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Sky Titans: Deities, #1
Sky Titans: Deities, #1
Sky Titans: Deities, #1
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Sky Titans: Deities, #1

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It's time for the earth to be cleansed.

Released after eons of being imprisoned and tortured, Aeron and his three brothers are ordered by the remaining old gods to bring the Apocalypse upon the world. Humanity has failed them too many times, and the Reckoning is overdue.

As the deity of the air and sky, it's Aeron's duty to bring about massive storms to wipe out civilization. Tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning - all are at his bidding, and Aeron is more than willing to do whatever he is requested to do. He will mete out the worst he can conjure, as long as it means he'll no longer be bound within the hot, dark confines deep within the bowels of the Earth.

Ceris Shahan is terrified of flying. But when the president of the company demands she be at the summit conference clear across the continent the next day, she has no choice but to take the next plane out. If her phobia wasn't debilitating enough, they run into turbulence that doesn't end. Tossed about, bruised and injured amid the ugly black clouds that continue to engulf them, she and the other passengers soon realize they will not survive.

When Ceris spots a figure outside the window, a man who appears to be standing amid the thunderheads and is surrounded by an aura of light, she starts to doubt her own sanity. Yet, when the man turns to find her staring at him, the look of stunned disbelief on his face is undeniable.

She shouldn't be able to see him, but she can. Realizing what this could mean, Aeron decides to risk everything, even his freedom, to rescue and protect the woman from the annihilation of all mankind.

PublisherLinda Mooney
Release dateSep 18, 2017
Sky Titans: Deities, #1

Linda Mooney

Linda loves to write sensuously erotic romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel. A wife, mother, grandmother, and retired Kindergarten and music teacher, she lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf coast where she delves into other worlds filled with daring exploits, adventure, and intense love. She has numerous best sellers, including 10 consecutive #1s. In 2009, she was named Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Author of the Year, and her book My Strength, My Power, My Love was named the 2009 WCPT Book of the Year. In 2011, her book Lord of Thunder was named the Epic Ebook "Eppie" Award Winner for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Romance. In addition, she write naughty erotic romances under the name of Carolyn Gregg, and horror under the pseudonym of Gail Smith. For more information about Linda Mooney books and titles, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website.

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    Book preview

    Sky Titans - Linda Mooney

    Chapter 1


    Charon trudged through the blackness, a smoking torch his only light in the abysmal, dank tunnels. The place smelled of rot and earthy excrement. Worse, the temperature down here was suffocating. The further down he went, the hotter it got, until he could feel rivulets of sweat running down his skin underneath his garb.

    His wooden staff made soft clicking sounds where it struck the rocky ground. He had no knowledge of how long he’d been walking. All he knew was that what he sought was at the very end of this underground corridor. It had been eons since he’d last ventured here. Once the primordials had been punished and subsequently banished from the upper realms after their traitorous deeds, no one had been allowed to come this way. Not to visit. Not to offer succor.


    Faintly, he wondered what he would find. Being deities, the four could not die, but they could suffer, and suffer massively. For thousands of years, they had been left alone, without food or water. Without surcease from their eternal torment. All they’d had were each other, but even then they were condemned to be alone. Imprisoned separately, without knowing the touch of a comforting hand. Without sight of a familiar face. All they had was the sound of each other’s voices.

    If they’d retained their sanity after all these millennia, it would be a miracle.

    The closer he got to the dungeons, the ranker the air became. It stank of bodies which had stewed in their own sweat and grit for centuries. At one point he had to stop and retch, unable to withstand the putrid odor. Spitting bile from his mouth, he covered his nose and mouth with his sleeve and pressed on.

    He heard a rustling before he spotted them. Being condemned for so long in utter darkness, even the dimmest, distant glow from his torch had made them aware of his approach long before he arrived. Once he reached the four individual cells, they all had turned their backs to him to protect their eyes from the sputtering light.

    I am Charon, he announced, forcing himself to breathe through his mouth. I am here at the behest of the old gods.

    There are no more gods, one prisoner growled.

    Charon studied each man, reacquainting himself with the condemned, and weighing what he knew about them against what he was looking at. Each man was naked. Each bore an untold number of scars across his back, shoulders, and buttocks, testament to some of the punishment they’d been dealt before being incarcerated. Each had hair down past their feet and lying in a heap on the bare ground. At this point, the only way to tell them apart was by the faint aura reflected by their bodies. The remark had been made by Pyre, notable by his skin’s faint, reddish-orange sheen.

    There are a few gods remaining, Charon corrected. We become fewer in number as the years pass. Every decade, those of us who are left have grown more weary and angry with the inconsiderate and self-serving mortals who have turned away from us and refuse to acknowledge us any further. That is why I am here. The day of reckoning has come. It has been decided to bring about the Apocalypse. It is time for the earth to be cleansed of all humanity. And you will be its harbingers of destruction.

    Slowly, one by one, each man turned around to face him. They continued to hold their hands up to shield their faces from the torch’s glare, even though the light being emitted barely managed to illuminate the small area.

    Suddenly, one of the men charged at him, stopping within a hair’s breadth of having the chain growing taut and jerking on the wide iron band around his neck. Do not come in here and play with us! We have suffered too long to continue to be your playthings!

    Charon straightened. He had no idea how the man was able to resist the paralysis caused by the collar. Perhaps they had managed to build up a resistance after thousands of years.

    I am not playing. I am not teasing. I have been ordered to command you to return to the surface and bring about the Apocalypse. Unleash your powers. Bring chaos and destruction. Spare none. Do you understand?

    What will happen to us after we have done what they have commanded? The one named Aeron walked to the end of his chain and glared in anger at the messenger. Despite the man’s doubt, Charon saw a spark of hope brighten then fade from the man’s face. For all these men knew, they were being toyed with again. This may not be a form of physical torture. Physical torture was temporary. Momentary. Once the punishment was dealt, it went away. But mental torture was eternal, and that’s what they believed they were being given. The promise of release, to leave their prison. It was too good to be true.

    They were certain that if they truly were being allowed to breathe fresh air again, that they would be forced to return when their work was done.

    Charon adjusted his grip on the torch. I was not made aware of what would happen after that. But know this. You are being given the chance to leave here and return to the surface. Even if it is only for a short time, are you willing to pass this up?

    All four men stood defiantly before him. By their posture, Charon knew their centuries of imprisonment had not destroyed their spirit. It was both a good and a bad omen. One that he would be sure to remark upon when he returned to let the old gods know what had occurred down here.

    You say we are commanded to wreak total destruction upon this earth? the one called Meris questioned.

    Total and absolute.

    With no quarter given to any mortal? Pyre clarified.

    None whatsoever.

    Who will be assisting us? Aeron asked.

    No one will be assisting you, Charon admitted. There are no others. You are all who are left.

    Aeron narrowed his eyes at the man. The old gods will not be assisting us?

    They are overseeing your efforts. Be thankful you are being given this opportunity to return to the world. The man’s tone was scornful, if not condescending.

    It took them a few moments to digest what he’d said. He also knew they expected the world to still resemble the one they had been banished from. They had no idea how much it had changed. How ugly it had become. And how the ungrateful mortals had turned their backs on the old gods, often mocking them and declaring them to be nothing more than fanciful tales. He debated with himself whether to let them know, but decided they could find out on their own. Let their own surprise fuel their anger and hate.

    What are our limitations? Uryx finally spoke up. Under what restraints are we being placed?

    No limitations. No restraints. Charon eyed them. You still retain your full powers.

    He pounded the ground with his staff, and the iron collars around the prisoners’ necks fell away. The four men all touched their throats in disbelief.

    How long are we being allowed? How many days have we been given to destroy mankind and all it has created? Aeron queried. It was still difficult for them to believe they were being freed.

    Charon managed to hide his smile. As long as is needed. There are no timelines. Do what you must. Destroy it all. Time is inconsequential. The final results are what is important.

    Turning his back to them, he proceeded to return to the surface. He could hear them following behind, shuffling, moving slowly because their muscles had atrophied. It would take until they reached the cave’s open before they regained full mobility. By that time, they also would have regained their strength. Enough to where there would be nothing holding them back, and nothing that could stop them from fulfilling their mission.

    Charon allowed himself to smile. It was going to be fun to stand back and watch the total destruction of mankind commence.

    Chapter 2


    It was a sweet, dark night when they emerged from the cave. The sound of the waves lapping on the island’s sandy beach was pure music, and the stars overhead seemed to bless them. The only other light came from the sliver of moon not far above the horizon. Its dimness allowed their eyes to adjust further without pain.

    Aeron glanced around, but the ferryman was nowhere to be seen. Charon has left us, he commented to the others.

    He has done his job. Meris grinned. This time without his boat.

    Pyre took a deep breath. I will continue to breathe in this air until I have purged every dram of that pit’s foul stench from my body.

    Almost simultaneously, all four men advanced toward the ocean, wading into the cool waters until they were chest deep, before immersing themselves over their heads. They took care to cleanse themselves, using the white sands to scour away the crusty dirt and grime that coated their bodies.

    Meris pulled a scalloped shell from the sea bed and began hacking at his long hair, ridding himself of its weight and length. When he was done, he handed the shell to Aeron, who did the same. The results of their efforts were haphazard, but at least the majority of the growth was removed. Giving the tool to Uryx, Aeron scrubbed his scalp to kill whatever insects and creatures had chosen to nest in the locks. By the time he felt clean again, Meris had returned to the beach and was sitting down where the tide pooled around his waist.

    The old gods, whatever gods are left, want us to bring utter destruction upon this earth and all of mankind, the man commented, then looked to the others. Why us? Why will the old gods not do it themselves?

    Aeron had to admit his brother made a good point. Maybe they are releasing us and allowing us to do their bidding because they have finally forgiven us.

    Uryx let out a derisive bark of laughter. Do not even begin to try to convince yourself of that, he remarked scathingly. "They want us to do their dirty work. Plain and simple. The

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