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The Handbook of Life: And Workbook
The Handbook of Life: And Workbook
The Handbook of Life: And Workbook
Ebook90 pages1 hour

The Handbook of Life: And Workbook

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About this ebook

Have you felt that the world around you no longer seems to make sense? More and more often it seems we’ve been left alone to navigate this new environment, but we just don’t have the time to figure it out. The Law of Attraction has long been touted as the answer, but many are finding that these techniques are not working for them. The Handbook of Life identifies, clarifies and teaches the key foundational principles for the successful navigation of life.
Release dateSep 18, 2017
The Handbook of Life: And Workbook

Karen Kennedy

Indy-based writer and foodie Karen Kennedy was born in a small town in northern Indiana where tuna casserole and Jell-O® salads were de rigeur. She's come a long way. In addition to her long career in the restaurant business, she has made her living as a cabaret singer, actress, hand model, newspaper reporter, event planner, gameshow host and, most recently, ad copy writer. When she decides what she wants to be when she grows up, she will get back to you. Karen is happily married to a brilliant, cello-playing optometrist, her beloved "Peach," Dr. Abigail David.

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    The Handbook of Life - Karen Kennedy



    Welcome to The Handbook of Life, and Workbook, a 9 week program for spiritual growth and personal peace and empowerment. In these difficult times of world wide political unrest and the future uncertain, we all need a spiritual foundation to ground us. Many people have found that the religions of their forefathers are not the answer, and yet still yearn for spiritual comfort and the comfort and faith of a spiritual community. What is true and real and important? How do I change my personal reality? Where do I start? This program will introduce you to the fundamentals of the energetic nature of the Universe, and how that energy is used to create a new reality.

    What makes this program different from other self-help programs is that it starts with the basics. There is a tremendous change in consciousness occurring now, and with the growing realization that the way we have been doing things up till now hasn’t worked out very well in many areas, perhaps we had better change or else!! Many are uncertain what that would look like and how to go about creating change in their lives. This takes you step by step through some key concepts for understanding the way to unravel negative programming and rebuild your life anew according to fundamental universal truths.

    The wisdom in this material is drawn from many religious traditions, combined with new truths revealed by Quantum Physics. Take what is meaningful to you and leave the rest. Growth is accelerated when we better understand the new and different universe that quantum physics describes to us. It works quite differently from what we were taught in school but offers a way to recraft our lives, to live consciously and to live in harmony with the Universe instead of being in opposition to it.


    The exercises at the end of each topic are meant to deepen your understanding through direct experience of these principles. As you consistently apply these principles in your life you will experience greater peace, less stress and more clarity about how to successfully navigate your life. The more we live our lives in alignment with our spiritual truth, the happier and more peaceful we become, and peace and happiness are contagious. One consciousness at a time we can make the world a better place.

    I suggest that you keep a journal for this training program, using it for the exercises and your thoughts throughout. Take one topic per week, and as you read some of the exercises don’t panic if you get overwhelmed at first. You can really take things at your own pace, you don’t have to do them all at once. Choose at least one exercise and do it for at least that week, journaling as you go. It takes resolve and commitment to make a large change in consciousness. It is not easy beginning to separate the thinker from the thoughts. Just do the exercises that appeal to you in the spirit of adventure and experimenting with a new way of being. What you learn and experience will make the changes for you. The rewards are well worth the effort.


    It Is All Energy

    The first thing you need to understand is that everything is energy. From a spiritual point of view, Creator/Source is a conscious being, whose essence is light/love/ENERGY. Everything that exists is the Creator’s expression of self in three dimensional form, and it is all made from God stuff. From a scientific point of view, everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies, some of which fall into the visible spectrum like the physical world, and some of which exist in wave forms such as radio and television waves. We know that there are universal laws governing our three dimensional world. Some of the theories that Quantum physics postulates are:

    Particles of light are sometimes waves (energy) and sometimes particles (matter.)

    That an object is changed by the very act of observing it.

    That matter is energy vibrating at very slow frequencies. Matter vibrating at higher frequencies turns back into wave energy. (Think of ice to water to steam to molecules, etc.)

    That our world is a hologram that each of us creates and that the three dimensional world only comes into existence as we focus on it.

    Schroedinger’s cat. I can’t explain it, you’ll have to look it up.

    That everything is affected by everything else.

    There are any number of parallel realities existing simultaneously.

    That words, thoughts, and actions send waves of intelligent energy throughout the Universe.

    We are getting a little ahead of ourselves here, but what is important is that you understand that we exist within a cocoon of vibrational energy which is constantly receiving and transmitting electromagnetic waves, encoded with information. This is known in the spiritual tradition as an aura. Most of your transmitting is done from your default position. We want to make you aware that you can choose what you are transmitting (and receiving). This is what we call conscious creation. This is what we do when we consciously direct our thoughts, intentions, words, and deeds toward a specific result. This often requires rooting out conscious and subconscious belief systems creating resistance to that result manifesting.

    This brings us to The Law of Attraction, which states that That which is like unto itself is drawn. This means that to draw something to you, you must be a vibrational match to it. Wayne Dyer wrote

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