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World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #1
World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #1
World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #1
Ebook496 pages7 hours

World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #1

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America scatters her thin military across the globe as casualties on the battlefield begin to multiply. The dark clouds of WW3 descend upon her homeland. Invading armies ravage her heartland, enslaving Europe and Asia, with no one to slow them down.

Russia, China, and Islam seem to be unstoppable as the world is thrown into a New Dark Age.

Hope survives in Britain as a Stone, after 2,600 years of silence, begins to roar in Scotland. This brings forth, out of obscurity, the destiny of the Second Moses.

PublisherDan Griffey
Release dateOct 31, 2017
World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #1

Dan Griffey

Dan Bertran Griffey has been studying biblical prophecy for over 40 years. For the past twenty years, he has been working intensively on a deeper understanding of the seven-year Tribulation Period by applying not just part but all of biblical prophecy to unravel its "mystery". This work has accumulated into six books, which Mr. Griffey calls "Voice of the Prophets Series".

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    World War 3 in Prophecy - Dan Griffey


    No one does anything that is truly important alone! With them stands everyone who has ever taught them anything, whether good or bad. Such is the case with this work. Since I do not have the space and you do not have the time for me to expound upon the previous statements, I will but mention a few of the good. First and foremost are my parents, Bill and Betty. My dad, an accomplished author in his own right, who, when I told him of my desire to put my thoughts and work down in book form, immediately replied, Go ahead, you can do it. It’s easy. Dad wasn’t able to see the end result, at least not produced from earthly presses. And it must be stated here: whether I can do it or not remains for the results to come in. And dad, you were wrong about one thing — there was nothing easy about it! You also forgot to mention the spiritual warfare associated with it. But thanks for the training and encouragement anyway. My mother, who didn’t know at the beginning it was going to take years of research before I could go into years of writing and rewriting (not just this book, but the whole panoramic picture of six books), never wavered or faltered in both her support and her encouragement. Without them, I would still be in the research phase. My sister Karen, who along with my brother Steve, kept my business going by keeping the doors open while I took a leave of absence to research and write. Without Karen’s and Steve’s intercessory prayers, the spiritual warfare would surely have delayed the work, but nothing could have stopped it. When unexpected costs raised their ugly heads, Karen was the first to draw her financial sword to slay the beasts and, as we say in Texas, pull my fat out of the fire. Steve, an artist himself, drew the front and back covers. He doubled as a research assistant and sounding board during long walks. To the many I have left out, please forgive me. I thank you for all of your encouragement with all my heart.

    Anywhere you see (Tanakh) it is reprinted from The Prophets by permission of the University of Nebraska Press. Copyright 1978 by the Jewish Publications Society; reprinted from The Writings by permission of the University of Nebraska Press. Copyright 1982 by the Jewish Publications Society; reprinted from The Torah by permission of the University of Nebraska Press. Copyright 1962 by the Jewish Publications Society.

    Let them bring them forth, and show us what shall happen: Let them show the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them, or declare to us things to come.

    Isaiah 41:22 (KJV)


    The subject of biblical prophecy and the events that shall shortly befall mankind are not light topics, nor are they ones to be casually dealt with and dismissed. Truth, no matter what vehicle it’s delivered in or what road it travels, is seldom received at its destination with rejoicing and gratitude. The disciples, no matter what country or city they entered, repeatedly proved this. This book is not an exception to that principle.

    In an age of deception and corruption, truth is very precious and very rare. At such a current time as this, all historical threads of truth, weaving their way through time, have arrived in our day to form a completed tapestry. Nearly everyone has a gut feeling that something dynamic, something drastic, something life changing, is about to happen. Even though filled with anticipation, no one has the nerve to walk around to the front of the loom and look at the tapestry, for fear that the image emerging is not what they would expect or desire.

    If you are too fearful to look into the abyss for the truth you might see, you will not want to read this book. Return it to its shelf and go in peace — for as long as that peace may last. But understand: ignorance of the abyss and the blindness of your eyes do not eliminate the abyss, nor do they dissolve its contents.

    The light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

    St. John 1:5

    The Old Testament, with its laws and original fulfillment of prophecy, were but a shadow of things to come. They were but reflections of the things that will shortly come to pass in the Tribulation years.

    The distinction between the past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent. The future exists simultaneously with the past.

    Albert Einstein

    I have taken the liberty to structure the ancient prophecies in a written form somewhat different than you are used to seeing. I have put some key words in bold print and underlined important phrases. All Scriptures from the Tanakh Bible and the Christian Bible (King James Version) are in italics so you won’t have to see so many quotation marks. I have done this without moving any of the content of the Scripture out of its natural, God-ordained place in the text. As you come across parts of the Scripture in the text, you might be inclined to skip over the part of the prophecy that is not in bold or underlined to just catch key points. Please do not do this. It was never my intent for the Holy Word of God to be read like that. The parts of the prophecy that are not underlined or in bold print are not of less importance than the parts that are. They are crucial to that prophecy, and without them the underlined or bold parts are lessened.

    Whenever you find statements with these brackets [ ], they define my own words and opinions, whether in Scripture or not.

    There are a great amount of ancient prophecies recorded in this book, both biblical and extra-biblical. If the chain of events which I have uncovered in ancient prophecy is going to happen, then those events are so radically different than what we have been taught as students of prophecy. I am well aware of the vast difference between what is laid out in this as well as the other books I have written, and what has been taught by God-fearing men, who have taught in the past few hundred years with as much understanding of prophecy as they were allowed for the time they lived in. I wish to take nothing away from these men and the long hours and years of study they applied to the study of prophecy. What they taught was the light (no matter how dim) they were to give to their generation (dim concerning prophecy, not other things pertaining to God and His Word). It was always understood from the prophetic teachings themselves, as well as through these mighty men of God and their instruction, that when the generation that would actually experience firsthand the events of the book of Revelation was born, and would become spiritually mature enough to be handed the mantle of God, and receive the Great Commission of Christ, they would receive a much greater and deeper understanding of end-of-days events.

    As you have probably noticed, I do not use the phrase end of time to depict the time we are now living in. The end of time does not happen for another 1,000 years. Prophecy speaks of the time we are now living in as the end of days, which is vastly different. The end of time is when eternity will start, and time shall be no more. (Revelation 10:6) The end of days is the end of the days of the rule of Satan on the earth; the time when Messiah ben David (the official title for Jesus) shall rule the earth. The media always uses the term end of time and never the term end of days because they dare never think about a time when their master or king Satan’s days will come to an end.

    It is very important to document the sequences of events that shall come to pass by historical, prophetic record. Even the mystery of prophecy has been kept hidden throughout time. By divine necessity, from time to time it was laid out before the men of God (the prophets) even though they were not given a clear understanding of it. They were told that the understanding would come in the time of the end. The best example of this can be found in the last few chapters of the book of Daniel. From time to time, the Lord (in His unfathomable wisdom) gave glimpses of this (for lack of a better phrase) blind spot in the prophets’ prophecies concerning the time of the end, so that no matter how hard they tried and besought God, they could not understand its meaning. The Lord (blessed be His name) did this for more reasons than I can understand. But one reason I do understand. At the time of the end, the wise (as they are called in the book of Daniel) will look back in history (prophetic history as well as true history) and say, So that’s what He meant when through His prophets He said such and such.

    Everything you are reading other than Scripture is my opinion. I am not a prophet; none of this is Thus saith the Lord. The person reading has to ask himself:

    Does what Dan is saying line up with what the prophecies are implying?

    • Is Dan trying to twist the Word of God to mean something it is not saying?

    • Did the Lord who I serve lead me to this work?

    • Since the books came out, have world events and world leaders been following or have they lined up to follow the things Dan has put forth in his work?

    • If current events stay their course, is it even remotely possible that what is in these books could happen in real life?

    • If the standard (denominational) understanding of biblical prophecy is wrong, then what does the Bible really say is going to happen before, during, and after the Tribulation period?

    • If we are not going to get raptured out before it starts, then what are we going to have to know in order to survive going through it?

    I have inserted Dan’s Rabbit Trails periodically within the text. They are a deeper drilling down into a particular subject that reflects upon the topic being discussed at that point. You can choose to skip them or drill down with me to gain more insight into that topic. These will be obvious when you reach them.

    These images are used to point out when a prophetical event is:

    Text Description automatically generated - The biblical prophet is jumping backward in time.

    Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence - The biblical prophet is jumping forward in time.

    - This is inserted when we can pinpoint in time a definite event. Dark blue background represents a foreboding event.

    A picture containing text, clock Description automatically generated - Used to pinpoint a beneficial or benevolent event.

    Diagram Description automatically generated


    May 30, 1997

    In the spirit, I had just been transferred into a classroom in which the students were already hard at work on their assignment. They were just finishing and the assignment was about to be collected, although there was no teacher over the class, and had not been in a long, long time. I wondered who gave the assignment and who would collect it. I sat down at my desk, the first one on the second row in a setup of two rows. The newest student always took a front row seat. I turned to the person sitting behind me and asked him about the current assignment. He replied, It’s the homework assignment out of our textbook. You haven’t done your homework assignment! He said it as if implying, Well, stupid. Rather rude, I thought. I began to explain to him how I had just been transferred to this class and hadn’t even looked in any textbook, let alone heard a lecture or put together any homework assignment. The guy just looked at me and broke into a high-pitched laugh. His intent was to make me feel stupid and to draw attention to himself. It worked! I thought as I turned around, I wish I had one of those textbooks, and sitting on my desk was a big black textbook. I opened it up, not knowing which chapter I should be reading as I listened to three of the students discuss the homework assignment. I realized I had no understanding of what they were talking about. The book cover was semi-thick leather, and the first page was made out of very thin, transparent paper. On the page were what appeared to be a group of lions, both male and female, in different positions; some standing, some sitting, and some lying down. All of them gathered to the right of the page, sort of bunched up. What shocked me the most was that these weren’t images of lions or holograms; they were real lions.

    I sensed that the lions normally lined up uniformly across the page, but in anticipation of my opening the cover, they had moved across the page as if they had been waiting a long time for this to happen. They stared at me knowing what was about to happen, but unable to reveal it to me. What were they doing here? Who were they? Why was this textbook alive? These were the questions that raced through my mind. Perhaps the answers were inside the text.

    The next page was as strange as the first. It included a list of names to the left of what appeared to be a cube of numbers. Not just numbers, but sets of numbers. Each set was separated by two dots and did not appear in any order, but were completely at random. There were colorful boxes around all sides of each set of numbers. No two boxes were alike. It all looked very complicated and I wondered how I could ever figure it out. I still didn’t know what subject the class was on. Turning around to look at the other students for some clue, I saw that their textbooks were on the same page as mine. Everyone was in deep discussion about which group of numbers went together and for what reason. I noticed that students were changing seats, advancing in seniority with each seat change. Others were leaving at the end of their study, after having turned in several homework assignments, without even obtaining a working knowledge of the subject. They really did not understand. How could they, without a teacher? They were leaving with not much more of a requirement than having sat in the last seat at the head of the first row, which was next to the door. Then it hit me. There was no teacher for this class, and apparently, there had not been one for centuries. If a student could grasp an understanding of just a small percentage of the cube, they thought their time there had been well spent, and went on to other classes less complicated, with surer rewards.

    It wasn’t until I looked more closely at their textbooks that I understood their frustration and somewhat visible indifference toward the cube. Their cubes had no multi-colored boxes around sets of numbers. Taking another look at the cube in my textbook, I read the list at the left of the cube.




    The list continued listing every one of the prophets - major and minor - of the textbook called The Holy Bible! The textbook I had been given was the teacher’s text.

    When I awoke from this dream, I sat up in bed, grabbed the big, black Bible on my bed stand, and opened it just past the Bible company’s advertisement page where the lions waited. They were none other than the writers of the Scriptures.

    Herein reside my authority and credentials for writing this book. Not given by the hand of men to turn tainted and discolored from lack of use, or bequeathed from the halls of academia to hang on a wall attracting dust and constantly in peril of earthquakes coming from church pews (the latest fads of doctrine or feel-good religion); rather, my authority and understanding are alive. They breathe and move and reside upon me. They cannot be hindered or harmed by man, or aged by time. They were formed and commissioned outside the realm of time and space. If they are deception, they will surely fail. If they originate from ego, they should and must fail. But if their foundation is built on Truth, even tyrants will not successfully be able to resist it.

    Shape Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    In the dream, each frame which grouped the Scriptures together was a different color. Some colors I had never seen before! Each color represented the grouping of many prophecies from different prophets, which were telling various segments of the same portion. Therefore, they were related by subject matter, and hence grouped together.

    A picture containing text Description automatically generated

    There is also another dimension the Prophetic Cube in the teacher’s textbook has that the student’s textbook did not display. Go back to the two diagrams. You see, a prophecy (example: Joel 1:6) forms a point within the box (topic), and another prophecy (example: Amos 2:16), forms another point, like this: ● ● The two prophecies are the dots or points and the gathering together of the prophecies within the boxes are the topics. This would be enough in itself to make the teacher’s textbook amazing. But it’s the line ▬▬▬ that forms the boxes (that is, the small, obscure parts of the prophecies within the boxes that connect or hold them within the box) that I find difficult to convey or explain.

    When you were a kid in school and you had a question, and you went up to the teacher’s desk and asked the question, he or she explained it so you could best understand it, right? When you looked at the teacher’s textbook that lay open on their desk, you thought, If only my textbook had all of the answers in red right after the question. (As I’m sitting here typing this in and read just after one of ____ questions, I realized this after I typed it and it kind of freaked me out!). Back to the explanation: when you saw the answers lying right there in the book you thought (when you were very young), If my textbook had that, I would always be correct and be really smart. But life and maturity showed you it was the teacher forming the answer into a way the young you could understand that made you understand the textbook question and why the answer had to be the way it was.

    What I am saying is: the prophecies are the focal points or dots in the boxes; the gathering together of the certain prophecies are the subject, but it’s the boxes and lines that form the connection from one prophet, to another, to yet another that is not so easy to point out or explain.

    Examples regarding Jesus:

    • He would be the seed of a woman (but not of a man) (Genesis 3:15)

    • He will descend from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10)

    • Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

    • Time of birth (Daniel 9:25)

    • Born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)

    • Flight into Egypt (Hosea 11:1)

    • Ministry in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2)

    These were all dots lying in Scripture for thousands of years where anyone could see them, but they were not grouped together; they lay separate. There was no human way these could be related ... there was no one even saying they were! Not even the most learned that ever lived during thousands of years. No historical rabbi! No ancient prophet! King David didn’t see it! Solomon’s wisdom didn’t tell him! The three angels didn’t speak a word of it to Abraham! The donkey didn’t tell Balaam!


    Elisabeth’s belly knew (Luke 1:41), and an old man named Simeon (Luke 2:25), and an old woman named Anna (Luke 2:36), who saw the boxes and lines and was waiting at the temple on the day the Babe of Bethlehem arrived! So shall it be on the shore of the Second Exodus (Isaiah 42:15-16), and in the Valley of Jezreel (Hosea 1:10; Ezekiel 20:35-37; Zechariah 10:6).


    Identity of Babylon the Great


    In ancient Babylon,

    "Libonious held the throne for 17 years after Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonian Empire fell into ruin within 30 years.


    Businessmen forgot love of country caught up in the internationalism of finance.

    The people busy with trade and pleasure unlearned the arts of war (after they had conquered the world).

    The priests took on themselves more and more of the royal power.

    Their treasuries filled with wealth, tempted invasion and conquest.

    When Syria and his disciplined Persian Army stood at the gate, the Babylonians opened the gates to him and welcomed his enlightened domination.

    After the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon they too became intoxicated with the riches and became soft, they loosed (sic) their discipline and became fat.

    Alexander the Great with his well-trained disciplined Greek Army conquered a vastly superior force."

    Story of Civilization

    Will Darant

    Page 263


    Today in America, convenience stores and gasoline stations across the country are frequented for their large selection of bottled water. To get to this pure thirst quencher, one must walk past cords of stacked firewood. Little does the visiting motorist realize this is a fulfillment of ancient prophecy; a pulse rate taken of a nation which turns from God.

    We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.

    Lamentations 5:4 (KJV)

    28.5% of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is about prophecy.

    21.5% of the Christian Bible (New Testament) is about prophecy.

    27% of the entire Bible (approximately) is about prophecy.

    Any nation originally established by the Lord God that rejects His authority over it will be dealt with, just as ancient Israel was when it was in rebellion.

    The Bible speaks through the millennia to a nation in existence in the last days; not the last days of the earth or of mankind, nor even of the wicked (for they continue another thousand years), but to the last days of Satan’s domination of his kingdom: the earth. The Lord, speaking through His mouthpiece, Jeremiah the prophet, talks of a powerful nation (kingdom) who is infatuated by their dread images; or pictures and movies.

    A drought against its waters, that they be dried up! For it is a land of idols; They are besotted [def.: Infatuated with, to make dull or stupid by] by their dread images. Assuredly, wildcats and hyenas shall dwell there, and ostriches shall dwell there; It shall never be settled again, nor inhabited throughout the ages. It shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors declares the Lord; no man shall live there; no human shall sojourn there.

    Jeremiah 50:38-40 (Tanakh)

    This wicked nation would not only corrupt itself, but would wield tremendous power in its influence with the rest of the world. Rather than influencing for good, it would use its power for evil to corrupt morals and ethics. These dread images are its exported source of corruption to the nations of the earth. The images are used not to enlighten and inform the population (which is how they are marketed), but rather to numb their intellect so they cannot think for themselves. In not being trained to think for themselves, the population quickly accepts the misinformation the talking heads (a term used to describe some of the images) are giving out.

    This land (nation) that shall be judged by God like Sodom and Gomorrah shall experience a great drought just before that judgment falls. This drought will be so severe that some of the lakes and rivers will completely dry up. The lakes will as well, no doubt because of the massive amount of water that will be shipped or transported to the huge cities to satisfy their unquenchable thirst.

    And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

    Revelation 14:8 (KJV)

    When the Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great in 330 B.C., Babel was destroyed. Alexander intended to reconstruct the great Ziggurat (its tower) and ordered the rubble removed from the site, but his death in 323 B.C. saw the task unfinished. The Parthians were the last to inhabit the city from 125 B.C. to 10 B.C. Jeremiah says it shall never be inhabited throughout the ages. This has not been so with ancient Babylon.

    It is popular and preferred by biblical scholars of our day to refer to this wicked Babylon of the last days as the ancient ruins being rebuilt in modern-day Iraq by Saddam Hussein, or to confuse Mystery Babylon (a hidden, secretive ruling power) with Babylon the Great (an economic and influential nation).


    Can America, the world’s most predominant military, economic, and industrial nation, be found in biblical prophecy? Whole books on this subject have been written and discussed more thoroughly and effectively than time and space allow here. I will give but excerpts from one.

    "First: Let it be remembered that there is a community of origination that exists between Mystery Babylon and Babylon the Great, or ecclesiastical Babylon and political Babylon they have a common source. It seems rather incongruous to assert that the beast (Antichrist) so hates the one as to destroy her, and yet so cherishes the other as to make it his capital city.

    "Secondly: The notion that Antichrist builds a magnificent capital that becomes the center of the commercial and political world is patently absurd if you consider that he has a very short tenure of office.

    ... and power was given to him to continue forty-two months.

    Revelation 13:5 (KJV)

    "As we shall presently see, the extent of political Babylon is not limited to that of a metropolis but is extended, in fact, to that of a great and mighty nation, which renders the above contention even more absurd.

    "Thirdly: The destruction of political Babylon is not the aftermath of the Lord’s glorious appearing, but rather is accomplished through the agency of fierce nations from the north. This destruction is to occur before the mark of the beast is instituted, we have the capital city of the beast destroyed before the beast comes to power, which is a contradiction."

    The United States in Prophecy

    Edward Tracy

    a) Ecclesiastical or religious Babylon = Mystery Babylon and

    b) Political Babylon = Babylon the Great

    Our concern here is not Mystery Babylon, the religious abomination, but rather Babylon the Great. Jeremiah 50:12 says to her:


    So, your mother will Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence be utterly shamed, she who bore you will be disgraced. Behold the end [KJV says hindermost] of the nations, wilderness, desert, and steppe [treeless, poor soil]!

    Jeremiah 50:12 (Tanakh)

    Mother and offspring; the offspring rebels like a teenage child against the mother for her totalitarianism (individualism) and becomes her own person or nation. This is America’s rebellion against England.

    In Jeremiah’s prophecy, the word hindermost does not mean the least nation, but the last. Not the last formed, but the last of the great nations.

    Jeremiah continued:

    A sword is upon their houses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her.

    Jeremiah 50:37 (KJV)

    In the last days of which this prophecy speaks, what other nation on Earth has been made up of or created solely from representatives from every nation on Earth? Just how England will become utterly shamed and disgraced by the destruction of the United States through God’s judgment is unclear, but it suggests that England (the mother) has a secret plan for the daughter’s future, one the daughter is unaware of. Many natural mothers do the same, probably because the daughter is now a grown woman and very capable of planning her own future, even though it is a future without God. This secret agenda would no doubt be rejected by the daughter (America), just as some plans are rightly rejected by some natural daughters, if those plans would benefit the mother far more than the daughter. Whatever this agenda or plan is, it is thrown back into the mother’s face by the judgment of God upon the daughter, thereby shaming and disgracing the mother.

    In my vision at night, I saw the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea. Four mighty beasts different from each other emerged from the sea. The first was like a lion but had eagle’s wings. As I looked on,

    • its wings were plucked off, A picture containing text, clock Description automatically generated and

    • it was lifted off the ground and set on its feet like a man

    • and given the mind of a man.

    Daniel 7:2-4 (Tanakh)

    When America revolted against England, the eagle’s wings were plucked off. When the lion was set on its feet like a man and given the mind of a man, England was weakened. It was the beginning of the end of its empire period; a fulfillment of ancient prophecy.

    God told me to go and find this land America. The prophecies of Isaiah will be Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence fulfilled in this land.

    The Diary of Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus



    [1] – See Appendix


    The destruction of Babylon the Great is the event that launches the Great Tribulation of the last days.


    [2] – See Appendix

    Like a 24-hour clock, when America falls, it swings the pendulum for the next seven years and it is not stilled until Messiah ben David (Anointed Son of David, the ancient Hebrew title for Jesus) comes. This Prophetic Clock (in Appendix) announces the events in order of their appearing.

    Not all the events of the Tribulation period can be placed on the Clock. Only those which mention

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