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Amp Final Phase
Amp Final Phase
Amp Final Phase
Ebook288 pages4 hours

Amp Final Phase

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Colonel Tucker Petersen and crew returns from their "Final Mission" to rid the asteroid belt of the alien infestation once and for all. Upon returning, they discover that anyone with a chip implant has been captured and placed within the alien computer Core.

Their mission: Rescue Bennie and the Freedom Fighters from the Core, and to stop the alien ship from launching, resulting in killing all life on the planet in the process.

Release dateDec 19, 2017
Amp Final Phase

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Amp Final Phase - Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    Final Phase

    ~ ~ ~

    The Core

    By Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    Final Phase

    The Core

    Brian K. Larson

    Published by Slipstream Publishing

    For Smashwords

    Copyright © 2017 Brian K. Larson

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction, all the characters and events in this novel that appear similar to persons living or dead are unintentional and are completely coincidental.


    To all my worldwide fans, I dedicate this work to you. Everyone that has brought suggestions is greatly appreciated.

    There are many, many more great works on the way. This series finale is only the beginning to new adventures.



























    The Shape of Things to Come

    Chapter 1

    Oak Harbor, WA

    Over Puget Sound

    Alien Sphere

    January 16, 2068 00:00

    The alien sphere glowed a silver-grey as it hung over Puget Sound. The three energy streams that fed the glow streamed from Forts Flagler and Warden, as well as the Oak Harbor base. The sphere suckled on the energy bolts like a starving infant.

    Devastation shrouded the entire Seattle Basin. Smoke hovered in the night sky, broken too frequently by sparks and embers from the smoldering city below. Death’s stench became the air.

    Skyscrapers had dominoed into rubble. Great jets fell from the sky, adding their own twisted metal and pungent fumes to the carnage.

    Seattle wasn’t alone. The destruction wrought here was chorused across the globe.

    At the Core of the metallic sphere an eight foot tall creature stood on three muscular tentacles. Its arms stretched out, palms resting atop two glowing orbs. The creature’s fingers undulated over the tops of the crystals, as if playing a mysterious musical instrument.

    Or commanding a great machine.

    With each finger movement, the creature manipulated the great alien sphere by controlling the flow of energy.

    Four archways surrounded the center of the operations room. They rose to the domed ceiling, sparking energy between the four points above the alien’s elongated head. His black, almond shaped eyes were accentuated by purple lips curled into what could only be described as an alien smile.

    Goood... gooooood, the creature cooed, I have completed the first transference.

    The creature’s fingers flew over the orbs in a deliberate undulation. A halo-image appeared, Let’s see what we’ve done with the place, shall we?

    The halo-image flipped through uncountable aerial images of the planet-wide devastation.

    That alien smile grew even larger as images of fires, airliners crashing into crowded metropolitan areas, and buildings collapsing flashed before the alien eyes.

    Now, Xat-Anah said, nodding his satisfaction, With those pesky humans out of the way, we can get on with completing our sphere ship and finally launch.

    Alien hands twisted and pulsed over the glowing orbs as Xat-Anah channeled data bits from the glowing crystals. The bits flowed down the power streams emanating from the base of each orb.

    Now, Xat-Anah nodded, Time to reassemble our gestation tubes and to get a few clones online to protect this sphere. Then the remaining particles will join with this sphere and grow stronger on its power.


    Oak Harbor, WA

    Somewhere under Puget Sound


    January 16, 2068 00:05

    Colonel Tucker Peterson shifted in the ship’s right seat. He glanced at pilot Samantha Rothschild, You know where Doctor Rhodes is?

    Yes, Commander, Sam never taking her eyes from her controls as the Salvage-5 flew through the waters of Puget Sound.

    She pulled her controls back, and the ship tilted toward the surface. Cassie has relayed the coordinates already.

    So, Sam... uh, clone, err um, Sam-clone...

    Just call me, Sam, okay, Commander? I’m just thankful I’m alive ‘n all.

    That would mean I have to call the Gus-clone, Gus, or Major, for gosh sakes!

    Gus reached forward and patted Tucker on the shoulder, You’ll get used to it, Tuck.

    Tucker glanced back to Gus, Thanks! You’re all heart... oh yeah, that’s right, you don’t have one!

    If you stick us, do we not bleed? Sam added.

    Yes, well, I’m not sure that green alien goo counts as blood!

    Sam pushed her throttle control forward, I’m about to breach the surface. Hold on everyone!

    The Salvage-5 broke the surface and hovered twenty feet above the water. Sam swung the nose around until it pointed at the large glowing sphere and pulled back on the throttle.

    The Salvage-5 accelerated towards the alien sphere.

    Wow, Tucker exclaimed, It’s gotten a lot bigger since we saw it an hour ago!

    Calvin and Buster both leaned forward and gasped.

    Buster shoved his glasses up his nose, We really need to stop those energy streams, Sir!

    Yeah, no kidding, whiz-kid, Tucker said as he scratched the back of his neck, Got any bright ideas?

    Cassie studied her console, Well Tuck, I don’t think we can blast those towers down anymore. I’m scanning some kind of energy force surrounding all three emitter stations.

    Sam continued to inch the ship up in elevation, pointing the nose head to head with the growing sphere.

    Don’t get too close, Major, Gus said, That thing is just like the other spheres.

    In other words, Calvin added, this sphere could begin transmitting that fun filled frequency.

    I’m already calculating our ship a pin code if it grabs us. Sam, Cassie glanced over to her, put us at a stationary position, equal to the sphere’s apex and a half kilometer out.

    You got it, Cass.

    Sam pulled the controls and moved the throttle. The ship gently responded and flew into Cassie’s requested position, All set, Major, we’re one half kilometer off the sphere’s apex.

    Calvin typed on his console, I’m not reading any signal emanating from the sphere. But it does have the same kind of shielding all around it.

    Gus’ eyebrows rose as he studied his console, Our current weapons configuration won’t breach that anytime soon.

    "Get the Saratoga on the line," Tucker ordered.

    Connecting now, Tuck, Cassie said, her fingers flying over her console.

    "Saratoga, Salvage-5, Tucker said over his wireless, Do you copy?"

    "Salvage-5, Saratoga, we copy," the thick accented Lieutenant O’Reilly said.

    Lieutenant, Tucker began, Patch me over to Hargrove.

    Right away, Colonel.

    A moment passed before the radio crackled the young Major’s voice, Hargrove here, Sir.

    Any changes to our scans, Major?

    No sir. The entire world is quiet. There’s a lot of nothing going on.

    Oh there’s plenty going on, Major, you just don’t know about it yet.


    Are, you picking up any strange energy readings?

    Well, now that you mention it, yes. The same energy readings we had when that alien sphere was floating over our hood, Sir.

    Yes, it seems as if that alien sphere has regenerated.

    "Do you want the Saratoga to come in with some missile fire again, Sir?"

    Not yet, Major. Keep that thought. We have to meet up with Doctor Rhodes. He said there’s a cure or something. He also said for those chipped to keep it charged up. Don’t let it run out.

    "Understood, Colonel, the Saratoga will continue monitoring the situation from orbit."

    Right, Major. You stay in orbit. While you’re at it, check in with the crews stationed on the mag-rings. See if they’re okay. Rendezvous and pick up any crew you find. There won’t be relief ships coming for them anytime soon.

    Hargrove turned to Captain Hodges, Set course to the nearest mag-ring. O’Reilly, try to open a comm link. See if anyone’s home there. Hargrove turned his attention back to the comm link in his ear, Colonel, I’m on it, Sir. Do you want us to prep another anti-matter bomb?

    Buster held his hand to his mouth and leaned forward as he listened to the wireless, NO! We can’t detonate one of those in atmosphere, let alone in any kind of close orbit! The singularity would tear the planet into pieces.

    Well, I guess that idea is out, Hargrove, Tucker said, glancing between Buster and the sphere in front of the ship.

    I’ve got a pin code ready, Tuck.

    Good work, Cass

    Well, Sam smirked, whattya know, you can compliment when you want.

    No comments from the clone gallery.

    Sam pointed a finger, Hey...

    Okay, Sam, just record our current position and set course for Lake Shannon, m’kay?

    Sam lowered her finger and resumed holding the controls, Course is set, Colonel. How fast you want to be there?

    Buster gulped before responding in a hurried tone, Not that fast, please...

    Yes, Buster, Tucker looked over his shoulder, That fast!

    Okay! Hold on everyone! Sam exclaimed with a smile growing on the sides of her cloned mouth.

    She pulled the controls and threw the throttle forward. The ship accelerated straight for the sphere. Just before impact Sam flipped the Salvage-5 over the closest energy stream.

    ETA is five minutes!

    Buster slid his glasses up his nose, sending Sam a cross look.

    Sergeant Samuels handed each of them a fiber cable, Get yourselves plugged in. Doc said to keep charged up.

    I’m charging the accelerator, Calvin said. Setting a three minute charge, with a two minute cool down.

    You sure you can handle that, Sam? Tucker cautiously asked.

    Yes, Sir. My body died back there on 15 Eunomia. This clone body has no tumor. Amp charging won’t send me, nor everyone around me, into a tailspin now.

    Proceed, my good man, Tucker waved his stogie stump at Calvin.

    Calvin pressed the start sequence. Gamma waves raced along each set of fiber cables, charging all of their chips before Sam began her landing configuration.

    Hovering over the dam, Sam looked down, Looks like Griffin snagged a chopper, Sir.

    Well, that explains how they got here, but what’s with all the new foliage?

    I’m sure the doctor will have our answers, Cassie said, pointing to the empty parking lot, Look, there are lights down there, and there’s the truck and accelerator.

    Doctor Rhodes has been busy, Calvin said, There’s a power line and fiber connection running from the accelerator to the dam control room.

    I’m setting her down by the truck, Samantha nodded. Adjusting her controls and throttle setting, she lowered the Salvage-5 into position.

    Skids down in 3... 2... 1... Powering down systems, and opening cargo bay.

    Tucker unbuckled and climbed from his seat, as the servos for the cargo bay invaded their ears. The rest of the crew followed Tucker down the ramp.

    That leads to the control room, Calvin pointed, We parked the truck there, but we never had time to unload it yet.

    Cassie held her hand to her mouth and yelled, Doctor Rhodes?

    Calvin called out next, Doctor! Are you here?

    They walked towards the accelerator, but stopped short at what appeared to be Colonel Griffin wrapped in vines.

    What the hell happened to him? Samantha asked.

    That’s a good question, Tucker nodded.

    Sergeant Samuels inspected the machine on the bed of the truck, She’s fully operational, Tuck. Power is connected and all the circuits are hot.

    C’mon, let’s find the Doctor, Tucker motioned to the control room door across the dam’s causeway.

    Doctor Rhodes? Cassie called once more.

    An iron door opened. A shadowy form took a step out.

    Doctor Rhodes! Tucker shouted, then jogged towards the figure.

    The man collapsed to his knees.

    Tucker broke into a run. He arrived at his side with Calvin close behind. Doctor Rhodes looked up at his friend, Cal... you made it back, Rhodes began to chuckle and shake his head.

    What’s up, Doc? Tucker asked.

    I-I didn’t think anyone would hear my call. I thought I was the last one.

    Do you know what happened, Doctor? Cassie lifted his wrist to check his pulse.

    Rhodes jerked his hand away from her, I’m fine... Now…

    Come on. Let’s get you back inside before these things decide to wrap us up, m’kay?

    As long as you’re charged up, Doctor Rhodes explained as Tucker helped him to his feet, those vines won’t be able to take you.

    What happened to you, Doc? Calvin said, inspecting the back of Rhodes’ bloody neck.

    Oh that? Rhodes said, rubbing the still open wound, That was the result of program number 9.

    You used that on yourself, Doc?

    Yeah, Cal, I had to.

    They walked Doctor Rhodes inside the dam control room listening to his explanation, I was utterly exhausted. I couldn’t keep charged. Eventually, the vines would have overtaken me. The other problem is the little tiny airborne organism that the aliens engineered.

    Airborne? Cassie said in a panic, Won’t we be affected?

    Not as long as you have a chip.

    Okay, so you extracted yours, why aren’t you affected?

    I was, Cass, Doctor Rhodes again explained, but I injected the serum before it was too late. Sure, this little bug took me down, and it took several hours for the antidote to compensate. That, and the fact I hadn’t slept in over thirty-six hours. I’m much better, now. Still tired, but I’ll be fine.

    You found a cure?

    Yes, yes I did, Cal. Now we just have to figure out how to atomize and administer Methylene Blue to millions of infected people.

    Buster smiled as he slid his glasses up, Oh, he laughed, That’s easy.

    Really, whiz-kid? Tucker begged, I can hardly wait.

    Yeah, we just have to go down inside the alien complex and build the atomizer from their own substance. Then program the antidote and the cure will be sent out.

    Well, that’s all fine and well, Buster, Doctor Rhodes said, But you ain’t goin’ inside that complex anytime soon.

    Tucker shrugged, Nonsense. We can gain access anytime we need.

    And how’s that, oh brilliant one? Cassie mocked.

    We use our cloning station at our underwater complex and reanimate the clones that are already imbedded within that alien goo.

    Whoa, there slugger, Gus said, I think we better listen to the Doc here and find out more about what’s happening before we go chargin’ off.

    Since when do you ever play it safe, Gus?

    Since I teamed up with your sorry ass, Tuck. The Universe needs the balance.

    Fine, fine, go ahead, Doc. Explain away.

    Doctor Rhodes took a chair and sat before filling the rest in on what he and Griffin had discovered.

    Chapter 2

    Concrete, WA

    Lake Shannon


    January 16, 2068 01:45

    So, you and Griffin repaired the underwater complex? Tucker asked.

    "Yes, we swam our Sea Doo’s on amp charge. The flooding wasn’t all that bad, Tuck."

    Seems as if my backup systems kicked in just in time.

    Yeah, there were only a few electronics that were affected, but none of them major.

    Then you heard from Luella and Tonya, Cassie nodded.

    Yes, they were calling for help, telling us about the vines that were capturing everyone one by one.

    We saw the vines when we landed, Calvin nodded, They’re made of the same alien substance?

    Precisely, Cal. An alien substance that can mutate into just about anything. Just have to have a program.

    What about this Methylene Blue? Can we revive those that are already affected? Maybe we can draft some of them into our little army. Tucker shrugged.

    That’s possible. I can make some antidote to administer to those we find. I hope it’s enough, there were quite a few topside at the Base.

    That’d be a great place to start, Cassie added.

    All I know is when we entered the alien complex from below, we ran into Beverly, Major Preston, Jenny, and Trudy. Then Bennie, General McKenzie, and Captain Hawthorn top side.

    We know where Bennie is, Cassie nodded, We should go after him and the General. At least try to get them out of those vines.

    There might be a way to interface with the vines on each host, Calvin nodded.

    Yeah, I get it, Calvin, Buster pushed his glasses up and smiled, Just program the vines to withdraw.

    Do you think we can withdraw them enough, so that we can pull them out of this Core?

    It’s going to be pretty tough, Gus added. They’re bound to know we’ve come back. They’ll have adapted to any conventional methods.

    Nice pun, Gus.


    You know, bound? Good one.

    I wasn’t being funny, Tuck.

    Oh...Well, then, Tucker lit a fresh cigar, "we’ll just

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