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Maddie and the Norseman
Maddie and the Norseman
Maddie and the Norseman
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Maddie and the Norseman

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Madeline (Maddie to her friends), an Australian history teacher, travels to York, England, to visit her friend Amber who is working there with a team of archaeologists unearthing Viking relics. They share a passion for the Viking Age, and both studied the Old Norse language.

About to take part in a re-enactment at the Viking village and wearing typical clothes worn by a Viking woman, they are swept back in time to the town of Jorvik, a thriving trading town, as York was in the year 879 AD. Maddie meets Norse trader Erik and is stunned by his uncanny resemblance to the Viking she has been dreaming of.

When Amber is kidnapped, Maddie persuades Erik to help her find her friend. Their journey takes them across to France and to Rouen, then further inland. They encounter misadventures on their perilous journey. Erik risks everything to aid Madeline in her quest. And the fear is always there; will she stay in the past to share her hero’s life, or be snatched back to her own time?

“I was totally caught up in this story. Time travel is such an unbelievable concept and I often have trouble following it in a story. I thought Tricia McGill wove a colorful tapestry of time travel. One that makes the reader believe it is possible. The characters are so realistic and have such depth to their character. I was drawn to them and wanted to find out if Maddie could ever find Amber and what she would choose to do about Erik. The romance that blooms between Erik and Maddie is pure and sweet. When they finally made love, I wept with joy. I wasn’t sure if Maddie would stay with Erik or return home with Amber if they found her. The waiting almost did me in. I can’t tell you what happens, but I laughed and cried to the final page. A masterfully woven tale that transcends the boundaries of time."
Robyn –Once Upon A Romance

“I thought this was a good book to read. I enjoyed the characters and the picture they paint of times past.” Matilda Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Release dateAug 24, 2015
Maddie and the Norseman

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    Maddie and the Norseman - Tricia McGill

    Maddie and the Norseman

    By Tricia McGill

    All Digital ISBN’s

    EPUB 9781771454889

    MOBI 9781771454872

    PDF 9781771454865

    Print ISBN 978-1-77145-687-6

    2nd Ed. Copyright 2019 by Tricia McGill

    Cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter One

    Present day. York, England.

    Black clouds rolled in from the east. A dark swell sent the longboat tossing. The oarsmen’s grunts could be heard, even over the roar of the wind. This ship likely carried about thirty oars, so two men to an oar made for a large crew. Light and slender, the body of the ship gave way with the movement of the sea. The steersman controlling the tiller shouted orders and the captain urged the oarsmen forward.

    Suddenly, a large rock seemed to grow up from the sea, dark, menacing and dangerous—towering over the ship. Maddie held her breath, but not from fear. Exhilarated, she faced the wind.

    Viking sailors invariably made it safely to shore. Superb in the roughest conditions, confident when riding the waves on their longship, jubilant when reaching their destination, they were as one with the elements. The rock loomed above them, and because she was near the prow Maddie craned her neck and for one hair-raising moment felt sure they would hit it. She gripped the rail so hard her fingers ached, and she let out a yell.

    Turning her head she saw him clearly mouth her name. Tall as an oak, the man who constantly filled her dreams stood out against the sky—hair flying behind him, those magnificent eyes of his clashing with hers.

    * * *

    Wake up, Maddie. Bloody hell, you’ll wake everyone in the neighborhood.

    Maddie’s eyes shot open and she stared at her friend, momentarily bewildered. The sheet was a tangled mess and she gripped it tightly, her knuckles rigid.

    I must have been dreaming. Maddie sat up, blinking.

    Amber had switched on the bedside lamp and in its soft glow she looked worried. You’re not kidding. What the hell were you doing, fighting a dozen warriors?

    No, believe it or not I was on a longship, and we almost collided with a rock. Maddie wiped perspiration from her forehead.

    Amber groaned. I believe it. That was probably because of all our talk earlier about longships and how the Vikings were superb sailors. Do you dream often these days?

    Maddie shrugged, twisting to put her feet to the floor. Actually I still dream most nights. Perhaps I should have warned you, I’m now vocal too. She went over to the small corner that served as a kitchen in Amber’s tiny apartment and poured a glass of water.

    No problem. I have to admit I also dream a lot myself lately. And usually of Viking warriors. Amber pushed at her dishevelled black hair. I reckon we should have grown out of this fascination we have with the bloody invaders by now, don’t you?

    Maddie laughed as she plonked down on the sofa bed. Amber’s flat was so small she didn’t have a spare room. In fact she only had two rooms—this one, which was laughably called a living room, with the tiny kitchen crammed in a corner, and her bedroom which was just large enough for one single bed, a narrow wardrobe, a small bedside chest and a chair.

    You’ll never grow out of it now—not while you’re working on the Viking excavations here in York. Maddie put an arm about Amber’s shoulders and squeezed. You’ve found your niche in this world, haven’t you?

    Amber slapped Maddie’s knee. Yes, I sure have. She looked about the cramped room, at every picture that adorned the walls—each one depicting either a Viking longship in full sail or an artefact from Viking times. No wonder you dreamed of being on a longship. Just one look around here is enough to send anyone back to the days when they sailed the high seas.

    Maddie giggled. Needless to say, I have the same dreams back home in Australia. And they all feature the same hunk. She wagged a finger. Now that’s something you’d think I would grow out of isn’t it? Only adolescents dream of blond Norsemen with broad chests, flashing blue eyes, and bulging muscles. A thirty two year old widowed history teacher should be more imaginative. She tucked her feet beneath the sheet and settled back on the pillows. I hope your landlady doesn’t complain about my bellowing. I’ll try to dream of something more sedate other than sailing the high seas with my Norseman.

    Amber gave Maddie’s leg a shove, and stood. I can’t see that happening. It’s too entrenched in our minds. You and I are destined to let our imaginations lurk back in the ninth and tenth centuries. Anyway, you could do a lot worse. Enjoy the hunk in your dreams—you ain’t likely to find one to compare with him while awake, girl. There’s no such thing as a dream man in real life. She yawned and stretched, bent to switch off the table lamp and called over a shoulder, Get some sleep. We have a lot of touristy things to do tomorrow, as she went back to her room.

    Maddie doubted she’d get a lot of sleep. Too much had happened and she was still hyped up. The flight over from Australia was uneventful and, although she wasn’t a lover of planes, quite enjoyable. When she’d confessed to being a history teacher, the passenger beside her declared an interest in medieval times, so they had plenty to talk about.

    Sighing, she wriggled to get comfortable. Amber’s scepticism about men and finding Mr. Right proved she still hadn’t recovered from her disastrous affair with a professor at college. Amber steered clear of men back home in Australia, and was certainly, at thirty, now entrenched in her beloved archaeological career.

    They’d been as close as sisters, perhaps closer, since both were fostered out. Destiny played weird tricks at times. Patrick, their foster parents’ eldest son, a history tutor, introduced them to the Vikings. Both she and Amber went on to study the Old Norse language. The Danzig’s, with their wealth and beautiful home, provided both girls with everything they ever wanted, including—most importantly—a family.

    Maddie often wondered where she would be now if her parents hadn’t divorced when she was ten, and if her mother hadn’t died soon after. Her mother, although not altogether a bad woman, was more interested in watching game and talk shows on TV than cooking or looking after her child and husband. Maddie’s father wasn’t exactly a fine example of manhood. He soon remarried and moved to New Zealand—showing not one shred of interest in his only daughter.

    The Viking of her dreams slid into Maddie’s mind. At times his face was so vivid, his presence so vital, that she felt as if she could reach out and touch him. Edward was a good husband, a loving, if not passionate man, so why wasn’t she dreaming of him? A year had passed since his tragic stroke, and although she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, there were times when she had trouble recalling his face. Surely that was wrong. They’d shared thirteen comfortable, but unexciting, years together, and here she was dreaming constantly of another man.

    She now had no idea just why she’d married Edward. It wasn’t as if she’d longed to break away from a horrible home life. The Danzigs liked Edward, probably because he was a tutor like Mr Danzig and Patrick, and although he was twenty nine to her eighteen they considered him good husband material. Which he was—if you discounted the lack of passion. A plodder—that was the best word to describe Edward.

    Maddie’s eyes drifted shut.

    * * *

    I’m whacked. Flopping onto the sofa, Maddie stretched her legs out in front of her. What a day. I have to tell you, Amber, I can’t recall when I’ve enjoyed myself so much. No wonder you love living here. I might even move to England too.

    They’d spent the day looking around the town of York and especially Coppergate where a whole street with Viking houses and shops had been uncovered in the late nineteen seventies to early eighties. Amber’s rooms were in a boarding house not far from the main finds.

    Passing Maddie her cup of tea, Amber sat beside her, sipping her own drink. That would be wonderful, Maddie. Why don’t you? You could easily get a job here. Or better still, you could work in the visitors’ centre. You know more about the Vikings and Jorvik than just about anyone—including me.

    Hardly. Maddie wrinkled her nose. Not many know more than you. Called Jorvik by the Vikings, the town was steeped in history. There’s so much to see here, Amber. I can’t wait to see the remains of the Roman fortress. Maddie sighed. I love Melbourne dearly, but it’s the history here that is so exciting.

    That’s for sure. I don’t think I’ll ever go home now. As soon as you think they’ve found everything, something more exciting is unearthed. Amber finished her drink and jumped up. Taking Maddie’s cup, she placed it with hers on the draining board beside the sink. A clap of thunder made them both jump. That’s strange. It didn’t look stormy earlier. And the forecast was for a clear night. She shrugged. Oh well, I guess even the weather experts can get it wrong. Right, want to see the outfits now?

    Maddie pushed herself up. Ooh yes. Are you sure they won’t mind me taking part in the re-enactment?

    Of course not. One of the other girls had to drop out, and you’re roughly the same size as her. Maddie followed Amber into her bedroom. Amber took a pile of folded garments out of her wardrobe and handed Maddie two dresses. Here, these are yours.

    Slipping out of her jeans and sweater, Maddie put the long-sleeved yellow dress on. It was plain, with a rounded neckline and a couple of small tucks at the shoulder, and reached her ankles. Over this she pulled on the blue pinafore-like shift. Its shoulder straps were fixed at the front by two brooches, adorned with intricate swirling patterns. These are very good copies. She patted the brooches as she peered down at them. You look good. Have you worn that outfit before?

    Yes, I wear this to every re-enactment. We hold them frequently. The tourists love it. Amber’s dress was cream, her pinafore green. She handed Maddie a square of white linen. Here, put your head cover on.

    The head dress consisted of two squares stitched together, with tags to secure it beneath the chin. Maddie giggled as she pushed her toffee-coloured hair back from her shoulders and secured the strings. Do I look like a demure Viking woman?

    Hmm, not too sure about demure. Wait, you’d better try on the shoes. I hope they fit. Amber rummaged at the bottom of her wardrobe and came up with two pairs of leather ankle boots. Sitting on the side of the bed they pulled the footwear on.

    Maddie couldn’t believe how comfortable they were. Could have been made to measure. She twisted one foot from side to side, admiring the workmanship. With its side fastenings it looked almost like the real thing worn by Viking women.

    There’s one more thing we need to complete the look. Amber picked up something from the bedside chest. Here, I bought this for you. She handed Maddie a necklace.

    As Maddie touched the piece of jewellery an odd tingling ran through her fingers. Containing pieces of amber and crystal, it looked remarkably like one Maddie had seen in pictures of genuine Viking jewellery found in Sweden, and dated around the ninth century. It’s beautiful. You shouldn’t have bought that, Amber. It must have cost a fortune.

    Actually it didn’t. And look, I have one that’s almost the same. Amber held up the other piece. I found them at a street market and I don’t think the vendor had any idea what he was selling. I got them dirt cheap, believe me. Amber slipped hers over her head and reached to take the one from Maddie’s hand.

    As she dropped it over Maddie’s head, a shiver raced through her.

    Amber pulled Maddie round to stand in front of the long mirror fixed to the wardrobe. There was a similar small droplet of bronze-like substance at the front of both necklaces. These are almost the same, Maddie said as she touched hers then reached to touch the one on Amber’s necklet. An unusual dizziness made her sway toward her friend.

    The small bronze droplet felt hot between her fingers and Maddie tried to shake it off. But it seemed to stick to her skin. This is odd, she mumbled. This feels warm.

    Amber reached out and touched the droplet on Maddie’s necklace, then bit out a rude word. By the look on her face something weird happened to her too.

    As what felt like an electric shock zinged up her arm, Maddie heard Amber mumble something she couldn’t catch. Then a flash of lightning lit up the small room, followed by a clap of thunder. Time seemed suspended as they stared at each other, each still with a finger on the other’s necklace. Maddie reached for Amber’s free hand and they linked fingers as the ground came up in a whoosh.

    * * *

    Maddie shook her head. It was so dark she could barely make out the furniture. How odd—for a moment the ground seemed to come up and hit her. Perhaps she’d passed out. That was even odder; she’d never fainted in her life. What the bloody hell happened? The power must have cut off after that lightning streak.

    Maddie? Amber’s shaky whisper came from nearby.

    Maddie rubbed her forehead. They no longer held hands. Where are you? The lights must have fused or the power was cut. Maddie reached out, overwhelmed with relief when she touched Amber’s arm.

    It occurred to her that little more than a sliver of light came in, and this glimmer of light was low down near the floor. Hadn't the last rays of the sun been slanting through the window and across Amber’s bedroom when they’d looked in the mirror? The sun’s gone in. Wasn’t it shining before that thunder and lightning? Maddie heard the quiver in her voice, and knew it was fear causing it.

    This isn’t my room. Amber’s croaky words made Maddie shake.

    Don’t be silly. Of course it is. The storm must have rolled in real quick and the sun’s hidden. Maddie tried for an air of confidence.

    I’m telling you, it’s not, Amber hissed. Where’s my bed? Maddie’s arm hurt where Amber gripped it tightly. And shuddery tremors raced through her normally fearless friend.

    It’s here. Maddie turned sideways—certain the bed would be right by her left knee.

    But it wasn’t.

    Something hard pressed against her thigh, but it most definitely wasn’t a bed. As she reached out, she knocked something off what she now realized was a waist high table. The object clattered to the floor.

    As her eyes became accustomed to the darkness Maddie was able to make out that they were in a room similar in size to Amber’s bedroom, but Amber was right, her bed wasn’t there, just the table which she now saw was a bench scattered with various objects. Maddie squinted into the dimness. Shelves lining two walls held an assortment of unrecognisable bits and pieces.

    What’s happened? I don’t like this at all. Am I dreaming again? Deep down Maddie had a distinct feeling this was no dream. She gripped Amber’s hand as they turned slowly. Her knees shook so much they actually wobbled—a phenomenon. Never in her life had she been so scared that parts of her shook with fear. She’d thought that a myth.

    If you are, then so am I. Amber’s whisper was heavy with fear—along with disbelief.

    Suddenly light flowed into the room, and they both jumped. A curtain was pulled aside and the outline of a large man stood out against the light. Maddie cried out, and her knees buckled when she saw the low fireplace behind him. If she and Amber hadn’t been clinging to each other she would have toppled. His hair stood out around his head like a mop and he wielded an axe. It was impossible to see his face, but with the light behind him accentuating his silhouette he appeared ferocious and threatening. Maddie’s teeth chattered. This had to be another dream—a far different one to her usual fantasies.

    What are you doing in here? he demanded.

    Amber and Maddie yelped in unison. He’d spoken in Norse.

    I don’t get this. Maddie didn’t want to believe what her suspicions nagged her to believe. We can’t share a dream. This can’t be happening—can it? Now she really was near to fainting.

    Shifting her gaze momentarily from the man, Maddie noticed another doorway. Perhaps they could make a run for it. Gripping Amber tighter, she nodded at the door. They began to edge closer to it.

    What did you say? The man moved nearer, looming over them, and they shrank back. Women? What are women doing in my shop? He stalled any plans for escape by moving between them and the door. And where do you come from to speak with such a foreign tongue? Are you Anglo-Saxons?

    No, no, we mean you no harm. We’re not from these parts. Maddie used Old Norse, and her lips trembled so much she wondered how she’d managed to get the words out. Amber had apparently been struck dumb with fear.

    He waved the axe about threateningly. Out here where I can see you. He gestured for them to go before him into the other room. Still clinging to each other like a pair of scared waifs, they shuffled forward. Are you after stealing my wares?

    No, honestly, we aren’t thieves. Maddie shuddered. This was no dream, so what was it? This man was much too real; everything was too real. And her fear was very real too. Amber's fingers tightened on her arm as they stumbled towards the light.

    The second room contained a low bed against one wall, with a closed chest at its end. A table with a bench at its side completed the furnishings. The open fire in the centre of the room threw out the only light, and comforting warmth. A wooden plate on the table held a chunk of bread and some meat, and there was one goblet—perhaps made of metal. Their arrival had obviously interrupted his meal.

    Maddie now felt light-headed as well as faint with fear. This was a typical Viking home—furnished with basics. Amber's voice was so shaky it was hard to hear her words as she muttered, Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

    Well, I’m thinking that we’ve gone completely off our rockers. This is insane. Completely. Yes, that was the only feasible answer; she must be hallucinating or delirious and her imagination had conjured this scene. Maddie tried to recall if she’d bumped her head sometime during the day. Amber had to be a figment of her imagination too. But if that was the case, why did her friend feel so solid and real?

    The man gestured for them to move near the table then leaned the axe against a wall. When he came up to them, Maddie straightened her spine, meeting his gaze full on as the back of her knees pressed on the bench alongside the wooden table.

    Along with the trepidation and feeling of disorientation a strange sense of disappointment seeped through her. Insane was the word. Had she really expected him to be the man from her dreams? A Viking he seemed to be, but he certainly was not her Viking.

    Chapter Two

    Jorvik, England, about 879 A.D.

    The man picked up a small iron bowl, then bent to set light to the wick in its middle. The lamp didn’t give off a lot of light, but at least now they could get a clearer look at him. Although not strictly handsome, he didn’t have a mean face. But that was not to say he was to be trusted—most

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