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Waiting for Messiah
Waiting for Messiah
Waiting for Messiah
Ebook108 pages53 minutes

Waiting for Messiah

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Discover the Messiah in a different way with this collection of stories about Christ from a Messianic Jew point of view.

PublisherDavid Russell
Release dateSep 13, 2017
Waiting for Messiah

David Russell

David Russell is a long-time member of the arts community in Vancouver. He has worked on stage and television, including performing as a company member with the Vancouver TheatreSports League for more than 15 years. Russell has written freelance for a number of publications, including Maclean's, Vancouver's Sun and Province, the award-winning online news site The Tyee, and others. He lives in Coquitlam, British Columbia.

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    Book preview

    Waiting for Messiah - David Russell


    Waiting for Messiah is a journey back in time before and during the earthly life of Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua, who is believed to have been born to Jewish parents over twenty centuries ago. The setting is the Holy Land.

    Each of these authors have imagined life in this time period for known Biblical figures who waited for Messiah. These people had an inner assurance the King of the Universe, who is called Hashem, would hear their heart cry and send the anointed One to free them from all that is unjust. This heart cry continues down through the centuries from ancient Yisrael to modern Indiana and everywhere in between.

    In this book, three Hebrew words are used for wait or waiting: damam, qava, and yachal. Collectively, their meanings include the actions of looking eagerly, hoping expectantly, trusting, binding together, and silent and being still.

    In these accounts:

    Shepherds wait through an extraordinary night like no other to discover the newborn Messiah;

    Magi come together to plan and execute a 1500-mile trip to find and meet the young Yeshua and his parents;

    An aging temple priest is filled with new hope on meeting Yeshua and his parents inside the temple;

    Two stone cutters quietly discuss what life may be like when a Messiah does arrive on the scene.

    I invite you to consider what oppressive, vexing unalterable exists for us that requires nothing short of Messianic intervention. Your answers may help identify with these persons and their wait for Messiah.

    Names and places have been changed from English to Hebrew renderings, according to the online versions of The Complete Jewish Bible or the Hebrew Names Version of the online World English Bible. A word list has been included in this book to aid readers with English-to-Hebrew words with short definitions provided.

    This style of using the Hebrew is chosen to show gratitude to the Jewish people for our faith heritage as non-Jewish professing believers. It also serves to remind us that an era existed during which outward customs differed considerably from the present.

    The desire for a deliverer from that beyond one's control is centuries old. Today, as then, the question we each answer is: Who is the Messiah for whom we wait?

    "For God to explain a trial would be to destroy its purpose, calling forth simple faith and implicit obedience."

    - Alfred Edersheim, 1825-1889

    Word List

    Hebrew transliteration is used in this anthology for Biblical names and places. The stories are set in the time believed to encompass the early period of the common era. The reader is asked to begin a journey that considers the influence of the Holy Land on the Judeo-Christian faith heritage: has the Jewish faith heritage been altered through human practice down through the centuries?

    A limited English to Hebrew word list with short definitions follows as a reading aid.

    Avigayil: Abigail, story character, Setting the Stones

    Adonai: Lord God

    Avraham Avinu: Abraham our father

    Bar Mitzvah: Son of the commandments

    Bat Mitzvah: Daughter of the commandments

    Bavith: House, not home

    Beit-Lechem: Bethlehem, House of bread, believed to be birth place of Yeshua, Jesus

    Beit Midrash: House of study

    Berakhah: Blessing

    Calendar: Lunar/solar calendar whose months begin with each new moon

    Diaspora: Jewish people living outside nation of Israel

    Ef'od: A tunic, robe

    Ein Sheva: Location of the miracle involving the loaves and fish recorded in the Gospels

    Elisheva: Elizabeth, Mother of Yochanan, John, (See Luke 1).

    Eliyahu: Elijah the Prophet.

    Elokaynu: Substitute name for G-d.

    Erev: Evening, start of a new day on the Jewish calendar

    Galil: Refers to the lake of Galilee

    G-d: Used in Orthodox Jewish writings to represent the Holy One, blessed be he!

    Kefa: Peter, a disciple and apostle of Yeshua

    Miryam: Mary, earthly mother of Messiah Yeshua

    Miryam of Magdala: Mary of Magdalene, follower of Yeshua

    Mashiach: Messiah, Messiah Yeshua

    Matzah: Unleavened bread, cracker, eaten throughout the season of Passover

    Natzeret: Nazareth, hometown of Yeshua and his earthly family

    Niddah: Separation of husband and wife during menstrual period

    Ovad: Ovadiah, Obadiah, story character in Setting The Stones

    Patriarchs: Refers to Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya'akov, (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)

    Pesach: Passover

    Shabbat: Sabbath

    Talmud: One of the central works of the Jewish people (See

    Tanakh: The Jewish Bible, Old Testament

    Tehillim: Psalms

    Ya'akov: Jacob, also name for one of Yeshua's disciples.

    Yeshua: Jesus, HaMashiach, The Messiah

    Yirmeyahu: Jeremiah the Prophet

    Yesha'yahu: Isaiah the Prophet

    Yerushalayim: Jerusalem


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