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The Second Moses: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #2
The Second Moses: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #2
The Second Moses: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #2
Ebook314 pages7 hours

The Second Moses: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #2

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The biblical prophet Jeremiah brings a King's daughter and a stone to an island, to perform his heavenly commission. Joseph of Arimathae'a takes his sister the mother of the recently deceased (and risen again) Jesus of Nazareth, to an island and founded the first church on earth. Accompanying them is the famed "Rod of God" with which Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt. What do these ancient events have to do with a world war raging two thousand years later? How does a poor man who is sitting in modern day Scotland fulfill an ancient promise that God made to a people whom He divorced and scattered throughout the world three thousand years ago? Find out in the pages of "The Second Moses."

PublisherDan Griffey
Release dateNov 4, 2017
The Second Moses: VOICE OF THE PROPHETS, #2

Dan Griffey

Dan Bertran Griffey has been studying biblical prophecy for over 40 years. For the past twenty years, he has been working intensively on a deeper understanding of the seven-year Tribulation Period by applying not just part but all of biblical prophecy to unravel its "mystery". This work has accumulated into six books, which Mr. Griffey calls "Voice of the Prophets Series".

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    The Second Moses - Dan Griffey


    I am grateful to all my friends who, for the past fifteen years of the work (on the Voice of the Prophets series) have encouraged me, and at times supported the work. Without the Lord’s help and their prayers, the darkness of spiritual warfare would have destroyed me. Whenever Satan’s blade crossed mine, their prayers sharpened my edge. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved alone. Everyone whoever enhanced our perspective in any way, either for good or for bad, achieves it with us.

    Special thanks must go to my family – my brother Steve, my sister Karen, and my mother Betty – who have caught some of the fallout from so deep and different a view of biblical prophecy, and yet stood firm. My dad Bill was an author and it was his devotion and dedication to the craft of writing that moved me and motivated me as a child to write. When I decided to write my first book I went to him and told him I was going to write a book and his words still eco in my ears, Go ahead, you can do it! My dad didn’t live long enough to see the first book in print World War 3 in Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages. But I was informed it was a best seller in Heaven. So, thanks Dad! Also, the support of my brothers, David and Doug, should be acknowledged.

    Special thanks also go to Mrs. Eloise Herring, whose support and experiences from living 103 years on this earth were a constant motivation to my entire family. You will be missed until we all unite in glory.

    I would like to thank everyone, especially Don and Debbie, who took the time, and cared enough about the work, to proofread the unfinished manuscript before it went to publication; your suggestions and opinions were much needed.

    The voice of biblical prophecy had fallen silent and would resume only at the end of days!

    Thanksgiving Song

    Dead Sea Scrolls


    To drill deeper into a topic, I have inserted Dan’s Rabbit Trails to give more insight into that topic; these will be obvious when you reach them.

    In Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, he states that he was given the power of sharpness by God for the edifying of the body of Christ, not for its destruction, nor the destruction of a part of it.

    This sharpness he speaks of is the ability to see through the delusion and to look directly at the origin of a situation (i.e., the root of a problem). This God-given ability was (I suspect) always with Paul, even before the road to Damascus conversion; although in a destructive sort of way. As he grew older, the sharpness became more defined, more fine-tuned.

    Armed only with this sharpness, he made the early martyrs feel the blunt end of its destructiveness, and they no doubt found it difficult to evade the effectiveness of the young Saul. With the transformation on the Damascus road, this sharpness was given a level of guidance and tutoring that only the Holy Spirit could achieve. Only God could tame this tremendously keen sense of discernment into constructive guidance, instead of a destructive force aimed at the Christian church.

    The anointed Paul had to choose his words carefully. In them was the power to make or break a struggling body of believers who were trying to reach out to a totally pagan world for Jesus Christ. One misplaced word and his hands could be stained with their blood for all eternity.

    These images are used to point out when a prophetical event is:

    Text Description automatically generated - The biblical prophet is jumping backward in time.

    Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence - The biblical prophet is jumping forward in time.

    - This is inserted when we can pinpoint in time a definite event. Dark blue background represents a foreboding event.

    A picture containing text, clock Description automatically generated - Used to pinpoint a beneficial or benevolent event.


    The Mystery

    ... As of now, I announce to you new things well guarded secrets you did not know, only now are they created, and not of old.

    Isaiah 48:6 (750 B.C.) (Tanakh)

    121 years later:

    Thus, said the Lord who is planning it, the Lord who is shaping it to bring it about whose name is Lord. ‘Call to me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you wondrous things, secrets you have not known.’

    Jeremiah 33:2-3 (629 B.C.) (Tanakh)

    95 years later:

    So, I had my answer, but still could not tell the meaning of it. But he said, ask no more, Daniel, for the revelation is to be kept secret and closed till the crisis at the close [time-of-the-end]. None of the evil shall understand things, but the wise shall understand.

    Daniel 12:8-10 (534 B.C.)

    629 years later:

    And when he [a mighty angel] had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

    Revelation 10:3-4 (95 A.D.) (KJV)

    The Apostle Paul:

    But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.

    I Corinthians 2:7(KJV)

    Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

    I Corinthians 4:1(KJV)

    For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. How much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits.

    Romans 11:21, 23-25 (KJV)

    Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.

    St. John 2:4 (KJV)

    The Lord always uses a man to lead his people out of darkness, whether from a cataclysmic, world-encompassing flood, bondage in Egypt, pagan oppressors in the Holy Land, or 400 years of silence, to be shattered by a still, small voice from the wilderness.

    Before us loom two of the darkest hours creation has or ever will behold:

    the Tribulation period and

    the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

    The ancient prophecies testify of these times; never was their like seen on Earth since creation, nor will their like ever be seen again in eternity. Of the latter, the prophets who were shown the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord ask the Lord that they not be alive at that time.

    The prophecies of old testify that during these dark days, God again will rise as of old. He will place His strong right arm upon two such men, hidden in plain sight among us, highly trained and waiting in obscurity.

    First will come the hour of the Second Moses, an Ephraimite known in biblical prophecy as the BRANCH, and known to the Jewish people as Messiah ben Joseph.

    Secondly, in the last hour will come a man from the tribe of Judah; a Jew known simply as the Little Help (explained in greater detail in book #5).

    This is the story of the hand of the Lord, which is guided through ancient history to rest upon the first one to appear of the two, known as the Second Moses, and what the Lord’s strong right arm can accomplish in the early part of historical time known as the time-of-the-end. His hour is coming very soon.


    May 30, 1997

    In the spirit, I had just been transferred into a classroom in which the students were already hard at work on their assignment. They were just finishing and the assignment was about to be collected, although there was no teacher over the class, and had not been in a long, long time. I wondered who gave the assignment and who would collect it. I sat down at my desk, the first one in the second row in a setup of two rows. The newest student always took a front row seat. I turned to the person sitting behind me and asked him about the current assignment. He replied, It’s the homework assignment out of our textbook. You haven’t done your homework assignment! He said it as if implying, Well, stupid. Rather rude, I thought. I began to explain to him how I had just been transferred to this class and hadn’t even looked in any textbook, let alone heard a lecture or put together any homework assignment. The guy just looked at me and broke into a high-pitched laugh. His intent was to make me feel stupid and to draw attention to himself. It worked! I thought as I turned around, I wish I had one of those textbooks, and sitting on my desk was a big black textbook. I opened it up, not knowing which chapter I should be reading, as I listened to three of the students discuss the homework assignment. I realized I had no understanding of what they were talking about. The book cover was semi-thick leather, and the first page was made out of very thin, transparent paper. On the page were what appeared to be a group of lions, both male and female, in different positions; some standing, some sitting, and some lying down. All of them gathered to the right of the page, sort of bunched up. What shocked me the most was that these weren’t images of lions or holograms; they were real lions.

    I sensed that the lions normally lined up uniformly across the page, but in anticipation of my opening the cover, they had moved across the page as if they had been waiting a long time for this to happen. They stared at me knowing what was about to happen, but unable to reveal it to me. What were they doing here? Who were they? Why was this textbook alive? These were the questions that raced through my mind. Perhaps the answers were inside the text.

    The next page was as strange as the first. It included a list of names to the left of what appeared to be a cube of numbers. Not just numbers, but sets of numbers. Each set was separated by two dots and did not appear in any order, but were completely at random. There were colorful boxes around all sides of each set of numbers. No two boxes were alike. It all looked very complicated and I wondered how I could ever figure it out. I still didn’t know what subject the class was on. Turning around to look at the other students for some clue, I saw that their textbooks were on the same page as mine. Everyone was in deep discussion about which group of numbers went together and for what reason. I noticed that students were changing seats, advancing in seniority with each seat change. Others were leaving at the end of their study, after having turned in several homework assignments, without even obtaining a working knowledge of the subject. They truly did not understand. How could they, without a teacher? They were leaving with not much more of a requirement than having sat in the last seat at the head of the first row, which was next to the door. Then it hit me. There was no teacher for this class, and apparently there had not been one for centuries! If a student could grasp an understanding of just a small percentage of the cube, they thought their time there had been well spent, and went on to other classes less complicated, with surer rewards.

    It wasn’t until I looked more closely at their textbooks that I understood their frustration and somewhat visible indifference toward the cube. Their cubes had no multi-colored boxes around sets of numbers. Taking another look at the cube in my textbook, I read the list at the left of the cube.




    The list continued listing every one of the prophets - major and minor - of the textbook called The Holy Bible. The textbook I had been given was the teacher’s text!

    When I awoke from this dream, I sat up in bed, grabbed the big, black Bible on my bedstand, and opened it just past the Bible company’s advertisement page where the lions waited. They were none other than the writers of the Scriptures.

    Herein reside my authority and credentials for writing this book. Not given by the hand of men to turn tainted and discolored from lack of use, or bequeathed from the halls of academia to hang on a wall attracting dust, and constantly in peril of earthquakes coming from church pews (the latest fads of doctrine or feel-good religion); rather, my authority and understanding are alive. They breathe and move and reside upon me. They cannot be hindered or harmed by man, or aged by time. They were formed and commissioned outside the realm of time and space. If they are deception, they will surely fail. If they originate from ego, they should and must fail. But if their foundation is built on Truth, even tyrants will not successfully be able to resist.

    In the dream, each frame which grouped the Scriptures together was a different color. Some colors I had never seen before! Each color represented the grouping of many prophecies from different prophets, which were telling various segments of the same portion. Therefore, they were related by subject matter, and hence, grouped together.

    There is also another dimension the Prophetic Cube in the teacher’s textbook has that the student’s textbook did not display. Go back to the two diagrams. You see, a prophecy (example: Joel 1:6) forms a point within the box (topic), and another prophecy (example: Amos 2:16), forms another point, like this: ● ● The two prophecies are the dots or points and the gathering together of the prophecies within the boxes are the topics. This would be enough in itself to make the teacher’s textbook amazing. But it’s the line ▬▬▬ that forms the boxes (that is, the small obscure parts of the prophecies within the boxes that connect or hold them within the box) that I find difficult to convey or explain.

    When you were a kid in school and you had a question, and you went up to the teacher’s desk and asked the question, he or she explained it so you could best understand it, right? When you looked at the teacher’s textbook that lay open on their desk, you thought, If only my textbook had all of the answers in red right after the question. (As I’m sitting here typing this in and read just after one of ____ questions, I realized this after I typed it and it kind of freaked me out!). Back to the explanation: when you saw the answers lying right there in the book you thought (when you were very young), If my textbook had that, I would always be correct and be really smart. But life and maturity showed you it was the teacher forming the answer into a way the young you could understand that made you understand the textbook question and why the answer had to be the way it was.

    What I am saying is: the prophecies are the focal points or dots in the boxes; the gathering together of the certain prophecies are the subject, but it’s the boxes and lines that form the connection from one prophet to another to another that is not so easy to point out or explain.

    Example regarding Jesus:

    • He would be the seed of a woman (but not of a man) (Genesis 3:15)

    • He will descend from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10)

    • Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

    • Time of birth (Daniel 9:25)

    • Born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)

    • Flight into Egypt (Hosea 11:1)

    • Ministry in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2)

    These were all dots lying in Scripture for thousands of years where anyone could see them, but they were not grouped together; they lay separate. There was no human way these could be related ... there was no one even saying they were! Not even the most learned that ever lived during thousands of years. No historical rabbi! No ancient prophet! King David didn’t see it! Solomon’s wisdom didn’t tell him! The three angels didn’t speak a word of it to Abraham! The donkey didn’t tell Balaam!


    Elisabeth’s belly knew (Luke 1:41), and an old man named Simeon (Luke 2:25), and an old woman named Anna (Luke 2:36), who saw the boxes and lines and was waiting at the temple on the day the Babe of Bethlehem arrived! So shall it be on the shore of the Second Exodus (Isaiah 42:15-16), and in the Valley of Jezreel (Hosea 1:10; Ezekiel 20:35-37; Zechariah 10:6).


    Tea Tephi: Princess from the East

    The word of the Lord came to me: What do you see, Jeremiah? I replied: I see a branch [Hebrew: a shoot or stick] of an almond tree. The Lord said to me: you have seen right, for I am watchful [Hebrew: be on the lookout] to bring Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence My word to pass.

    Jeremiah 1:11-12 (Tanakh)

    A divine time machine had transported this man of God 2,629 years ahead to our time, and he beheld something his highly-trained mind (in spiritual matters) could not comprehend. What he was looking upon would not materialize until the prophesied end of days. When it appears, one of the great mysteries of the Lord since the beginning of time will be solved. No longer will it lie shrouded and undisturbed in His Word, covered and forgotten by the dust of time.


    Jeremiah saw this great mystery as a branch; a shoot or stick coming from an almond tree. Throughout time, this specific branch from a specific tree had the watchful and all-powerful eyes of the Creator upon it. The part of the prophecy of Jeremiah’s word jumps thousands of years forward to the time-of-the-end. This BRANCH we will unveil, in the pages to come, as the prophesied Second Moses (prophet like me, Deuteronomy 18:15). The difference between the end of time and the time-of-the-end is that time-of-the-end refers to the end of the time of Satan’s tyrannical rule over the earth, but the end of time will not take place for another 1,000 years after Satan’s dominion and control over the earth has ended. Satan’s legal dominion, given to him by mankind in the Garden of Eden, ended 2,000 years earlier when Messiah ben David (Jesus) rose from the grave, but Satan’s tyrannical rule continued.

    With the eyes of the Creator overseeing and guiding the bloodline of this branch for thousands of years, directing each genetic mixture by His unseen hand, this bloodline would be the most significant bloodline on the earth in the end times – far more powerful than any bloodline the Illuminati could produce – the only bloodline they can produce is an EVIL bloodline, while the bloodline of the BRANCH is a God-ordained GOOD bloodline. Is the Lord God into bloodlines? Yes! The most powerful bloodline being the one which produced Jesus (Messiah ben David). Why do you think both Mary’s bloodline and her husband’s bloodline are listed in the Gospels?

    But the Lord’s interest in bloodlines is completely different than the wicked Illuminati/New World Order’s (NWO’s) interest. Their interest comes from their desire to produce a hereditary line of extreme evil; somewhere in their lines they needed to come up with their extreme evil offspring of the Devil himself, called the Antichrist. The Devil oversees the DNA swapping of the evil bloodline. And like a good devil, he came up with two sons (one to be used as a protection for the other, as well as a backup, which is what the Rothschild spawn is). But all that means nothing compared to the bloodline of the BRANCH. You see, the Lord concerns Himself with the bloodline of the ancient King David, and the bloodlines of the individual tribes of Jacob. For all prophecy to be fulfilled, these righteous bloodlines must remain intact, therefore, the Creator of the Universe oversees these bloodlines. A

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