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Amp Phase 4
Amp Phase 4
Amp Phase 4
Ebook308 pages4 hours

Amp Phase 4

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After defeating Xat-Anah and taking control of the alien complex, Bennie and the Freedom Fighters begin to disable any remaining alien and clone gestation tubes.

A new program is activated called the Guardians, which is taking the Freedom Fighters one by one, locking them in an alternate reality.

Release dateNov 2, 2017
Amp Phase 4

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Amp Phase 4 - Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)
    Phase 4
    By Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    Phase 4

    Brian K. Larson

    Published by Slipstream Publishing

    At Smashwords

    Copyright © 2017 Brian K. Larson

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction, all the characters and events in this novel that appear similar to persons living or dead are unintentional and are completely coincidental.


    I wish to dedicate this book to all of my wonderful grandchildren. They certainly add numerous different perspectives to my day, and makes our lives so very interesting, to say the least. I love every one of them, and wish them the best in their life endeavors. I can only hope that one of them will take up the desire to write, sparking the imaginations of others.



























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    Olympia, WA

    Governor’s Mansion

    January 13, 2068 10:40

    Governor McCormick looked up from behind his large dark-cherry wood desk.

    "Yes, Kurtis? We’re in a bit of a panic these days, so what is it?

    Kurtis Daniels’ pot belly spilled over his belt. I’m sorry to interrupt your cloneliness. I see you’re so very busy and all. I had to wait all morning for this audience!

    Well, you’re here now. What is it?

    I just thought you might like to know that I’ve connected with our alien base in Oak Harbor.

    You mean we still have hosts on site? We haven’t lost everyone to these... these Freedom Fighters that have taken over our base, and destroyed our sphere ship?

    Host, Governor. Only one.

    And who might this operative be, my good man?

    One Doctor Childress is the host still online. Seems they never found him so he wasn’t disconnected.

    Excellent. Have you reactivated a clone?

    "Yes, of course I’ve reactivated a clone! What do you take me for?

    McCormick began to answer, extending a finger in the air.

    Kurtis quickly interjected, Don’t answer that!

    Fine, fine, McCormick grinned, Have him kill the host so there won’t be any mistakes.

    With pleasure, Governor.

    And see if he can get anyone else back, hmmm?

    I’ll contact him right away. I’ll have him kill his host first. Then I’ll have him poke around to see who he can find.

    Finding Bennie would surely grant a nice bonus, that is if he’s not unreachable. I don’t want them taken if it’s going to risk anymore clones. With the box on its way back to the asteroids now, our cloning capabilities are extremely limited.

    As soon as I have confirmation that Doctor Childress has killed his host, I’ll report back. In the meantime, is there a spare office on site that I can use? It would make my job easier.

    Yes, as a matter of fact, there’s a study on the second floor next to the Library. Make yourself at home, Kurtis.

    Thank you, Governor. I shall, I shall indeed.

    Just don’t get too comfortable.

    Kurtis sneered as he left the Governor’s office.

    Whidbey Island, WA

    Oak Harbor Naval Base and Space Port

    Lower Alien Complex

    January 13, 2068 12:00

    Bennie moved about the center room of the alien complex, manipulating the alien substance into computer consoles so he could better control the facility.

    Beverly entered the complex main room and moved next to her son, Ben, your dad’s landing on the flight line. He said he’ll be down right after he sees the General.

    Hey Bev, Calvin Jones sat in a roller chair grown from the alien substance, how are the others doing in neutralizing the clone tubes at the lower levels?

    I have some disturbing news about that, Beverly rested a hand on Bennie’s shoulder. She leaned down to study Bennie’s screen, What’s this you’re working on, son?

    Wait, wait, Calvin protested, You don’t get to tell me there’s disturbing news and then change the subject! Now, tell me what’s so disturbing, Bev?

    Sorry, Cal, I get distracted pretty easily. It’s just these formulas Bennie’s creating. Even fully amped, I have a hard time figuring all this out.

    Bev, Calvin rolled his hand at Beverly, remember? Disturbing news?

    Beverly turned to Calvin, Oh. Yeah...

    Bennie smirked at Calvin, Yeah, Mom. I’m working on this formula with Calvin to figure out how to collect anti-protons so we can make an anti-matter bomb.

    Oh, come on, Calvin again protested, raising his hands in the air.

    Okay, okay, Beverly held her worry and turned to Calvin, We found Doctor Childress’s host...

    I was wondering if we’d find any more hosts...wait a minute, you’re not saying… I just ran into him an hour ago! He was heading to the upper levels.

    He’s dead.

    Doctor Childress is dead?

    Yes, I’m afraid so, Cal.


    Looks like he was terminated in his host chair, Cal.

    Calvin rubbed his chin in deep thought.

    Which means the Doctor Childress you saw was a clone.

    But that’s impossible! We disconnected the box!

    Bennie looked over to Cal, Unplugging the box prevents them from mass producing new clones. Any clones that were already active were unaffected.

    Can we, like, track them down or anything? Calvin looked worried.

    There aren’t any active clones in this complex, Unc. Trust me. We’ve scoured almost every section.

    Calvin pointed his thumb over his shoulder, What about the apparent clone I ran into the last hour?

    He’s not here anymore, or I would see him on this scanner, Bennie pointed.

    So, you can scan for them inside the complex?

    Yes, Unc, just relax already. I got this, okay? He must have moved to another location out of scan range.

    Any idea where? I mean, I thought we had neutralized all the complexes and chipping centers. What facility could he have transferred to?

    I’ll work on that problem once you guys are up in space. Right now, we’ve got to finish these Penning Traps.

    Really, can’t we put these containers on hold? Wouldn’t it be wise to figure out where they are first? Any active clones could be one heck of a problem for us.

    "I know, I know, Unc. But you and my dad, with the Salvage-5 crew, must complete this final mission soon. If we don’t get the box back to the complex, they’ll keep expanding and working to get it back. That would be very bad for us here on Earth!"

    Active alien clones running around are bad for all of us to, Ben!

    It’s okay, Unc. My dad’s requests take priority.

    Why on Earth?

    Because he’s the Colonel.

    Ahhh, gonna pull the rank card, eh? What about my needs as your Uncle Calvin over here?

    Sorry, but you’re not really my uncle, Uncle Calvin.

    Calvin pointed at Bennie, See, you still call me your Uncle.

    But he’s my dad.

    Ouch... stop it, Ben, Calvin placed a hand over his heart and lowered his chin, You’re hurtin’ me over here.

    Like, I said before, Unc. We’ll be fine with Doctor Rhodes and the others. Together, we’ll track down the clones and take them offline.

    I sure hope so, Ben. I sure do hope so.

    Now, shall we finish assembling the traps? Dad’s already landed, and I’m sure he’s on his way to General McKenzie’s office right now.

    Fine, fine, Cal exhaled, But we’re gonna tell Tucker when he gets here.

    Never said I wouldn’t, Unc.

    Olympia, WA

    Governor’s Mansion

    January 13, 12:30

    Governor McCormick picked up his phone. Kurtis’ obnoxious voice assaulted his ear, I’m just checking in, Governor. Doctor Childress has killed his host. So like me, he’s the last of his kind.

    Very good, Kurtis. Does Doctor Childress have any of the others targeted yet?

    Yes, Governor, he’s picked out a wonderful subject for re-cloning.

    Are you going to tell me who?

    Doctor Childress says he’s targeting Nadine.


    He says it’s getting too dangerous to stick around much longer.

    Well, tell him to get on with it. There’s a fully formed Nadine clone here we can activate once he plugs the host in.

    I’ll relay the message, Governor.

    Oh, and Kurtis?

    Yes, Governor?

    Make sure you instruct the good doctor that the Nadine host must have the same fate as Childress’ own host.

    With pleasure, Governor.

    Whidbey Island, WA

    Oak Harbor Naval Base and Space Port

    Lower Alien Complex

    January 13, 2068 13:10

    Doctor Childress ducked around the corridor just before Nadine arrived at the turbo elevator. He watched her greet Colonel Tucker Petersen, Major Cassandra Phillips, Doctor Rhodes, and Lieutenant Buster Clark as they exited the lift.

    Yes, well, nice to see you too, Colonel Petersen. Gentlemen and Ladies? Bennie’s right this way.

    Nadine led the group towards the lab, exaggerating the sway of her hips for Doctor Rhodes, What’s got you scared to death, Colonel?

    That these clones are still running around out there!

    Doesn’t blasting into space to meet them head on scare you more, Colonel?

    No, not really. Knowing they’re still here, well, that’s different.

    The group rounded the alien complex’s corridor and entered a large spherical room, Why is it different, Colonel?

    Bennie came from behind a grown computer terminal, his eyes met with Tucker’s What’s different?

    I’ll tell ya’ what’s different, Tucker pulled out a stogie and lit it with the tip of his self-amped charged finger, In space, they’re all contained in a relatively small area, far from my home, he puffed twice on his lit cigar and blew the smoke above their heads, here on Earth, well, they could be anywhere. Even in my house. They’re a threat as long as they exist.

    Doctor Rhodes placed a hand on Tucker’s shoulder, You do your part, and we’ll do ours.

    You got a clone detector, by chance?

    Dad, be serious!

    Oh, I am, Son. I am! Now, about that clone detector? Tell me you got one of those, cause if they’re still here on Earth, we’re gonna need one.

    I got it covered, Dad, Bennie smiled, looking over to Buster, Don’t we, Lieutenant?

    Tucker spun around, aiming his eyes at the gulping Lieutenant, Yep, uh, I mean, I think so, right Cal?

    Calvin held his hands in the air, Don’t look at me, it was your idea.

    Why do I always have to be the one to show that I pull my own weight, hum?

    Because you love showing off, Buster, Cassie smiled.

    Yeah, I know, I really do... that’s why I’m so good... but yes, I do have plans for a clone detector. I uploaded the plans to Bennie a few hours ago.

    I haven’t had time to build it yet, Lieutenant. I had to help Uncle Cal here finish the Penning Traps.

    Well, Calvin added, waving his hand at the table where several tubes rested, They’re all done, so that clone detector project should be your priority now.

    Right, I’m going to get right on it. Sorry, Dad, I won’t have it ready before you leave.

    That’s okay, Son. I don’t think we’ll need a detector on this mission; anything we run into out there will be a clone, no question.

    Calvin took a carrying case out from under the table and carefully placed it on top. Maliciously, he unsnapped the three case clips, lifted the lid, and began inserting the tubes into the shadow-boxed foam cut outs, You think?

    Well, yeah, pretty sure they all are, Tucker puffed on his cigar contemplating, Yep, they will all be clones out there.

    Real funny, Tuck, Cass said, swatting his arm, Get serious. We’re about to head back out to the fun filled land of cyborg clones, and you’re cracking jokes, Cass finished with a roll of her eyes.


    What’s so nice about that, Tuck? Doctor Rhodes asked.

    That they like my jokes.

    Who said anything about liking them?

    Oh, Tucker exhaled his last puff high over their heads, and then extinguished it. Then, I guess it’s about that time.

    Nadine exaggerated glancing at her watch, Oh, is it that time already, Colonel?

    Tucker nodded, Yep, ‘fraid so. Pack up your gear, Cal. Time to get a move on.

    Sheesh, Calvin said, slowly shaking his head, what does it look like I’m doing over here, hmm?

    Good, Tucker sharply answered before turning to Cassie, You all set, Sass?

    Yeah, as ready as I’ll ever be.

    Gee, Colonel, Nadine moved close to Tucker and looked up, I’m really going to miss you, Tucker, she batted her eyes, good luck to you and your team. Nadine placed her hands on Cassie’s shoulders and held her at arm’s length, You take care, Cassie, then she turned to Calvin, You too, Cal. Good hunting out there, but don’t stick your neck out too far, okay?

    You got it, Nadine. Thanks, Calvin quickly answered, And don’t you worry, I’ll keep my eye on the Colonel, you know, just to make sure he stays out of trouble, things like that.

    Calvin set the last Penning Trap into the case and sealed it.

    Okay! I’m all set over here.

    Son, Tucker laid a hand on Bennie’s shoulder, you take care of yourself. Kick the rest of these alien asses off our planet, m’kay?

    Sure, Dad. With pleasure, Bennie gave his dad a quick squeeze, I’ll see you when you get back, Dad.

    You got it. And son, once this is all over, I’m going to take us back to Lake Cassidy and score some of those big-mouth bass. Sound good, Ben?

    Yeah, Dad, that sounds swell.

    Great! Tucker turned to Nadine, If you’ll be so kind as to escort us back up, that’d be great.

    What? You think you’d get lost down here or something?

    Well, there are a lot of twists and turns to this place, so yeah, we might get lost.

    What’s this we thing, Tuck? Cassie asked, walking over to his side, Maybe you’d get lost, but not me. I can find my way around this place just fine.

    Niiice, Tucker chuckled, Just the same, Nadine, please lead the way, if you don’t mind.

    Wait a minute, Dad.

    Tucker turned to see Bennie holding the alien core by one of its cords, You might want to bring this with you.

    Tucker walked back, red-faced, Yeah, um, heh, heh, you got that right, Son.

    Tucker grabbed the box and gestured towards the exit.

    Sure, Colonel, Nadine rolled her eyes, I don’t mind.

    The team followed her through the first elevator. A short walk led them to the main turbo lift that would take them to the above ground military complex.

    Here you are, Nadine punched in the security code and the door opened. Step on board and you’ll be at the top in a minute.

    Tucker, Lieutenant Clark, Calvin, and Cassie walked into the turbo car. Nadine waved to the team as the doors slid closed and the car rocketed the team to the top.

    Well, Nadine said to herself with a slow headshake, The fate of the world is in the Colonel’s hands now.

    Nadine had taken just a few steps towards the main complex when a tall figure stepped in her path.

    Nadine screamed before Doctor Childress covered her mouth.

    You may as well stop struggling, the Doctor Childress clone hissed into her ear, there’s no one on this floor to hear your screams for help.

    The clone was too strong for her to break away from. Nadine’s eyes widened and her breath came in short, rapid pants as she realized what the clone would do.

    The Doctor Childress clone dragged Nadine into a secluded room. He sealed the door behind them and threw her into a DNA extraction chair.

    It only took him two minutes to secure her on the chair and activate the mechanical arm that plugged into her chip.

    There! Doctor Childress said. He tapped his headset and called Kuris.

    Kurtis here, report!

    Yes, Mister Daniels, I have the Nadine human plugged in. Please tell me when the clone is activated.

    One sec, Kurtis cupped his hands over the receiver. He stared as the naked Nadine-clone slipped into a white robe, picked up a towel and started to dry her wet hair, Yeah, the Nadine-clone is online. Proceed.

    Doctor Childress tapped his headset terminating the call. He stepped over to Nadine, placed a hand on each side of her head. He pulled back to move her head off of the chair, then he gave her neck a violent twist to the right. The twist ripped Nadine’s spinal cord apart between the first and second vertebrae. Her breathing stopped immediately.

    Nadine’s brain died three minutes later.


    Seattle, WA

    Somewhere Under Puget Sound

    Underwater Complex

    January 13, 2068 14:30

    Doctor Rhodes guided the Sea-Doo sea scooter along the bottom of Puget Sound, with Colonel Griffin right behind. Their fully insulated dry suits kept the two warm in the cold waters. Bubbles rose behind them, like a trail of bread crumbs.

    The pair soon reached the entrance of their underwater complex.

    Doctor Rhodes powered his Sea-Doo down. The craft fell lifeless to the bottom.

    Shall we see how bad it is, Colonel? Rhodes asked through his Neptune Diver communication mask.

    Yes indeed, Griffin answered, his Sea-Doo dropping to the bottom with the Doctor’s.

    They kicked their way towards the entrance to the moon pool. Colonel Griffin stopped himself on an iron girder. He waved a hand at Rhodes, Hold up, Doc. Check this out.

    Doctor Rhodes turned and swam his way back to Griffin, What ya’ got, Griff?

    "This eyebeam will need the underwater torch if we’re going to hold the Salvage-5 to this airlock"

    I see, Rhodes nodded through his facemask.

    Bubbles continued to travel up with every breath the two made.

    It’s cracked laterally all the way up... But I think it’s repairable... Just might take some time is all.

    Okay... Let’s go up and see how... flooded the station really is, Rhodes motioned.

    Griffin nodded his return before sucking in another breath from his twin 80 cubic foot tank pack, Okay... Lead the way.

    Doctor Rhodes broke water first. Taking his rubber mask from around his face, he gave a holler, "Whoo hooooo!

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