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For the Love of Scott: A Ten Rigs Texas Tale, #1
For the Love of Scott: A Ten Rigs Texas Tale, #1
For the Love of Scott: A Ten Rigs Texas Tale, #1
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For the Love of Scott: A Ten Rigs Texas Tale, #1

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

After a bomb takes his leg and the life of his beloved military working dog, Scott Hudson returns home to Ten Rigs, Texas, and once again finds sanctuary in the local animal shelter. Between recovery, physical therapy, and getting the kennel into shape, Scott's out of the life loop and the love game.

For six months Ben Thompson has watched Scott work wonders with the kennel and the dogs, admiring his focus and dedication. A pickup basketball game leads to a confession and a change in the nature of their relationship.

When Scott's dog, Sylvester, gets injured, Scott goes into a tail spin and blames his feelings for Ben for Sylvester’s accident. Will powerful emotions derail Scott and Ben's budding romance?

Release dateNov 8, 2017
For the Love of Scott: A Ten Rigs Texas Tale, #1

Jen FitzGerald

Jen FitzGerald has loved romance since her Winnie the Pooh days. Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh have always been platonic soulmates. As a teen, Jen cut her romance teeth on Silhouette’s teen romance line and Danielle Steele books concurrently. She’s still an avid reader, but these days, Jen has added writing romances of her own to her list of fun things to do. Jen lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and dog. Their three children are now adults and out terrorizing the world at large instead of them. When not working her day job, Jen spends a lot of time reading, writing, watching hockey, and perusing her social media platforms of preference. She also enjoys music, cross stitching, and chatting online with writer friends.

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    For the Love of Scott - Jen FitzGerald

    For the Love of Scott

    A Ten Rigs Texas Tale

    Jen FitzGerald

    Knotted Hearts Publishing

    Knotted Hearts Publishing

    Fort Worth Texas

    Published in the Unites States of America

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright 2017 Jen FitzGerald

    All rights reserved.

    First edition.

    ISBN: 978-1-948236-00-3

    This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


    Proofreading provided by

    C.A. Szarek

    Clover Autrey

    Content/copy editing provided by

    Alicia Street

    Cover art created by

    Yocla Designs.


    To Michelle, Clover, Chrissy, Gina, Angi, and Nancy for always believing I could pull this off.

    To fandom for the notion that I could write.

    To my family for putting up with it all.

    Chapter One

    Marva pushes open the door of the Ten Rigs Kennel and Shelter and glances around the sparsely furnished space. Yips and barks reply to the jangle of the bell above the door. The click-click-clicking of a tiny set of paws announce the arrival of Scott’s long-haired Chihuahua, Sylvester.

    Sometime since she’d last been inside, Scott has scraped up the old chipped school tile and painted the concrete a light forest green. Someone—probably not Scott—has painted paw tracks in various sizes crisscrossing the room. Picket fencing lines the walls as a sort of wainscoting. It’s rather charming in a guy sort of way. Of course, Scott’s lone employee, Pammy, has probably had a hand in it.

    Sylvester’s mostly black face appears and then he is there, dancing around her, tiny pink tongue hanging from his mouth. If his tail could wag any harder or faster, Marva wouldn’t be surprised to see him achieve lift off.

    Hey, Sylvester, how’s it going today, fella? She bends her achy knees a bit and reaches down to stroke his shiny head and scratch under his little chin. Where’s your daddy, huh?

    Sylvester arfs and does a lap around her.

    "Scott. Scott Hudson, package for you, she calls toward the screen door that leads to the outdoor kennel area. I need a signature."

    Coming, Miss Maple, says a deep voice, followed by hurried footsteps. The screen door opens with a bit of a screech and closes with a bang.

    Scott’s almost six-foot frame comes to a halt in front of her. His chestnut brown hair, while still military-ish in cut, lays smashed to his head on one side and stuck up in random spikes on the other, as if he’d rolled out of bed after a hard sleep with wet hair.

    Marva hands him the tiny terracotta-colored slip to sign, which he does with a quick scribble. She passes him the bubble wrap mailer, and he scans the return address. With a smile, he turns the package over to tear at the closure. Two hard cover books slide out; one titled, ‘The Language of Our Canine Friends,’ by Gloria Markus and the other called, ‘Cesar’s Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems,’ by Cesar Millan and a co-writer.

    Since his return home six months ago, he’s done little but repair the kennel and work with the dogs he inherited. Marva’s sources tell her he rarely goes anywhere, and he’s never seen in anyone’s company who could remotely be considered a significant other. The changes in the kennel are evidence of his dedication.

    Deputy Dawg, you need a boyfriend, she says. Someone to put a spark in his eye and perhaps a hitch in his giddy-up-and-go.

    His head bobs up and the dark velvet brown of his eyes meets hers. He snorts. Yeah? What would I do with a boyfriend?

    You work too hard, and life is meant to be lived. Find a little happiness for yourself, would you?

    A wan smile quirks his pale pink lips. I wouldn’t even know where to look.

    The Christmas Festival is just around the corner, Deputy. You’ve volunteered to help. Just…be open. All right?

    The corner of his mouth curls up in another shy smile and he nods. I will, Miss Maple. I promise.

    Marva slaps the counter. Then my work here is done. With a wink at the hunky young man, she whirls around and strides toward the door. Take care of him, Sylvester, ya hear?

    Two quick yips and a deep chuckle follow her outside and she grins all the way back to the mail truck.

    The list of prospects for young Scott is short. Ten Rigs has its share of gay men, but Scott needs someone special. She snorts softly. Well, we all need someone special, don’t we, Marva? With a shake of her head, she climbs into the truck. Shifting into Drive, she pulls onto the road and heads back into town.

    Mike? Patrick? Stan? she wonders aloud. Images of each one flits through her mind. Stan’s a little too old. And now that I’m thinking about it, Mike’s too immature. Who else? Who else?

    A flash of royal blue catches her eye—a motorcycle speeds by—and the ensuing rush of certainty has her fist-pumping. Bennigan Thompson, she muses. Well, dog-gone—how did Ben not occur to me right away? He’s spent a lot of time at the kennel since Scott took it over, between helping out and so-called accounting paperwork. Me-thinks Mr. Thompson might be a bit smitten. And Scott could sure use some Thompson Family kindness. If Scott and Ben aren’t a match made in heaven, I’ll turn in my Cupid’s bow.

    Ben has volunteered to help prepare for the Christmas Festival too. A word in Wanda’s ear and those two young men would be paired for a task or two. But how else could she get Ben’s and Scott’s paths to cross naturally? She chuckles. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And she definitely has the will.

    Marva turns into the post office parking lot and slows to a stop for the post office patrons exiting the historic brick building. Another chuckle rumbles deep in her chest. Well, I’ll be… A quick toot of the mail truck’s horn brings her the attention of the five women in the crosswalk. Marva sticks her head out the now-open window. Helen Thompson, come on over here for a moment, would you?

    Hello, Marva. Mail route keeping you busy, I see, says Helen upon approach. The two of them had gone to school together many moons ago.

    Winter’s chill has left bright spots of color on Helen’s cheeks, and Marva still marvels at how much all the Thompson kids look like their mother.

    ’Tis the season and all that, says Marva. Listen, there’s this nice young man, Scott Hudson—took over the kennel?

    Helen nods. I remember Scott. Gillian tutored him in algebra. Shame about his leg.

    With a nod, Marva says, "He’s an overcomer, all right. Anyway, he’s out there at the kennel with just those dogs, subsisting on goodness knows what. You make the best pies in

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