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Coconut Oil and My Dog: Natural Pet Health For My Canine Friend
Coconut Oil and My Dog: Natural Pet Health For My Canine Friend
Coconut Oil and My Dog: Natural Pet Health For My Canine Friend
Ebook56 pages39 minutes

Coconut Oil and My Dog: Natural Pet Health For My Canine Friend

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Control doggie odor and fleas, plus heal hot spots, all with one thing?

How does that work? And what does it cost?

Did you know that long term use of chemical laden flea collars can cause seizures? A scary thought I know. But there is an alternative to this problem and many others.

What if there were a way to help your dog with many of the painful everyday issues that come up and do it without the nasty side effects of toxic chemicals? A way to see your dog happy and healthy that was easily affordable and helped to improve the quality of their life.

So many of the products out there today can have debilitating side effects like rashes, chemical burns and seizures, to name just a few. And studies show, the more chemicals our pets are exposed to, the higher the incidence of disease and cancer, just like humans. Without knowing it, you may be adding to the very situations you're trying to avoid.

But, there is something that you can do to help your dog without unknowingly putting them through all that. Research has shown, the proper use of coconut oil can help our pets as much as it helps us.

In this book, you're going to learn:

  • What is in coconut oil that is so effective in helping your dog overcome chronic conditions.

  • How to safely relieve your dog from fleas, ticks, rashes, and obesity, to name just a few.

  • The right kind of coconut oil to buy for your dog's health and why. Using the wrong kind will harm, not help.

  • How much coconut oil is safe for your dog to take and how to begin adding it to their diet.

I know how hard it can be to find reliable information. It's especially important when we're dealing with our canine friends. I've spent hours searching the Internet to find solid information for my own pets, and now I want to share that with you.

The last thing you want to do is let your dog become one of the many victims of today's chemical-ridden society. Now, you have the power to help them avoid that.

This book is for you if you want to do all you can for your dog and ease your own stress at the same time.

Take the first step now. Scroll to the top of this page and click the "buy now" button.

Your dog will be glad you did.

PublisherBJ Richards
Release dateOct 29, 2017
Coconut Oil and My Dog: Natural Pet Health For My Canine Friend

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    Book preview

    Coconut Oil and My Dog - BJ Richards


    I’ve kept this book short, without skimping on content, so you can get what you want and need without having to research hundreds of sites online and spend days pouring through the thousands of articles out there.

    My objective is to give you a clear, concise overview of coconut oil and how to easily use it for your dog’s best advantage. I’ve condensed the volumes of information out there down to an easy-to-read-and-digest format, so you can get to the information you need right away, thus helping your dog immediately.

    Who’s Been Using Coconut Oil and Why

    This chapter will give you a brief overview of cultures that have been using coconut oil, as well as how it’s used today.

    Coconut oil has been used by humans throughout history. One of the most common uses of coconut oil is for cooking. It’s also a common component in make-up, cosmetics, lotions and nutraceuticals. Many have found it helpful in the treatment of yeast infections and hair treatments as well.

    There are some countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and the Philippines that have a long-standing history when it comes to the use of coconut oil.

    It was also quite popular in the United States and Canada until 1954, when it’s popularity died out due to the release of incorrect studies. Those studies erroneously labeled the fats in coconut oil as unhealthy. But that’s because the study didn’t differentiate between the different types of fats and their roles in the body.

    But that has changed now that the error has been corrected. We now know that some of the saturated fats are not only healthy, but essential for a body to function. Those are the kinds of fats found in coconut oil.

    Were coconut oil not such an effective and inexpensive product, we wouldn’t be using it as widely as we do, and have done for centuries.

    Many of you may already be using coconut oil for yourselves. If you’re using the right kind of coconut oil, there’s no need to go out and buy another kind that is labeled just for pets. In this case, what is good for you is good for them. You can continue to use the same coconut oil you’ve already purchased and have sitting in your kitchen now.

    Almost everyone is looking for an alternative route to helping our pets and helping ourselves at the same time. There are many conditions that are chronic and not life threatening, that can be dealt with if you have the information and resources available to you. That’s what this book is all

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