exercise by Elizabeth Harper

    Before you begin reading The Chakra Secret, I’d like to help you begin to connect with your chakras – with your energy system.

    Start by finding a comfortable position. Make an intention to relax, take some deep breaths, and close your eyes. Starting at the base or root chakra, move upward, bringing your awareness, thoughts, and feelings to each of the seven major chakras one at a time. Rest your attention at each chakra for about a minute.

    If it feels right, you can place your hands at the chakra you are focusing on. When you have finished doing this, remove your hands and imagine dropping an anchor from the center of your body down into the center of the earth.

    Then, ask yourself, Which chakra do I need to focus on healing today? See what information comes to you. Your hands might be drawn to a certain area of your body, or you may experience a new awareness or feeling at one of your chakra points. Listen to what your body tells you.

    If you don’t get a clear response, ask yourself, If I knew, which chakra would I need to focus on today? Allow your intuition to guide you.

    Also use this exercise to find your emotional center. Repeat the above exercise, but this time invite one of your hands to touch that area of your body where you tend to hold most of your emotions. You might find that your emotional center changes depending on which chakra you need to heal. Keep an open mind, as this will help your intuition accurately support you.

    To complete the exercise, use your imagination to visualize white light above your head streaming down through your energy field and chakras, cleansing your light body of anything you have picked up or awakened. Then, when you are ready, open your eyes and shake off your body.

    You are now ready to begin The Chakra Secret: What Your Body is Telling You, a min-e-book™ by Michelle Hastie.


    Afew years ago, I began to notice that things in my body were off. I had physical symptoms no doctor could explain, daily stress, constant feelings of being overwhelmed, and weight gain. For me, this was an indication that something was wrong at a core level. Unable to find a solution within the medical establishment, I reached out to a healer. With the healer’s help, I discovered my symptoms were real, were linked to a toxic work environment, and were based in my root and sacral chakras.

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