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Second Chance, Better Choice
Second Chance, Better Choice
Second Chance, Better Choice
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Second Chance, Better Choice

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Brandall Cannon, awkward, shy college student doesn’t always feel like he deserves much. Thrown out of his home at sixteen for being gay, his grandmother takes him in, until her death. Now, on his own, he struggles to balance his studies, and his relationship with his boyfriend, Kyle.

Except Kyle has rules, and being Brandall’s boyfriend isn’t one of them. There is no acknowledgment they are together in any way. Brandall is fine with that, until Kyle’s cousin, and Brandall’s best friend, Mitchum, finally convinces him there should be more to the relationship.

When Brandall tries to refuse Kyle, he gets a fist to the face. Now, not only does he have to deal with his own insecurities, he has to deal with an abusive lover. To make matters worse, he literally bumps into a guy who puts Kyle’s good looks to shame. But Brandall doesn’t want to be attracted, he has Kyle...and suddenly things are getting complicated.

When Kyle forces himself on Brandall, he knows he needs to make decisions. He just doesn’t know if he has the courage. His life has gotten out of control, and his attraction to Troian is growing. Especially since Troian is kind, protective and caring. Not something Brandall is used to, or trusts.

When Kyle comes after him again, Troian is there to rescue him, and Brandall realizes his feelings for Troian are much more than attraction. Despite not wanting to, he falls for Troian, but when Troian admits to loving Brandall, he finally understands that Troian is the better choice, and he learns to trust the second chance he’s been given.

PublisherCR Guiliano
Release dateFeb 11, 2016
Second Chance, Better Choice

CR Guiliano

CR Guiliano is an avid reader which logically morphed into the love of writing. She writes in many genres, but is most happy writing the love between two men (or more!) She makes them work hard for their HEA, and considers herself an expert in angst. CR finds her favorite form of writing is in serials, where she can continue to write about characters who have captured her heart, and hopes have captured her readers as well. You will usually find CR cuddled up to her laptop creating stories to entertain, inspire, and bring your emotions to the surface. CR has a huge warren of plot bunnies that is growing every day, and can’t wait to fill out each story idea, and share them all with her readers. CR was proudly nominated in the Goodreads Best Anthology Nominations and was thrilled to be included with the many talented writers from the same Anthology. CR is the author of the Best of 2015 reads on USAToday, with her award-winning title, Omega Born. CR is a committed advocate for the GLBTQ community and does her best to change society’s attitudes, one mind at a time. You can learn more about CR Guiliano and her stories at the following locations and feel free to drop her line as she loves to hear from anyone interested in her, or her writings: Facebook Author Page: Facebook: Author blog: Works-in-progress blog: Website: Twitter: Email:

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    Second Chance, Better Choice - CR Guiliano

    Second Chance, Better Choice by CR Guiliano

    Second Chance, Better Choice

    Published by CR Guiliano

    Copyright © 2016 CR Guiliano

    All Rights Reserved.

    Digital Edition

    Cover Designer: BeeJavier_20858

    This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author.

    Warning: This book contains material that is only suitable for mature readers.

    Chapter 1

    Honestly. I’m getting pretty tired of it. I murmured as I watched my boyfriend across the room, holding court as if he were the king of the college campus. What sucked was he really was the life of the party, the one everyone adored, hit on, and hung out with, despite the fact he was only a junior. He was the man everyone gravitated toward. That I snagged him as a lover wasn’t on anyone’s radar. No one knew that he, and I slept together. I was not allowed to hang out with him. I was certainly not allowed to call him my friend, and forget boyfriend. There was only one person who knew the truth.

    I turned to look at Mitchum since he hadn’t commented on my mumbling, something that usually irritated him. The look on his face was enough to tell me he was beyond irritated.

    Why the hell do you allow him to treat you that way?

    Mitchum kept his voice pitched low, uttering the same question I’d heard too many times. I gave him a small smile. Because I love him. The same answer I always gave. Mitchum knew how I felt about my boyfriend.

    But you just said you are getting tired of it.

    I was surprised he’d heard me, but nodded as my eyes wandered back to the laughing, fun loving life of the party, my lover. Kyle was stunning, with his dark blond hair, blue eyes and a killer body. A body I was intimately familiar with. Kyle even had sexy hands, large with well trimmed nails and always clean. He was meticulous about his appearance. He knew he was gorgeous, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Kyle could be quite arrogant at times, but just as charming too. He was aggressive, and did have a temper on him. But he’d never directed it at me. Maybe because I followed all his little rules so well.

    Mitchum growled under his breath and I wondered again if there was more to Mitchum’s friendship than I was seeing. He’d never overtly come on to me, never really flirted either. I’d always been under the impression he was straight, though I’d never seen him with either a girl, or a guy. He left me confused when he got so bent out of shape over Kyle, and how he treated me. He almost acted, well, jealous, which made no sense at all. What’s the problem, Mitch? I used the same low voice as Mitchum, not that Kyle would have even noticed us lurking in the corner. When Kyle was holding court, he was completely oblivious of Mitchum, and especially of me. I turned to stare at Mitchum, though I was pretty sure exactly what my friend’s answer was going to be. I wasn’t disappointed.

    The problem is you letting him treat you like a dirty little secret. You deserve better than that.

    He’d hissed the words, his dark blue eyes intense. I turned away from him again. Mitchum. I love the man. That’s why I put up with all Kyle’s little secret games. I’m hoping, some day, he will realize what he has, and come out of the closet. I explained, again, for what seemed like the zillionth time. I didn’t see it, but knew Mitchum rolled his eyes. He always did when I tried to explain why I stayed with Kyle.

    Like that’s ever going to happen. Look at him. Mitchum waved towards Kyle. He has everything. Popular, good looking, smart, and an adoring lover on the side. He’s not going to change, Brandy. Mitchum said with disgust.

    I had heard this before, many times. But this time, it settled a tiny sliver of ice in my stomach. I frowned as I watched Kyle. It’s Brandall. I mumbled automatically as I stared at my lover. Was Mitchum right? Would Kyle always leave things the way they were? Never wanting to make our relationship more? Let it grow? Acknowledge it publically, ever? Acknowledge me?


    Kyle, and I had separate apartments off campus. Kyle didn’t allow either of us to go to the other’s during the day. Only at night did I get to see my lover on my couch, or in my bed. I’ve actually never been to his apartment. I left the party, tired and out of sorts. I wouldn’t know whether Kyle was coming by until he showed up. No call, no talking at the party, no heads up at all. That was just the way Kyle liked it. I’d always gone along with it, never questioning him. Until now. Mitchum had made me worry this time. I couldn’t get it out of my head that he might be right, and Kyle would never acknowledge us as a couple. Hell, no one even knew we were except Mitchum, Kyle, and myself. And as I thought back, I don’t remember one time Kyle ever saying we were anything. Not a couple, or boyfriends, not partners, not lovers, not fuck buddies, not…anything. He came by when he felt like it, fucked me, and left. I was the one who considered us a couple. I was the one who used the word boyfriend.

    I’d been content with the arrangement, happy even. But I knew, deep down, I wanted more, even if I didn’t think I deserved it. Besides, I’d always been pleased that someone as beautiful as Kyle had any interest in me at all. I

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