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Dare You To: Hearts Are Wild
Dare You To: Hearts Are Wild
Dare You To: Hearts Are Wild
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Dare You To: Hearts Are Wild

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He'll give her everything…if she dares to give him her heart.

A reality really is better than fantasy story

Hearts Are Wild, Book 2

Shaye Adams has thirty days to pack up her Sydney life and head across the country to her dream job in Perth.  There's just one hot piece of unfinished business to take care of. Get Cooper Moreland into her bed and out of her system.

Coop couldn't be happier to be the man burning up Shaye's bed—except for the fact she insists it's a temporary, no strings arrangement with a firm end date.  If he could just get Shaye to take off her blinders, she'd see that happiness was waiting for her right here in his arms.

As Shaye lives out every fantasy she's ever had about Coop, she realizes it's easy to hand over her body, but she never bargained for her heart going along for the wild ride. And now her biggest fear is the reality of Coop is better than any dream she's ever had.

PublisherRhian Cahill
Release dateSep 30, 2017
Dare You To: Hearts Are Wild

Rhian Cahill

Rhian Cahill is the alter ego of a former stay-at-home mother of four. With motherly duties rapidly dwindling Rhian is able to make use of the fertile imagination she used to keep herself sane for all those years of slavery. Having spent some years living overseas and visiting tropical climates has helped inspire some steamy stories. Multi-published in erotic romance and contemporary romance, Rhian, with the help of Mr. Muse, spends her days and nights writing. When not glued to the keyboard you'll find her book or knitting in hand avoiding any and all housework as much as possible.   To find out more, visit Rhian on her website and subscribe to her newsletter.  You can also follow Rhian on Facebook ,Instagram and Twitter. 

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    Dare You To - Rhian Cahill


    Dare you to.

    A breath shuddered through Shaye’s lips and her eyelids lowered as those three words whispered in her ear. She knew if she turned a fraction to the side, the person who’d spoken them would be close.

    So close she could count the gold flecks in his hazel eyes.

    So close their breaths would mingle.

    So close she could steal the kiss she wanted desperately.

    She shivered.

    They hadn’t kissed. Not in all the months they’d flirted. They’d come close—oh so close—but Shaye hadn’t been able to take that final step.

    Until now.

    She knew he was taunting her with his words, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t ready. She’d also be lying if she didn’t admit she was ready because she knew there was no way she could lose her heart. Not now she was moving thousands of miles away. It was safe to tangle with him when she wouldn’t have to watch him move on to the next woman when he was done with her.

    And he would be done.

    Shaye had watched it time and time again over the last eight years. Not that he was a man-whore or anything. The opposite really. He was selective and he stuck. For months. But never longer.


    Jesus. His voice alone did her in. That husky sound vibrated over her nerves like the sweeping caress of a lover’s hand on her skin. She’d heard it long before she’d set eyes on him. Sight unseen, she’d fallen in lust. Completely. Days after hearing that molten-sex voice on her best friend’s voicemail, Shaye had gotten her first glimpse of its owner.

    Cooper Moreland.

    The guy totally lived up to the sexy rasp.

    Broad shoulders, mouthwatering chest and washboard abs, and his arms… Thick with muscles earned from hard work, they drew her in a way she’d never experienced. Hell, everything about Cooper Moreland drew her like no other guy ever had.

    Coop—to his friends, and by default her—had starred in every one of her secret fantasies since the day the husky timber of his voice had stroked over her senses.

    God. She’d spent years getting off to the image of him. She even had to own up to occasionally squeezing her eyes closed and pretending whatever guy she was with was Coop.

    No more pretending though.

    She’d made up her mind to go for it. For the next month, she was going to get her fill of Cooper Moreland and leave her adopted home of Sydney to return to her native Perth a well-satisfied woman. Ready to take on a new job—a dream job—and the rest of her life without the gnawing ache she’d lived with since she’d met him.

    Shaye? Warm air fanned over the side of her face, and she could swear his lips brushed her cheek.

    She turned her head, caught his gaze with hers and held it. It was now or never. Without a word, she moved away from his heat and slid out of the booth. Come hell or high water, she was taking Coop’s dare and upping the ante.

    He didn’t know it yet, but for the next thirty days, she was turning up the heat and burning this searing attraction out of her system.

    Coop sucked in a breath.


    Was she really going to do it? He watched Shaye’s sexy arse as she walked away. Kept his eyes glued to that mouthwatering, world-class rear end until it disappeared into the crowded bar.


    He never thought she’d take him up on his dare. Shit, they’d been throwing out one-liners, come-ons and sexual innuendos for months, but not once had either of them taken the bait.

    Not that he was sure she was doing that now. Maybe she was playing with him again. God knows, she’d done it before. He’d spent months with a perpetual hard-on. One he’d jacked off countless times while imagining Shaye in every dirty way his filthy mind could think up. And there’d been many. Some had even surprised him.

    He’d always had a healthy sex drive and he hadn’t shied away from trying things that came to mind or were suggested by the woman he was with, but he’d never—never—wanted to the carnal depths Shaye inspired. He wasn’t even sure he had the balls to do half of what he’d fantasized about.

    A shudder raked his spine and heat throbbed in his groin. Fuck. He’d have another full-blown hard-on by the time she came back just from the wondering—the anticipation.

    So Zac and Freddie. Never would have picked that, Toby said.

    Coop glanced in his brother’s direction. They’re a good fit.

    Didn’t say they weren’t. Just that I’d never have picked it.

    Explains why he’s been a monumental arsehole these last few months, West said. Poor bastard hasn’t just had love screwing with his head. He’s been dealing with guilt.

    Not to mention fear, Kelsey added.

    Of what? West asked.

    Of you knocking his head off. Which, I’ll point out, you almost did. Kelsey smiled at her husband.

    West shrugged and reached for his beer. Hey. Any big brother would do the same for their little sister.

    I don’t recall any of the Moreland boys doing that when Luc hooked up with Cassie, Kelsey said before taking a sip of her wine, her smile hidden behind the glass.

    Coop grimaced. It wasn’t like he or one of his brothers hadn’t decked one of Cassie’s boyfriend’s in the past.

    Christ. Are you insane woman? Have you seen Luc? Toby asked. Fuck. You’d need an army to take him on. Or a death wish.

    "Plus, you’d need to know something was going on. Coop picked at the label on his beer. And as usual, we’re the last to know what goes on in our little sister’s life."

    Smart woman, Kelsey murmured.

    Coop laughed. Yes. Cassie is definitely switched on when it comes to hiding things from us.

    After the way you lot hovered over her in high school, I’m surprise she didn’t take out restraining orders, Kelsey added.

    Toby caught Coop’s eye and they burst out laughing.

    I fail to see what’s funny about that, Kelsey said.

    It’s funny because she threatened each of them with one on a number of occasions, West said. But then she got smart.

    Both Coop and Toby groaned.

    Kelsey sat forward. "Oh, do tell. This sounds like it might be funny."

    West chuckled. "Let’s just say getting a taste of their own medicine was a real eye

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