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Find the Force Be the Light
Find the Force Be the Light
Find the Force Be the Light
Ebook221 pages4 hours

Find the Force Be the Light

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About this ebook

If there has ever been a time in your life when things got very confusing and maybe even more than a little overwhelming, or you were just looking for some guidance and advice on how to navigate the pitfalls of everyday living, then having this book to refer to would have been a literal Godsend. Even if you are just in need of something to lift your spirits while helping you to get back on your feet again, this is a book that you just have to read. Whenever life presents you with situations that seem to have no easy answers, or you simply feel indecisive while in need of some comforting words of wisdom, let the wonderful insights and heartfelt prayers of Mary Pompeo guide you.

Within an atmosphere of trust and compassion, you will come across many subjects that she has helped very many of her clients deal with over the span of her lifetime counselling career. This is because Mary has such a wonderful gift for understanding people and how to give them meaningful guidance, which then allows them to empower their lives with the confidence and clarity of foresight; much of which comes through prayer.

Prayers, as you will see from reading this book, are not limited to the province of organised religion. There is much more to it than that, and you don’t have to be at all religious to make good use of them. As you will discover, your words are always heard by an intelligence which is way beyond the capacity of the human mind to understand. Answers are always received, but they can often be difficult to appreciate; in respect to the gifts which they bring with them.

In Mary’s own words – ‘ The main reason that I set out to write something of this nature was because I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer. In this respect I can confidently assure you of something. It’s this. There is nothing whatsoever that is going on in your life right now which is seemingly so terrible that prayer cannot make it better. Life can oftentimes seem harsh and grossly unfair where the challenges which come from being this way can, on occasions, feel completely overwhelming. The act of praying takes on those challenges and infuses them with Divine Creative Energy; the very same energy that made our Universe and which continues to power our sun, so as to bring the vibrancy of life and brightness to everything.

Although we have never actually met, I can confidently tell you that you are stronger, more resourceful and much more powerful than you give yourself credit for. There is a light within you which burns brightly, even though you have done such a great job of hiding it so well. You just need someone to help you find it, so that you are able to reconnect with the Universal Force; which constantly seeks to guide you back onto the path of enduring happiness and inner peace.

Prayer is a truly wonderful way to achieve this, and so, along with my advice, I have chosen to share with you my own special way of reaching out to a higher power. One that will strive to lift your spirits, if only you have the will to manifest this. My aim, if you allow me to, is to show you how to regain control of your life, as well as fixing the seemingly unfixable. There is nothing that you cannot achieve if you just set your mind to it. Find that Force. Be that Light. Use this book to rise above your challenges, dramas and your apparent limitations. Be happy and feel loved. You absolutely do deserve it. The Divine Creative Force wants nothing else other than for you, its precious and cherished creation, to be this way.’

Release dateNov 4, 2017
Find the Force Be the Light

Mary Pompeo

Mary Pompeo DD is a gifted counsellor and ordained minister who has helped thousands of people over many years. She is the mother of five and has been a professional musician and schoolteacher. As well as a B.A. in music education and an M.S. in clinical psychology, she has a B.A. in theology. For nearly a decade she ran the popular Sanctuary in West Palm Beach Florida, but now lives in Asheville North Carolina.

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    Book preview

    Find the Force Be the Light - Mary Pompeo





    Copyright © 2017 Mary M Pompeo

    All rights reserved

    eBook created by Thorne Publishing, Bristol UK

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted (other than short excerpts for review purposes only) in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. This requirement is stated so as to ensure the preservation of the true gift which is contained within and throughout the entirety of the written material. It is one which is deserving of being represented faithfully and reproduced clearly in order that its wonderful wisdom be fully appreciated, within the enlightening context in how it is presented in this eBook, by all those who read it. Please be kind enough to honour this requirement. Remember, what you give out is what you get back. Be respectful while respecting yourself in the process.


    Typesetting : Thorne Media & Art

    Editing : Kathy Cleary Pirello B.A. (Eng. Lit.)

    Cover Design : Thorne Media & Art

    Hardback Edition : ISBN 978-0-992609-48-1

    Kindle Edition : ISBN 978-0-992609-49-8

    eReader Edition : ISBN 978-0-992609-47-4




    This eBook is gratefully dedicated to my mother Lucy McIntire Dill for teaching me to pray, not with words, but by her example.

    It took me years to appreciate the gift that she had given me. So now, with all of my heart, I dedicate this book to her in appreciation of what it was to be her student.

    With Special Thanks


    My special thanks to those who helped me get this eBook done.

    To Phillip G Thorne whose encouragement and belief in this project was my guiding light.

    To Nada Severdija and Susan Walker who turned relative chaos into order and kept me grounded while being instrumental in helping to put this eBook together.

    To Kathy Cleary Pirello for editing from the heart.

    To my children Amber, Angelo, Joy, Joanna, and Melissa for giving me lots of reasons to pray. I love all of you more than words can say.

    Complimentary Commentary

    Mary Pompeo has been an awesome spiritual teacher for me. Many of her teachings, always given with kindness and love, are remembered and used to this day. I am very grateful to have been one of her students. So glad that she has taken the time to create this lovely eBook. Much love and many blessings.

    Kathleen BD (Greenville SC)


    Having studied the writings and teachings of many other authors of spiritual books and materials, I can honestly say that Mary’s approach is the most comprehensive and easy to understand that I have been exposed to. She delivers it in such a gentle, informative way. I will always be grateful for the positive way she has impacted my life and the guidance I have received from her.

    Ron O (North Palm Beach FL)


    To me this ‘a must read’ eBook. It came into my life at a time when I was most in need of it. All I can say is that I wish that I’d had it sooner as it would have influenced so many of the important decisions that I’ve made, in a very positive way. I could relate so easily to many of the situations which Mary describes, and so it’s explained a lot to me. I’m really grateful to Mary for writing this eBook.

    Stephen P (Bristol UK)


    Mary Pompeo has been a beacon of light in south Florida for many decades. Her Sanctuary, which she founded in the early 90s, helped thousands of people. After moving to Asheville NC, she continues to be a guiding light for people all over the world.

    Jeff W (Hobe Sound FL)


    Table of Contents


    The Question of Faith

    Remembering My Faith

    Vibration, Resonance, and Synchronicity

    Energy and Manifestation

    How to Write Your Own Decree

    My Special Insights into Prayer


    Prayer - What Is It and Why Do it?

    The Lord’s Prayer

    The Original Lord’s Prayer

    Jesus Prayer

    Who Do I Pray To?

    Your Sacred Space

    What is Energy?

    We are All Sacred Energy

    Prayer for Awareness of Divine Energy

    Prayer to Acknowledge Energy

    Spiritual Exercise

    There is Harmony in Everything

    Prayer to See Harmony in Everything

    A Prayer to Help See the Perfect Harmony in Everything

    Everything is Love

    Spiritual Exercise

    A Prayer to Affirm Love

    A Prayer for Divine Love

    Our Past and How it Affects Us

    Prayer to Release the Wounds from the Past

    The Waiting for the Right Moment Trap

    A Prayer When We Long for What Eludes Us

    Spiritual Exercise

    A Prayer to Accept What Life Brings


    The Constant Companion

    A Prayer for Life’s Challenges

    Prayer to Release Wounds from the Past

    Anticipations and Anxieties

    An Exercise to Stop Anxiety

    Prayer to Combat Anxiety

    Prayer for the Unexpected

    The Present Moment and You

    Prayer to Empower the Moment

    Prayer to Stay Empowered in the Moment

    New Beginnings

    A Prayer for New Beginnings

    Prayer for Beginnings and Endings

    When You Need to Make Choices

    A Prayer to make the Right Choice

    The Importance of Gratitude

    A Prayer for Gratitude


    How We Deal with Others and Why

    What Is Love?


    To Forgive Others

    To Forgive Yourself

    The Essence of Forgiveness

    Prayer for Forgiveness

    Healing Relationships

    A Prayer to Heal This Relationship

    Caring About what Happens to Others

    Midnight Conversation with a Child in Trouble

    Prayer for the Troubles of Others

    When Someone I Care About has Lost Their Way

    Twin Souls and Soul Mates

    A Prayer to Find Your Twin Soul


    When Life Gets Too Much

    Prayer to Stay Connected to Our Source

    In Times of Darkness and Aloneness

    A Prayer to Remember You Are Not Alone

    The Insubstantial Phantom of Fear

    An Important Exercise to Help You Control your Fear

    A Prayer to Banish Fear

    For Times When You Experience Loss

    A Prayer for When you Lose Something of Importance

    For Times When You Experience Grief

    A Prayer in Times of Grief

    Renewing Your Spirit

    A Prayer to Renew Your Spirit

    Praying for Peace

    A Prayer for Peace


    The Many Energies of Healing

    The Physical Body

    A Prayer to Bring Physical Healing

    Healing Disharmony

    A Prayer for Healing Disharmony

    Cleansing of Past Emotional Pain

    Prayer for Cleansing of Past Emotional Pain

    Being in Touch with Your Physical Presence

    Prayer to Communicate with Your Body for Healing

    Healing Loved Ones

    A Prayer for Healing a Pet


    Families and Their Effect on Us

    A Prayer for Families

    The Joys and Trials of Parenting

    A Prayer for Harmony between Parent and Child

    A Prayer for Fertility

    A New Mother’s Prayer for a Girl

    A New Mother’s Prayer for a Boy


    Prayer for the Loss of a Baby Girl

    Prayer for the Loss of a Baby Boy


    Motherhood - A Prayer for Children


    Remembering what We Need to Remember

    A Prayer to Remember to Trust

    Prayer to Remember

    Praying Without Words

    Spiritual Exercise

    The Difficult Subject of Suicide

    For Loved Ones of Children Who Have Taken Their Lives


    In Closing


    Writing Your Own Prayer

    My Special Prayer

    Peace Prayer of St. Francis


    This unique eBook has been created for people who are spiritual, but who may not necessarily be religious. In whatever way you have come across this eBook then there is a part of your heart that is longing for a closer relationship with the Divine Creative Source of all things. My sincere hope is that what I have written will help you to achieve that.

    Let me start by explaining that there is an Energy, a Divine Force which is in all things. This Force keeps our Universe in perfect order. It is intelligent. Whoever the most intelligent person is at any given time, the Force created that mind. There is no way that we can completely understand the full nature of the Force. As humans, we make deductions going from the known to the unknown. We cannot hope to fully know what we have not experienced.

    We may not be able to grasp the essence of the Divine Creator, but from my observing how God interacts with me, it is my experience that it strongly suggests a very loving relationship. This Divine Creative Force loves its creation unconditionally. It wants only the highest good. Whether you identify God with a form or as formless, the essence of God is Energy. You and I are created from that Energy. We have the properties of God, but we are learning to have the courage and the faith which allows us to channel that pure love without distorting it.

    It is my hope that perhaps some of the ideas in this eBook will help you to build a close and personal relationship with the Divine Creative Force from which you came. We fight wars over who has the correct name or idea of God. That is why I have chosen to bypass the name and get right to the Energy. You were led to this eBook, the Divine Energy is calling you to be the light of the world.

    Part of the reason that I set out to write something of this nature was because I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer. In this respect, I can confidently assure you of something. It’s this -

    ‘There is nothing, whatsoever that is going on in your life right now, which is seemingly so terrible that prayer cannot make it better.’

    Life can oftentimes seem harsh and grossly unfair when the challenges, which come from being this way can on occasions, feel completely overwhelming. My assurance to you is that the act of praying takes on those challenges and infuses them with Divine Creative Energy. The very same energy that made our Universe and which continues to power our sun. That Divine Creative Energy brings the vibrancy of life and brightness to everything.

    I wanted to write prayers that would help people to communicate with that Divine Force and to call its precious Presence into their lives. I so want this eBook to help as many people as possible find the peace that prayer has brought to my heart. Through reading my words and prayers, I want to encourage you to remember that you are definitely not alone in this world.

    There is an Intelligent, Invincible, Divine Creative Force that projects only love to you. This amazing love is intended to guide you through your adversities so that you can manifest your true nature; which is that of being peaceful and happy.

    Life is difficult sometimes, but a strong faith and a connection with your Spiritual Source can create miracles; you have my word of personal experience on this. Through reading my advice and special words of prayer, I want to encourage you to work faithfully with my suggestions and recommendations. If you are sincere about it, then you will be amazed by what you can achieve.

    So please give yourself maybe six weeks or a few months to genuinely follow the guidance and wisdom which you will find in this eBook. Some things may happen even quicker for you, but to see a truly lasting overall change may take a little time. Remember, the Kingdom of Heaven is within and is available to you at any time.

    This concept is taught in many religions. For example, the Hindu says ‘Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’ - which translated means - the Kingdom of Heaven is above you, within your heart and on Earth. When you acknowledge this, you can manifest it.


    The Question of Faith

    Please be gentle with yourself if ever you find yourself in the position of questioning your faith. I had been teaching about ‘Living our Spirituality’ for years, but when my time of challenge came, I found that believing something intellectually and living it on a daily basis when challenges arise is an entirely different thing.

    Faith is another way of saying I trust. Trust comes from doing something and having predictable results. If you have no experience of having faith in a higher power, you will be starting from the ground floor with your experiment. Only by seeing again and again that results come from your actions, will you begin to build your faith. As I have said, be gentle with yourself.

    Faith may happen overnight, or may take much longer. If you have been wounded in childhood, had your trust compromised, or been through an experience that you could not reconcile with your faith; you may find that faith takes years to build. The Divine is not threatened if you don’t believe, the force that created you is compassionate. Life is difficult without your connection to spirit. So, don’t worry, God doesn’t take it personally.

    I would suggest that you give yourself a realistic time period to see how things go. For me it was a little over a year. I knew that my back was against the wall, so to speak, and it might take some time to reverse that. But if challenges are not too great, it might be easier to find your strong faith sooner than this.

    This is something that I wrote from my heart at the time of overcoming my challenges, and what I have called -

    Remembering My Faith


    Oh Wondrous Creator of all things, You who keeps the entire Universe in balance,

    with open heart, I come to thee.

    I am feeling lost; Help me to remember that I am always under the shelter of Your Love.

    Remove all feelings of unworthiness and help me to stand in my Power,

    the Power that I inherited from You at the moment of my creation.

    As I speak my words, let me remember that You speak through me.

    As I push back the darkness from Life,

    it is through the Power that you bestowed upon me

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