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Intertwined Hearts: Men of Snowcroft, #3
Intertwined Hearts: Men of Snowcroft, #3
Intertwined Hearts: Men of Snowcroft, #3
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Intertwined Hearts: Men of Snowcroft, #3

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Intertwined Hearts

Three people who’ve given up on love...


After a brutal, late-night attack in his restaurant left Chef Hudson Richmond too traumatized to even enter his restaurant again, he escaped to Snowcroft. Now he’s trying to find a new normal when the reality of his world is a man’s touch makes him sick and his dream has become his nightmare.


Leigh Vaughn lives in a man’s world running Vaughn Construction with her brother, Jamie. She’s tried to be feminine and failed over and over again. Growing up with only her brother, father, and construction crews to guide her, Leigh has no idea what a feminine wile is, much less how to deploy them. But when Jamie and Trevor begin to research finding a surrogate to carry their baby, she knows this is something she can do. Hell, it’s not like those parts are getting used for anything else.


When this small town came looking for a new police chief, David Warner jumped at the chance. After a traumatic betrayal by his partner on the police force, he’s burnt out and jaded. And his love life has been even more depressing than his work life. He’s made one true connection in the last five years, but she disappeared without a trace the next morning.

Three people who have given up on love, may just find a new beginning where they least expect Snowcroft. But love is only supposed to happen in twos. How can they make it work with three intertwined hearts?

Trigger warning: This book features story-lines that involve past assaults and betrayals, but has a guaranteed HEA for three people who couldn’t deserve it more. male/male/female.

PublisherChristi Snow
Release dateOct 12, 2017
Intertwined Hearts: Men of Snowcroft, #3

Christi Snow

Bio for Christi Snow As an avid reader her entire life, Christi Snow always dreamed of writing books that brought to others the kind of joy she felt when she read. But...she never did anything about it besides jot down a few ideas and sparse scenes. When her husband retired from the Air Force, Christi decided it was time to chase her dream and she started writing. She hasn’t stopped since. With twenty-two published books in various romance genres, she’s found her passion. Now she spends her days with her laptop writing about sexy, alpha heroes and the loves of their lives. Writing both as Christi Snow and one-half of the writing duo, KB Jacobs, Christi has fulfilled her dream... filling the world with more romance and suspense. Her tagline is... Passion and adventure on the road to Happily Ever After. She loves this adventure and has truly found her tribe!

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    Book preview

    Intertwined Hearts - Christi Snow

    Intertwined Hearts

    Three people who’ve given up on love...


    After a brutal, late-night attack in his restaurant left Chef Hudson Richmond too traumatized to even enter his restaurant again, he escaped to Snowcroft. Now he’s trying to find a new normal when the reality of his world is a man’s touch makes him sick and his dream has become his nightmare.


    Leigh Vaughn lives in a man’s world running Vaughn Construction with her brother, Jamie. She’s tried to be feminine and failed over and over again. Growing up with only her brother, father, and construction crews to guide her, Leigh has no idea what a feminine wile is, much less how to deploy them. But when Jamie and Trevor begin to research finding a surrogate to carry their baby, she knows this is something she can do. Hell, it’s not like those parts are getting used for anything else.


    When this small town came looking for a new police chief, David Warner jumped at the chance. After a traumatic betrayal by his partner on the police force, he’s burnt out and jaded. And his love life has been even more depressing than his work life. He’s made one true connection in the last five years, but she disappeared without a trace the next morning.

    Three people who have given up on love, may just find a new beginning where they least expect Snowcroft. But love is only supposed to happen in twos. How can they make it work with three intertwined hearts?

    Trigger warning: This book features story-lines that involve past assaults and betrayals, but has a guaranteed HEA for three people who couldn’t deserve it more. male/male/female.

    Published by Christi Snow

    Edited by Mia Downing

    Cover Design by AM Design Studios

    Cover Photograph: Hot Damn Photo Stock

    Copyright © 2017 Christina Snow

    ISBN (print): 1977536123

    ISBN-13 (print): 978-1977536129

    ISBN (ebook): 9781386745112


    All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no part of this book may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the express permission of the author.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. While sometimes actual locations are used in the writing of this book, they are used in a fictional circumstance and are by no means meant to reflect events happening in those places. Names, characters, events are all a product of the author’s imagination and are by no means meant to reflect actual people living or dead, or any actual events. Any similarities are purely coincidental.


    This one is for Lee.

    You told me that Leigh needed to become a surrogate for Jamie and Trevor.

    Well, here you go.

    Love you, Chick!

    Chapter One

    Snowcroft, NM


    Isn’t it too early in this pregnancy for me to have to pee all the freaking time? Leigh lightly brushed over the barely noticeable mound of her niece in her tummy.

    Her best friend, Rainy, snorted as she shoved a plate of bacon in front of her. You are asking the wrong girl, hon. I have no idea about birthing no babies, she said is a mock, Southern falsetto. Jack might know since he has a kid. You want me to ask him?

    God, no. Leigh shook her head. I have enough men giving me input about my every little move. And speaking of which, if you see Trevor or Jamie, you fed me only green things and fruit, no bacon.

    Hey, what’s wrong with my bacon? Rainy mocked outrage.

    "Nothing in my normal world, but now that I’m the incubator for Jamie and Trevor’s little bundle, you would think bacon is part of the second coming of the Antichrist. They just don’t understand...I need it. She took a huge bite of the bacon, and her eyes rolled back into her head. God, that is so good."

    Rainy snorted. Girl, you have issues.

    Leigh sighed. Yeah, two of them, and they are both grumpy, protective, and watch everything I put into my mouth. I did not sign up for them regulating my food for ten months.

    Ten months? I thought it was nine.

    "Yeah, tell me about it. Who the hell started that rumor? It had to be a man. Pregnancy is forty weeks. By my calculations that means ten months, not nine. Some asshole made some random declaration, and now, women all over the world think that’s a fact when it’s not. It’s ten freaking months! They need to count them all."

    Leigh would like to meet that guy and rip his dick off.

    Um, okay. Rainy looked a bit scared. So, are you having a lot of hormonal shifts?

    Nope. Leigh shoveled in another glorious piece of bacon. I actually feel pretty good all things considered.

    Rainy’s eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything else on the matter. Instead, she asked, So, where are your protectors today? Usually they aren’t too far from your side.

    I have freedom for the whole weekend. She frowned at her now empty plate. You have more of this, right?

    Yeah, but is all that salt—

    Leigh gave Rainy her death glare, and Rainy shut up.

    Trevor is part of the group, interviewing for the new police chief in Albuquerque. Jamie had to go to Austin for the weekend, so he’s gone, too.

    Wow, and they left you unsupervised?

    Hey, I’m not three. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for thirty-two years now.

    Rainy pressed her lips together, but wisely didn’t comment on that. Leigh was famous for actually not being able to take care of herself. It wasn’t her fault. She had tried to harness all those other feminine things that women could do naturally. It just wasn’t in her. That’s why she’d promised Jamie and Trevor that she’d eat all her meals at the diner this weekend.

    Send one whole construction crew to the hospital and no one ever trusted her to cook again. Pfft.

    She looked down at her suddenly empty plate. Do you have any more bacon?


    Austin, TX


    Hudson shrugged on his shirt under the concerned, watchful eyes of his friends, Jamie and Rand. Jamie had come in from New Mexico and Rand had come from San Antonio just to make sure he had someone there when he checked out of the hospital. He felt stupid and embarrassed, and so fucking tired of it all.

    You can both stop looking at me like I’m going to take a razorblade to my wrist the moment you turn your backs. Hudson theatrically rolled his eyes.

    Rand raised an eyebrow and focused on Hudson’s scars on his wrists.

    Hudson’s stomach shrank in humiliation, and he resisted the urge to hide his arms behind him like some kid. "Okay, I won’t do it again. Isn’t that why I’ve spent the last six weeks of my life in here, talking about my feelings?"

    The doctors and other patients here had handled him with kid gloves, but he knew better than to expect that from these two. They were hurt when they found out he’d been having such a hard time and didn’t let them know. But how was he supposed to make that call to his friends? Hey, by the way, I was attacked and gang raped. I don’t really remember any of it, but I’m scared of the dark now, can’t sleep, get physically ill when I go into my restaurant, and can’t stand the thought of ever having a man touch me again.

    Hudson shook his head. Um, no. No, thank you. They didn’t really want to hear it. He really, really didn’t want to share it.

    Spending six weeks inside this mental health facility—i.e. loony bin—hadn’t fixed him, either. The difference was now he knew what the expressions of betrayal, devastation, and disappointment looked like on his two friends’ faces, and he vowed he wouldn’t do that to them again. He owed them more than that. He just had to figure out the new normal for him now.

    He’d sold his restaurant two weeks before his complete meltdown. At the time, he’d thought owning the place that haunted his nightmares was his issue. But it really hadn’t been. His phantom memories were the problem. But he couldn’t scrub them from his subconscious. He could only work through them...somehow.

    But now, he still had the nightmares and no job. No focus, and he had no idea how to move on with his life. Being a chef was all he’d ever imagined doing. How did he find another dream?

    But first things first, he had to walk out those front doors. Why did that seem so terrifying? That should be the easy part. It’s not like the last six weeks here had been fun. But it had been regulated. He didn’t have to figure out how to get up and move everyday. Someone was always there to tell him to do it.

    Fuck, he tapped his foot to a nonexistent rhythm on the ground—a bad habit he hadn’t been able to break—trying to find his balls again. He wasn’t three. He could do this. He shrugged his duffle bag onto his shoulder and turned toward the door. Let’s get out of here.

    The three of them walked out, and Hudson hesitated for a moment on the other side of the door.

    Everything okay? Jamie asked, his tone low and reassuring.

    Yeah. He shrugged the duffle higher on his shoulder. Lead the way. I don’t know where you parked your truck.

    Rand snorted out a bark of laughter.

    What’s the joke? Hudson asked, not getting the joke.

    He’s just being his normal asshole self, Jamie said.

    No. Rand shook his head. I just think it’s damn funny that you’re driving a mommy mobile now.

    Hudson raised an eyebrow. A mommy mobile? I knew you’d become all domesticated and settled when you married Trevor, but why would you get rid of your truck?

    We didn’t get rid of my truck. Trevor is using it this week. We got rid of his Jeep.

    O-kay. What am I missing here?

    They’d stopped walking and Jamie pushed the button on a key fob. The tailgate of the silver Subaru Outback began to pop open. Hudson turned to him with his mouth hanging open. Seriously? You did get a mommy mobile. Why?

    Because, he’s going to be a mommy, Rand sing-songed.

    Jamie glared at his friend, but he didn’t correct the statement.

    What the hell is going on? Hudson growled, feeling like he’d missed out on much more than just six weeks here.

    Listen, get in the car, and I’ll explain it when we get to your condo. I have a proposal for you.

    Luckily, Hudson’s condo was only about fifteen minutes away from the hospital where he’d been staying. The drive was filled with inane chitchat about how much Austin had changed in the last few years. The other two guys had never lived here, but they’d visited Hudson for years. They’d all been friends since their summer college days when they had met, working the summer construction crews for Jamie’s dad in Snowcroft, New Mexico.

    And even though they’d moved on in their own lives, they’d stayed close. Sometimes closer than other times. He’d had a friends with benefits arrangement with Jamie for a few years until Jamie and Trevor decided they were in love a couple of years ago. It could have broken his heart and maybe did just a little bit, but there was no denying that those two guys were perfect for one another.

    And when it all came down to it, Hudson was happy for his friends and had managed to move on. Kind of. In a shallow, one-night stands only kind of way that was really unfulfilling. But he’d hoped to someday change that and find something more like what Trevor and Jamie had found together.

    Up until six months ago, he’d still had hope that maybe he’d find that for himself one day. But now...

    He shook his head and tried to stop the morose thoughts. He had to accept the situation for what it was and move on. That’s what the therapists kept telling him. Accept and look forward to a future. If only he could see a hope for his future.


    You want me to do what? Hudson looked in shock and dismay at Jamie, sure that the guy had lost his mind. He could not have meant what he’d just said. I don’t know anything about women and babies.

    I know that, Hud, but you’re protective as hell, and you can cook. Leigh sent my entire crew to the emergency room one year with her cooking. I can’t trust her to feed herself, and it’s not good for the baby for her to eat diner food for the entire pregnancy. Now that she’s almost over all the morning sickness, all she wants to eat is Rainy’s bacon.

    Jamie paced around the living room before turning back to Hudson. Look, I think it could help you if you got away from here for a while. He exchanged a glance with Rand that had Hudson’s back kicking up. They’d planned this ambush together.

    You think we don’t see it, but we do, Jamie continued. You’re jumping at every shadow. You’ve only been home for two hours, and already, you’re wound so tight, you’re going to crack into a million pieces. I need help with Leigh, and I think it would be good for you, too. You get to go someplace that isn’t haunted by the memories of what happened here.

    Hudson looked questioningly at Rand. Do you think I need to go to Snowcroft for a babysitter, too?

    No matter how Jamie tried to spin it, that’s what this was. They wanted him someplace where they could keep an eye on him. But was that really so bad? Jamie was right. He couldn’t stay here. He’d tried to take a nap when they got home, and the specters of that night had bombarded him as soon as he shut his eyes. His choices were to move someplace else or end up self-medicated or dead.

    He did love Snowcroft. Maybe some mountain air would help clear the static from his brain.

    You know Leigh, Rand said diplomatically. She’s a cool chick.

    Correction, Hudson said with a raised eyebrow to Rand, we knew Leigh when she wasn’t pregnant. Hormones, dude. From what I understand, that makes a woman crazy. He looked at Jamie again. And you want me to live with that? Every day?

    Hudson and Rand actually owned a vacation cabin in Snowcroft, and he’d been open to moving there. But Rand had rented it out a few months ago when Hudson hadn’t been returning any calls or checking his answering machine, because it had been too much to crawl out of bed in the morning. So, if he wanted to go and live in Snowcroft while he put his life back together, he’d have to find somewhere else to sleep. But at Leigh’s? He just wasn’t so sure this was a good idea.

    She refuses to move in with Trevor and I.

    Can you blame her? Rand interjected. You guys are going at it all the time. Fuck, you would think the honeymoon phase would be over by now. Your sister doesn’t want to see that shit.

    But we hate that she’s living alone. What if something happens to her, and she can’t get to the phone? Jamie continued. Seriously, this would really be a help for us, and I’m sure Leigh will be fine with it. She likes you, she loves food, and you’re gay. You’re no threat to her. Don’t all straight women love having gay guys for girlfriends?

    Hudson snorted. "You are so clueless. Seriously, do you know your sister at all? I don’t know her that well, and I know she isn’t into all that girly shit. But then, neither am I. Shit, I’m certainly not a fit as anyone’s girlfriend."

    No, he didn’t flame or flitter or giggle like some gay men. While that was all perfectly fine for some, that had never been him. He was a guy who just happened to like dick. Well, he used to. Now the thought made him shudder with revulsion. But that didn’t mean he wanted to hang out all day with a chick, either. Although, Leigh didn’t flitter or giggle, either. She was actually a pretty cool woman, but now she was pregnant, and he just wasn’t sure...

    See, it’s perfect, Jamie said like it had all just worked out. Let’s get you packed so we can get on the road.

    Wait a minute. What had just happened here? Had Hudson agreed to something and missed it?


    Albuquerque, NM


    David wiped his sweaty palms on his dress pants. Hell, he’d faced-down armed bad guys and had gotten less worked up than this. He needed to calm the fuck down.

    Snowcroft, New Mexico was a small tourist town in the southern part of the state with an interesting situation in their police department. Two years ago, they’d had a sheriff in charge who had decided to take over the local sex-trafficking and drug ring and had gotten shot in the resulting bust.

    Since then, the office had been in disarray with the city council waffling about how to proceed from there. Finally the state government had taken control of the situation, which is why he was interviewing in Albuquerque rather than Snowcroft. The state’s Attorney General was hands on in this situation, so they were all here to accommodate his busy calendar. At least that’s the way David understood the situation.

    Up to this point, the town had been happy to let the law enforcement branch of the Forestry Service handle the bulk of the area’s law enforcement calls. Luckily, the sleepy, little tourist town wasn’t exactly crime-riddled. Although they’d had a few bizarre cases come through in recent years.

    Now, instead of conducting another election for sheriff, the council had decided they wanted to overhaul the entire office and appoint a chief of police instead. It had taken them a couple of years to get all the legalities and restrictions sorted within the town and state. But now, they were ready.

    David was one of the finalists for the job. From what he understood, he was up against two other police officers who also worked and lived within the state, although he didn’t know who they were. Today, he was meeting with the mayor, a local representative from the Forestry Service in Snowcroft, and the state attorney general who’d stepped in to help straighten out the unique situation in the town.

    A young, attractive secretary led the way to the conference room. If he’d been in a better frame of mind, he might have asked for her number, but he had other things to concentrate on today.

    Three people stood as he entered. One he recognized immediately from the aftermath of the fiasco when his partner in the Albuquerque police department shot David and then turned his gun on himself.

    Martin Decker was a political force to be reckoned with in the state of New Mexico. As the state’s youngest attorney general, he had a lot of political power, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Martin was smarmy as heck, and he made David’s skin crawl. David figured the political guru would like for David to be in a much less visible job than the Albuquerque police department, so his presence at this interview might work to David’s benefit.

    The other two were unknowns. One was an attractive woman who looked close to forty. She gazed at him in frank, cold appreciation, and it made him feel very much like a side of beef she was sizing up to eat.

    She had to be the mayor. He’d studied her history before applying for the job since he’d be reporting directly to her. Stephanie Shaw was the only daughter of Miles Shaw, the mayor of Snowcroft for fourteen years until a heart attack last year made holding the office too much for him. The village had elected his daughter in his stead.

    She’d removed the black frame glasses and honed her ice-blue eyes on him. His balls may have shriveled just a bit in the frigid blast of that gaze.

    The final person in the room was the officer from the Forestry Service, judging by his forestry uniform and loaded service belt. He was just a little bit shorter than David with an open, friendly smile, and was really attractive. Interestingly enough, the way he looked David up and down made him wonder if the guy was gay. He wasn’t making a play, but there was just a different type of examination gay guys used.

    David perked up. Hmm, he hadn’t played with a guy for a while. Maybe this guy could break the dry streak he’d been suffering ever since that night with Gretchen.

    No, don’t think about her now.

    The attorney general stepped forward to make introductions. Detective Warner, it’s so good to see you again. You’re looking much better now. They shook hands.

    Thank you, sir. I’m feeling much better. I’m completely recovered. The last time he’d seen the AG, he had been flat on his back after being shot. They’d tried their hardest after the interrogations to make some of that shit stick to him, and he was still dealing with the repercussions of it.

    It hadn’t been blatant, but he had kept getting side-glances within the Albuquerque police department that hurt every single time. He’d worked hard to build his career and felt like he’d lost some of his credibility because he hadn’t seen the problems with James until it was too late.

    That’s why he wanted this job. This job offered a new start with people who didn’t always have that niggling doubt in the corner of their mind about him.

    The AG placed a proprietary hand at the small of the mayor’s back as he drew her forward. Her jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. If David wasn’t used to watching people for tiny tells, he probably would have never noticed it, but the mayor either didn’t like to be touched or she specifically didn’t want the AG to touch her. Interesting.

    This beautiful lady is the mayor of Snowcroft, Mayor Stephanie Shaw.

    She gave David a tight smile and reached her hand across to shake.

    Mayor Shaw, it’s nice to meet you, David said.

    She nodded her blonde head. Likewise, Detective Warner, I’m anxious to delve into your interview after reading your resume. I’m eager to hear some of your explanations about what happened six months ago.

    Now, Stephanie, the AG admonished, you know my office investigated that situation, and the detective was completely exonerated.

    The mayor nodded, but her gaze was cold as ice as she watched David.

    David winced internally. Wow, she already appeared out for blood. That couldn’t be a good sign.

    The AG said, And this is Special Investigator Trevor Mayne. He works on the law enforcement side from the Snowcroft Forestry Service office.

    David shook his hand. I’m sorry. I never worked with the Forestry Service before. How am I supposed to address you?

    We aren’t real formal in our office since we spend our lives basically crawling through the trees. You can call me Trevor, Detective Warner.

    Thanks, but you can call me David.

    Excellent, the AG interjected. We have a lot to cover so let’s sit down and get right to it.

    They barely had their asses in the chairs when the mayor began. Six months ago, you and your partner were caught up in a scandal. Snowcroft is a small, family friendly town whose sole survival is based on tourist dollars. We’ve had our share of scandal recently and certainly don’t need anymore. How can we be sure you won’t bring more drama to our doorstep?

    David took a deep breath to control his temper. He knew this would come up no matter how many times he reiterated that he’d been cleared of any wrongdoing. What happened with his partner would always be a black mark beside his name, fair or not. For twelve years, my career at the APD has been spotless, not a drop of scandal. I had no idea what was going on with my partner, and despite everything, in the end he was just trying to keep his little girl safe. I’m not saying that excuses him or his actions, because it doesn’t. But he paid for those actions with his life. So, that’s over. There’s no reason to expect any spillover from that single incident to affect my job if I get it in Snowcroft.

    The pace of things in Snowcroft are much slower than what you’re used to here, Trevor said. Do you think you’ll be able to handle that? A lot of the police department calls are about things like disruptive bears or teenagers. It’s not exactly high adrenaline stuff.

    Bears? He hadn’t considered that about the mountain community, but that made sense. "Well, bears might not get your adrenaline going, but I have a feeling I won’t be quite so blasé about their presence, at least until I get used to the idea."

    Trevor grinned at him. You do get to carry a tranquilizer gun, but usually they just get into the trash cans. They’re pretty harmless, overall.

    But to go back to your original question, David said, yes, I’m actually looking forward to the challenge of a small community. Right now I feel like I’m pushing back against a flooding wall of water with a small bucket. I want to be a part of something that makes a difference, where I get to know the people I’m helping daily. It may not be adrenaline-fueled calls, but I can make more of an impact in a small community, and I need that after the last year.

    During his answer, Trevor had sat up straighter, watching David speculatively. The interview went on, throughout the rest of the time Trevor never asked any more direct questions.

    Two hours later when it was all over, David wasn’t sure if it had gone well or not. They’d definitely grilled him, and now, he just wanted a drink to unwind. Luckily, he had the next four days off. Maybe he’d use some positive thinking and pack up some boxes in his apartment.

    He ran by the hardware store to pick up some boxes and then went home to change into jeans, a T-shirt, hiking boots since it was spitting snow outside. Around the corner from his apartment was a local bar that was queer friendly. He didn’t exactly want a hook-up, but he could use some stress relief. There was a restless feeling under his skin that he got sometimes when he got too wound up. An orgasm would help steady his nerves even if his head didn’t agree.

    That’s the way it had been for him since that night with Gretchen. Flashes from that night haunted him...her over him, him surging inside her tight little body. He wasn’t sure if the night had been all that, because that was his last sexual encounter before his world imploded. All he knew was that he needed...something more now and didn’t know where to find it.

    Speculating about the Forestry Service ranger earlier had him thinking. It had been a long time since he’d hooked up with a man. Maybe that’s what he needed. Something different to wipe the specter of Gretchen out of his mind.

    He pushed through the door to the bar and was greeted by the sounds of pool, mellow jazz, and the hum of happy voices. He’d always liked this bar. It was comfortable without being a slam-bam meat market. Were there any gay friendly bars around Snowcroft? Probably not.

    The place was pretty full since it was Friday night. But as he walked in, a space opened up at the bar along the wall right where he liked to sit, so he headed that direction. Someone grabbed his shirtsleeve and waylaid him.

    Surprised, he looked down into the blue eyes from this afternoon. Trevor, I didn’t expect to see you here.

    Trevor’s gorgeous face broke out in a congenial smile. Well, normally I don’t hit up gay bars without my husband, but he’s in Austin this weekend. He told me this would be a good place for me to grab a beer while I was in town.

    Husband? Wow, David hadn’t seen that one coming, but now noticed the black and silver wedding ring featured prominently on Trevor’s left hand. That just proved how nervous he’d been earlier. That’s one of the things he tended to take notice of when he met attractive people close to his own age.

    Care to join me? Trevor asked.

    Sure, David said with a quick glance at the otherwise empty table. He pulled out a chair. You don’t have friends who live in town joining you?

    Nah, I don’t make it to Albuquerque very often. I don’t know anyone here, and I didn’t want to hang out with the mayor tonight. Besides, I think she had other plans with the AG.

    Yeah, I kind of thought I felt some undertones there, but I wouldn’t have guessed they were involved.

    Yeah, Stephanie is like a black widow. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be caught in her web. That woman is colder than ice, even with people she supposedly likes, but that seems to be her way of showing attraction, and he’s been lapping it up. Trevor rolled his eyes. They’ve thought that they’re being really clever and secretive and no one knows. Trevor blew a raspberry. Everyone who’s been around them today has known. I for one am so happy to be away from their pheromones. I mean...geez. I’m gay, and the sexual tension between the two of them has made me horny. Trevor shook his head.

    David smiled. He really liked this guy. So, tell me...can I ask something without sounding like a jackass?

    Trevor raised an eyebrow. You can try, but you know if it’s a stupid question, I can’t do anything to help the way you look by asking it.

    Um, thanks, I think. David laughed nervously. I’m just wondering. You said you’re gay and you have a husband. How does that go over in a small town like Snowcroft? Is the community accepting?

    Trevor tilted his head and studied David. Like a lot of places, Snowcroft has had its issues and growing pains with acceptance. If you get the job, you’ll find out more about the towns less than stellar history with the LGBT community. Unfortunately, I know that first hand since my family was involved. But over the past couple of years, the town has worked to clean up those issues and educate themselves. They’re really working to overcome old prejudices. Honestly, I would consider it one of the more LGBT friendly places just because they’ve worked so hard to fix and compensate for old hurts.

    That’s good to know. I suppose I should explain why I’m asking.

    Hey, Trevor said, putting up his hands in mock surrender. I’m part of your interview group. I’m not allowed to ask questions like that, but if you want to share with the class, I won’t stop you, either.

    David laughed. I don’t hide anything. I’m a true believer in love is love. I’m pretty fluid. It just depends on who I find attractive, but sometimes people can’t understand why I date a girl one week and a guy the next. Not that I flaunt anything. I’m not an exhibitionist.

    Well that’s good. Because having sex on the boardwalk with anyone—male or female—would definitely cause problems in Snowcroft. Trevor winked.

    So married, huh? David asked. How long?

    Trevor gave him a huge smile that almost made David’s gut ache with jealousy over that kind of happiness. Jamie and I have been best friends for sixteen years, an exclusive couple for two, and doing the happily-ever-after thing for six months. It’s been a wild but fantastic ride.

    David smiled. It sounds like there’s a story there.

    Trevor snorted. You have no idea. Our romance was crazier than any novelist could ever fictionalize. But now, things are amazing. In fact, we’re expecting a baby.

    Really? After only being together for two years? That was probably rude, but wow, that seemed fast.

    Yeah, I know, right? But Jamie is going to be such a great dad. He’s so protective and full of love. Neither one of us is getting any younger, and our surrogate is the same. We knew if this was something we really wanted to do, we needed to jump on it.

    So the surrogate is someone you knew already? Doesn’t that get a little weird?

    Trevor shook his head. No, Leigh is incredible. She’s Jamie’s sister and came to us with the idea and proposal. She doesn’t date much and never plans to have her own kids, so she basically offered to be our incubator.

    Wow, that’s huge. One of my sisters is pregnant right now with her first. All we hear is that she will never get her pre-baby body back, and that if she didn’t love her husband so much, she would never look at a guy’s dick again. I have nothing to do with that pregnancy, and my balls shrink when I’m around her. You guys are brave to take that on.

    Trevor chuckled. It will be fine. It’s still early days. Leigh’s only four months pregnant, but she’ll be cool with it all. She’s one of the most level-headed women I know.

    Chapter Two

    Snowcroft, NM


    Rusty, you move that fucking truck right now, or I will come over there and move it for you right after I cut off your balls with a dull butter knife, Leigh screamed across the lumber yard storage area of Vaughn Construction.

    Billy, the new kid, cautiously approached her in the chaos of the yard, obviously intent on asking a question. She held a hand to stop him a decent distance away from her, because he really didn’t want to be closer to her for the next three minutes. Her stomach rolled, and she lifted the huge paint bucket to puke some more.

    Shit, she had to find some crackers and ginger ale, stat. Finally, her stomach stopped convulsing and she waved him forward. What now? she asked.

    He looked horrified, like he expected her head to start spinning next. Are you okay?

    Yeah, kid, just pregnant. Remember that any time you debate not suiting up your dick. You knock up some girl, she’s going to be a puking, hormonal mess, and you’ll be responsible. Don’t be that guy.

    His eyes widened in terror. No, ma’am. I always use a condom.

    So, what do you have for me? she asked, eyeing the paper in his hand warily. She sure as hell didn’t need any more drama this morning. It had rained most the weekend, and Craig Miller, her construction foreman had called her before five o’clock this morning to let her know that part of the mountain behind Vaughn Construction was trying to come down on their storage building. So now they were all scrambling to get equipment and supplies moved just in case.

    Standing ankle-deep in mud in the cold, pouring rain, puking her guts out because she forgot her cracker stash was not the way to start her Monday morning. Jamie had been out of town all weekend, and he hadn’t gotten in until late last night. So she simply had to suck it up. This was life in the construction world, and just because she was pregnant didn’t mean she stopped functioning as one of the owners in charge.

    Billy said, The delivery guy from Emory’s is at the front gate. He’s throwing a fit because we won’t let him in until we finish up. I’m not sure what to do with him. He’s being a real asshole. His eyes widened as he realized what he said. Sorry, ma’am, I shouldn’t have cursed, he mumbled and ducked his head so she wouldn’t take it off.

    She rolled her eyes. Oh, good-fucking-gravy. How long have you worked here? She scowled at him.

    Um, about ten months.

    In all that time, have you heard me curse?

    Yes, ma’am.

    Have you ever heard me say a damn fucking word about it when someone else does it?

    No, ma’am. His smile was starting to peek through.

    "Just because I have a damn cranky bun in my oven does not mean that

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