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Megalomanic State
Megalomanic State
Megalomanic State
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Megalomanic State

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About this ebook

Jack Romaros has a desire to alter the course of the United States republic that’s driven by his thirst for power, and the only way to achieve his goal is to arrange for the assassination of the sitting U.S. president. But Romaros is about to learn the hard way that good and evil aren’t always as cut and dry as they appear, and that power may not always mean invincibilty.
Release dateAug 31, 2017
Megalomanic State

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    Megalomanic State - Angela Noakes



    Now, if I’m being honest, I’ve never been a storyteller but, as they say, there’s a first time for everything and, for the first time, I have a story to tell. I should start by introducing you to Romaros. Oh my! What a character he was! And, I definitely don’t mean to imply in a good way, either. Mr. Jack Romaros was wealthy. Now, I also don’t mean to imply that there’s anything wrong with having wealth (wish I did), but he was arrogant, portentous, condescending, and . . . well, I could go on . . . and, I think I will. There certainly was a nutty professor air about him but, don’t be fooled, he was very observant, intuitive, and always ready to take advantage of any deficiency you might mistakenly display while in his company. He had extreme dogmatic and dictatorial views based upon a thick and heavy veil of ignorance. On the flip side, though, he could undeniably be engaging, philanthropic, and generous if the cause was advantageous to his modus operandi. And, believe me, Romaros definitely had an agenda: one that would require every variety of nasty he possessed in his arsenal. You see, Jack Romaros was a sociopath of epic proportions and, without missing a beat, could become sinister and dangerous whenever the need presented itself. He was always successful when it really counted, and it had never counted so much! Now, I would be remiss if I neglected to introduce you to his closest confidant, cohort, and apprentice, Ms. Helen Canter. She had almost instantaneously proven to be more talented and accomplished at malevolent behavior, when the need arose, than even Romaros himself. If the truth be known, he would periodically pat himself on the back, with an ostentatious swagger, in recognition and admiration of his very own shrewd mentoring abilities, for Helen certainly was a competent and ingenious protégé where corruption was concerned. Given her excellent ability to convince the American people that they were in dire need of whatever she happened to be peddling at any given time, whether they were aware of it or not, she presumably was to be the next president of the United States. Ms. Canter’s political experience and influence was extensive and far-reaching, and she most certainly was just as astucious and duplicitous as he. She knew how to play the game and was adept at fulfilling, unethically or not, whatever was necessary to further their objectives. Currently, their agenda included the indubitable desire to annihilate the newly appointed, by the people, president of the United States along with the entire conceptualization of his political aspirations for America. Romaros and Canter would certainly have to pull out all the stops and, of course, they did!


    Years Earlier

    It was some years back when a younger James Whittaker attended a fundraising ball for the campaign and promotion of the ‘up & coming,’ esteemed, beloved, and admired, Mr. Vincent Bannon, presidential candidate of the United States ‘We The People’ party. Although wholeheartedly unaware of it himself, James possessed a charming, engaging, and captivating personality while . . . how shall I say . . . not at all hard to look at. He exuded an undeniable charisma that avowedly affirmed his inevitable successes while leaving a significant and meaningful imprint on our society for a long time to come. Judging by the enthusiasm and ebullience of all the young ladies (and even some more mature) that invariably hovered near him, I believe I was not the only one to deem him ’all that’. As he waited tables, James was excited and proud to be playing his small role in the inception of such an auspicious rebirth of the country. There was finally hope and expectation in the air, and he would never forget the vivacity of the era and the roles that he had, and would continue, to play throughout its passage.

    It was quite the place to be and be seen that particular evening. There were politicians of every character and position attending, along with the same of international dignitaries and their families. It was such a grandiose affair, it would not soon be forgotten (in more ways than not). Each room offered a unique cultural experience that included entertainment and cuisine. There was, of course, too much consumption of . . . well . . . shall I say . . . just about everything, whatever your ilk or persuasion. Speaking of which, it seemed that the stereotypical good ol’ boy, 72-year-old Senator Ted Chandlers, had a predilection for young, beautiful girls. Too young, I should say, especially those possessing a certain degree of antipathy where he was concerned. Mr. Chandlers certainly loved his scotch, and the more he consumed, the more he became assured of his inherent abilities to guide, mentor, and administer his very own brand of deviant behavior to any beautifully innocent, pubescent little darlin’ that had the misfortune to cross his path. He certainly was a sick, repulsive, and disgusting piece of human waste! But, did he get away with this behavior? Oh! Yes, he did! As a result of his keen abilities to obtain aspersing and malicious information regarding his peers and constituents, he never worried that his own dirty laundry would be aired. But, tonight, all of that would end; the tables would be turned on the benevolent Mr. Chandlers.


    It grew late, and as the festivities

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