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Destined for Greatness: Never Settle for Less
Destined for Greatness: Never Settle for Less
Destined for Greatness: Never Settle for Less
Ebook173 pages3 hours

Destined for Greatness: Never Settle for Less

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The purpose of man’s creation & birth is to have dominion (dominate, nothing less), to be fruitful & to multiply, all round, in fellowship with God...A world so beautiful, full of vast resources & opportunities waiting for Destiny Takers to explore & utilize them.. This Destiny driver Book of the moment is a life uplifting package and purpose-driven literal pack from ‘DfG Books International’ “Series 1”, and is powerfully tailored for YOU.
“My sincere passion is to interact with You the reader of this literal package which is dominating the life transformation process across the World. You are not reading an ordinary book. You decided to commune with the translated truth of God, perfectly tailored to mean and be applied to a daily victorious, joyous, happy, excelling, championing, successful, and prosperous life. That is the fulfilment of the purpose to which God created you and planted you on this wonder-filled earth. May the loving, gracious and life changing God help you discover your virtuous, valued identity before Him and your life, and to learn about the obstacles set to limit your excelling (to help you overcome them) and take you through a sweet, and sound path of destiny and greatness accomplishment. Enjoying your everyday life”. There is absolutely no reason for your failing in your personal development, marriage, family, church, ministry, education, health, career, business, assets to property management, economic-political-social services. YOU have every reason to achieve your “Destiny and Greatness”. God has prepared the groundwork for your excellence. Don’t compromise to settle for any less status.
Destiny is what God long achieved through the ‘Cross of Christ’ for all human life. Your communion with the creator, faith, anointing, favor, healing, peace, excelling, breakthrough, success, prosperity, joy, happiness, marriage, family, businesses, gifts of the Holy Spirit and influence. ‘Greatness is then attained as human life daily live in the manifested destiny, practically applied to their life and the life of community, as the Spirit leads”. Pastor Ray
“Believe in ‘your-Self’ even when nobody else do or circumstances disregard you, And you shall image a great ‘Winner’ and ‘Destiny’ achiever”. Pastor Ray
A strong “Self-Destiny-Identity” (SDI) discovery has been proven to be the most important starting point for the most successful, happy, driven, fulfilled, esteemed, fruitful, prosperous and multiplying (personal, family, church, business, organizational) Life. Knowing the “self-destiny” motivates an individual or organization to press hardest towards achieving the “destined position or possessions’ in their life. “Destiny” simply refers to the uncompromised, unconditional positioning of God to humans along the journey of Life. At this point in your life walk, do you really understand where God intends you to be? Are you not trapped by settling for anything or anywhere your life ends up? The greatest encounter in your Life is an opportunity to have a copy of this Book in your hands and a life changing wonder of reading a text that is going to transform the way You think, know, perceive, relate, and action all the different factors of your Life and others

Release dateSep 18, 2017
Destined for Greatness: Never Settle for Less

Raymond Murisa

Pastor Raymond Murisa has been serving in ministry and missions for the past 20 years. Currently located in Southern Africa, Botswana on missions, the passionate servant of God and wife Juliet, are committed to impacting human lives, preach the good news and help the needy communities. A world class writer, travelling minister, motivational speaker and charity worker, Pastor Ray, (sudo-named) enjoys cross-cultural interactions and sports, movies and reading extensively. Amongst his books are: *Destined for Greatness: never settle for less; *Crystal LOVE Rock; *Apple FAITH; *PARTNER 24/7, and Others. Currently is global Team-impact workmanship with Smashwords.Inc, USA

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    Book preview

    Destined for Greatness - Raymond Murisa


    Never Settle For Less

    Copyright 2017 Raymond Murisa

    Published by DFG Books International at Smashwords

    DfG SERIES 1

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.





    Chapter 1. Greatness Identity

    Chapter 2. Refuse and Run-Over

    Chapter 3. Season to Fly

    Chapter 4. Dream!

    Chapter 5. Certified Champion


    Chapter 6. Destiny Greatness Alert

    Chapter 7. ‘spirit’ World

    Chapter 8. Kingdom Exposed

    Chapter 9. Favored to Excel


    Chapter 10. Confidence Bullet: "TRUE LIFE


    Chapter 11. Guaranteed Greatness


    ABOUT: Raymond Murisa:DFG Books International

    OTHER Books by: Raymond Murisa



    I cannot express enough thanks to my divine Helper for the continued inspiration, support, and also the literal support from Dr. John Doe (Senior Pastor) Ohio Assemblies, USA, Pastor Never L. Moyo (FWC Church, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe).To the TEAM at SMASHWORDS, all my grateful appreciation for the success of this Literal Project and Ministry. You created a world impacting sustainable workmanship. With our Team at DFG Books International Many thanks to You and Mark Coker in particular. I offer my sincere appreciation for the learning opportunities my editorial consultants. The team at ABD Solutions, Zimbabwe, I appreciate your stance by US. My completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the support of my Global prayer and missions partners, Pastor Robert (UK), Gene (USA), and Alberta (Kenya); and my Wife and Co-Author and children. I sincerely thank my business partners, A.L Mukadam (Mr.), and Morebudi Toronto Galefele (Mr.) (all in Botswana), for such supportive anchoring. To Juliet – thank you for allowing me time away from you to research and write. The countless efforts you partnered during my hectic schedules will not be forgotten. For your caring, loving, and support, Juliet; I dedicate our Writing efforts to You My heartfelt thanks.

    "What YOU don’t pursue, never think to possess!", Pastor Ray@ DfG BOOKs International



    The purpose of man’s creation & birth is to have dominion (dominate, nothing less), to be fruitful & to multiply, all round, in fellowship with God…A WORLD so beautiful, full of vast resources & opportunities waiting for DESTINY TAKERS to explore & utilize them.. This DESTINY BOOK of the moment is a life uplifting package and purpose-driven literal pack from ‘DfG BOOKs International’ SERIES 1, and is powerfully tailored for YOU.

    My sincere passion is to interact with YOU the reader of this literal package which is dominating the life transformation process across the World. You are not reading an ordinary book. You decided to commune with the translated truth of God, perfectly tailored to mean and be applied to a daily victorious, joyous, happy, excelling, championing, successful, and prosperous life. That is the fulfilment of the purpose to which God created you and planted you on this wonder-filled earth. May the loving, gracious and life changing God help you discover your virtuous, valued identity before Him and your life, and to learn about the obstacles set to limit your excelling (to help you overcome them) and take you through a sweet, and sound path of destiny and greatness accomplishment. Enjoying your everyday life. There is absolutely no reason for your failing in your personal development, marriage, family, church, ministry, education, health, career, business, assets to property management, economic-political-social services. YOU have every reason to achieve your Destiny and Greatness. God has prepared the groundwork for your excellence. Don’t compromise to settle for any less status. Pastor Ray


    Purposefully, a look at the various definitions of Destiny & Greatness will give a clearer contextual meaning of these CENTRAL BOOK THEME CONCEPTS, as you repeatedly hear their mention across the chapters in this inspiring book.

    Take a close look at this Definition of ‘Destiny’ as a NOUN:

    1. Something that is to happen or has happened to a

    particular person or thing; lot or fortune.

    2. The predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible,

    course of events.

    3. The power or agency that determines the course of


    4. (Initial capital letter) this power personified or represented

    as a goddess.

    5. The Fates.

    Relative to the definitions mentioned above, the book contextual definition of Destiny can be expressed as follows:

    DESTINY: is not always the end (as of destination), as many may be misled to think. Destiny is ‘the power, wonderful discovery, achievement, attainment and birthing of’, an everyday connection, greatness, sound, joyous, championship, dominion, happy, authority, victorious, peace, healed and giant LIFE in fellowship with the presence and life of God (as your Co-Worker) in everything You do.

    DESTINY: is an everyday, every week, every month, every year living in the embrace of God’s love, grace, mercy, anointing, favor and communion.

    DESTINY: is an everyday fruitfulness and multiplication as per set principles of God (Genesis 1:27-28), towards a glorious eternal life.

    The excellence of God life upon a person’s daily life is a greatness destiny, Pastor Ray

    Definition of Greatness as from an Adjective (great)

    1. Unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions: A

    great fire destroyed nearly half the city.

    2. Large in number; numerous: Great hordes of tourists

    descend on Europe each summer.

    3. Unusual or considerable in degree, power, intensity,

    etc.: great pain.

    4. Wonderful; first-rate; very good: We had a great

    time. That's great!

    5. Being such in an extreme or notable degree: great

    friends; a great talker.

    The emphasis noted in definition 3 to 5 is on impact, rather than size. The writer’s perception relates to the meanings of Greatness factually and draws out this biblical traits of ‘greatness’ as applied to human life.

    GREATNESS: is the higher level fulfilment, in human life, of God’s promises to Abraham (Gen.12:1-3) and so to all the seed of Abraham.

    GREATNESS: is achieved by the God-kind of success and prosperity, outside of man’s qualifying or recommendations.

    *Follow Abraham, David, Nehemiah, Deborah, Hannah, Mary, Dorcas, Peter, John, Paul, Silus, etc.

    Collective Conceptual Definition:

    "Destiny and Greatness"

    Destiny is what God long achieved through the ‘Cross of Christ’ for all human life. Your communion with the creator, faith, anointing, favor, healing, peace, excelling, breakthrough, success, prosperity, joy, happiness, marriage, family, businesses, gifts of the Holy Spirit and influence. ‘Greatness is then attained as human life daily live in the manifested destiny, practically applied to their life and the life of community, as the Spirit leads. Pastor Ray

    "Believe in ‘your-SELF’ even when nobody else do or circumstances disregard you, And you shall image a great ‘Winner’ and ‘Destiny’ achiever". Pastor Ray

    A strong Self-Destiny-Identity (SDI) discovery has been proven to be the most important starting point for the most successful, happy, driven, fulfilled, esteemed, fruitful, prosperous and multiplying (personal, family, church, business, organizational) LIFE. Knowing the self-destiny motivates an individual or organization to press hardest towards achieving the destined position or possessions’ in their life. DESTINY" simply refers to the uncompromised, unconditional positioning of God to humans along the journey of Life. At this point in your life walk, do you really understand where God intends you to be? Are you not trapped by settling for anything or anywhere your life ends up? The greatest encounter in your Life is an opportunity to have a copy of this Book in your hands and a life changing wonder of reading a text that is going to transform the way YOU think, know, perceive, relate, and action all the different factors of your Life and others

    * Whoever you are, wherever you could be, and whatever situation your life could be facing, DESTINED for GREATNESS: never settle for less, is here to partner your perceptions and confidence in your SELF, relative of God. There is enough evidence to prove that you, personally, are destined (prophetical, creational) for a transformed tremendous happy life, if YOU can right now choose to refocus your thinking and line it with the Word of God. It simply means that You have to ask yourself: How does God think over me? Instead of asking, how do people think about me? What thoughts does God think toward me? What plans does God hold for me? Allow the bullet to work some powerful Word-based truths into your life. Your life will not only enjoy this reading journey and encounter, but begins to experience a miracle life upliftment and fruitfulness you never imagined or prepared for.

    * If you are still living without Christ, this is certainly a great opportunity to re-consider living a destined life with a giant sitting right in your heart and life. . Remember, not all giants are winners! One such losing giant is found in the Bible, and named Goliath. Winning Giants & Champions are founded/birthed in Christ and never look back in all their life walking. Don’t be left outside or behind. Carefully and willingly follow this text package. Learn the most out of these sensitive ‘revelations’. Relax your spirit-man, and open up your mind. You are about to receive a wonderful and uplifting encounter in the A-B-C outlined compilation of DESTINED for GREATNESS: never settle for less package.

    ‘Man’ (every person), is the center of God’s all time love, grace and mercy and business, because man is the creature that carries His image, out of all that God created. This is the reason why when man fell short of the planned, intended and dominion character and glory, HE (God) saw it most worthy to make the greatest sacrifice of all life, Jesus Christ (God’s Son) to RESTORE man’s identity on earth and eternally. Conceptually, ‘MOTIVATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT’ practically is the central subject of the Bible life, though many people look at the concepts differently.. God is daily concerned about MAN’s greatness. He says that He knows the thoughts He thinks toward You. Thoughts of giving You a future, and hope. Future cannot be distances away. Future is any encounter a second away from your past. God hates the past, and too much focus on the past. That’s why He says that He remembers nothing about your sins and past.

    *You will not only be disgracing God by focusing on your negative past, but You will be eating away your greatness character and position as well as possession. Purposefully, you were fearfully and wonderfully created by a loving and caring God, no doubt (Psalm 139:14). Your mind and heart is not spared in this motivation and inspiration. Imagine the creator of heaven and earth gathering all His fear (care & acknowledgement) and wonder (prophetic specialty) only when He started making You. You carry the grace of God’s fear and wonder character at work. I mean You not your friend or neighbor. You are special (not for pride’s sake) but before the eyes of God. A peculiar generation and a royal priesthood sits in your character. Why would you settle for anything less than such a huge divine investment? What is compromising your selling of such a spirited esteem off you? What circumstance is pressing you to disregard such a high level of motivation and faith? NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS: Better is never good enough, Best is Your character attribute.

    Nugget: If anybody calls you a ‘dog’, hold it before your emotions blow out of human character. Think of all dog features, physically. Check your self physical features. If you can’t see any similarities, just smile at them. Seriously, they need your prayer help not anger or emotional upset. They can see it clearly that you are not a ‘dog’. Jesus was so cool with such folks. They called Him names and relations to Beelzebub (prince of demons). Never moved as He always is, Jesus tried to help them. When they resisted, He smiled and left them.

    Don’t focus on the challenges, negative comments, and problems, around you. They sink your Faith level and crush you down. Learn to laugh at the devils. Focus on the ‘abilities of a God in YOU’. Desert or hotel, prayerfully say; I is Well". Pastor Ray

    Circumstances and pressures, encounters of

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