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The woman was crazy. He was sure he couldn’t stand her. Every time they were near each other they would fight like this. He was tired of listening to her disagreeing with everything he said. He had finally had enough and just wanted to shut her up. He did it in the only way he knew how. He pulled her up against him and covered her mouth with his. As she opened up to start yelling at him again, he sunk his tongue deep into her mouth. He discovered he liked her like this. He breathed in deeply getting a good hit of her scent and found it made his breath come faster. He savored her delicious taste and noticed his heart beat quicker.
OMG, it couldn’t be. Was his soul mate the crazy sister that stretched his patience and made him want to scream out his aggravation? How the hell was that fair? He wanted to deny it yet the longer he kissed her, the more he never wanted to stop. She wasn’t fighting him anymore either. Maybe this could work if he could keep her in bed with his tongue down her throat. It was a plan anyway.

PublisherCrystal Dawn
Release dateSep 21, 2017

Crystal Dawn

When she’s not out hunting rogue vampires and werewolves, you can find Crystal Dawn out exploring the galaxy. She can do it all without ever leaving her computer. She kicks ass, takes names, and puts it all down for the enjoyment of her readers. At least that’s what I think she told me. Writing came as a natural outlet for her overly creative mind. She has always told stories and even written some but publishing books didn't start until 2012 with The Rebirth, was the first of the Planet Amazon books. Crystal has also been lucky to have some wonderful beta readers who keep her on track and help inspire her.Secretly, she crushes on all her sexy heroes because all her stories end happily. That is one of the things that makes writing such a joy. Knowing that it makes her reader's day a little brighter. Not that she doesn't read sad books sometimes. While still in school, she read Where the Red Fern Grows and cried like a baby. It was a wonderful book and sometimes a bit of sadness has to be put in books because that's part of life. While she reads all kinds of books at some time or another, PNR and SFR, which she writes is what she reads the most for pleasure.When she started writing, she decided on going Indie after the first two books because an author has more control. She believes Indie will compete well and continues to grow. The need to give pleasure to her readers keeps her going and she sees a long career ahead. Growing up mostly in the NW Arkansas area, it has given her a good place to set some stories and many of her characters come from there or nearby SW Missouri.The start of her stories is the easy part. Finishing them is a little harder when all the stories are in there trying to get out. She loves reading, chocolate, fine sweet wine, and traveling among a large list of pursuits. Her favorite people, after her family and close friends, are her readers who she says are some of the most wonderful people in this galaxy and the next.

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    Book preview

    Autumn - Crystal Dawn

    Blue Moon Series

    Book 3


    By Crystal Dawn

    Copyright 2017 Crystal Dawn

    Cover by Eagle Eye Covers

    Editor Eagle Editing

    This book is a work of fiction. All

    contents, including names, places,

    and events are the product of the

    author’s imagination or used in a

    fictitious manner. Any resemblance


    persons, living or deceased,

    businesses, locations, or events are

    completely coincidental.

    None of this work may be used,

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    transmitted by anyone but the


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    Dedicated to fated mates.

    Blue Moon Pack

    Book 1

    Too Blue

    Out in the middle of nowhere, that’s where the Blue Moon Pack lived. They were a collection of misfits, rogues, and assorted oddballs, but they wanted mates too. Blue was perhaps the loneliest of all although he was also the one who always seemed to be the hardest to please when it came to making plans to correct the problem. They were going to start having singles getaways to bring potential mates to them. They were also going to hire extra single help that would be more possible mates.

    It seemed like a good plan until Blue met Rainy the new bartender. Just one look told him she’d be nothing but trouble. A second look told him she’d be the best kind. Now if only Blue could decide what to do before any of those other loose male wolves moved in. If he managed to claim her, he just knew she was going to drive him crazy for the rest of his life. In the very best possible way.

    Book 2


    She took off after her twin trying to get lost in the remote area. Sunny was running just as her twin had when she had first headed there.

    Jerry was the beta and there was some attraction there, but should he pursue her when he wasn't sure he was the right one for her?

    They wanted her even more than they had wanted her sister, but she held their bad reputation against them. Robert and Rupert hoped they could convince her to give them a chance, but it didn't look good.


    She pulled into the parking spot in front of the old western style saloon building. Her glasses were slid off her nose again and she adjusted them. They were really only needed for reading but she wore them like protective armor to keep men away from her. If only it had worked like she had thought it would, everything would be different. Knowing her place in life had always helped her before but now life had gone crazy. Stupid never looked good on anyone but on a nerd who was supposed to be smart it was even worse. Pushing open the doors, she walked through and ran right into the handsomest man she’d ever seen.

    Honey, are you alright? Mr. Gorgeous asked.

    I am now, she said feeling dazed as she stared up at him. It looked like he blushed though she wouldn’t swear to it. His beautiful mocha skin seemed to be tinted with red just for a moment.

    He chuckled. Let me get you to a seat, he responded, and he led her to a barstool. What’s your name?

    Autumn, what’s yours? she asked her dark god.

    Jerry, he answered and that sounded familiar.

    Blue’s beta? she asked.

    How’d you know? he wondered.

    I’m Rainy’s sister, she replied, and his hand immediately fell away. What did she expect anyway? It was better not to get involved with him or anyone else. She needed to remember she was just here to hide out until something changed back home.

    I’ll get a hold of Rainy. Just wait right here, he directed.

    He’d gone from smoking hot to an Artic freeze in just seconds. That was okay, it was better this way. Really.

    Chapter 1

    New Arrival

    Oh, my goodness! Rainy screamed as she ran through the door toward me. I hopped up and into Rainy’s sisterly embrace. We hugged tight jumping up and down and screeching loud and long.

    It made me feel better just for a little while. Family was everything. Being here with Rainy and knowing Sunny was close by helped soothe my pain. I had slinked off to this destination hoping to get a job and hide out until my pursuers tired of the hunt. My family back home didn’t need more of this wild chase as the handsome, but sadistic, Burt Hampton the fifth tried to locate and detain me.

    Eventually, he might look here, but this wasn’t the easiest place to find. Hopefully, he’d decide it was more effort than it was worth. Ariel always said nothing was easy for anyone in our family. Now that translated to nothing was easy for a white wolf. I couldn’t agree more.

    All the good ones were taken or leery leaving only the questionable ones behind. That’s what I’d found, a questionable one that turned out to be bad all the way through. Now I needed to hide until things cooled off. Ariel had advised that here was where I needed to be. It was the last stop at the end of the road.

    I saw Jerry standing off to the side watching us. Did you tell him about me? I nodded in Jerry’s direction.

    No, why would you think I would?

    We were getting along great until he discovered who I was. The temperature dropped fifty degrees.

    Don’t mind him. He’s been looking for his mate and Sunny and I wasted his time. Now he’s been burned by our family twice.

    Hasn’t he heard third time is a charm? I giggled.

    He’s very serious about finding the missus.

    Taking things too seriously never pays.

    I’ll bet you didn’t take things seriously enough and that’s why you’re here. Rainy observed.

    So, the right combination is somewhere in the middle? I’ll keep that in mind.

    The right attitude also helps. Now tell me what you’re running from.

    Just like Rainy to get right to the point. A man, what else? Yeah, an evil one, of course. What else would I attract with my luck?

    I can certainly relate to that. Rainy gave me an assessing look. I suppose you need a place to stay and a job?

    You got it Sis.

    Have you kept up your bartending skills?

    You bet your sweet ass I have. I confirmed.

    Mom hasn’t washed your mouth out with soap lately, huh?

    I’m faster these days and she can’t catch me. A memory of when I was young of my mother chasing me with a bar of soap in her hands flashed through my mind. I’d been the worst of all the kids as far as bad behavior went.

    Ever heard smarter was better than faster? Rainy asked.

    I just can’t help myself. I replied with a devilish smile.

    Turning you loose on Blue’s pack isn’t going to get me any points with my mate. Rainy observed.

    Yeah, but you’ll do it anyway because I’m your favorite sister. I shamelessly insisted.

    Carter, Rainy yelled.

    Yes, Rainy? A young boy who looked sixteen appeared from out of nowhere.

    Find Autumn a room and help her get settled in. She’s our new day bartender.

    Yes. Ma’am. Carter said. Follow me. The boy went by the bar picking up some keys then led me up the stairs. Here you go. Do you have luggage?

    Just a bag I’ll bring up later. I replied and Carter left.

    The room he’d opened for me was what I would have expected considering the saloon look of the bar below. It was plain, but roomy enough and it had a small bedroom and another area I was looking at with a kitchen/dining area and a living room. I walked into the bedroom and found a small bathroom.

    It would do for the time I spent here. A few months and Burt Hampton the fifth, heir to the alpha of New Jersey’s largest pack, would give up his search for me. Unlike the other alphas and their heirs that I’d met, Burt was lazy and no good. He was fun enough to party with, but I’d had no interest in him when it came to sex or anything more serious.

    His assumption that his rank and future position would lure me in, had pissed me off. When he’d tried to forcibly hold me back, I’d kicked ass and run like hell. Surprise had given me the advantage I’d needed. It wouldn’t work again. Now he’d sent his best males after me. Few knew about my connection to this isolated pack, so it was my best hope.

    My other options had been stricter alphas like Drake, mated with one of my cousins, or one of those down south. None of them would appreciate my nasty mouth and I had no intention of changing. Blue might not appreciate it either, but he’d accept it since his pack wasn’t formal at all.

    It was time to go back downstairs and seize my day. Rainy would show me around and introduce me to all the people that were regulars. I’d take it from there, I was always a popular bartender in college.

    Rainy looked up as she approached the table. Hey, Sis. Why don’t you join us?

    You remember Blue from last time we visited and Jerry from earlier.

    I nodded and dropped in a chair. Someone immediately brought me a drink, and I was grateful. Thanks. I took the time to think about where I was.

    Blue Moon pack hid deep in the countryside of Wyoming, off the beaten path, where the wolves could run free. In Blue Moon, the alpha rules so if Rainy convinced her mate, I would have a refuge. There were few visitors here, because they didn’t advertise, and they weren’t accepting of strangers with an attitude just dropping in unless they were family. It’s a peaceful place that usually makes for a pretty happy bunch. Rainy had talked some about the place.

    Their main problem is some of them are getting older in the tooth with no mates in sight yet. That’s why a few times a year they have events that also make the pack some money. Right now, there won’t be one of those until Halloween. That gives me three months to get my shit together. What could possibly go wrong?

    You’ll start in the morning. Blue said.

    Sure. What time? I asked.

    Eight is best. We serve breakfast and you’ll have coffee, tea and juice ready for the rush at nine. Jerry explained.

    Looking around at the almost empty salon style bar, I didn’t imagine the rush would be a problem. What kind of breakfast do you serve and do employees get a discount? I asked.

    You get one meal a day free and the others at half off. When you’re tending you get nonalcoholic drinks free and two regular drinks a night free. That’s also your limit. Rainy explained.

    I thought that was generous, although I had no intention of pointing it out. Are they still serving food?

    They sure are, but you don’t start until tomorrow. Rainy pointed out.

    That’s okay. I’m hungry. Rainy tossed me a menu. Scanning it, I saw breakfast was served later in the evening. Who takes orders?

    I do. Rainy admitted.

    I’ll take the breakfast special with OJ and tea. I ordered.

    Be right back. Rainy said. She returned with OJ and tea. Your meal will be out soon.

    Thank you.

    So, tell us more about why you’re visiting us. Blue questioned.

    Man trouble.

    Old boyfriend? Jerry asked.

    Met him at a bar. We had a few drinks together. He wanted to take me home and I said no. That was when he turned into the stalker from hell. Wardens can’t do anything, so I took off. I’m hoping he’ll give up, but he’s rich.

    Nothing worse than a rich entitled bastard. Rainy said. I knew she would understand.

    You never even kissed the guy and he’s acting like this? Jerry said with disbelief.

    No explaining crazy. I replied.

    What did he do exactly? Blue asked.

    At first, he just called a lot, sent gifts, emailed me, came to my work all the time. When that didn’t get him anything, he broke into my house and tried to kidnap me. The asshole threatened my family too.

    He didn’t hurt anyone, did he? Rainy asked.

    "No, he approached mom, but she

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