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Huey Dusk
Huey Dusk
Huey Dusk
Ebook30 pages27 minutes

Huey Dusk

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Girl Scouts with guns. Maniacal mimes. Murder. Intrigue. Big floppy shoes. It's all in a day's work for Huey Dusk, clown and private dick. In his latest case, Dusk discovers there are plans afoot to rub him out. Can he locate his would-be killers before he ends up a puddle of greasepaint? Part noir, part humor and more fun than a three-ring circus, HUEY DUSK will change how you look at mysteries.
PublisherUntreed Reads
Release dateAug 18, 2010
Huey Dusk

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    Book preview

    Huey Dusk - Whit Howland

    Huey Dusk

    By Whit Howland

    Copyright 2010 by Whit Howland and Untreed Reads Publishing

    Cover Copyright 2010 by Dara England and Untreed Reads Publishing

    The author is hereby established as the sole holder of the copyright, and has granted permission to the publisher to enforce said copyright on their behalf.

     This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold, reproduced or transmitted by any means in any form or given away to other people without specific permission from the author and/or publisher. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to the living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    Huey Dusk

    By Whit Howland


    Huey Dusk knew he was dressed to kill when he taped his ten-gallon pork pie to his green afro—and was sure he was a stick of dynamite with his painted lips and squirting cigar.

    He laced up his oversized checkered shoes, slung his polka dotted Dobro over his shoulder and selected a piece of piano wire.

    After two snorts from a bag of crushed Lucky Charms, he threw his head back and smiled.

    Man that smarts! he growled through his teeth.

    Then, he walked onto the stage, strummed and sang Three Blind Mice to the cheers of hundreds of children.


    Huey finished his encore, saw a braced-faced kid, her buxom mom and flung his pick at her cleavage. He walked offstage.


    She stood in the doorway of his smoke-filled dressing room and watched him run a comb through his afro. Whatcha got in those clown pants, big boy?

    A three-ring circus. Huey’s eyes sprinted up and down her curvy frame.

    The two grabbed and groped each other. Then Huey slipped the piano wire around her neck and watched her eyes bleed out. After she fell to the floor, he rifled through her

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