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Be Strong and Courageous
Be Strong and Courageous
Be Strong and Courageous
Ebook306 pages2 hours

Be Strong and Courageous

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Going through a rough season? Find strength and courage!

Three years ago I had no idea the funerals, the loss, the grieving, the joys, the changes, so many things would happen to my family. But I knew God would go with us. He would walk beside us.

Read how God can provide for you:

  • Strength, Courage, and Peace.

  • No Fear and Forgiveness.

  • A Refuge and help.

Be Strong and Courageous is a devotional full of bravery and fearless. To prepare my heart for the journey, God gave me these 191 days of encouragement.

Feel God’s presence in your life by purchasing Be Strong and Courageous today.

Release dateSep 24, 2017
Be Strong and Courageous

Anna K Payne

Anna K Payne loves a mystery. Her favorite movies include one-liners and things that explode. Her relationship with her Savior is her number one priority and her family come second.  But her passion and vision is to inspire hope, encourage others, love richly, and listen well through the strength of Jesus Christ. She seeks to inspire and encourage through her devotionals and cozy mysteries as well as aiding her family of writers publish their own books. Anna is the mother of three adults and she has been happily married for over thirty-five years. She invested over six years schooling her children at home. Then she volunteered at the local high school for ten years. She has one married daughter, one lovely son-in-law, and a cute grandson. Three cats and a kitten strive for premium napping space near her as she works on her computer. For more on Anna, see For a free Daily Prayer Guide, see To download free books, check out

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    Be Strong and Courageous - Anna K Payne

    Be Strong and Courageous

    Fear Not! A Devotional


    Anna K Payne

    AP Creations

    I hope you find God’s peace and God’s hope in these words.

    I thank my children and my husband for the continual support and prayers through the last few years.

    Thanks to God for the words He gives me to express my heart.

    Joshua 1:9

    Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

    Published by AP Creations

    Copyright © 2016 by Anna K Payne

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    The Vision

    Standing on a hill overlooking the deep clear vista I feel the presence of others around me. I clearly see my family - I see my daughter and her husband to my right looking at the beautiful view. I feel my husband on my left. He stands tall and determined beside me. I can also feel the energy from my youngest daughter behind me, and my son to her left.

    As we all stand there a voice comes from the clouds around us. Behold your future.

    I strain my eyes to see clearer but it is still hazy to my eyes. I see the year stretched out before me but I cannot tell what will be happening or where I will go.

    Instead, I feel peace permeate my being. Hope wells up inside of me. God is here. He is all around me. He is with me, and He is with my family. I can’t see what will happen tomorrow. I don’t know about next month. But I do know without a doubt that He will walk beside me every step of the way. He will guide me. He will show me the way to walk.

    The voice speaks again, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

    I recognized the scripture from Joshua. I remember the hope and the command that it gave him. He was now the leader of all of Israel, and he was to lead them into the Promised Land.

    God is sending my family and I into our Promised Land. It may not be easy or entirely safe. It may not seem to be what is best for us. But the paths we walk this year will guide us closer to Him and closer to each other.

    Again the echo of the voice, I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you; I won’t leave you. Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.

    We all look at each other and nod our heads in agreement. We take a step forward into the New Year.

    Joshua 1:1-9 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them - to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates - all the Hittite country - to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

    Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

    Courage, Strength, Peace

    Isaiah 35:3-4

    Energize the limp hands,

    strengthen the rubbery knees.

    Tell fearful souls,

    "Courage! Take heart!

    God is here, right here,

    on his way to put things right

    And redress all wrongs.

    He’s on his way! He’ll save you!"

    It is my time to have courage and to take heart. God is here in my life. He is here all around me. He is in my heart and in the hearts of my family. He lives in my home. And He is here in my life on His way to put things right. He will fix all that is wrong. He will save me. He has given me eternal life. He has blessed me in my life today.

    So this year I will choose to believe that God is here. I will choose to believe that God is all around me. I will choose to believe that He is guiding me and guiding my steps.


    Lord, this day help me to trust and believe in You. Let me know that You are leading me. Forgive me of my sins and when I want to walk where I want to walk. Help me to say Your words and Your love. Help me to give grace and mercy to those around me. Teach me Your joy and Your peace. Help me to live everyday soaked to the skin in Your presence.

    Isaiah 41:9-10

    I pulled you in from all over the world,

    called you in from every dark corner of the earth,

    Telling you, ‘You’re my servant, serving on my side.

    I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.’

    Don’t panic. I’m with you.

    There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.

    I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.

    I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

    God has called me. He has told me I am His servant. I serve on His side. God has picked me. He has not dropped me. He is here with me. Even in this storm of my life I am not to panic or become fearful. God is with me. He is my God. He will give me strength and help me. He will hold me steady and keep a firm grip on me.


    Dear Lord, fill me with Your peace today. Show me I am Yours. Open my eyes to the ways You are blessing me today. Fill my heart with joy at these signs of Your love and care for me. Fill me quickly with Your strength and courage so I may walk in Your ways today. Watch my mouth so I can communicate with those I love and those You love. Let me know how You care for me today and help me to share Your love with others.

    Isaiah 41:11-13

    "Count on it: Everyone who had it in for you

    will end up out in the cold -

    real losers.

    Those who worked against you

    will end up empty-handed -

    nothing to show for their lives.

    When you go out looking for your old adversaries

    you won’t find them -

    Not a trace of your old enemies,

    not even a memory.

    That’s right. Because I, your God,

    have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go.

    I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic.

    I’m right here to help you.’

    Some days I feel like I want to see those who had it in for me out in the cold. I want to see those who worked against me empty-handed. I want to not see my old adversaries anywhere around to remind me of what they did to me.

    Then I remember who my God is. I remember that I am His child. I remember that He holds me in His hand and protects me daily. He sends joy knocking on my heart’s door every day. He extends grace and mercy to me every day. His love and peace fill my being every day.

    For those who have had it in for me, I pray God will meet them in their hearts and change their lives. For those who worked against me, I pray God will forgive them and bless them mightily. For my old adversaries or old enemies I hope I will have a chance to give my witness, my story of God’s love for me.

    Why? Because God is my God. He has a firm grip on me. He is not letting me go. He is right here to help me. His kindness and gentleness fill my soul. Though the world around me may go crazy and be filled with panic, I will be at peace. I am in God’s hand. I am safe.


    Lord, help me find forgiveness in my heart for those who have hurt me. Help me let go of anger and bitterness. Fill me with Your kindness and gentleness. Fill me with Your peace.

    Isaiah 41:14-16

    "Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob?

    Don’t be afraid.

    Feel like a fragile insect, Israel?

    I’ll help you.

    I, God, want to reassure you.

    The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.

    I’m transforming you from worm to harrow,

    from insect to iron.

    As a sharp-toothed harrow you’ll smooth out the mountains,

    turn those tough old hills into loamy soil.

    You’ll open the rough ground to the weather,

    to the blasts of sun and wind and rain.

    But you’ll be confident and exuberant,

    expansive in The Holy of Israel!

    Today I can feel better about who I am. Today I can imagine God will help me overcome the obstacles set before me. God moves me forward today. God will provide me with answers today and the knowledge I need to get things done. He will strengthen my backbone and give me the persistence and self-control I need to move beyond my old habits to His way for me. He will break down the mountains set before me and help me crush them into bits. I will watch them blow away. I will be confident and exuberant in the presence of my Lord. I will praise my Lord today.


    Lord, forgive me of my sins. I am so sorry for these habits and behaviors I have which make me a slave again to my fleshly desires. Strengthen me Lord. Fill me with Your self-control and persistence. Help me to determine the right course of action and then help me to fulfill it using Your wisdom and knowledge. Help Your faith to blossom within me to bring Your love, joy and peace blossoming within me. Today the mountains will be decimated and I will walk in Your paths and Your ways. Guide me today Lord and I can bring glory to Your name.

    Isaiah 43:1-4

    But now, God’s Message,

    the God who made you in the first place, Jacob,

    the One who got you started, Israel:

    "Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.

    I’ve called your name. You’re mine.

    When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.

    When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.

    When you’re between a rock and a hard place,

    it won’t be a dead end -

    Because I am God, your personal God,

    The Holy of Israel, your Savior.

    I paid a huge price for you:

    all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!

    That’s how much you mean to me!

    That’s how much I love you!

    I’d sell off the whole world to get you back,

    trade the creation just for you.

    I am someone. God created me and got me started in this life. I will not be afraid. He has redeemed me. He has paid a price for my freedom. He has called my name. I belong to Him.

    My life might not run smoothly. There may be situations in my life that are not great right now. I may not have an easy life. I may not get good sleep. I may not have a lot of money. But I do know my God is with me. When I feel like I’m in over my head, God is there holding my hand. When I feel like I’m drowning in problems or pain, I will not go under because God is there holding me up.

    When it seems like I am boxed in on all sides and there is no way out, it won’t be a dead end because God will provide a way out.

    He is my personal God. He is my Savior. He paid a huge price for me with the life and blood of Jesus Christ.

    That is how much God loves me. He would sell the whole world to get me back. He would trade creation for me.


    Lord, how I praise You. I glorify Your name. I sing loudly of Your love and Your forgiveness. You have forgiven me of my sins this day and every day. You lead me today down a path of Your choosing. I follow joyfully, excited to see the things You point out to me. You show me Your love in quiet ways. You hold my hand. You comfort me. You protect me. You fill me with your peace and love.

    I am grateful You have called me. This day I will try to show others Your love.

    Isaiah 51:7-8

    "Listen now, you who know right from wrong,

    you who hold my teaching inside you:

    Pay no attention to insults, and when mocked

    don’t let it get you down.

    Those insults and mockeries are moth-eaten,

    from brains that are termite-ridden,

    But my setting-things-right lasts,

    my salvation goes on and on and on."

    There are people who enjoy insulting others. They mock and joke at expense of other people. But I will not let it get me down. Instead I will cling to the Word of God. His promises are sure. His faithfulness is everlasting. Every morning I wake up to His cleansing righteousness. His salvation lasts forever. He sets things right in my life and it will last. My day will be good because He is good.


    Lord, forgive me for making fun of other people. Forgive me for judging others. That is Your job, not mine. My job is to ask You to work Your love and grace in me so that I can love others. Help me to hold on to Your promises today deep in my heart. Fill me with Your faith and Your joy so that I can live a life pleasing to You. Set things right in me today Lord and help me to praise Your name all day long.

    Isaiah 54:1-6

    "Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby.

    Fill the air with song, you who’ve never experienced childbirth!

    You’re ending up with far more children

    than all those childbearing women." God says so!

    "Clear lots of ground for your tents!

    Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big!

    Use plenty of rope,

    drive the tent pegs deep.

    You’re going to need lots of elbow room

    for your growing family.

    You’re going to take over whole nations;

    you’re going to resettle abandoned cities.

    Don’t be afraid - you’re not going to be embarrassed.

    Don’t hold back - you’re not going to come up short.

    You’ll forget all about the humiliations of your youth,

    and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory.

    For your Maker is your bridegroom,

    his name, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!

    Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel,

    known as God of the whole earth.

    You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief,

    and God welcomed you back,

    Like a woman married young

    and then left," says your God.

    Sometimes I feel like life has taken over. The consequences of my actions and my decisions are running away with my life. I feel people surrounding me like crowded Chinese streets where walking forward takes immense effort. I want

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