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Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale
Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale
Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale
Ebook53 pages30 minutes

Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale

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Ten years later, there are no rules...

Ten years ago, it was her first year, anywhere. He was the classic bad boy... Tall, dark, and cocky. He wanted her and he knew she wanted him.

And he was legal. Held back, years ago... The law said it was okay but there were rules.

And now it's the ten-year reunion and those rules don't apply. He still wants her and oh, boy, does she ever want him! The only problem is, she's married.

Or is it?

Class Reunion is a fiery, erotic tale for adults only. Look Inside and see for yourself!

Release dateSep 15, 2017
Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale

Anita Blackmann

Anita Blackmann married young, fresh out of high school. It was obvious that neither of them was ready for marriage, and it ended within a couple of years.With stars in her eyes, she went to Hollywood next and acted for a while, mostly in small parts in independent films. She met and married a producer who introduced her into a world of wild parties and underground sex clubs. She came to fear for her health and sanity, and eventually walked away from him and his money.She leads a very different life now, and has decided to write of the world she she once knew as a way of empowerment.

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    Class Reunion (Hotwives of Compton) - An Interracial Cuckold Tale - Anita Blackmann

    CLASS REUNION (Hotwives of Compton) – An Interracial Cuckold Tale

    by Anita Blackmann

    Copyright 2017 Anita Blackmann

    Published by Deadlier Than the Male Publications

    All characters in this story are 18 or older.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Class Reunion

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Bonus Material: Boulevard Girl (Hotwives of Compton)

    About the Author

    Other Books by Anita Blackmann

    Connect With Anita Blackmann


    Pinning my wrists over my head again, Dex reached down and grabbed a fistful of panties. A firm grip and a twist from him, along with a gasp from me, and they were just torn bits of cloth, dropping to the floor. My panting was loud as he hooked my thigh, pulling my leg up and opening me to him. Hands-free, he moved his hips and I shuddered as I felt the hot, thick head of his big black cock bounce against my aching, engorged and dripping lips. I smiled and giggled, nervously, then gasped as he penetrated me without any guidance. His eyes were locked with mine as he sunk himself in deeper and deeper. My whole body rumbled from my toes on up until I could take the pleasure no more and my eyes rolled up inside of my head. I shuddered, then came, hard!

    From the moment I let out my long, loud moan and my hot cream began to gush over his thick, penetrating cock, he was pounding me, mercilessly. My head dropped and my lips came in contact with his sweet ebony flesh. My teeth bit into him and I gurgled with pleasure. His thrusts sent me deeper and deeper into the orgasmic haze that threatened to disconnect my brain.

    All at once, he pulled completely out of me. My body convulsed repeatedly, hungry for the cock that should have been in me. Dazed, I tried to look – tried to ask him, what the fuck? But those meager actions were beyond my current capabilities…

    Dex spun me around and pressed me to the wall. I was vaguely aware of his foot kicking my legs apart. He wrapped his thick forearm around my waist and pulled me back just a little so that he could push me over even more. I moaned again as he plunged his cock back into my hungry, greedy snatch – a massive paroxysm slamming my face back against the wall. His thrusts were fast and deep… and all too brief. Again, he pulled out of me. A second later, he pressed his drenched, dripping cock back against me.

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