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The Vile Kind
The Vile Kind
The Vile Kind
Ebook15 pages7 minutes

The Vile Kind

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THE VILE KIND is a flash fiction collection centered around the vileness of humanity including three stories tilted, "Destination for the Generations", "Six Beat Rain," and finishing with, "The King of Color." The stories include characters that show certain aspects cruel nature and how easy it is to be deceived by them. We start off with a story consisting only of dialogue between a group elderly people reflecting on their impending demise. The next story is about the relationship between a verbally abusive uncle and his naïve niece. The final story tells of a modern day king that uses his power to use young artists for the benefit of his amusement. You may be disappointed by the content in these stories and might be even a little disjointed, but I hope that you get to discover the reason you are here staring at dark words on light pages.

PublisherChad Prior
Release dateOct 18, 2017
The Vile Kind

Chad Prior

Chad Prior is a creative writing student specializing in entertainment. He is also an amateur music designer, digital artist, and video developer. Since 2014, he has been participating in a paid internship at an award-winning retreat center in Scottsville, VA. He has studied two years at Piedmont Community College until transferring to Full Sail University in 2016 for a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment. Chad is currently serving his final year in the internship while continuing in his degree path for creative writing.

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    The Vile Kind - Chad Prior

    The Vile Kind

    Published by Chad Prior at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Chad Prior

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