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Letter To Dr. Blyden
Letter To Dr. Blyden
Letter To Dr. Blyden
Ebook47 pages28 minutes

Letter To Dr. Blyden

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A letter to Dr. Blyden concerning Christianity, Islam and the African Race in the 19th Century.  An accurate, analytical, eye witness account of the African Race and religion.

Release dateOct 24, 2017
Letter To Dr. Blyden


Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour graduated from Howard University where he majored in Philosophy and Logic. He also attended University of California Berkley School of Law where he received his Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree. He is a Phi Beta Kappa recipient and listed as the World's Who's Who in the Arab World, Who's Who in Public Affairs, Royal Blue Book of London, International Who's Who of Intellectuals, Who's Who in American Law, and Who's Who in Black America. His business and professional interests include co-founding the International Law Firm of AlWaleed, Al-Talal & AlMansour, representing the OPEC interest at the famous Los Angeles trial, IMAWC vs. OPEC and co-founder and director of the African Arabian Islamic Bank.

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    Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour

    San Antonio, Texas

    October, 1992

    Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden

    aka Abd-ul Karim

    Pan Africa Republic

    United Nations of Africa

    Dear Dr. Blyden,

    As Salaam Aleikum!

    One hundred and sixty years have passed since your birth in the Virgin Islands and eighty years since your death in Sierra Leone, West Africa; yet the profundity of your vision for our people has not been surpassed. Every day the accuracy of your prediction that the African American will never be accepted in America becomes more apparent. Not only are drug abuse, massive insecurity, intra-group crime, alcoholism, AIDS, political corruption, compulsive gambling, strained male/female relationships, gang banging, deteriorating health, religious perversion, homelessness, child mortality, unemployment, leadership buffoonery, illiteracy, school dropouts and hopelessness rapidly becoming the defining characteristics of the collective African American personality, with precious few exceptions, the world is being systematically taught to write our people out of the journals of significance for the 21st century and beyond.

    One can only speculate regarding the constructive destiny that would have been ours if our leaders would have had sufficient honesty and vision to have implemented your admonitions. Instead of inferiority, we would have enjoyed sustained racial pride; instead of slave masters' names, we would have adopted meaningful names that connect us with our pre-slave glories of Africa; instead of childish dependency, we would have reaped the benefits of self sacrifice, orderly discipline and self-help; instead of physical self-hatred, we would have become irreversibly imbued with the realization that Black is beautiful; instead of perfecting the art of begging, we would have been prominent architects of economic development throughout the world, especially on the continent of Africa; instead of school dropouts, we would have consistently attained the highest test scores on national competitive examinations in America and beyond; instead of intra-family conflict, we would have taught the world how to love, how to build and how to prosper; and instead of serving a white god, we would have nestled within the consciousness of the One and True God of our forefathers.


    The complex of intricate events that robbed us of our proper destiny cannot be adequately detailed in this letter. My most recent books, Betrayal By Any Other Name, Welcome to Islam, Seven African Arabian Wonders of the World, The Pentecostals: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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