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Attract Money Forever
Attract Money Forever
Attract Money Forever
Ebook117 pages2 hours

Attract Money Forever

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From The Bestselling Author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. This companion book to How to Attract Money Using Mind Power will help you to raise your money mindset to glorious new heights! Whereas the original work is a concise manual, this companion book is written in a much more conversational tone. Through it, you will experience more color and texture in the treatment of this important subject, and you will deepen your feel for the life-changing concepts and techniques.

If you are serious about attracting a lot more money into your life, this book should be on your bookshelf right alongside How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. And although this is indeed a companion book, you can benefit greatly from reading it even if you haven’t read the original work. All on its own, this book will give you sufficient knowledge to totally transform your financial circumstances and attract all the money you can handle.

Table of Contents:
1. Desire
2. Belief
3. Expectancy
4. Money Mindset
5. Money Goals
6. Think End Results
7. Think and Feel As If
8. Speak As If
9. Act As If
10. Affirmations
11. Visualization
12. Environment
13. Organization
14. Laws of Money
15. Intuition
16. Plans
17. Right Livelihood
18. Self-Image
19. Personal Energy
20. Radiate Financial Increase

Attracting more money, manifesting wealth, creating a life of prosperity, abundance, and affluence—these are things anyone can accomplish, but relatively few do. The difference between the haves and the have nots? It’s a mental difference. It all starts in the mind, with the power of thought. This book will teach you how to think in a way that will propel you down your road to success, achievement, and financial freedom.

PublisherJames Goi Jr.
Release dateOct 19, 2017
Attract Money Forever

James Goi Jr.

James Goi Jr., aka The Attract Money Guru(TM), is the bestselling author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power--a book that set a new standard for concise, no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point self-help books. First published in 2007, that game-changing book continues to transform lives around the world. James’s growing list of books includes such power-packed gems as Advanced Manifesting Made Easy, Aware Power Functioning, and The God Function. The tagline for James as an author and publisher is Books to Awaken, Uplift, and Empower(TM). And James takes those words seriously, as is evident in every book he writes. He condenses and simplifies abstract metaphysical concepts and proven success principles, making this life-changing information accessible to everyone. His succinct and distinct writing style continues to win him new fans the world over. If you are a fan of metaphysics, quantum physics, mind power, spirituality and spiritual growth, self-help, human potential, personal development, motivation, and the Law of Attraction, then you will love the writings of James Goi Jr. You can see James in the groundbreaking docudrama, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy. For more info and to receive a free gift, visit

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book makes wonders. It inspires to break free from the self-made jail built in our minds. I strongly recommend to devote one day just to enrich yourself with unboundary freedom ideas.

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Attract Money Forever - James Goi Jr.


This companion book to How to Attract Money Using Mind Power contains twenty articles (edited for this book) which were first published online. These twenty articles are on the same subjects as the twenty chapters of the original book.

As a companion book, this book does have its place on your bookshelf right alongside How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. But it is in no way a substitute for that book. If you don't yet have a copy of the original book, I highly encourage you to get one.

How to Attract Money Using Mind Power was written to be a concise, straight-to-the-point manual. The articles in this book, on the other hand, were written in a much more leisurely and conversational tone. In fact, this companion book is longer than the original book.

Now, does that mean there is more information in this book than in the original book? No, not at all. In fact, there are more of certain elements in the original book, such as the 160 quotes by other authors and the 120 simple steps. Still, this book does have its place. Through it, you will experience more color and texture in the treatment of this important subject, and you will deepen your feel for the many life-changing concepts and techniques.

Let the words on these pages sink into your being. Let them inspire you. Let them uplift you. Let them help you to move more swiftly and surely toward the abundant life you envision for yourself. For these words will indeed teach you how to attract much more money into your life—today, tomorrow, and forever.



Would you like to attract a lot more money into your life? Most people would answer yes to that question. That's fine as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough. To have the ability to attract a lot more money into your life, you must really want it. Most people who would answer yes to the above question would be thinking something like this: Sure, that would be great. Some people who would answer yes to the above question would be thinking something like this: Yes! I want a lot more money! And I am bound and determined to get it! Notice the difference?

It is a well-known fact among metaphysicians and mind-power practitioners that desire is the first step toward attainment and accomplishment and that without desire, nothing much gets accomplished. It follows, then, that desire is the first crucial step in the process of attracting more money. Here's the quote I use to open the chapter on desire in my book, How to Attract Money Using Mind Power (hereafter referred to simply as the book):

Desire is the great moving power of the mind—that which excites into action the will and powers of the individual. It is at the bottom of action, emotion or expression.

—Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages, 1926

Think about this: You don't even scratch your nose without first having the desire to do so. Scratching your nose is easy, so it doesn't require much desire. Attracting a lot of money is a challenging task, and it requires much more desire than does scratching your nose. To be able to attract a lot more money into your life, you will need to increase your desire to have a lot more money. And, it naturally follows, the more money you want, the more desire you'll need to build.

In the book, I give specific instructions for increasing one's desire for more money, suggest a few lists to be made, and so on. In this article, I'd like to focus on one pivotal thing you can begin doing right now to increase your desire for more money.

By doing just this one simple thing, you will find your desire for more money increasing. And so, you will find yourself just spontaneously taking more and more action, both mental and physical, toward getting the money you want. And, as you’ll discover, this increased action will feed your desire, and your increased desire will then lead to even more action.

So, what I’m suggesting is that you develop the habit of thinking about the things you want that more money will allow you to have. It’s as simple as that. Would you like to have a bigger home? Would you like to have more free time to pursue your hobbies and other interests? Would you like to travel? Would you like to retire early? Are there people or organizations you would like to help financially?

Start right now, today, to really think about the various things you could bring about in your life and the lives of others if you simply had the financial resources—the money—to bring those things about.

As you continue to imagine all the things you want to have and do, and the circumstances you want to create, you will just naturally feel increased desire for those things and circumstances. Notice that desire. Strive to be ever aware of it. Feel it growing within you. And continue to long for those things you would have and do if only you had the money to do so. In these ways, you will be building up a mighty force, a deep reservoir of energy you will be able to draw upon to help you get the money you want. Here is another quote from the chapter on desire:

Desire is at the bottom of every achievement.

—Orison Swett Marden, How to Get What You Want, 1917

Desire certainly is at the bottom of every achievement, and this basic fact is no less true of the achievement of attracting money.

It would be hard to overemphasize the importance of the role desire plays in the processes of attracting and manifesting large amounts of money. So many people study metaphysics and mind power and the Law of Attraction, but they often get only weak results when they try to apply what they have learned.

What is the reason for this frustrating fact? It's largely because they have weak desires. You can study this mind stuff for your whole life. But if you don't know what you want and really want it, then knowing how to attract and manifest is not going to help you much.

This article is the first part of a twenty-part series on how to use mind power to attract money. The first chapter of the book is on the subject of desire for a reason—without sufficient desire, the reader will not even finish reading the book, much less take the various actions that are recommended in the book.

You are going to learn some amazing mind-power principles and techniques that you can use to attract tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can use this information to attract millions of dollars or even more. It all depends on how much money you want and on how intensely you want it.

And, again, it all starts with your desire. Do you really want a lot more money? Do you want thousands of dollars more? Hundreds of thousands of dollars more? Millions of dollars more? There's no question of whether or not you can acquire the money you desire. The only question is whether or not you desire it strongly enough to do what you need to do to get it.

I cannot give you desire. But I can give you information. You supply the desire, and I'll supply the know-how. So, between now and the next article in this series,

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