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Paragons: Age of the Unseen
Paragons: Age of the Unseen
Paragons: Age of the Unseen
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Paragons: Age of the Unseen

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Paragons: Age of the Unseen is the next installment in this gripping, epic fantasy series.
As the Age of the Awakening reached its pivotal conclusion, the dawn of a new age poses with it new challenges for our heroes. As the Evil One works tirelessly behind the scenes, constant vigilance is required of these heroes, new and old, to ready themselves and those under their charge for a great confrontation looming just over the horizon...

Son of an esteemed hero of his people, young Jaden Silvermayne II must fulfill the expectations of Highland nobility, overcome challenges at Highland Academy and commit to becoming a leader someday to his nation, all while maintaining friendships with his peers...his experiences, his conscience, and the occasional hand of an enigmatic shadow from his difficult past as his guide.

Ace, as he is going by, must lead Tempest, a mercenary unit, on a covert mission north. His closest friend and his wife at his side, he worries that a curse from his past will bring out the worst within him...Will he resist the urge within him, overcoming his addiction this curse placed upon him, or will he succumb and turn on those he considers his family now?

Coming to terms with the events in the ruins of Angelsfall, Karissa Trodassus is faced with her life’s most difficult decision. Will she discard her big dreams for the future she wants and stay the course at Highland Academy, or accept that she must shoulder a heavy burden, sacrificing her desires for the greater good of Gaia? Will she turn to Sarin for guidance?

Following his heart, Marlowe is now in the Highland army, his friend Kieran at his side. Discovering the person of his heart's desire seems interested in someone else, he must stay his emotions on the matter, all while facing the abuse of the cadets at Highland Academy in hopes of earning her affection once and for all.

Braxx, settling into his new leadership position, is faced with complicated dilemmas. Leaning on his own judgment on matters, he learns that decisions he must make to safeguard the lives of his citizens he's charged with may not sit comfortably with his own strong moral code. Reaching outside the confines of his command at times, he comes to understand his close friend that much more, solidifying his respect for him, and leaving Braxx with some regrets.

Release dateNov 4, 2017
Paragons: Age of the Unseen

J. M. Macchiavelli

Well-traveled author J.M. Macchiavelli finds comfort within the cultural melting pot of Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he resides. Drawn towards artistic endeavors and deep conversations, his passion for understanding what drives us as individuals and as societies around many parts of the world can be seen evidenced in his works. Possessing a keen intellect, a kind heart, and an appreciation for grit, J.M. Macchiavelli works tirelessly to make his characters as real as possible, having drawn experience from interacting with many people from all walks of life, the world over.

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    Paragons - J. M. Macchiavelli

    Paragons: Age of the Unseen

    J.M. Macchiavelli

    Copyright © 2017 J.M. Macchiavelli

    All rights reserved.

    Distributed by Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Chapter 1: AWAKENED

    Chapter 2: TEMPEST

    Chapter 3: LEGACIES

    Chapter 4: TO BE A LEADER

    Chapter 5: INSTINCT

    Chapter 6: STUCK

    Chapter 7: BROKEN ICE

    Chapter 8: THE FATE OF A NATION

    Chapter 9: ENIGMATIC GUIDE

    Chapter 10: FAMILY HONORS

    Chapter 11: STARS ALIGNED

    Chapter 12: BURDENS OF LEADERS

    Chapter 13: THE NORSE

    Chapter 14: TRUE HONOR

    Chapter 15: RAIN OF FIRE AND STEEL


    Chapter 17: FRICTION

    Chapter 18: TURNING POINT


    Chapter 20: GOOD VERSUS EVIL

    Chapter 21: FLIRTING WITH FIRE

    Chapter 22: TORTURED

    Chapter 23: SCRATCHES


    Chapter 25: DUTY OR HONOR

    Chapter 26: VOICES

    Chapter 27: DESTINY

    Chapter 28: FROZEN

    Chapter 29: SOUTHBOUND



    I open my eyes and I’m back in the same place. Fleeting visions forming for mere moments before my eyes, dissipating immediately before my mind is able to capture them and hold on…and remember.

    As these corporeal thoughts disperse with the blowing wind, a place is revealed before me: the setting sun at my back illuminates a small dwelling made of smooth stones with a wooden door, dark brown shingles to its rooftop, and a gentle whisk of billowing smoke from a chimney along its side.

    Behind it are rolling fields of amber color, no grazing livestock or attendants are present. A small stream is flowing off into the distance from my fixed point of view. I cannot turn my head to take in more of this vision, it’s as if I’m following along on someone else’s journey, looking through their eyes and recording it for myself.

    The home is vacant. I’ve never been inside, and there’s never been a light coming from within it. Small windows with wooden shutters drawn upwards would allow me to peer inside, if the physical form I’m confined within would cooperate and take a look.

    The smell of the fields was pleasant, the feel of the warm sunshine on my back was inviting, and the sounds of the gentle breeze blowing through this expansive field, and throughout the open windows of this home, it all made me feel at peace.

    I longed to come here, this place where I belonged. I had visited this place for as far back as I could remember. This place was home to me, more so than anywhere else.

    Tranquility here was plentiful, as if each blade of tall grass was a strand of a fiber or a cloth to which I could blanket myself up inside it and feel secure…and escape. I had no desire to leave this place.

    I realized after many times of coming here that I was all alone. There was no occupant to this lonely home, this golden field, or winding stream in the setting sun. Nobody would greet me upon my arrival, this place was simply there. Who had built it? Why did they build it if not to live there?

    Everything about this place seemed inviting to me, I can’t imagine anyone would leave willingly. I certainly didn’t.

    This all changed, more than a year ago, now. When I arrived, a familiar face greeted me, her figure wrapped in this sunlight, a cascade of joy filling me up every time I came here. I was welcome here. Her voice would ease all troubles I had in my mind, and I’d find peace that night.

    This was home.

    Chapter 1


    C’mon, you two, enough!

    A voice rang out loudly, piercing through the veil of sound meshing together in this calamitous moment, breaking my concentration briefly. I could feel my heart racing, sweat was pouring out of me, luckily for me I was wearing gloves or I’d have lost my grip for certain. The voice was one familiar to me, but in this moment the identity to this person didn’t matter. My focus would not sway from me. I would concentrate on the matter right before me…like how to stop this sword coming at me in this moment.

    My attacker moved forward; weary of my passivity in this moment, with blade raised and close to his left shoulder, rearing back. Watching his footwork closely, I knew he would try with a backhanded uppercut swing. His objective would be to wrest my own sword from my grip with brute force, as I’d have no choice but to parry downward, the force taking all of my might to counter head on. He’d break my blade if I held on tightly, too loosely, and not only would I lose my grip on my weapon, but I’d undoubtedly be sliced in two…the thought bringing a horrible déjà vu to my senses. Was he truly committed to doing this to me? Perhaps I’d test his resolve.

    Heading into the swell headlong, raising weapon of my own, a sturdy, medium sword of simple craft, I intended to meet him before he could gain full momentum of his swing. As I approached him, I could tell I caught him off guard with my bravery. Holding fast a moment, he had no choice but to raise his sword to deflect my effort. His chiseled cheeks flared a bit, I could tell I angered him. His face was redder in hue than I can recall ever seeing before, and that said something. His fair complexion made his emotions show at all times as his short, cleanly cropped, flame-colored hair would not be able to mask his expression whatsoever.

    Kicking at his leg, I made him lose his balance a moment, causing him to stagger as I next swung my sword at him, slicing open his cheek with the tip of my blade. As he collapsed backward a moment, he touched his cheek, now blood red, and let out an angry bellow before coming at me with all of his fury. I readied for his barrage as best I could, knowing I’d have no choice but to endure until he left me an opening at some point. I could not hope to match his strength while he was enraged like he was…not in my present state. My weapon in my right hand, this medium sword, serviced me well as did my heightened reflexes, but in the end he caught me with a blow from his left hand, knocking me in the face, then slashing me with his sword across my torso.

    We had traded blows now for quite some time…and this was the first time he had gotten me in this bout. Collapsing to the ground, sound itself seemed to fade away a bit, sounding almost underwater, like that time so familiar to me; a time I want to forget more than anything, but would never be allowed to. This haunting would live on with me forever. Trying to catch my breath, the attack hit me once again…another bout of fatigue as a result of what happened a bit over a year ago. I wouldn’t catch my breath, I was left weak. I hated these attacks, the primary reason for my fatigue and ineptness in combat has been from these fits of breathlessness. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with Nero anymore. My father, if alive, would be shaking his head with shame right now.

    I had one chance.

    Seeing my sword in the dirt, lying in wait to be claimed by me, I reached out for it with my left hand.


    Stopping in my efforts a moment, I heard it again.

    Not now.

    Looking about me, I lie in wait a moment longer. Making a more strained effort, I reached across my body with my right hand, waiting to hear the voice again, but heard nothing. Grabbing hold of the hilt of my sword, I had it within my grasp once more, lying on my front side, the wound on my chest from sword having sliced through my leather armor, and my cadet tunic. Turning over a bit, my senses came to me more sharply once more as this ‘fit’ had subsided, allowing me to catch my breath.

    The crowd was chanting my attacker’s name, his back turned to me, relishing in the moment of triumph over defeating me; a bit premature in my opinion. I rose to my feet as the crowd of onlookers now hushed and took to a collective gasp as I ran my sword into his backside, not allowing him time to turn around. With that, soldiers rushed in and separated us both, as a deluge of healing magic poured in from the Highland Academy’s healers, there on standby for each bout.

    Catching my breath a bit, I reminded myself of my manners. I am nobility of Highland, and this contest was over. Let my anger subside, for my opponent is not my enemy; quite the opposite in fact. Approaching him now, a chorus of cheers and claps sounded out for each of us as we met in the center of the arena floor, and I was to shake his hand.

    Not a scratch upon his face from where I drew blood, the only remnant of our clash on him was his red-hued expression on his chiseled face. Reaching my arm out for him to embrace forearms, an ancient sign of mutual respect in Highland custom, he did so, as his familiar, sniggering grin appeared a moment.

    Cheeky bastard, I need my looks for the women. You didn’t see me swinging for your face, did you?

    That’s why I did it. I had to strike where you didn’t expect me.

    That explains the dishonorable blow from behind too, then, doesn’t it?

    He gave a playful wink, letting go and raising his arms as the crowd chanted his name loudly.

    Seamus. It was deafening. Even though I won, he would gain the glory. All I could do was laugh about it and shake my head, it was just like him. I could never hate him, he was my best friend, but even so, I wanted to deflate him a bit. Just a bit. Having to yell to one another over this ongoing crowd-worship he had in his favor, I did my best effort to spoil his fun.

    Hey now, I skewered you. How is it that you get the accolades?

    Seamus laughed in response, still pumping his fist to the beat of his name on occasion.

    Highland loves their founding family, Jaden. It’s all about being an Arknight. Sorry.

    Seamus gave that damn cocky wink of his to me, all I could do was shake my head and laugh at him. Sauntering away, I heard a few chants of praise for me as I approached closer to the hallway leading into the academy hall. Looking at the faces, some appeared familiar to me, others didn’t. As I made my way back, I knew I had the rest of the day off from my classes. I had yet to attend some of them, as the class schedule fluctuated each week. Different subjects demanded a bit of flexibility in their timing, so I hadn’t yet met all of my classmates.

    The cadets wore different emblems on their attire, depicting their year of mastery at the academy, and their classes they excelled in. There was one cadet that seemed to have nearly everything completed, a face I have known for a long time. Now, seeing his black, leather jacket over his gray cadet tunic, covered on its sleeves with these proofs of prowess, he seemed even more intimidating than ever before. He approached me.

    You’ve come a long way, Jaden.

    I looked up at him, as he was taller than I. His reddish brown hair had a curl to it, his face donning a look invoking my curiosity. Looking much like his father, I hadn’t spoken much to him as of late…actually, we rarely spoke to one another. It was somewhat odd that he was doing so right now. Perhaps, he had no choice. Our circumstances surrounding us forced us to do so, I suppose.

    Thank you, Clint.

    Still…attacking one from behind, that’s not the way of nobility, Jaden.

    I could only reply with a brief shrug.

    That’s not a move your brother would have done…nor your father, I imagine.

    Ordinarily, someone would be upset by such a comment, I gather. From him however, I knew how greatly he worshipped not only my father, but Jaddick. Clint and Jaddick were best friends, after all. Rather than make an enemy in this moment where I need not do, I buried my pride and replied back,

    True. But would either one of them have found themselves on the ground to begin with?

    Clint took a moment to measure my tone, I judged, and after having done so, a smile crossed his expression, and he nodded his head, seemingly with approval to my response.

    True. Just take heed of the ways of the noble, Jaden. We fight with honor. Others will undoubtedly create a reputation for you as one not befitting of title if you fight in such brazen, uncouth of a manner. You must outmatch your opponent, but do so in a fair way. Otherwise, a victory is not truly a victory if such dirty tactics are used.

    Placing a hand on my shoulder, he gave me a raised eyebrow for a moment, a reprimand I took it as, and then smiled once more before releasing me and carrying on. I continued onward down the corridor, cadets mostly stepped out of my way, some offered their congratulations to me. As I neared the end of the corridor where it turned off towards the cadet sleeping quarters, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of someone familiar to me.


    Getting a better look now, it was a girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes, garbed in a leather jacket herself and wearing a gray cadet tunic like me. It took a moment, and then I put it together who this was.

    Karissa, right?

    She nodded fervently with a giggle, replying readily, I hoped to run into you here, I missed your bout with Seamus, how did it go?

    I won, but he gave me a proper beating to earn victory.

    Karissa appeared to turn red a moment as she raised her staff at her side, the same one she wielded that fateful night in the ruins of Angelsfall where Syreno was brought to justice. Her eyes showed genuine kindness and concern.

    Really? I can heal you if you need…

    Shaking my head, I appreciated the offer but honestly, I just wanted to be alone.

    No, really, I’m fine. Unless you have a spell for wounded pride?

    She showed a beautiful smile for a moment, giving another little laugh at my response. As I was about to take my leave of Karissa, I heard a sound from the two guards of this corridor, connecting to the outside. Beckoning our attention, we both turned our heads towards where this sound emanated from, and investigated. Still tired, I nonetheless readied my sword, just in case. Karissa stood close behind me, staff at the ready as well.

    The two guards had their backs to us, one being large-framed and built. The other guard was smaller in size, and appeared to be a bit more withdrawn. The larger guard was the one shouting at someone obstructed from view still from this angle until we rounded the corner of this gray-brickwork.

    You’re not allowed inside the hall, citizen! Go back before you’re incarcerated!

    Wait, you don’t understand, I’m not trying to intrude, I’m just-

    I’ve warned you!

    The voice of the other sounded familiar, the one this guard was trying to expel. In fact, Karissa took to a sprint now and immediately reacted.


    Now forcing me into a sprint as well, I lay eyes upon a huffing and puffing Sarin, garbed in a white tunic, that familiar staff in hand and a short bow attached to his quiver upon his back. What brought him here?

    Unsuspectingly, this smaller guard spoke next, cutting off this bigger, brutish guard mid stride of drawing his sword.

    Sarin, you can’t be here. It’s off limits.

    Everyone took a moment to sort out the confusion of what was happening. However, as I was very tired, I nodded to Sarin, getting him to acknowledge me with a nod of his head also, and then I carried onward back to my chamber. Where the magic had done its work to heal my wounds, I still felt fatigued. Magic doesn’t affect me as proficiently as others, I’ve learned.

    ——character shift——

    …Marlowe? You’re a soldier?

    Immediately, this barking brute stopped in his tracks as soon as it was established Marlowe and I knew one another. But none of that mattered. Karissa was here, finally. I needed to be close to her. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew that we were meant to stay close by one another.

    Yes, I enlisted. It’s really good to see you, Sarin.

    Marlowe had a smile on his face, his eyes seeming large as usual in his spectacles. He didn’t look the part of a soldier, that’s for sure. He was so small…what was he doing here? He continued speaking.

    This is my friend, Kieran. We met in Pentdrake.

    Kieran, this brute, seemed much more kind now, extending his forearm in a manner for me to grab hold of and clutch. Doing so, I felt his firm grip and how strong he was. Now, this guy seemed like a soldier. Not Marlowe. Why would he enlist? I gave him use of my room, and my book for him to study and become proficient. What happened?

    I finally plucked up my courage and enlisted. Now, I get the chance to be close to the girl I care about, just like you, Sarin. We’re both following our hearts!

    Marlowe had a genuine smile on his face, where the very words made me want to duck out of view and hide behind a bush. Karissa was overhearing all of this, and Marlowe just blurted out that I had feelings for her. Feeling my face flush red, I looked to see the same effect taking hold on Karissa’s face.



    Marlowe’s face turned red all of a sudden as well, I think he sensed what had just happened. The awkward moment was broken by Kieran’s voice.

    So, Sarin, you know Marlowe, and Ms. Trodassus. I apologize for my rude behavior before.

    Kieran, showing a warm smile now, Marlowe’s face went from red from embarrassment to ghost-white for some reason. Now, turning his head to take a glance at Karissa it seemed, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her for the moment. The glance made Karissa uncomfortable, I could tell. Having no idea what was going on, Karissa made an effort to pass, getting both Kieran and Marlowe to part and allow passage. Walking briskly a few paces, I followed her out into the garden outside, the courtyard encompassed by the walls of the academy. Her voice was hushed, as she gave me a tight hug.

    Sarin, I’m happy to see you.

    I’m happy to see you, too, Karissa.

    Her face seemed to show a certain sadness or regret to it. I wasn’t sure what was going through her mind, but it troubled me.

    Sarin, you can’t be here. I’m at the academy, I need to focus my efforts on becoming a leader of Highland someday.

    I shook my head at the notion. I wanted her understanding.

    But Karissa, I was there with you. The things we both witnessed, the Rune of Order you possess, the things we’ve uncovered of what is going on, we need to be prepared, right?

    Karissa lowered her head, seeming torn, perhaps. She didn’t have words to convey it seemed. I did, however.

    Your father died for this. We can’t ignore it. We need to stick together and prepare for what happens next.

    Karissa seemed to become mad at my words. I reeled back a moment, not wanting to make her upset. That was never my intent, not ever.

    And what happens next, Sarin? Do you know? What if my next step is to learn the ways of Highland and prepare our nation to stand up to this surfacing threat? Did you consider that?

    Karissa, please…don’t be upset with me.

    Sarin, leave. I want to forget all that happened. I don’t want to think of my father…it’s too painful. And you being here is not helping.

    I felt saddened at her words. She was upset and reeling, and I wanted more than anything to be there with her and help her…to catch her as she was falling. But she pushed me away, still.

    Just leave, Sarin.

    Feeling hurt by her words, I had no choice but to nod my head, sullenly. Karissa raced back inside, I could tell she was on the verge of tears. Was it because I reminded her of her father’s death? Or was it she felt guilty saying what she did to me? I didn’t know. All I could do was watch as she disappeared out of sight from me. Soaking in this image of her, I knew no matter what, she needed me. Her words were veiling her true feelings. She was hurt, and even if it wasn’t today, I needed to be there for her when it caught up to her. I’d have to endure her cruelty until then.

    ——character shift——

    Almost to the junction leading to the sleep chambers now, I was cut off by a mob of cadets, all encircled around Seamus. Boisterous and rowdy, I was annoyed. I just wanted to sleep. However, it doesn’t do to ignore Seamus, or his twin sister, ringleader to this crowd.

    Jaden, there you are. Come now, pouting doesn’t suit you, brown-eyes.

    What are you talking about, Seana?

    Seana, Seamus’ twin sister gave a laugh in that somewhat hoarse voice of hers, like she had been shouting all day long and kept talking anyway. It was a trademark of hers, and no doubt, she probably actually had been shouting all day long. Like her brother, she was full of life. Her long red hair fell to one side of her head in this instance, her fair complexion showed some freckles on her nose and her upper cheeks, her green eyes were locked with mine in this instance, as she gave me playful taunts, like she always has done. I could never tell if she liked me, or she just enjoyed annoying me.

    You’ll never have the spotlight, but that doesn’t mean you’ve gone unnoticed. C’mon, we’re all heading to town and grabbing pints.

    Won’t the headmaster be upset?

    Seana gave a laugh, as some of the other cadets did too, in this instance.

    What is he going to do, that old commoner? Expel all of the noble progeny from the academy? He’d be gone the next day.

    I could only shake my head. How pompous. But she was right. If we all disobeyed, we couldn’t all be cast out. I hated to partake in such a thing, but the thought did sound appealing. Seamus himself now voiced in.

    C’mon then, Silvermayne.

    Shrugging my shoulders, peer pressure had gotten the best of me. Was alienating myself from my classmates necessary out of my reclusive tendencies? Perhaps I’d get to know them better.

    Do I know everyone here?

    Seana shook her head. Not yet, champ. Hey everyone, say hi to today’s loser against my brother, Jaden Silvermayne the second. Maybe one of the girls will fancy you anyway, eh?

    Seana gave a wink, the same one Seamus gives me.

    Looking into the group of them, I noticed a few of these cadets were the ones cheering for me. A few of them were girls, and quite beautiful ones. Instead of introducing themselves to me, however, they all just collectively greeted me in a chorus of Hi, Jaden!

    No doubt, the lack of courtesy was orchestrated by Seana before I had been approached. She knew just how to irk me and get under my skin.

    Oh well, Jaden. Maybe a bit of grog will loosen their tongues a bit more. Only one way to find out. Will you come, then?

    Fine, Seana, I’ll come along.

    Seana beamed, I could tell she was happy. In truth, Seana had a pretty smile, she was pretty all around, but her personality irritated me. She was deliberately abrasive, she always had been. She took joy in asserting herself over others, and at my expense was the norm in any social gathering between her and I.

    Shaking my head, one of the cadets caught up to me, in stride along with me now and introduced himself to me. Having sand colored hair to his shoulders, a bit unkempt, he had a touch of facial hair growing in circumference to his mouth. He was about my height.

    Don’t mind Seana. I’m Kiefer Muntz, of Southfall. My family is lord of Castle Fellingard.

    Embracing arms a moment, another cadet approached me next. Slightly taller than me, he had very short hair, also somewhat sandy brown in appearance, but like he was losing his hair already. His head was more round appearing, perhaps more rounded in his cheeks and jowls, like a great-headed dog. He had a larger frame to him, and his arm embracing mine was of greater strength than I possessed.

    I’m Craig Wallin, also of Southfall. Long standing lords of Riverend, my father is a Knight of Electrum, General Normand’s peer.

    As Kiefer and Craig introduced themselves to me, we briefly agreed to drop formalities between us, and my attention went to the sight of a seemingly upset Karissa leaving the courtyard. Halting me mid-stride, the group of these cadets carried on without me a moment as I stopped to check on her. She stopped as well.

    What’s wrong, Karissa? What happened?

    Nothing…I’m sorry, Jaden. Don’t mind me.

    Seana’s voice rang out. Jaden, come on, we’re all leaving without you.

    Not wanting to leave Karissa in this situation, it was obvious she was upset. I had to offer my ear if she needed.

    Well, why don’t you come with us? We’re heading into town to grab a pint, it’ll take your mind off of what is bothering you, maybe.

    Seana gave a loud protest.

    And who is she? I’ve never seen her before.

    Suddenly the boisterous energy was sapped from the crowd, as they all turned and stared at Karissa, judgingly. It made me sick, honestly. Who were they to be judgmental of her? I spoke on her behalf.

    This is Karissa Trodassus, of Haarkenigh. Haarkenigh goes all the way back to the great war.

    Seana rolled her eyes and turned back around, beckoning them all to follow her again.

    Karissa appeared uncomfortable, but followed along anyway. I was happy she decided to come with, I could use another friendly face with me…but something was wrong, and I hoped maybe I could cheer her up. For her and for Sarin’s sake. It was obvious to me that Sarin cared for her a great deal, and after they both spoke, she was upset. Maybe I could help ease whatever tensions they were having. She did just lose her father…I knew something on the subject, after all. And then some.

    Exiting through the courtyard, I noticed the same guards that had barred Sarin’s entrance were in tow of our entourage. Following behind us, they knew not to approach too closely, for it wasn’t their place to mingle with us. They were to protect us, not crowd us. After all, it wouldn’t be long before they would be following our orders. As we made our way to the tavern, the locals were within as well but gave us room. The atmosphere was festive, and lively music was playing to brighten the mood. I wasn’t feeling too festive, personally, but it wouldn’t do to be the rain cloud in the Arknight’s sky. I did my best to appear social.

    Grabbing beer, I watched as Seana had gathered a few of the cadets around her, sharing stories and being obnoxious as usual. Seamus was also there, but he broke away to spend time with me, as he always does in these events. To my surprise, several girls followed him, coming my direction, cadets, also garbed in leather jackets and grey tunics. We weren’t allowed to wear blue yet; we hadn’t earned the color. Karissa stood by me, not having taken a single sip of her grog yet…perhaps she didn’t like it? Then again, she was from the plains, surely she had acquired a taste for it by now. Seamus noticed this also, and used his skill in as delicate of an approach as a blunt hammer to address it.

    What, girl? I know I’m handsome, but it won’t become easier to talk to me unless it’s ‘bottom’s up’ for you.

    I scoffed at his cockiness as these girls came into closer view now, three of them. I didn’t recognize any of them. They weren’t part of this entourage that I joined to come here. At least, I didn’t believe so. Karissa reluctantly took a sip of this grog, finally. She seemed to be very uncomfortable here. I regretted inviting her along…I knew what it felt like to be the odd one out.

    Just let her be, Seamus. You have enough girls around you the way it is, don’t you?

    Seamus gave a playful wink, as these girls seemed to each have a different reaction to what I just said. His reply surprised me.

    Jaden, these girls are here to talk to you, my friend. I know, you don’t have to thank me…after all, what are best friends for?

    Catching me by surprise, I didn’t have words to say to him, but he continued on anyway.

    Besides, the most beautiful one isn’t even here tonight. I’m picky, you know.

    Seamus gave a cocky flexing of his muscles, obscured through his leather jacket’s sleeves, but nonetheless unnerving to me and hilarious to the rest of the crowd observing, garnering laughter from all around. Backing away, he left me and Karissa now in the company of these girls. One of them spoke up, finally.

    She had looked annoyed by Seamus’ attitude towards them, but she had a pretty face. Her expression was warmer now. She had a copper color to her hair from what I could tell, her eyes were blue, and she spoke with a slight air of respect towards me.

    So, that was quite some fight, master Silvermayne. Here I thought after what I’d heard, you’d be some weakling confined to a bed. But then again, your brother was so prodigious; I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised to see you have some fight in you.


    Not wanting to sound rude, but the thought was not flattering at all. Then again, with Seana being the one to tout my reputation to everyone, it’d be no surprise to me if everyone thought of me in this way. She reached her arm forward to me, having me grab hold.

    I’m Kessi Darrow. My brother, Reginald, is an officer in General McClanagh’s troop, under Braxx now, but previously your father. I’ve known about you my whole life, I couldn’t possibly put off the chance of meeting you.

    She had a warm, pretty smile, she was about the same height as I, and she had a bit of a thicker build to her than most of these other girls I’ve met so far, still pretty in her own way though. And she was kind.

    I’m pleased to meet you, madam Darrow. Care to be informal with one another from here onward?

    Her reply was a fervent head nod.

    My attention then turned to the next girl standing to her left, who hadn’t said a word. Her reaction to Seamus’ boasting was met with complete ignorance, like she didn’t even know he was talking, or something. It was odd. She seemed very dismissive, but if so, why was she here?

    And who are you?

    Without a smile, an expressionless delivery matched her response.

    I’m Celeste Crowley.

    Your father is the great Rybald, right?

    That is so.

    Does that mean you study magic, too?

    Yes. And your family’s ineptitude of such skills is legendary. I had to meet someone so stunted in its abilities to feel your lack of mana reserves, in person.

    Wow. She was extremely cold. I buried my hurt and smiled in reply as best I could.

    Well, I hope I didn’t disappoint, then.

    My reply and my delivery, perhaps, earned a slight smirk in her face. She had long, beautiful blond hair, her face being open and visible because the part in her hair was met with a dainty hand of hers, running through it a moment, and with this smirk shone a couple of adorable dimples along her cheeks. She was very petite, I could tell, despite the nature of the gray tunic and leather jacket obscuring her. She had thick, darker eyebrows to her hair color situated evenly above these bright, brown eyes which showed no warmth, but her next response caught me off guard, almost as much as her previous line.

    Impressive, you didn’t flinch. You really are resilient, master Silvermayne. Magically, you’re a dullard, but I see you have strength in other aspects.

    She raised her mug in a salute for a moment, and took a swig. Her smirk disappeared, when I noticed the third person who had been in this group of girls appeared to now be hiding behind them, peeking out at moments to observe me better, I think. What was the reason?

    Finally, Kessi stepped aside, and grabbed hold of her, thrusting her to the front, as she appeared to be very uncomfortable, running her hands through her hair for a moment. I took in the sight of her. She had this dark, chocolate brown hair, falling down below her bosom…or where her bosom would show if not for the jacket or the loose tunic, and a braid of the Norselands on the left side of her head, covered by her long locks, as well as earrings in that ear. She had green eyes, that in spite of her look of fear encompassing her expression, showed definite beauty to them. She had a very petite frame to her, she was a bit shorter than the others. Waiting for her to speak first, she started laughing, and turned red. I broke the silence.

    I am…what’s so funny?

    Not knowing what came over her, Kessi spoke up on her behalf.

    C’mon, get a hold of yourself, you’ve not stopped talking about meeting him finally, and this is how you go about it?

    No, I can’t!

    Kessi seemed to be trying to nudge her nerves loose, whoever this was. Celeste paid no attention to either of them, instead she glanced about the room in complete nonchalance. Giving up, Kessi finally spoke up.

    This is Liana McCabe. She’s been dying to finally meet you in person.

    My eyes widened at the sight. She was beautiful! We’d been corresponding for years, why did she feel so bashful before me in person? It’s as if we’ve known each other our whole lives.

    Young madam McCabe, it is very good to meet you, finally.

    Liana appeared a bit more disarmed finally, peeking her head out a bit more confidently at me.

    You are far more beautiful than I could’ve envisioned…I’d heard rumors, but…

    With my response, her head disappeared once more behind Celeste, now. I didn’t know what I said to cause this. She started to run off a different direction, and Kessi gave chase after her. Meeting up with Seamus and his party now, I could tell that Kessi and Liana both were talking about what had just happened. Laughter erupted from them all, even Liana, and as I wondered what the fuss was now, Celeste spoke again, but not to me.

    I can sense a field of mana around you, whoever you are, cadet.

    Karissa perked up a moment, as Celeste approached her closer.

    I’m Karissa Trodassus. Pleased to meet you.

    Celeste reached out and grabbed hold of her arm, pulling back her sleeve and revealing her Paragon Mark, making Karissa uncomfortable and emit a sound of seeming startled. Celeste touched the mark on Karissa’s wrist, and stared at her now, soaking in Karissa’s image.


    Karissa felt threatened, I could tell. I intervened now between the both of them, as Celeste spoke again.

    You have nothing to fear, master Silvermayne. I am simply curious. Madam Trodassus, I mean you no harm. In fact, I want to befriend you.

    Looking back to make certain Karissa didn’t object, she gave me a nod, indicating she would be alright, and I moved myself out of their company. Standing alone in this moment, Seamus was making his way over to me now. Holding a mug of ale in his hand still, he bid the group after him he’d be back in a moment while he talked to me, it appeared.

    So, Jaden…?


    Is there one of them you like, or not?

    You’re talking about distinguished families, Seamus, not common town girls. They’re not to sleep around with.

    Mere details, Jaden. We’re here to make wives someday too, right? So why not lay some groundwork down and…see where the road takes it, no? So c’mon…who?

    As I eyed about, I noticed many eyes looking back at me now, the festive atmosphere was still evident, but it seemed many were paying attention to both Seamus and I in this particular moment. I didn’t really feel that comfortable with the attention.

    Don’t worry, my sister didn’t put me up to this. Hopefully this might rein her in a bit, if you’re worried about that.

    Well, Kessi is nice, she’s the most socially graceful of the three…

    Kessi! Come here!

    Seamus had summoned her as she began her approach.

    But, I also think that-

    Kessi! Stay there!

    Seamus had halted Kessi in her approach, as everyone else had a laugh with Seamus’ playful demeanor in doing so.

    Continue, Jaden.

    …I also think that young madam Crowley is beautiful. But she’s unapproachable.

    Seamus placed his arm around my shoulder now, trying his best to keep his voice down, yet still be heard.

    She’s a tough one, certainly. Like her father, disinterested in food, weapons, mating, everything that makes a man excited, I think. But think on this a moment. Her father came down from his high horse at least one time, and mated with his wife to father her. So…

    He then gestured towards her, directing my attention to her a moment as she kept conversing with Karissa. It is possible, my friend.

    As my eyes met his briefly, I shook my head. Removing his arm a moment from around my shoulder, he gave me a serious stare. You’re sure?

    She’s not my type. Extremely critical, and disinterested in pretty much every aspect of me since I don’t have magic capabilities. She deserves a fellow mage, someone to get lost in the mana stream with.

    Seamus laughed in agreement. His eyes met mine again, and he continued.

    You know, I know of someone who is absolutely crazy about you, I don’t think you’ll disapprove of her. But you’ll have to wait until a different night.

    Seamus started to back away towards his awaiting crowd again. I called out, curiously, Who is it?

    Seamus shrugged his shoulders, gave me that damned wink again, and yelled back, I can’t hear you, Jaden, they’re calling out my name!

    With that, indeed, they started chanting his name.

    All I could do was laugh. It was so him…hype something up like that, deprive me of sleep like he knew it would, and then keep me in suspense. I needed a break from all of this, so I decided to head outside and clear my head for a moment. Glancing towards Karissa’s direction, I wanted to make certain I’d be leaving her in good hands with Celeste, and it appeared they were carrying on about something. I headed towards the exit.

    One soldier nodded at me a moment, giving me a long glance. It was the same soldier that barred Sarin’s entrance, the bigger one. No doubt he looked at me longer because he recognized me from that encounter. Outside had less commotion going on, the stars were out now, and the cooler air felt good. I tried to let my mind clear for a bit. Hearing

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