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Futanari Switch
Futanari Switch
Futanari Switch
Ebook41 pages46 minutes

Futanari Switch

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About this ebook

Clara just had no luck at all with men. Sure, they were great in bed, but for a relationship? They just didn't seem to get her, or even want to try. She'd had just about enough of their inconsiderate, thoughtless ways when her best friend, May, offered an intriguing solution! Futanari, the mysterious Third Gender, had recently come out of hiding, and Clara will have to decide if she wants to make a switch from men to the amazing endowments and prowess of the gender-bending futanari! Read and find out who she chooses, men or futa, and the long, hot, steamy consequences of that choice!
Warning!!! Like many of my futanari stories, the endowments of the futa girls are FAR beyond what is possible or at all realistic. But what the heck, its an extreme kind of fantasy in it's way, so enjoy it if you dare!

Author's Note: All Characters depicted are consenting adults over the age of 21.

Release dateSep 12, 2017
Futanari Switch

Lara Longstaff

Hello there!I'm just over 30 years old and married to a wonderful guy. We hail from the Midwest of the good old USA. My hobbies are many and varied, but first among them are girls who have something extra! While I mostly prefer to fantasize about other futanari and such, sometimes my mood swings and I really get the urge to reverse roles with a cute guy, so most of my stories are of one of those two themes.Most of my stories are available on and Google Play, so be sure to check them out there, too!I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do writing them!XOXOXOL.L.

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    Futanari Switch - Lara Longstaff

    Futanari Switch


    Lara Longstaff

    Copyright 2017 Lara Longstaff

    All Rights Reserved

    All characters depicted are consenting adults over the age of 21.


    Like many of my futanari stories, this one features a lady of truly

    enormous, unrealistic size! Enjoy!

    Be sure to keep reading for hot samples of

    The Dame Who Wasn't and Futanari Consolation

    You know, Clara, the way you bitch about men all the time I'm surprised you haven't taken my advice and given futanari a try, May rolled her eyes at me. She tends to do that when I'm being stupid, and I had to laugh at myself. She had a point. Don't get me wrong. I love men. Mostly in bed, but for me, that counted for a lot. Still, she had a point.

    Yeah, you're right. But that's freaky, I declared. And it was, to some extent. I mean, I'd never once looked at another woman, futanari or not, and said to myself, yeah I'd really like her to jump me. But that wasn't what May was talking about. I'd just broken down and slept with my ex-boyfriend, Justin, the night before. It wasn't my fault. I was feeling lonely and even though he's an asshole, he sure could be sexy sometimes.

    You know, the pretty blonde sucked a tooth and looked down her long, pretty nose at me. I get enough of being called a freak by strangers, televangelists and politicians. Remind me why are we best friends again?

    Shit, May, I didn't mean it that way! I squeaked. Yeah, I'd really put my foot in my mouth with that comment. Her eyes were normally so soft and kind, clear green circles full of pure warmth. They seemed pretty cold now.

    And just how did you mean it, exactly? my blonde friend leaned over the table. As pretty as she was, prettier than me, I always thought, she looked like she could tear my head off if I said the wrong thing. I had to think about this carefully before I answered. Naturally, I just blurted the first thing that popped into my head.

    Yeah but I didn't mean you, May! I leaned over the little table and grabbed her hand before she could reach for the steak knife. Not that I really feared for my life or anything. But we were in the restaurant she managed and all her employees worshiped the ground she walked on. No big surprise, she was one of those women that made every other woman on the planet jealous, myself included. She was a bit shorter than me (I'm five-six), but with a tight little body every guy seemed to drool over. I, on the other hand, had to work with what I was given, dark brown hair and eyes, long legs, and what most guys liked to call 'a decent rack'. She could chew me out in front of all her customers and employees and I didn't doubt everyone would take her side.

    And they call blondes witless, she snapped, glaring at me.

    I meant, I licked my lips as fast as I could. That it would be freaky for ME to do things with another woman, since I'm straight! Just like it would be freaky for YOU to sleep with a guy, okay?

    I'll accept that, she said. She leaned back

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