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Love in the Rain
Love in the Rain
Love in the Rain
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Love in the Rain

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By a sheer stroke of bad luck Henry gets caught in a tropical storm whilst he’s swimming in the sea. He sensibly gets out of the water and finds shelter in a beach house, and a few moments later is joined by an equally sodden rain drenched lady.
Felicity is cold and wet and she has nothing dry to wear so she asks Henry to hold her so that they can both benefit from their body warmth until the rain subsides.
The story is set in South East Asia, and culminates in modern day Singapore, but the note above is only the start of a very long story...

Release dateDec 1, 2017
Love in the Rain

Adam Mann

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and then Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, and even had a marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner.Adam Mann is a pen name.

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    Love in the Rain - Adam Mann

    Love in the Rain

    Nobody Loves Like an Irishman!


    Adam Mann

    ©Adam Mann 2017

    Adam Mann asserts his rights as the author of this novel

    ISBN: 9781370130917

    For Adam’s other books please consult the back pages of this eBook.

    Love in the Rain

    It suddenly started raining just before seven – in the morning. In the early spring this storm was heavy, even by tropical standards.

    Henry was in the sea as the rain started, and he looked back at the beach to see his haversack protecting his towel, but rapidly getting saturated. He looked over his head at the clouds but he couldn’t see a break although he admitted to himself, he was by no means an expert. Thank goodness there was no thunder or lightning.

    He swam back to the beach and walked towards his towel which by now was soaked, but he retrieved it and hung it over his shoulder as he also picked up his haversack, but his shoes were nowhere to be seen!

    His looked up to the headland where he had parked his hired motorbike, but decided to struggle up to a wooden bungalow that he could see through the rain at the top of the beach.

    As he approached, he could see through the rain a covered verandah running along the front of the bungalow, but no one was in sight. The rain was still pouring heavily as he made his way to the bungalow and stepped up onto the verandah.

    The called; Hello, to the occupier, but there was no reply.

    The verandah was made from wooden planks, with two lonely pots containing plants which would have benefitted from the rain.

    He looked around but couldn’t see anybody, so he knocked at the door in the main building. The door was a double louver door, and he tried to rattle it to attract attention, but he could imagine the steel bar inside securing both sides of the door. There was no one there, so he risked the rain to get to the back door, maybe the kitchen. There was no one either there so he sprinted back to the verandah.

    He picked up the two pot plants and moved them to the edge of the verandah and in the rain.

    The rain had not abated. He looked around and then could see another figure struggling through the rain, and towards where he was standing. As the figure approached Henry realized that it was a female figure wearing a sodden blue straw hat, and a thin gossamer shawl that was now also sodden and sticking to her skin. He held out a hand to help the woman climb the steps to the verandah, and now he could see that she was wearing only a bikini under her shawl.

    Thanks, she acknowledged in English, dripping from the rain.

    She took off her wet hat and dropped it on the floor. She had wet hair, but the colour was just dark and not really distinguishable being wet. Her transparent shawl clinged to her body and barely covered her so that he could see her dark blue green bikini under the shawl.

    She shivered, and took off the shawl looking around her, just holding it in her hand.

    Do you live here? she asked.

    No, he replied, like you I’m sheltering from the rain.

    But you’re just as wet as me, she smiled at him.

    I was swimming in the sea when the rain started, he explained.

    That’s what I was planning to do, she smiled again, and shivered.

    Don’t you have a towel? she asked.

    Henry pointed to his sodden towel still covering his haversack on the floor, and picked it up to wring it out. He draped the towel over the hand rail just out of the rain.

    He looked back at her and could see she still was still wet and shivering. He reached for her hand and they moved together, just touching one another, but she shivered again looking up at him.

    Is there anyone here? she insisted looking at the door.

    He shook his head; Bolted on the inside.

    They moved a bit closer together, and immediately their body heat responded. Her wet skin had been cold but now it was warming a bit. She looked up at him again, and he could see now that she wasn’t wearing make-up.

    My name’s Felicity, she explained.

    Hi, Felicity, I’m Henry, he said looking down at her.

    She turned to face him putting her arms around his waist, and they must have stood like that for several minutes, and they did feel warmer.

    If I take off my bikini bra, will you promise to behave? she smiled again, it’s uncomfortable when it’s wet, she explained.

    He looked down at her and could see her drying hair was probably a dark auburn colour, not so long and just down to the shoulders.

    Unclip it please, Henry, she asked.

    Henry had to use both hands to undo the clip on her back, so that effectively they now stood facing one another face to face, and holding one another with both arms.

    As the clip came undone, she moved away slightly so that the bra fell on the floor at their feet. There had not been any shoulder straps that he could see.

    She wriggled a bit and looked up at him; Thanks, that’s better.

    Henry could now feel her cold breasts and nipples on his chest. Her breasts were not big, and her bra had been generously padded.

    Henry took a deep breath.

    Warmer? he asked, and she smiled in reply, having to put her head back to look at him. The effect was that her stomach moved closer to him, and he could feel her warmth through his swimming trunks.

    What are you doing here? she asked.

    I’m staying at a Rest House up there on the cliffs, and he nodded toward the headland at the end of the beach.

    I’m staying with some friends in the town, but we couldn’t agree what to do this morning, so I came here alone, and then the rain started, she offered an explanation.

    They were definitely warmer now, and she moved her body against Henry. She must have been about eight inches shorter than Henry, who inadvertently put his hand lower than her waist to hold her bottom, which he lifted up and towards him.

    Wow, she breathed, and laughed, definitely warmer now!

    Henry could feel her nipples hardening on his chest, and she deliberately wriggled her body against him.

    What’s that? she asked trying to look down between their bodies.

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